

1       introduction  5

1.1     Background  5

1.2     Scope of Report 5

1.3     Contract Organization  6

1.4     Summary of Construction Works  6

1.5     Summary of EM&A Programme Requirements  7


2.1     Monitoring Requirements  8

2.2     Monitoring Locations  8

2.3     Monitoring Schedule for the Reporting Month  9

2.4     Results and Observations  9

3.      Noise MONITORING   10

3.1     Monitoring Requirements  10

3.2     Monitoring Locations  10

3.3     Monitoring Schedule for the Reporting Month  10

3.4     Monitoring Results  11


4.1     Monitoring Requirements  12

4.2     Monitoring Locations  12

4.3     Monitoring Schedule for the Reporting Month  13

4.4     Results and Observations  13

5.      Dolphin monitoring   14

5.1     Monitoring Requirements  14

5.2     Monitoring Location  14

5.3     Monitoring Schedule for the Reporting Month  15

5.4     Results and Observations  15


6.1     Site Inspection  17

6.2     Advice on the Solid and Liquid Waste Management Status  18

6.3     Environmental Licenses and Permits  19

6.4     Implementation Status of Environmental Mitigation Measures  20

6.5     Summary of Exceedances of the Environmental Quality Performance Limit 21

6.6     Summary of Complaints, Notification of Summons and Successful Prosecutions  21


7.1     Construction Programme for the Coming Months  22

7.2     Key Issues for the Coming Month  23

7.3     Monitoring Schedule for the Coming Month  23

8       ConclusionS AND RECOMMENDATIONS  24

8.1     Conclusions  24

8.2     Recommendations  25


List of Tables


Table 1.1         Contact Information of Key Personnel

Table 2.1         Locations of Impact Air Quality Monitoring Stations

Table 3.1         Locations of Impact Noise Monitoring Stations

Table 4.1         Impact Water Quality Monitoring Stations

Table 5.1         Impact Dolphin Monitoring Line Transect Co-ordinates (Provided by AFCD)

Table 6.1         Summary of Environmental Licensing and Permit Status




Figure 1         General Contract Layout Plan

Figure 2         Impact Air Quality and Noise Monitoring Stations and Wind Station

Figure 3         Impact Water Quality Monitoring Stations

Figure 4         Impact Dolphin Monitoring Line Transect Layout Map

Figure 5         Environmental Complaint Handling Procedures

List of Appendices


Appendix A       Contract Organization for Environmental Works

Appendix B       Implementation Schedule of Environmental Mitigation Measures (EMIS)

Appendix C       Summary of Action and Limit Levels

Appendix D      Summary of exceedances

Appendix E       Investigation Reports on Action Level or Limit Level Exceedance

Appendix F       Event Action Plan

Appendix G      Monthly Summary of Waste Flow Table

Appendix H       Cumulative Statistics on Exceedances, Complaints, Notifications of Summons and Successful Prosecutions



Contract No. HY/2010/02 – Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Hong Kong Boundary Crossing Facilities – Reclamation Works (here below, known as “the Contract”) mainly comprises reclamation at the northeast  of  the  Hong  Kong  International  Airport  of  an  area  of  about  130-hectare  for  the construction of an artificial island for the development of the Hong Kong Boundary Crossing Facilities (HKBCF), and about 19-hectare for the southern landfall of the Tuen Mun - Chek Lap Kok Link (TMCLKL). It is a designated Project and is governed by the current permits for the Project, i.e. the amended Environmental Permits (EPs) issued on 11 April 2016 (EP-353/2009/K) and 13 March 2015 (EP-354/2009/D) (for TMCLKL Southern Landfall Reclamation only).

Ove Arup & Partners Hong Kong Limited (Arup) was appointed by Highways Department (HyD) as the consultants for the design and construction assignment for the Project’s reclamation works (i.e. the Engineer for the Contract).

China Harbour Engineering Company Limited (CHEC) was awarded by HyD as the Contractor to undertake the construction work of the Contract.

Ramboll Hong Kong Limited was employed by HyD as the Independent Environmental Checker (IEC) and Environmental Project Office (ENPO) for the Project.

AECOM Asia Co. Ltd. (AECOM) was appointed by CHEC to undertake the role of Environmental Team for the Contract for carrying out the environmental monitoring and audit (EM&A) works.

The construction phase of the Project under the EPs was commenced on 12 March 2012. The EM&A programme, including air quality, noise, water quality and dolphin monitoring and environmental site inspections, was commenced on 12 March 2012.

This report documents the findings of EM&A works conducted in the period between 1 and 31 March 2018. As informed by the Contractor, major activities in the reporting period was:-



-       Maintenance works of Site Office at Works Area WA2

(*WA2 was handed over in the end of Mar 2018)



A summary of monitoring* and audit activities conducted in the reporting period is listed below:


Joint Environmental site inspection

5 sessions


*monitoring works for the Contract are covered by Contract No. HY/2013/01 Hong Kong-Zhuhai Macao Bridge HKBCF – Passenger Clearance Building.

Breaches of Action and Limit Levels for Air Quality

For impact air quality monitoring, no exceedance was recorded at all monitoring stations by Environmental Team of Contract No. HY/2013/01 in the reporting month.

Breaches of Action and Limit Levels for Noise

For construction noise monitoring, no exceedance was recorded at all monitoring stations by Environmental Team of Contract No. HY/2013/01 in the reporting month.

Breaches of Action and Limit Levels for Water Quality

For impact water quality monitoring, 1 action level exceedance of suspended solids at IS7 during flood tide on 21 March 2018. After investigation, no marine-based work was conducted on the monitoring date as confirmed by the contractor. It was concluded that the recorded exceedance not Contract-related. No other water quality exceedance was recorded at all monitoring stations by Environmental Team of Contract No. HY/2013/01 in the reporting month. For level of exceedance, location and when exceedances were recorded, please refer to Appendix D.

Breaches of Action and Limit Levels for Impact Dolphin Monitoring

Impact dolphin monitoring results at all transects are reported in EM&A Report prepared for Contract No. HY/2013/01.

Complaint, Notification of Summons and Successful Prosecution


No complaint, notification of summons or prosecution was received in the reporting period.

Reporting Change

No reporting change in this reporting month.

Future Key Issues


Key issues to be considered in the coming month included:

-          Site runoff should be properly collected and treated prior to discharge;

-          Regular review and maintenance of silt curtain systems, drainage systems and desilting facilities;

-          Exposed surfaces/soil stockpiles should be properly treated to avoid generation of silty surface run-off during rainstorm;

-          Regular review and maintenance of wheel washing facilities provided at all site entrances/exits;

-          Conduct regular inspection of various working machineries and vessels within works areas to avoid any dark smoke emission;

-          Suppress dust generated from work processes with use of bagged cements, earth movements, excavation activities, exposed surfaces/soil stockpiles and haul road traffic;

-          Quieter powered mechanical equipment should be used;

-          Provision of proper and effective noise control measures for operating equipment and machinery on-site, such as erection of movable noise barriers or enclosure for noisy plants;

-          Closely check and replace the sound insulation materials regularly;

-          Better scheduling of construction works to minimize noise nuisance;

-          Properly store and label oil drums and chemical containers placed on site;

-          Proper chemicals, chemical wastes and wastes management;

-          Maintenance works should be carried out within roofed, paved and confined areas;

-          Collection and segregation of construction waste and general refuse on land and in the sea should be carried out properly and regularly; and

-          Proper protection and regular inspection of existing trees, transplanted/retained trees.

-          Control night-time lighting and glare by hooding all lights.

-          Regular review and provide maintenance to dust control measures such as sprinkler system


1             introduction

1.1  Background

1.1.1       Contract No. HY/2010/02 – Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Hong Kong Boundary Crossing Facilities – Reclamation Works (here below, known as “the Contract”) mainly comprises reclamation at the northeast  of  the  Hong  Kong  International  Airport  of  an  area  of  about  130-hectare  for  the construction of an artificial island for the development of the Hong Kong Boundary Crossing Facilities (HKBCF), and about 19-hectare for the southern landfall of the Tuen Mun - Chek Lap Kok Link (TMCLKL).

1.1.2       The  environmental  impact  assessment  (EIA)  reports  (Hong  Kong  –  Zhuhai  –  Macao  Bridge Hong Kong Boundary Crossing Facilities – EIA Report (Register No. AEIAR-145/2009) (HKBCFEIA) and Tuen MunChek Lap Kok Link – EIA Report (Register No. AEIAR-146/2009) (TMCLKLEIA), and their environmental monitoring and audit (EM&A) Manuals (original EM&A Manuals), for the Project were approved by Environmental Protection Department (EPD) in October 2009. 

1.1.3       EPD  subsequently  issued  the  Environmental  Permit  (EP) for HKBCF in November 2009 (EP-353/2009) and the Variation of Environmental Permit (VEP) in June 2010 (EP-353/2009/A),  November  2010  (EP-353/2009/B), November  2011  (EP-353/2009/C), March 2012 (EP-353/2009/D), October 2012 (EP-353/2009/E), April 2013 (EP-353/2009/F), August 2013 (EP-353/2009/G), January 2015 (EP-353/2009/H), July 2015 (EP-353/2009/I), February 2016 (EP-353/2009/J) and April 2016 (EP-353/2009/K). Similarly, EPD issued the Environmental Permit (EP) for TMCLKL in November 2009 (EP-354/2009) and the Variation of Environmental Permit (VEP) in December 2010 (EP-354/2009/A), January 2014 (EP-354/2009/B), December 2014 (EP-354/2009/C) and March 2015 (EP-354/2009/D)

1.1.4       The Project is a designated Project and is governed by the current permits for the Project, i.e. the amended EPs issued on 11 April 2016 (EP-353/2009/K) and 13 March 2015 (EP-354/2009/D) (for TMCLKL Southern Landfall Reclamation only).

1.1.5       A Contract Specific EM&A Manual, which included all Contract -relation contents from the original EM&A Manuals for the Contract, was issued in May 2012.

1.1.6       Ove Arup & Partners Hong Kong Limited (Arup) was appointed by Highways Department (HyD) as the consultants for the design and construction assignment for the Project’s reclamation works (i.e. the Engineer for the Contract).

1.1.7       China Harbour Engineering Company Limited (CHEC) was awarded by HyD as the Contractor to undertake the construction work of the Contract.

1.1.8       Ramboll Hong Kong Limited was employed by HyD as the Independent Environmental Checker (IEC) and Environmental Project Office (ENPO) for the Project.

1.1.9       AECOM Asia Co. Ltd. (AECOM) was appointed by CHEC to undertake the role of Environmental Team for the Contract for carrying out the EM&A works.

1.1.10    The construction phase of the Project under the EPs was commenced on 12 March 2012.

1.1.11    According to the Contract Specific EM&A Manual, there is a need of an EM&A programme including air quality, noise, water quality and dolphin monitoring and environmental site inspections. The EM&A programme of the Contract commenced on 12 March 2012.

1.2  Scope of Report

1.2.1   This is the seventy-third monthly EM&A Report under the Contract No. HY/2010/02 Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Hong Kong Boundary Crossing Facilities – Reclamation Works. This report presents a summary of the environmental monitoring and audit works, list of activities and mitigation measures proposed by the ET for the Contract in March 2018.

1.3  Contract Organization

1.3.1       The Contract organization structure is shown in Appendix A. The key personnel contact names and numbers are summarized in Table 1.1.

  Table 1.1          Contact Information of Key Personnel






Engineer’s Representative (ER)

(Ove Arup & Partners Hong Kong Limited)

Senior Resident Engineer

Anthony Wong


3698 5868


3698 5999


 (Ramboll Hong Kong Limited)

Independent Environmental Checker

Raymond Dai

3465 2888

3465 2899

Environmental Project Office Leader

Y. H. Hui

3465 2850

3465 2899



(China Harbour Engineering Company Limited)

Environmental Officer

Louie Chan

3693 2254

2578 0413

24-hour Hotline

Alan C.C. Yeung

9448 0325



(AECOM Asia Company Limited)

ET Leader

Echo Leong

3922 9280

   2317 7609


1.4  Summary of Construction Works

1.4.1       The construction phase of the Project under the EP commenced on 12 March 2012.

1.4.2       As informed by the Contractor, details of the major works carried out in this reporting period are listed below:



-       Maintenance works of Site Office at Works Area WA2

(*WA2 was handed over in the end of Mar 2018)


1.4.3       As informed by the Contractor, only touch up works were carried out under Contract no. HY/2010/02 in the reporting month. Contractor’s planning team confirmed that major works (outfall/reinstatement of seawall) were completed in February 2018 and there was no update on the construction programme.  Please refer to Appendix B of Monthly EM&A report for January 2018 for 3-months rolling programme.

1.4.4       The general layout plan of the Contract site showing the detailed works areas is shown in Figure 1.

1.4.5       The environmental mitigation measures implementation schedule are presented in Appendix B.


1.5  Summary of EM&A Programme Requirements

1.5.1      The EM&A programme required environmental monitoring for air quality, noise, water quality, marine ecology and environmental site inspections for air quality, noise, water quality, waste management, marine ecology, and landscape and visual impact. The EM&A requirements for each parameter described in the following sections include:-

-       All monitoring parameters;

-       Action and Limit levels for all environmental parameters;

-       Event / Action Plan;

-       Environmental mitigation measures, as recommended in the Project EIA reports; and

-       Environmental requirement in contract documents.


2.                    AIR QUALITY MONITORING

2.1  Monitoring Requirements

2.1.1      In accordance with the Contract Specific EM&A Manual, baseline 1-hour and 24-hour Total Suspended Particulates (TSP) levels at 4 air quality monitoring stations were established. Impact 1-hour TSP monitoring was conducted for at least three times every 6 days, while impact 24-hour TSP monitoring was carried out for at least once every 6 days. The Action and Limit level of the air quality monitoring is provided in Appendix C.

2.1.2      The air quality monitoring works for the Contract are covered by Contract No. HY/2013/01 Hong Kong-Zhuhai Macao Bridge HKBCF – Passenger Clearance Building.

2.1.3      The monitoring requirements, monitoring equipment, monitoring parameters, frequency and duration, monitoring methodology, monitoring schedule and meteorological information are detailed in the monthly EM&A Reports prepared for Contract No. HY/2013/01.

2.1.4      The ET of the Contract or other ET of the HZMB project is required to conduct air quality monitoring at AMS2, AMS3B and AMS7B as part of EM&A programme if these air quality monitoring stations are no longer covered under Contract No. HY/2013/01.

2.1.5      If exceedance(s) is/are recorded by the ET of the Contract or referred by the other ET under the HZMB project to the contract, the ET of the Contract will carry out an investigation and findings will be reported in the monthly EM&A Report.

2.2  Monitoring Locations

2.2.1      Monitoring locations AMS2 and AMS7 were set up at the proposed locations in accordance with Contract Specific EM&A Manual. For AMS6 (Dragonair/CNAC (Group) Building), permission on setting up and carrying out impact monitoring works was sought, however, access to the premise has not been granted yet on this report issuing date. For monitoring location AMS3 (Ho Yu College), as proposed in the Contract Specific EM&A Manual, approval for carrying out impact monitoring could not be obtained from the principal of the school. Permission on setting up and carrying out impact monitoring works at nearby sensitive receivers, like Caribbean Coast and Coastal Skyline, was also sought.  However, approvals for carrying out impact monitoring works within their premises were not obtained. Impact air quality monitoring was conducted at site boundary of the site office area in Works Area WA2 (AMS3B) respectively. Same baseline and Action Level for air quality, as derived from the baseline monitoring data recorded at Ho Yu College, was adopted for this alternative air quality location.

2.2.2      It was observed that a tree near AMS3B may affect the wind flow around the HVS located at AMS3B. With no further comment received from IEC, the HVS at AMS3B has been relocated on 8 September 2014 to slightly more than 2 meters separation from it, measured horizontally.  Same baseline and Action Level for air quality, as derived from the baseline monitoring data recorded at Ho Yu College, was adopted for this alternative air quality location.

2.2.3      Reference is made to ET’s proposal of the omission of air monitoring station (AMS 6) dated on 1 November 2012 and EPD’s letter dated on 19 November 2012 regarding the conditional approval of the proposed omission of air monitoring station (AMS 6) for Contract No. HY/2010/02. The aforesaid omission of Monitoring Station AMS6 is effective since 19 November 2012.

2.2.4      The impact air quality monitoring station AMS7A (Chu Kong Air-Sea Union Transportation Company Limited) has been relocated to AMS7 (Hong Kong SkyCity Marriott Hotel) on 30 December 2015. The impact air quality monitoring was conducted at AMS7 (Hong Kong SkyCity Marriott Hotel) since January 2016, action Level for air quality, as derived from the baseline monitoring data recorded at Hong Kong SkyCity Marriott Hotel has been adopted for this air quality monitoring location.

2.2.5      As informed by IEC/ENPO on 28 September 2017, air quality monitoring station (AMS3B) and the meteorological station were relocated to AECOM PRE’s Office effective since 1 September 2017.

2.2.6      As informed by IEC/ENPO on 26 February 2018, air quality monitoring station AMS7 was relocated due to permission to carry out AQM at Hong Kong SkyCity Marriott Hotel could not be granted after the end of January 2018. Alternative air quality monitoring station AMS7B was justified and certified by ET Leader of Contract No. HY/2013/01 on 22 January 2018, verified by IEC/ENPO on 24 January 2018. The proposal was submitted to the authority for review and approval on 30 January 2018. Relocation of air quality monitoring stations from AMS7 to AMS7B is adopted effective from 6 February 2018 with the authority’s consent.


2.2.7      Figure 2 shows the locations of monitoring stations. Table 2.1 describes the details of the monitoring stations.

             Table 2.1         Locations of Impact Air Quality Monitoring Stations

Monitoring Station




Tung Chung

Development Pier

Rooftop of the premise


Site Boundary of Site Office

Area at Works Area WA2

On ground at the area boundary


Dragonair/CNAC (Group) Building

On ground at boundary of the premise


3RS Site Office

On the ground at the area boundary

#Remarks: Reference is made to EPD conditional approval of the omission of air monitoring station (AMS 6) for the Contract. The omission will be effective on 19 November 2012.

^ Remarks: Air quality monitoring station AMS7B is adopted effective from 6 February 2018 with the authority’s consent.

2.3  Monitoring Schedule for the Reporting Month

2.3.1      The schedule for air quality monitoring in March 2018 is detailed in the monthly EM&A Report prepared for Contract No. HY/2013/01.

2.4  Results and Observations

2.4.1      The monitoring results for 1-hour TSP and 24-hour TSP are reported in the monthly EM&A Report prepared for Contract No. HY/2013/01.

2.4.2      There was no action and limit level exceedance of 1-hour TSP and 24-hr TSP recorded by ET of Contract No. HY/2013/01 in the reporting month.

2.4.3      No other exceedance was recorded in the reporting month.

2.4.4      The event action plan is annexed in Appendix F.

2.4.5      Meteorological information are reported in the monthly EM&A Reports prepared for Contract No. HY/2013/01.


3.                    Noise MONITORING

3.1  Monitoring Requirements

3.1.1      In accordance with the Contract Specific EM&A Manual, impact noise monitoring was conducted for at least once per week during the construction phase of the Contract. The Action and Limit level of the noise monitoring is provided in Appendix C.

3.1.2      The impact noise monitoring works for the Contract are covered by Contract No. HY/2013/01 Hong Kong-Zhuhai Macao Bridge HKBCF – Passenger Clearance Building.

3.1.3      The monitoring requirements, monitoring equipment, monitoring parameters, frequency and duration, monitoring methodology and monitoring schedule are detailed in the monthly EM&A Reports prepared for Contract No. HY/2013/01.

3.1.4      The ET of the Contract or other ET of the HZMB project is required to conduct impact noise monitoring at NMS2 and NMS3B as part of EM&A programme if these impact noise monitoring stations are no longer covered under Contract No. HY/2013/01.

3.1.5      If exceedance(s) is/are recorded by the ET of the Contract or referred by the other ET under the HZMB project to the contract, the ET of the Contract will carry out an investigation and findings will be reported in the monthly EM&A Report.

3.2  Monitoring Locations

3.2.1      Monitoring locations NMS2 was set up at the proposed locations in accordance with Contract Specific EM&A Manual. However, for monitoring location NMS3 (Ho Yu College), as proposed in the Contract Specific EM&A Manual, approval for carrying out impact monitoring could not be obtained from the principal of the school. Permission on setting up and carrying out impact monitoring works at nearby sensitive receivers, like Caribbean Coast and Coastal Skyline, was also sought.  However, approvals for carrying out impact monitoring works within their premises were not obtained. Impact noise monitoring was conducted at site boundary of the site office area in Works Area WA2 (NMS3B) respectively. Same baseline noise level (as derived from the baseline monitoring data recorded at Ho Yu College) and Limit Level were adopted for this alternative noise monitoring location.

3.2.2      Figure 2 shows the locations of the monitoring stations. Table 3.1 describes the details of the monitoring stations.

  Table 3.1          Locations of Impact Noise Monitoring Stations

Monitoring Station



Seaview Crescent Tower 1


Site Boundary of Site Office Area at Works Area WA2


3.3  Monitoring Schedule for the Reporting Month

3.3.1      The schedule for construction noise monitoring in March 2018 is detailed in the monthly EM&A Report prepared for Contract No. HY/2013/01.

3.4  Monitoring Results

3.4.1      The monitoring results for construction noise are reported in the monthly EM&A Report prepared for Contract No. HY/2013/01.

3.4.2      There was no action and Limit Level exceedance recorded by ET of Contract No. HY/2013/01 in the reporting month.

3.4.3      The event action plan is annexed in Appendix F.


4.                    WATER QUALITY MONITORING

4.1  Monitoring Requirements

4.1.1      The impact water quality monitoring works for the Contract are covered by Contract No. HY/2013/01 Hong Kong-Zhuhai Macao Bridge HKBCF – Passenger Clearance Building.

4.1.2      The monitoring requirements, monitoring equipment, monitoring parameters, frequency and duration, monitoring methodology and monitoring schedule are detailed in the monthly EM&A Reports prepared for Contract No. HY/2013/01.

4.1.3      The ET of the Contract or other ET of the HZMB project is required to conduct impact water quality monitoring as part of EM&A programme if these monitoring stations are no longer covered under Contract No. HY/2013/01.

4.1.4      If exceedance(s) is/are recorded by the ET of the Contract or referred by the other ET under the HZMB project to the contract, the ET of the Contract will carry out an investigation and findings will be reported in the monthly EM&A Report.

4.2  Monitoring Locations

4.2.1      In accordance with the Contract Specific EM&A Manual, twenty-one stations (9 Impact Stations, 7 Sensitive Receiver Stations and 5 Control/Far Field Stations) were designated for impact water quality monitoring. The nine Impact Stations (IS) were chosen on the basis of their proximity to the reclamation and thus the greatest potential for water quality impacts, the seven Sensitive Receiver Stations (SR) were chosen as they are close to the key sensitive receives and the five Control/ Far Field Stations (CS) were chosen to facilitate comparison of the water quality of the IS stations with less influence by the Project/ ambient water quality conditions.

4.2.2      Due to safety concern and topographical condition of the original locations of SR4 and SR10B, alternative impact water quality monitoring stations, naming as SR4 (N) and SR10B (N), were adopted, which are situated in vicinity of the original impact water quality monitoring stations (SR4 and SR10B) and could be reachable.

4.2.3      Due to marine work of the Expansion of Hong Kong International Airport into a Three-Runway System (3RS Project), original locations of water quality monitoring stations SR5, IS10 and CS(Mf)3 are enclosed by works boundary of 3RS Project. Alternative impact water quality monitoring stations, naming as SR5(N), IS10(N) and CS(Mf)3(N) was approved in 12 May 2017 and were adopted starting from 15 May 2017 to replace the original locations of water quality monitoring. For details and status of the proposed changes, please refer to section 6.4.8

4.2.4      Due to substantial completion of marine works by this Contract, scale-down of impact water quality monitoring was approved on 7 September 2017. Ten stations (6 Impact Stations, 2 Sensitive Receiver Stations and 2 Control/Far Field Stations) were adopted for impact water quality monitoring effective since 8 September 2017. For details and status of the proposed changes, please refer to section 6.4.9.

4.2.5      Due topographical condition of the original location of SR3, alternative water quality monitoring station, naming as SR3(N) which is situated in vicinity of the original water quality monitoring stations (SR3) was justified and verified by the ET Leader of Contract No. HY/2013/01 on 8 November 2017 and IEC/ENPO on 13 November 2017 respectively. Alternative water quality monitoring stations SR3(N) was approved by the authority and adopted on 22 December 2017.

4.2.6      Same baseline and Action Level for water quality, as derived from the baseline monitoring data recorded, were adopted for these alternative water quality monitoring stations.

4.2.7      The locations of these monitoring stations are summarized in Table 4.1 and depicted in Figure 3.

  Table 4.1          Impact Water Quality Monitoring Stations






Impact Station (Close to HKBCF construction site)




Impact Station (Close to HKBCF construction site)




Impact Station (Close to HKBCF construction site)




Impact Station  (Close to HKBCF construction site)




Impact Station (Close to HKBCF construction site)




Impact Station (Close to HKBCF construction site)




Sensitive receivers (San Tau SSSI)




Sensitive receivers (Tai Mo Do)




Control Station




Control Station



Remarks: Impact water quality monitoring stations were retained after the proposal for scaling down of EM&A programme was approved by the Authority on 7 September 2017.

4.3  Monitoring Schedule for the Reporting Month

4.3.1      The schedule for impact water quality monitoring in March 2018 is detailed in the monthly EM&A Report prepared for Contract No. HY/2013/01.

4.4  Results and Observations

4.4.1      The monitoring results for impact water quality monitoring are reported in the monthly EM&A Report prepared for Contract No. HY/2013/01.

4.4.2      There was 1 action level exceedance of suspended solids recorded at IS7 during flood tide on 21 March 2018. After investigation, no marine-based work was conducted on the monitoring date as confirmed by the contractor. It was concluded that the recorded exceedance not Contract-related. No other water quality exceedance was recorded at all monitoring stations by Environmental Team of Contract No. HY/2013/01 in the reporting month. For level of exceedance, location and when exceedances were recorded, please refer to Appendix D.

4.4.3      The detailed Investigation Reports No. W128 (including the cause of exceedance and recommendation for mitigation) for action or limit level non-compliance was provided in Appendix E.

4.4.4      There was no other action and limit level exceedance was recorded by ET of Contract No. HY/2013/01 in the reporting month.

4.4.5      The event action plan is annexed in Appendix F.


5.                    Dolphin monitoring

5.1  Monitoring Requirements  

5.1.1       The dolphin monitoring works for the Contract are covered by Contract No. HY/2013/01 Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Hong Kong Boundary Crossing Facilities – Passenger Clearance Building. Another ET of the HZMB project is required to conduct dolphin monitoring at the twenty-four transects as part of EM&A programme if these transects are no longer covered under Contract No. HY/2013/01. The dolphin monitoring should adopt line-transect vessel survey method. The survey follows pre-set and fixed transect lines in the two areas defined by AFCD as: Northeast Lantau survey area; and Northwest Lantau survey area. The change of transect lines 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 and new vessel-based transect line 24 for dolphin monitoring have been proposed due to the marine work of a designated project - Expansion of Hong Kong International Airport into a Three-Runway System (3RS Project). It was justified and verified by the ET Leader and the IEC of this Contract (Contract No. HY/2010/02) respectively on 24 March 2017 and it was approved by EPD on 12 May 2017. The Action and Limit level of the impact dolphin monitoring is provided in Appendix C.


5.1.2       The monitoring requirements, monitoring equipment, monitoring parameters, frequency and duration, monitoring methodology, monitoring schedule, meteorological information are detailed in the monthly EM&A Reports prepared for Contract No. HY/2013/01.

5.2  Monitoring Location

5.2.1       The impact dolphin monitoring is vessel-based. The survey follows pre-set and fixed transect lines in the two areas defined by AFCD as:

5.2.2       Northeast Lantau survey area; and

5.2.3       Northwest Lantau survey area.

5.2.4       The co-ordinates for the transect lines and layout map have been provided by AFCD and are shown in Table 5.1 and Figure 4.

Table 5.1          Impact Dolphin Monitoring Line Transect Co-ordinates (Provided by AFCD)


HK Grid System

Long Lat in WGS84























































































































































































































































(a) *Due to the presence of deployed silt curtain systems at the site boundaries of the Contract, some of the transect lines shown in Figure 5 could not be fully surveyed during the regular survey. Transect 10 is reduced from 6.4km to approximately 3.6km in length due to the HKBCF construction site.

(b) Coordinates  for  transect  lines  1,  2,  7,  8,  9  and  11  have  been  updated  in respect  to  the  Proposal  for  Alteration  of  Transect  Line  for  Dolphin  Monitoring  approved  by  EPD  on  19 August 2015.

(c) Due to marine work of the Expansion of Hong Kong International Airport into a Three-Runway System (3RS Project), original transect lines of dolphin monitoring 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 are enclosed by works boundary of 3RS Project. Alternative dolphin monitoring transect lines 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 24 are adopted starting from 17 May 2017 to replace the original transect lines.

(d) Coordinates  for  transect  lines  2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 have  been  updated and transect line 24 has been adopted in respect  to  the  Proposal for Alteration of Transect Line of Dolphin Monitoring and Alternative Monitoring Location for Impact Water Quality Monitoring (IWQM) Stations Due to Commencement of Third Runway Project approved  by  EPD  on  12 May 2017. The total transect length for both NEL and NWL combined is reduced to approximately 99km.

5.3  Monitoring Schedule for the Reporting Month

5.3.1       The schedule for impact dolphin monitoring in March 2018 is detailed in the monthly EM&A Report prepared for Contract No. HY/2013/01.

5.4  Results and Observations

5.4.1       The monitoring results for dolphin monitoring are reported in the monthly EM&A Reports prepared for Contract No. HY/2013/01.

5.4.2       The event action plan is annexed in Appendix F.


5.4.3       If exceedance(s) at these survey transect(s) is/are recorded by the ET of the Contract or referred by the other ET under the HZMB project to the Contract, the ET of the Contract will carry out an investigation and findings will be reported in the Quarterly EM&A Report.





6.1  Site Inspection

6.1.1      Site Inspections were carried out on a weekly basis to monitor the implementation of proper environmental pollution control and mitigation measures for the Contract. In the reporting month, 5 site inspections were carried out on 1, 8, 15, 23 & 29 March 2018.

6.1.2      Particular observations during the site inspections are described below:

Air Quality


6.1.3       Excavator without NRMM label was observed on 22 February 2018. The Contractor was reminded to affix appropriate NRMM label on the concerned excavator. The Contractor subsequently affixed appropriate NRMM label on the excavator. (Closed)

6.1.4       Excavator without NRMM label was observed on 1 March 2018. The Contractor was reminded to affix appropriate NRMM label. The Contractor subsequently affixed appropriate NRMM label on the concerned Excavator. (Closed)


6.1.5      No relevant adverse impact was observed in the reporting month.

Water Quality

6.1.6       No relevant adverse impact was observed in the reporting month.

Chemical and Waste Management


6.1.7       Oil stain was observed on 8 February 2018. The Contractor should repair the concerned excavator at once before using and provide regular inspection and maintenance. As informed by the Contractor, the concerned excavator was repaired. (Closed)

Ecological Impact


6.1.8       No relevant adverse impact was observed in the reporting month.

Landscape and Visual Impact


6.1.9      No relevant adverse impact was observed in the reporting month.



6.1.10    No relevant adverse impact was observed in the reporting month.

6.2  Advice on the Solid and Liquid Waste Management Status

6.2.1       The Contractor had registered as a chemical waste producer for this Project. Receptacles were available for general refuse collection and sorting.

6.2.2       As advised by the Contractor, 6.5m3 of general refuse were generated and disposed of in the reporting period. Monthly summary of waste flow table is detailed in Appendix G.

6.2.3       The Contractor is advised to properly maintain on site C&D materials and wastes storage, collection, sorting and recording system, dispose of C&D materials and wastes at designated ground and maximize reuse / recycle of C&D materials and wastes. The Contractor is reminded to properly maintain the site tidiness and dispose of the wastes accumulated on site regularly and properly.

6.2.4       The Contractor is reminded that chemical waste should be properly treated and stored temporarily in designated chemical waste storage area on site in accordance with the Code of Practice on the Packaging, Labeling and Storage of Chemical Wastes.

6.2.5       After checking with the Contractor, no surplus surcharge was exported to Macau during the reporting month. The Contractor was reminded to ensure  consistency  in  quantities in  case  of  any  C&D  material  disposed  off-site  and/or  no surcharge material removed off site.

6.3    Environmental Licenses and Permits

6.3.1      The environmental licenses and permits for the Contract and valid in the reporting month is summarized in Table 6.1.

Table 6.1                      Summary of Environmental Licensing and Permit Status

Statutory Reference

License/ Permit

License or Permit No.

Valid Period

License/ Permit Holder





Environmental Permit





Hong Kong Zhuhai Macao Bridge Hong Kong Boundary Crossing Facilities




Tuen Mun Chek Lap Kok Link (TMCLKL Southern Landfall  Reclamation only)


NA notification





Works Area WA2


NA notification





Works Area WA1


Chemical Waste Producer Registration





Chemical waste produced in Contract HY/2010/02 (WA1)


Chemical Waste Producer Registration





Chemical waste produced in Contract HY/2010/02 (WA2)


Billing Account for Disposal of

Construction Waste





Waste disposal in Contract HY/2010/02


Construction Noise Permit





Reclamation Works in Contract HY/2010/02









6.4    Implementation Status of Environmental Mitigation Measures

6.4.1      In response to the site audit findings, the Contractors carried out corrective actions.

6.4.2      A summary of the Implementation Schedule of Environmental Mitigation Measures (EMIS) is presented in Appendix B. Most of the necessary mitigation measures were implemented properly.

6.4.3       There were minimal vessel movement after major works has been substantially completed under this Contract and training of marine travel route for marine vessels operator was given to relevant staff and relevant records were kept properly, as necessary. Nevertheless, the Contractor is reminded strictly follows the approved Regular Marine Travel Routes plan.

6.4.4       Regarding the implementation of dolphin monitoring and protection measures (i.e. implementation of Dolphin Watching Plan, Dolphin Exclusion Zone and Silt Curtain integrity Check), regular checking were conducted by the experienced MMOs within the works area to ensure no dolphin was trapped by the enclosed silt curtain systems. Any dolphin spotted within the enclosed silt curtain systems was reported and recorded. Relevant procedures were followed and measures were well implemented. Silt curtain systems were also inspected timely in accordance to the submitted plan. All inspection records were kept properly.

6.4.5      Acoustic decoupling measures on noisy plants on construction vessels were checked regularly and the Contractor was reminded to ensure provision of ongoing maintenance to noisy plants and to carry out improvement work once insufficient acoustic decoupling measures were found.

6.4.6      Frequency of watering per day on exposed soil was checked; with reference to the record provided by the Contract, watering was conducted at least 8 times per day on reclaimed land. The frequency of watering is the mainly refer to water truck. Sprinklers are only served to strengthen dust control measure for busy traffic at the entrance of Portion D. As informed by the Contractor, during the mal-function period of sprinkler, water truck will enhance watering at such area. The Contractor was reminded to ensure provision of watering of at least 8 times per day on all exposed soil within the Contract site and associated works areas throughout the construction phase.

6.4.7      After review, no floating grout production was in operation at any time in March 2018 for Contract No.HY/2010/02. Condition 3.26A of EP-353/2009/K for Contract No.HY/2010/02 is complied with during the reporting month.

6.4.8       Due to the commencement of marine work of the Expansion of Hong Kong International Airport into  a  Three-Runway  System  (3RS  Project),  a  large  portion  of  works  site  boundary  will  be established at the northern part of the existing airport Island. The recent arrangement of works boundary of 3RS Project which delineates the boundary of the designated 3RS Project (for the indicative 3RS boundary, please refer to Figure 5).  The works area of 3RS project will affect several water quality monitoring stations and the  dolphin  monitoring  transect  lines  which  are  being  used  for  conducting  monitoring  under Contract No. HY/2010/02.  The EM&A Programme for the HZMB HKBCF Project will therefore be affected. As a result, a proposal was prepared by ET in accordance with condition 5.1 of EP-353/2009/K and condition 4.1 of EP-354/2009/D, to relocate water quality monitoring stations from SR5, IS10, CS(Mf)3  and alternate the transect lines of dolphin monitoring 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7.  A revised proposal has been updated and sent to IEC/ENPO for their further review on 24 March 2017 and IEC/ENPO verified the revised proposal on the same date. The revised proposal has been sent to authority by project team for review and approval on 3 April 2017. The authority subsequently approved the proposal on 12 May 2017.

6.4.9       Due to substantial completion of marine works by the end of June 2017, it is anticipated that the remaining construction works under Contract No. HY/2010/02, which include ground investigation (GI) works, construction of temporary timber platform, removal of jetty and reinstatement of seawall at the western section, construction of outfall at the eastern seawall, would cause limited disturbance to water column and not to the seabed. In view of this, a proposal for change of EM&A programme/requirements was prepared by ET in accordance with Condition 5.1 of EP-353/2009/K and Condition 4.1 of EP-354/2009/D, to terminate water quality monitoring works at stations IS5, IS(Mf)6, IS8, SR4(N), SR5(N), SR6, SR10A, SR10B(N), CS4, CSA and CS6, and dolphin monitoring (line-transect vessel survey method) covering NEL and NWL when perimeter silt curtain under the Contract is completely removed and vessel traffic numbers average 10 per month for Contract No. HY/2010/02. A revised proposal has been updated and sent to IEC/ENPO for their further review on 15 August 2017 and IEC/ENPO verified the revised proposal on 16 August 2017. The revised proposal has been sent to authority by project team for review and approval on 21 August 2017. The authority subsequently approved the proposal on 7 September 2017.

6.4.10    The monthly EM&A programme was undertaken in accordance with the Updated EM&A Manual for HKBCF (Version 1.0).  It should be noted that the air quality, noise, water quality and dolphin monitoring works for the Contract are covered by Contract No. HY/2013/01 Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge HKBCF – Passenger Clearance Building effective since 1 September 2017. The ET of the Contract is required to conduct EM&A monitoring as part of EM&A programme if these monitoring stations are no longer covered under Contract No. HY/2013/01.

6.4.11    Due topographical condition of the original location of SR3, alternative water quality monitoring station, naming as SR3(N) which is situated in vicinity of the original water quality monitoring stations (SR3) was justified and verified by the ET Leader of Contract No. HY/2013/01 on 8 November 2017 and IEC/ENPO on 13 November 2017 respectively. Alternative water quality monitoring stations SR3(N) was approved by the authority and adopted on 22 December 2017.

6.4.12    Due to permission to carry out AQM at Hong Kong SkyCity Marriott Hotel could not be granted after the end of January 2018, alternative air quality monitoring station naming as AMS7B was justified and verified by the ET Leader of Contract No. HY/2013/01 on 22 January 2018 and IEC/ENPO on 24 January 2018. Alternative air quality monitoring station AMS7B was submitted to the authority on 30 January 2018 and effective from 6 February 2018 with the authority’s consent.

6.5    Summary of Exceedances of the Environmental Quality Performance Limit

6.5.1       For impact air quality monitoring, no exceedance was recorded at all monitoring stations by Environmental Team of Contract No. HY/2013/01 in the reporting month.

6.5.2       For construction noise monitoring, no exceedance was recorded at all monitoring stations by Environmental Team of Contract No. HY/2013/01 in the reporting month.  

6.5.3       For impact water quality monitoring, 1 action level exceedance of suspended solids at IS7 during flood tide on 21 March 2018. After investigation, no marine-based works was conducted on the monitoring date as confirmed by the contractor. It was concluded that the recorded exceedance not Contract-related. No other exceedance was recorded at all monitoring stations by Environmental Team of Contract No. HY/2013/01 in the reporting month. For level of exceedance, location and when exceedances were recorded, please refer to Appendix D.

6.5.4       Impact dolphin monitoring results at all transects are reported in EM&A Report prepared for Contract No. HY/2013/01.

6.5.5      Environmental site inspection was carried out 5 times in March 2018. Recommendations on remedial actions were given to the Contractors for the deficiencies identified during the site audits.

6.5.6      Cumulative statistics on exceedance is provided in Appendix H.

6.6    Summary of Complaints, Notification of Summons and Successful Prosecutions

6.6.1       No complaint, notification of summons or prosecution was received in the reporting period.

6.6.1      The Environmental Complaint Handling Procedure is annexed in Figure 5.

6.6.2      Statistics on complaints, notifications of summons and successful prosecutions are summarized in Appendix H.

7.                    FUTURE KEY ISSUES

7.1  Construction Programme for the Coming Months

As informed by the Contractor, there will be no major work for the Contract in April 2018* .


*Construction activity in April 2018 will be changed subject to works progress.


7.2  Key Issues for the Coming Month

7.2.1      Key issues to be considered in the coming months:-

-       Site runoff should be properly collected and treated prior to discharge;

-       Regular review and maintenance of silt curtain systems, drainage systems and desilting facilities;

-       Exposed surfaces/soil stockpiles should be properly treated to avoid generation of silty surface run-off during rainstorm;

-       Regular review and maintenance of wheel washing facilities provided at all site entrances/exits;

-       Conduct regular inspection of various working machineries and vessels within works areas to avoid any dark smoke emission;

-       Suppress dust generated from work processes with use of bagged cements, earth movements, excavation activities, exposed surfaces/soil stockpiles and haul road traffic;

-       Quieter powered mechanical equipment should be used;

-       Provision of proper and effective noise control measures for operating equipment and machinery on-site, such as erection of movable noise barriers or enclosure for noisy plants;

-       Closely check and replace the sound insulation materials regularly;

-       Better scheduling of construction works to minimize noise nuisance;

-       Properly store and label oil drums and chemical containers placed on site;

-       Proper chemicals, chemical wastes and wastes management;

-       Maintenance works should be carried out within roofed, paved and confined areas;

-       Collection and segregation of construction waste and general refuse on land and in the sea should be carried out properly and regularly;  and

-       Proper protection and regular inspection of existing trees, transplanted/retained trees.

-       Control night-time lighting and glare by hooding all lights.

-       Regular review and provide maintenance to dust control measures such as sprinkler system.

7.3  Monitoring Schedule for the Coming Month

7.3.1       The tentative schedule for environmental monitoring of April 2018 are detailed in the monthly EM&A Report prepared for Contract No. HY/2013/01.


8.1  Conclusions

8.1.1      For impact air quality monitoring, no exceedance was recorded at all monitoring stations by Environmental Team of Contract No. HY/2013/01 in the reporting month.

8.1.2      For construction noise monitoring, no exceedance was recorded at all monitoring stations by Environmental Team of Contract No. HY/2013/01 in the reporting month.

8.1.3      For impact water quality monitoring, 1 action level exceedance of suspended solids at IS7 during flood tide on 21 March 2018. After investigation, no marine-based works was conducted on the monitoring date as confirmed by the contractor. It was concluded that the recorded exceedance not Contract-related. No other exceedance was recorded at all monitoring stations by Environmental Team of Contract No. HY/2013/01 in the reporting month. For level of exceedance, location and when exceedances were recorded, please refer to Appendix D.

8.1.4      Impact dolphin monitoring results at all transects are reported in EM&A Report prepared for Contract No. HY/2013/01.

8.1.5      No complaint, notification of summons or prosecution was received in the reporting period.

8.1.6      Environmental site inspection was carried out 5 times in March 2018. Recommendations on remedial actions were given to the Contractors for the deficiencies identified during the site audits.

8.2  Recommendations

8.2.1      According to the environmental site inspections performed in the reporting month, the following recommendations were provided:

Air Quality Impact

l  All working plants and vessels on site should be regularly inspected and properly maintained to avoid dark smoke emission.

l  All vehicles should be washed to remove any dusty materials before leaving the site.

l  Haul roads should be sufficiently dampened to minimize fugitive dust generation.

l  Wheel washing facilities should be properly maintained and reviewed to ensure properly functioning.

l  Temporary exposed slopes and open stockpiles should be properly covered.

l  Enclosure should be erected for cement debagging, batching and mixing operations.

l  Water spraying should be provided to suppress fugitive dust for any dusty construction activity.

l  Regular review and provide maintenance to dust control measures such as sprinkler system.

Construction Noise Impact

l  Quieter powered mechanical equipment should be used as far as possible.

l  Noisy operations should be oriented to a direction away from sensitive receivers as far as possible.

l  Proper and effective noise control measures for operating equipment and machinery on-site should be provided, such as erection of movable noise barriers, enclosure for noisy plants or enhancement works to provide sufficient acoustic decoupling measure(s). Closely check and replace the sound insulation materials regularly

l  Vessels and equipment operating should be checked regularly and properly maintained.

l  Noise Emission Label (NEL) shall be affixed to the air compressor and hand-held breaker operating within works area.

l  Acoustic decoupling measures should be properly implemented for all existing and incoming construction vessels with continuous and regularly checking to ensure effective implementation of acoustic decoupling measures.

Water Quality Impact

l  Regular review and maintenance of silt curtain systems, drainage systems and desilting facilities in order to make sure they are functioning effectively.

l  Construction of seawall should be completed as early as possible.

l  Regular inspect and review the loading process from barges to avoid splashing of material.

l  Silt, debris and leaves accumulated at public drains, wheel washing bays and perimeter u-channels and desilting facilities should be cleaned up regularly.

l  Silty effluent should be treated/ desilted before discharged. Untreated effluent should be prevented from entering public drain channel.

l  Proper drainage channels/bunds should be provided at the site boundaries to collect/intercept the surface run-off from works areas.

l  Exposed slopes and stockpiles should be covered up properly during rainstorm.

Chemical and Waste Management

l  All types of wastes, both on land and floating in the sea, should be collected and sorted properly and disposed of timely and properly. They should be properly stored in designated areas within works areas temporarily.

l  All chemical containers, batteries and oil drums should be properly stored and labelled.

l  All plants and vehicles on site should be properly maintained to prevent oil leakage. Proper measures, like drip trays and/or bundings, should be provided for retaining leaked oil/chemical from plants.

l  All kinds of maintenance works should be carried out within roofed, paved and confined areas.

l  All drain holes of the drip trays utilized within works areas should be properly plugged to avoid any oil and chemical waste leakage.

l  Oil stains on soil surface, accumulated oil mixture and empty chemical containers should be cleared and disposed of as chemical waste.

l  Regular review should be conducted for working barges and patrol boats to ensure sufficient measures and spill control kits were provided on working barges and patrol boats to avoid any spreading of leaked oil/chemicals.

Landscape and Visual Impact

l  All existing, retained/transplanted trees at the works areas should be properly fenced off and regularly inspected.

l  Control night-time lighting and glare by hooding all lights.