Appendix I  Impact Daytime Construction Noise Monitoring Results           
Daytime Noise Monitoring Results at Station NMS2 - Seaview Crescent Tower 1      
Date Weather Condition Noise Level for 30-min, dB(A)# Averaged Wind Speed (m/s) Baseline Noise Level, dB(A) Calculated Construction Noise Level, dB(A) Limit Level, dB(A) Exceedance (Y/N)
Time  L90 L10 Leq
3-Apr-14 Cloudy 15:10 63 67 66 <5m/s 62.9   75 N
9-Apr-14 Sunny 10:43 62 66 65 <5m/s 62.9   75 N
16-Apr-14 Sunny 10:45 64 71 68 <5m/s 62.9   75 N
22-Apr-14 Cloudy 10:59 64 68 66 <5m/s 62.9   75 N  
28-Apr-14 Sunny 10:35 64 70 67 <5m/s 62.9   75 N  
  Min 62 66 65        
  Max 64 71 68        
  Average -- -- 66        
Daytime Noise Monitoring Results at Station NMS3B - Site Boundary of Site Office (WA2)      
Date Weather Condition Noise Level for 30-min, dB(A)# Averaged Wind Speed (m/s) Baseline Noise Level, dB(A) ^ Calculated Construction Noise Level, dB(A) Limit Level, dB(A)** Exceedance (Y/N)
Time  L90 L10 Leq>
3-Apr-14 Cloudy 11:30 63 67 65 <5m/s 66.3   65 N  
9-Apr-14 Sunny 11:29 58 67 64 <5m/s 66.3   65 N  
16-Apr-14 Sunny 11:36 59 71 68> <5m/s 66.3   65 N  
22-Apr-14 Cloudy 11:43 62 67 70 <5m/s 66.3   70 N  
28-Apr-14 Sunny 11:30 63 68 67 <5m/s 66.3   70 N  
  Min 58 67 64      
  Max 63 71 70      
  Average -- -- 67        
 # A correction of +3dB(A) was made to the free field measurement.        
* Façade measurement.          
^ Averaged baseline noise level recorded at NMS3 Ho Yu College is adopted.        
** Limit Level of 70dB(A) applies to education institutes while 65dB(A) applies during school examination period.  
>The measured noise level on 16 April 2014 exceeded the noise level of 65dB(A) during examination period on 16 April 2014 but it is lower than the baseline level. Therefore, baseline correction was carried out and the corrected noise level which solely represent the noise level of Constrcution works is 63 dB(A) which is lower than the exceedance level of 65dB(A) .  As such the EAP was not triggered.