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Executive SUMMARY








Basic Project Information



Project Organization



Construction Programme



Construction Works Undertaken During the Reporting Period









Monitoring Locations



Monitoring Requirements



Monitoring Results









Monitoring Locations



Monitoring Requirements



Monitoring Results









Monitoring Locations



Monitoring Requirements



Monitoring Results









Monitoring Locations



Monitoring Requirements



Monitoring Results









Site Inspection



Advice on the Solid and Liquid Waste Management Status



Environmental Licenses and Permits



Implementation Status of Environmental Mitigation Measures



Summary of Exceedance of the Environmental Quality Performance Limit



Summary of Complaints, Notification of Summons and Successful Prosecution









Construction Programme for the Coming Months



Environmental Site Inspection Schedule for the Coming Month















Figure 1

Air Quality and Noise Monitoring Stations for HKBCF

Figure 2

Water Quality Monitoring Stations (construction phases)

Figure 3

Dolphin Monitoring Transect Line and Layout Map









Table 1.1

Contact Information of Key Personnel

Table 2.1

Air Quality Monitoring Locations

Table 2.2

Action and Limit Levels for 1-hour TSP

Table 2.3

Action and Limit Levels for 24-hour TSP

Table 3.1

Construction Noise Monitoring Locations

Table 3.2

Action and Limit Levels for Construction Noise

Table 4.1

Water Quality Monitoring Stations (construction phases)

Table 4.2

Action and Limit Levels for Water Quality

Table 5.1a

Action and Limit Levels for Chinese White Dolphin Monitoring ¡V Approach to Define Action Level (AL) and Limit Level (LL)

Table 5.1b

Action and Limit Levels for Chinese White Dolphin Monitoring -








Appendix A

Location of Works Areas

Appendix B

Project Organization for Environmental Works

Appendix C

Construction Programme

Appendix D

Event and Action Plan

Appendix E

Monthly Summery of Waste Flow Table & Monthly Summery of Marine Sediment

Appendix F

Environmental Licenses and Permits

Appendix G

Implementation Schedule for Environmental Mitigation Measures (EMIS)

Appendix H

Statistics on Environmental Complaints, Notification of Summons and Successful Prosecutions

Appendix I

Environmental Site Inspection Schedule

Appendix J

Investigation Reports on Action Level or Limit Level Non-compliance

Appendix K

Complaint Investigation Report


Executive SUMMARY


This Monthly Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A) Report is prepared for Contract HY/2013/02 ¡§Hong Kong¡VZhuhai-Macao Bridge Hong Kong Boundary Crossing Facilities (HKBCF) ¡V Infrastructure Works Stage I (Western Portion)¡¨ (hereafter referred to as ¡§the Contract¡¨) for the Highways Department of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR). The Contract was awarded to China Harbour Engineering Co., Ltd. (hereafter referred to as ¡§the Contractor¡¨) and ETS-Testconsult Limited was appointed as the Environmental Team (ET) by the Contractor.


The Contract is part of Hong Kong¡VZhuhai¡VMacao Bridge HKBCF which is a ¡§Designated Project¡¨, under Schedule 2 of the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (EIAO) (Cap 499) and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Report (Register No. AEIAR-145/2009) was prepared for the Project. The current Environmental Permit (EP) No. EP-353/2009/K for HKBCF was issued on 11 April 2016. These documents are available through the EIA Ordinance Register. Site preparation works of the Contract was started on 25 July 2014 and the construction works of the Contract commenced on 24 November 2014.


ETS-Testconsult Limited has been appointed by the Contractor to implement the Environmental Monitoring & Audit (EM&A) programme for the Contract in accordance with the Updated EM&A Manual for HKBCF (Version 1.0) and provide environmental team services to the Contract.


This is the Thirty-eighth Monthly Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A) Report for the Contract which summaries findings of the EM&A works conducted during the reporting period from 01 January to 31 January 2018.


Site Activities


As informed by the Contractor, site activities were carried out in this reporting month:


l   Road and Bituminous works;

l   Branch, collector drain, gully & u-channel;

l   cable trench and ducting;

l   Landscaping work


Environmental Monitoring and Audit Progress


The monthly EM&A programme was undertaken in accordance with the Updated EM&A Manual for HKBCF (Version 1.0). It should be noted that the air quality and noise monitoring works for the Contract are covered by Contract No. HY/2013/01 ¡§Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge HKBCF ¡V Passenger Clearance Building¡¨ and Contract No. HY/2011/03 ¡§Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Hong Kong Link Road ¡V Section between Scenic Hill and HKBCF¡¨. The ET of the Contract or another ET of the HZMB project is required to conduct impact air quality monitoring at AMS6 and AMS7, noise monitoring at NMS2 and NMS3B, water quality monitoring show in Figure 2 and dolphin monitoring show in Figure 3 as part of EM&A programme if these monitoring stations are no longer covered under Contract No. HY/2013/01 and HY/2011/03. However, this is subject to ENPO¡¦s final decision on which ET should carry out the monitoring works at these stations. The dates of site inspection during the reporting period are listed below:


Environmental Site Inspection:                04, 11, 18 & 25 January 2018


Breaches of Action and Limit Levels


Summary of Action and Limit Level exceedance of 1-hr TSP level and 24-hr TSP level at AMS6 shall be referred to the monthly EM&A report prepared by Contract No. HY/2011/03.


There was no Action and Limit Level exceedance of 1-hr TSP level and 24-hr TSP level recorded at station AMS7 by the Environmental Team of Contract No. HY/2013/01 during the reporting period.


There were two Action Level exceedances of 24-hr TSP level recorded at station AMS2 and AMS3B by the Environmental Team of Contract No. HY/2013/01 during the reporting period. The Investigation Reports No. 025 (including the causes of exceedance, action taken and recommendation for mitigation) for Action or Limit Level Non-compliance were provided in Appendix J.


There was no Action and Limit Level exceedance for noise recorded at station NMS2 and station NMS3B by the Environmental Team of Contract No. HY/2013/01 during the reporting period.


During January 2018, there was one action level exceedance of suspended solids recorded on 31 January 2018. Since the removal of temporary loading and unloading point by Contract No. HY/2013/02, which involved marine work, was completed on 10 September 2017 and the area was handed back to Reclamation Contractor with Contract No. HY/2010/02 on 11 September 2017 for subsequent seawall construction as confirmed by RSS, there was no marine works or barge of this Contract worked at HKBCF reclamation site near the sea area or area near the monitoring station under Contract No. HY/2013/02 during January 2018. Hence, specific investigation shall be referred to other ET¡¦s report(s) under the HZMB Projects in which the respective contract(s) with remaining marine works on-going for the exceedances recorded in water quality monitoring during this reporting month. There was no Action and Limit Level exceedance recorded on other monitoring date at the monitoring stations showed at Table 4.1 by the Environmental Team of Contract No. HY/2013/01 during the reporting period.


Complaint Log

Follow-up action to the complaint received by Highways Department on 29 December 2017 and referred to the ENPO on 08 January 2018. Then the ENPO forwarded the complaint by email to the R.E. (AECOM), the Contractor (China Harbour) and the ET (ETS-Testconsult Ltd.) of Contract No. HY/2013/02 at 12:20 on 08 January 2018. After received the details of the complaint from the ENPO, the Environmental Officers, RE and ET of Contract No. HY/2013/02 have performed a related follow-up inspection on 10 January 2018 to investigate this event. After received the details of the complaint from the ENPO, the Environmental Officers, RE and ET of Contract No. HY/2013/02 have performed a related follow-up inspection on 10 January 2018 to investigate this event. The inspection was concentrated to check if any mud/slurry and dusts produced from the construction sites of Contract No. HY/2013/02 originated to East Coast Road and if any mud/slurry and dusts accumulated on the road side of East Coast Road. After checked with the RE and the Contractor of Contract No. HY/2013/02 during 10:00 to 11:00 on 10 January 2018, the site entrance was cleaned and no mud/slurry was observed around the East Coast Road site entrance. Besides, high pressure water jet was provided at site exit in order to prevent any mud/slurry bringing out from the site (see attached photo). The site entrance situation was acceptable according to the site inspection on 10 January 2018. In addition, mitigation measures under the item A2 and W2 of EMIS were implemented including provide vehicle washing facilities with high pressure water jet, the road section between the washing facilities and the exit point was hard paved and reminders were provided at the wheel washing basin and exit to remind all Contract(s) vehicles using the site exit for proper wheel washing etc.


To monitor the implementation of mitigation measures, follow-up site inspections were performed. Mitigation measures under the item A2 and W2 of EMIS were implemented and enhanced in order to further improve the condition of the site entrance and road section between wheel-washing facilities and East Coast Road gate. Manpower was provided to stop the vehicles when passing the washing facilities in order to lengthen the washing time. Besides, washing facilities with high pressure water jet at the area where vehicle washing takes place was provided. The road section between the washing facilities and the exit point was hard paved and watering truck was arranged regularly to clean the road section. Besides washing the haul roads by watering, manpower was also assigned to remove the accumulated mud/slurry along the haul road section between wheel-washing facilities and East Coast Road gate (see attached photo) to clean-up the haul road thoroughly in order to avoid mud/slurry from escaping beyond the East Coast Road gate. The photos taken during the follow-up inspections and the wheel washing facilities layout plan were attached. The condition of site exit and the road section from wheel-washing facilities to East Coast Road gate was found to be improved and the situation was acceptable. Hence, the complaint was found non-related to Contract No. HY/2013/02. The complaint investigation report (Log No. 017) was provided in Appendix K.


Notifications of Summons and Successful Prosecutions


There were no notifications of summons or prosecutions received during the reporting period.


Reporting Change

There were no reporting changes during the reporting period.


Future Key Issues



The future key issues to be undertaken in the upcoming month are as follows:


l   Road and Bituminous works;

l   Landscaping work

1.           INTRODUCTION


1.1.         Basic Project Information


1.1.1.     This Monthly Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A) Report is prepared for Contract HY/2013/02 ¡§Hong Kong¡VZhuhai-Macao Bridge Hong Kong Boundary Crossing Facilities (HKBCF) ¡V Infrastructure Works Stage I (Western Portion)¡¨ (hereafter referred to as ¡§the Contract¡¨) for the Highways Department of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR). The Contract was awarded to China Harbour Engineering Co., Ltd. (hereafter referred to as ¡§the Contractor¡¨) and ETS-Testconsult Limited was appointed as the Environmental Team (ET) by the Contractor.


1.1.2.     The Contract is part of Hong Kong¡VZhuhai¡VMacao Bridge HKBCF which is a ¡§Designated Project¡¨, under Schedule 2 of the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (EIAO) (Cap 499) and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Report (Register No. AEIAR-145/2009) was prepared for the Project. The current Environmental Permit (EP) No. EP-353/2009/K for HKBCF was issued on 11 April 2016. These documents are available through the EIA Ordinance Register. Site preparation works of the Contract started on 25 July 2014 and the construction works of the Contract commenced on 24 November 2014. The works area of the Contract is shown in Appendix A.


1.1.3.      The proposed works under this Contract comprise the following:


l   Construction of the viaducts and roads at the western portion of Hong Kong Boundary Crossing Facilities (HKBCF) mainly for connection with the Hong Kong¡VZhuhai¡VMacao Bridge (HZMB), Hong Kong Link Road (HKLR), Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) and the Tuen Mun-Chek Lap Kok Link (TM-CLKL);


l   Construction of the road modification at the SkyCity Interchange at Airport Island;


l   Construction of associated street lighting, street furniture, road marking, road signage, drainage, sewerage, fresh water and flushing water supply, irrigation, landscape, electrical and mechanical (E&M), utilities and services works;


l   Provisioning of civil engineering works and power supply installation for the Traffic Control and Surveillance System TCSS;


l   Other works in accordance with the Contract.


1.1.4.     This is the Thirty-eighth Monthly Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A) Report for the Contract which summaries the audit findings of the EM&A programme during the reporting period from 01 January to 31 January 2018.


1.2.         Project Organization


1.2.1.     The project organization structure and lines of communication with respect to the on-site environmental management structure is shown in Appendix B. The key personnel contact names and numbers are summarized in Table 1.1.


Table 1.1     Contact Information of Key Personnel



Name of Key Staff

Tel. No.

Fax No.

Engineer or Engineer¡¦s Representative

 (AECOM Asia Co. Ltd.)

Resident Engineer

Mr. Winston Wong

6330 8293

3152 5116

Environmental Project Office / Independent Environmental Checker

(Ramboll Hong Kong Limited*)

Environmental Project Office Leader

Mr. Y. H. Hui

3465 2888

3465 2899

Independent Environmental Checker

Mr. Raymond Dai

3465 2888

3465 2899

Environmental Site Supervisor

Mr. Ray Yan

5181 8165

3465 2899


(China Harbour Engineering Co., Ltd.)

Environmental Officer

Mr. Richard Ng

5977 0593

3915 0300

Environmental Officer

Mr. Paper Chan

6486 8967

3915 0300

Environmental Supervisor

Mr. Endy Tse

5512 2662

3915 0300

Environmental Team

 (ETS-Testconsult Ltd.)

Environmental Team Leader

Mr. C. L. Lau

2946 7791

2695 3944

(*) ¡§Ramboll Environ Hong Kong Limited¡§ was re-branded as ¡§Ramboll Hong Kong Limited¡¨ since 03 January 2018.



1.3.         Construction Programme


1.3.1.     A copy of the Contractor¡¦s construction programme is provided in Appendix C.


1.4.         Construction Works Undertaken During the Reporting Period


1.4.1.     A summary of the construction activities undertaken during this reporting period is shown below:



l   Road and Bituminous works;

l   Branch, collector drain, gully & u-channel;

l   cable trench and ducting;

l   Landscaping work



2.1.         Monitoring Locations

2.1.1.     The air quality monitoring works for the Contract are covered by Contract No. HY/2013/01 Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge HKBCF ¡V Passenger Clearance Building and Contract No. HY/2011/03 Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Hong Kong Link Road ¡V Section between Scenic Hill and HKBCF. The ET of the Contract or another ET of the HZMB project is required to conduct impact air quality monitoring at AMS6 and AMS7 as part of EM&A programme if these air quality monitoring stations are no longer covered under Contract No. HY/2013/01 and HY/2011/03. Table 2.1 and Figure 1 shows the locations of air monitoring stations.


Table 2.1     Air Quality Monitoring Locations


Identification No.

Location Description


Dragonair / CNAC (Group) Building

AMS7(1) (2)

Hong Kong SkyCity Marriott Hotel


(1)         The ET of this Contract should conduct impact air quality monitoring at the AMS listed in the table as part of EM&A programme according to latest notification from ENPO when the monitoring station(s) is/are no longer covered by another ET of the HZMB project.

(2)         The air quality monitoring location AMS7A was relocated back to the original monitoring location AMS7

of the updated EM&A Manual started from January 2016.


2.2.         Monitoring Requirements


2.2.1.     The monitoring requirements, monitoring equipment, monitoring parameters, frequency and duration, monitoring methodology, monitoring schedule, meteorological information are detailed in the monthly EM&A Reports prepared for Contract Nos. HY/2013/01 and HY/2011/03.


2.2.2.     The Action and Limit Levels for 1-hr TSP and 24-hr TSP are provided in Table 2.2 and Table 2.3 respectively. The Action and Limit Levels of AMS7 are as same as its original levels and AMS7A.


 Table 2.2     Action and Limit Levels for 1-hour TSP


Monitoring Station

Action Level,mg/m3

Limit Level,mg/m3

AMS6 ¡V Dragnair / SNAC (Group) Building (HKIA)



AMS7 ¡V Hong Kong SkyCity Marriott Hotel




  Table 2.3     Action and Limit Levels for 24-hour TSP

Monitoring Station

Action Level,mg/m3

Limit Level,mg/m3

AMS6 ¡V Dragnair / SNAC (Group) Building (HKIA)



AMS7 ¡V Hong Kong SkyCity Marriott Hotel




2.2.3.     The event and action plan is provided in Appendix D.


2.2.4.     If exceedance(s) at these stations is/are recorded by the ET of the Contract or referred by the other ET under the HZMB project to the Contract, the ET of the Contract will carry out an investigation and findings will be reported in the monthly EM&A Report.


2.3.         Monitoring Results


2.3.1.     The monitoring results for AMS6 and AMS7 are reported in the monthly EM&A Reports prepared for Contract Nos. HY/2011/03 and HY/2013/01 respectively.


2.3.2.     Summary of Action and Limit Level exceedance of 1-hr TSP level and 24-hr TSP level at AMS6 shall be referred to the monthly EM&A report prepared by Contract No. HY/2011/03.


2.3.3.     There was no Action and Limit Level exceedance of 1-hr TSP level and 24-hr TSP level recorded at station AMS7 by the Environmental Team of Contract No. HY/2013/01 during the reporting period.


2.3.4.     There were two Action Level exceedances of 24-hr TSP level recorded at station AMS2 and AMS3B by the Environmental Team of Contract No. HY/2013/01 during the reporting period. The Investigation Reports No. 025 (including the causes of exceedance, action taken and recommendation for mitigation) for Action or Limit Level Non-compliance were provided in Appendix J.


2.3.5.     Although the exceedances were not relevant to this Contract, the Contractor was reminded to provide appropriate air quality mitigation measures, such as spray the worksites with water at least 8 times/day, cover the dusty materials with impervious sheeting.


3.            NOISE MONITORING


3.1.         Monitoring Locations

3.1.1.     The noise monitoring works for the Contract are covered by Contract No. HY/2013/01 Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge HKBCF ¡V Passenger Clearance Building. The ET of the Contract or another ET of the HZMB project is required to conduct noise monitoring at NMS2 and NMS3B as part of EM&A programme if these monitoring stations are no longer covered under Contract No. HY/2013/01. Table 3.1 and Figure 1 shows the locations of noise monitoring stations.


 Table 3.1     Construction Noise Monitoring Locations


Identification No.

Location Description


Sea View Crescent

NMS3B(1) (2)

Site Boundary of Site Office Area at Works Area WA2


(1)        The ET of this Contract should conduct impact noise monitoring at the NMS listed in the table as part of EM&A programme according to latest notification from ENPO when the monitoring station(s) is/are no longer covered by another ET of the HZMB project.

(2)        The Action and Limit Levels for schools will be applied for this alternative monitoring location.


3.2.         Monitoring Requirements


3.2.1.     The monitoring requirements, monitoring equipment, monitoring parameters, frequency and duration, monitoring methodology, monitoring schedule, meteorological information are detailed in the monthly EM&A Reports prepared for Contract No. HY/2013/01.


3.2.2.     The Action and Limit Levels for construction noise are provided in Table 3.2


3.2.3.     The event and action plan is provided in Appendix D.


Table 3.2     Action and Limit Levels for Construction Noise


Action Level

Limit Level

07:00 ¡V 19:00 hours on normal weekdays

When one documented complaint is received

75 dB(A)*


If works are to be carried out during restricted hours, the conditions stipulated in the construction noise permit issued by the Noise Control Authority have to be followed.

* Reduce to 70 dB(A) for schools and 65 dB(A) during school examination period.


3.2.4.     If exceedance(s) at these stations is/are recorded by the ET of the Contract or referred by the other ET under the HZMB project to the Contract, the ET of the Contract will carry out an investigation and findings will be reported in the monthly EM&A Report.


3.3.         Monitoring Results


3.3.1       The monitoring results for NMS2 and NMS3B are reported in the monthly EM&A Reports prepared for Contract No. HY/2013/01. There was no exceedance for noise recorded at station NMS2 and station NMS3B by the Environmental Team of Contract No. HY/2013/01 during the reporting period.




4.1.         Monitoring Locations


The water monitoring works for the Contract are covered by Contract No. HY/2013/01 Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge HKBCF ¡V Passenger Clearance Building. The ET of the Contract or another ET of the HZMB project is required to conduct water quality monitoring at twenty one stations (9 Impact Stations, 7 Sensitive Receiver Stations and 5 Control/Far Field Stations). Due to topographical conditions of SR3, SR10A and SR10B(N), the water quality monitoring (WQM) stations was proposed to be monitored at alternative WQM stations named as SR3(N), SR10A (N) and SR10B(N2). The proposal for alternation of water quality monitoring stations for HZMB HKBCF was justified by the ET Leader for Contract No. HY/2013/01 on 08 November 2017 and  verified by the IEC on 13 November 2017; and submitted to EPD on 29 November 2017, and it was approved by EPD on 22 December 2017. Table 4.1 and Figure 2 shows the locations of water quality monitoring stations.


Table 4.1     Water Quality Monitoring Stations (construction phases)






Impact Station (Close to HKBCF construction site)




Impact Station (Close to HKBCF construction site)




Impact Station (Close to HKBCF construction site)




Impact Station (Close to HKBCF construction site)




Impact Station (Close to HKBCF construction site)




Impact Station (Close to HKBCF construction site)




Impact Station (Close to HKBCF construction site)




Impact Station (Close to HKBCF construction site)




Impact Station (Close to HKBCF construction site)




Sensitive receivers (San Tau SSSI)




Sensitive receivers (Tai Ho)




Sensitive receiver (Artificial Reef in NE Airport)




Sensitive receivers (Sha Chau and Lung Kwu Chau Marine Park)




Sensitive receivers (Tai Mo Do)



SR10A(N) [1][3]

Sensitive receivers (Ma Wan FCZ)1



SR10B(N2) [1][3]

Sensitive receivers (Ma Wan FCZ)2




Control Station




Control Station




Control Station




Control Station




Control Station




(1)      Additional monitoring station for Ma Wan FCZ.

(2)      Additional control monitoring station for Ma Wan FCZ

(3)      Alternative WQM Stations with effect from 22 December 2017


The ET of this Contract should conduct impact water quality monitoring at the WQMS listed in the table as part of EM&A programme according to latest notification from ENPO when the monitoring station(s) is/are no longer covered by another ET of the HZMB project. The ET of the Contract shall communicate and share the monitoring data to the ET(s) of other works contracts if the water quality monitoring station(s) is/are as part of EM&A programme.


4.2          Monitoring Requirements

The monitoring requirements, monitoring equipment, monitoring parameters, frequency and duration, monitoring methodology, monitoring schedule, meteorological information are detailed in the monthly EM&A Reports prepared for Contract No. HY/2013/01.


4.2.1       The event and action plan is provided in Appendix D.


4.2.2       The Action and Limit Levels for Water Quality are provided in Table 4.2



Table 4.2     Action and Limit Levels for Water Quality




DO in mg/L (Surface, Middle & Bottom)

Surface and Middle 5.0

Bottom 4.7

Surface and Middle 4.2 (except 5 mg/L for FCZ)

Bottom 3.6

SS in mg/L (depth-averaged) at all monitoring stations and control stations

23.5 and 120% of upstream control station's SS at the same tide of the same day*

34.4 and 130% of upstream control station's SS at the same tide of the same day and 10mg/L for WSD Seawater intakes*

Turbidity in NTU (depth-averaged)

27.5 and 120% of upstream control station's turbidity at the same tide of the same day*

47.0 and 130% of upstream control station's turbidity at the same tide of the same day*

* Remarks: Reference is made to EPD approval of adjustment of water quality assessment criteria issued and became effective on 18 February 2013.

Notes:  1.  "depth-averaged" is calculated by taking the arithmetic means of reading of all three depths.

2.  For DO, non-compliance of the water quality limits occurs when monitoring result is lower than the limits.

3.  For turbidity, SS, non-compliance of the water quality limits occurs when monitoring result is higher than the limits.

4.   All the figures given in the table are used for reference only and the EPD may amend the figures whenever it is considered as necessary.

5.  The 1%-ile of baseline data for dissolved oxygen (surface and middle) and dissolved oxygen (bottom) are 4.2mg/L and 3.6mg/L respectively.

4.2.3       If exceedance(s) at these stations is/are recorded by the ET of the Contract or referred by the other ET under the HZMB project to the Contract, the ET of the Contract will carry out an investigation and findings will be reported in the monthly EM&A Report.


4.3          Monitoring Result


4.3.1       The monitoring results for the monitoring stations showed in Table 4.1 are reported in the monthly EM&A Report prepared for Contract No. HY/2013/01. During January 2018, there was one action level exceedance of suspended solids recorded on 31 January 2018.


4.3.2       Since the removal of temporary loading and unloading point by Contract No. HY/2013/02, which involved marine work, was completed on 10 September 2017 and the area was handed back to Reclamation Contractor with Contract No. HY/2010/02 on 11 September 2017 for subsequent seawall construction as confirmed by RSS, there was no marine works or barge of this Contract worked at HKBCF reclamation site near the sea area or area near the monitoring station under Contract No. HY/2013/02 during January 2018. Hence, specific investigation shall be referred to other ET¡¦s report(s) under the HZMB Projects in which the respective contract(s) with remaining marine works on-going for the exceedances recorded in water quality monitoring during this reporting month. There was no Action and Limit Level exceedance recorded on other monitoring date at the monitoring stations showed at Table 4.1 by the Environmental Team of Contract No. HY/2013/01 during the reporting period.


4.3.3       Although the exceedances were not relevant to this Contract, the Contractor was reminded to provide appropriate water pollution mitigation measures, such as ensure all construction activities that would deteriorate the water quality was collected by sedimentation tanks or package treatment systems for proper treatment prior to disposal.







5.1.         Monitoring Locations

The dolphin monitoring works for the Contract are covered by Contract No. HY/2013/01 Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge HKBCF ¡V Passenger Clearance Building. The ET of the Contract or another ET of the HZMB project is required to conduct dolphin monitoring at 24 transects as part of EM&A programme if these transects are no longer covered under Contract No. HY/2013/01. The dolphin monitoring should adopt line-transect vessel survey method. The survey follows pre-set and fixed transect lines in the two areas defined by AFCD as: Northeast Lantau survey area; and Northwest Lantau survey area. Figure 3 shows the co-ordinates for the transect lines and layout map.


5.2.         Monitoring Requirements

The monitoring requirements, monitoring equipment, monitoring parameters, frequency and duration, monitoring methodology, monitoring schedule, meteorological information are detailed in the monthly EM&A Reports prepared for Contract No. HY/2013/01.


5.2.1.     The event and action plan is provided in Appendix D.


5.2.2.     The Action and Limit Levels for Chinese White Dolphin Monitoring are provided in Table 5.1a & Table 5.1b


Table 5.1a     Action and Limit Levels for Chinese White Dolphin Monitoring ¡V Approach to

                   Define Action Level (AL) and Limit Level (LL)


North Lantau Social Cluster



Action Level

(STG < 70% of baseline) & (ANI < 70% of baseline)

(STG < 70% of baseline) &

(ANI < 70% of baseline)

Limit Level

[(STG < 40% of baseline) & (ANI < 40% of baseline)]

AND [(STG < 40% of baseline) & (ANI < 40% of baseline)]

For North Lantau Social Cluster, action level will be trigger if either NEL or NWL fall below the criteria; limit level will be triggered if both NEL and NWL fall below the criteria.


Table 5.1b     Derived Value of Action Level (AL) and Limit Level (LL) for Chinese White

                   Dolphin Monitoring


North Lantau Social Cluster



Action Level

(STG < 4.2) & (ANI < 15.5)

(STG < 6.9) & (ANI < 31.3)

Limit Level

[(STG < 2.4) & (ANI < 8.9)] AND [(STG < 3.9) & (ANI < 17.9)]


5.2.3.     If exceedance(s) at these transects is/are recorded by the ET of the Contract or referred by the other ET under the HZMB project to the Contract, the ET of the Contract will carry out an investigation and findings will be reported in the monthly EM&A Report.


5.3          Monitoring Result

The dolphin survey results for all transects are reported in the monthly EM&A Reports prepared for Contract No. HY/2013/01.




6.1.         Site Inspection


6.1.1.     Site Inspections were carried out on a weekly basis to monitor the implementation of proper environmental pollution control mitigation measures for the project. During the reporting period, site inspections were carried out on 04, 11, 18 & 25 January 2018.


6.1.2.     As confirmed by RSS on 16 January 2018, the landscape construction works including planting (Shrubs & Grass), installation of irrigation pipe and soiling (Sub & Top soil) for Contract No. HY/2013/02 were commended on 04 November 2017. The landscape inspections were conducted on 11 and 25 January 2018 on a bi-weekly basis during the weekly environmental site inspection. The weekly site inspection checklists including the landscape inspection items would be submitted to IEC for checking within the reporting period.


6.1.3.     During the site inspections on January 2018, there was no conflict occurred regarding to the Landscape & Visual mitigation measures stated in Contract Specific EM&A Manual. The work site was found to be confined within site boundaries and grass-hydroseed was provided for bare soil surface and stock pile areas. Landscape & Visual mitigate Measures during construction would be checked to ensure compliance with the intended aims of the measures.


6.1.4.     Particular observations during the site inspections are described below:


28 December 2017

(a)        Chemical container without drip tray was observed at Portion C and Portion D. Chemical containers were collected at Portion C and Portion D. The observation was closed on 04 January 2018.

(b)        Improper disposal of general refuse was observed at Portion C. General refuse was collected at Portion C. The observation was closed on 04 January 2018.


04 January 2018

(a)        Chemical containers without drip tray were observed at Portion D. Chemical containers were removed at Portion D. The observation was closed on 11 January 2018.

(b)        Improper disposal of general refuse were observed at Portion A, B & F. General refuse were collected at Portion A, B & F. The observation was closed on 11 January 2018.

(c)        Stock of cement without impervious cover was observed at Portion C. Impervious cover was provided at Portion C. The observation was closed on 11 January 2018.


11 January 2018

(a)          Used cement package without cover was observed at Portion A. Cement package was removed at Portion A. The observation was closed on 18 January 2018.

(b)          Noise emission label was missing on hand-held breaker was observed at Portion A. Valid NEL was provided on the hand-held breaker at Portion A. The observation was closed on 18 January 2018.

(c)          Chemical container without drip tray were observed at Portion A and Portion C. Chemical containers were removed at Portion A and Portion C. The observation was closed on 18 January 2018.

(d)          Fugitive dust was observed on haul road at Portion C. Watering was arranged immediately at Portion C. The observation was closed on 18 January 2018.


18 January 2018

(a)        A generator without NRMM label was observed at Portion A. Valid NRMM label was provided at Portion A. The observation was closed on 25 January 2018.

(b)        Discoloured NRMM label was observed on an excavator at Portion A. Appropriate NRMM label was provided on the excavator at Portion A. The observation was closed on 25 January 2018.

(c)        Stagnant water was observed at Portion D. Stagnant water was cleared at Portion D. The observation was closed on 25 January 2018.

(d)        One chemical container without drip tray was observed at Portion C. The chemical container was removed at Portion C. The observation was closed on 25 January 2018.

(e)        General refuse discarded improperly was observed at Portion C. General refuse was collected at Portion C. The observation was closed on 25 January 2018.


25 January 2018

(a)        Improper storage of C&D materials was observed at Portion F. Follow-actions for outstanding observation will be inspected during the next site inspection.

(b)        Inappropriate NRMM label was observed at Portion C. Follow-actions for outstanding observation will be inspected during the next site inspection.

(c)        Tower light generator with opened door was observed at Portion C. Follow-actions for outstanding observation will be inspected during the next site inspection.


6.2.         Advice on the Solid and Liquid Waste Management Status


6.2.1.     The Contractor registered as a chemical waste producer for the Contract. Sufficient numbers of receptacles were available for general refuse collection and sorting.


6.2.2.     There was no excavated marine sediment generated in this reporting period. Since the disposal of excavated marine sediments has been completed with the last batch disposal on 30 August 2017 as confirmed by RSS, no excavated marine sediment was still remained and stored on site awaiting disposal during this reporting period under Contract No. HY/2013/02.


6.2.3.     Total 18,737 m3 of inert C&D materials were reused by other contracts. The inert C&D materials were delivered by land-based transportation to Tailor Recycled Aggregates Limited, which was a construction and demolition material recycler included in the recyclers¡¦ list of EPD. Tailor Recycled Aggregates Limited as an alternative disposal ground was under approval by AECOM. Alternative ground internal trip ticket system with the signatures from both sides¡¦ representative was implemented and checked. The stamped CHIT was provided to AECOM for each delivery.


6.3.         Environmental Licenses and Permits


6.3.1.     The valid environmental licenses and permits during the reporting period are summarized in Appendix F.


6.4.         Implementation Status of Environmental Mitigation Measures


6.4.1.     In response to the site audit findings, the Contractor carried out corrective actions.


6.4.2.     The Contractor waters 8 times per day on all exposed soil within the project site and associated works areas when construction activities are being undertaken.


6.4.3.     The Contractor was reminded to resolve the potential conflicts between the proposed landscape measures and any other works of the project. The landscape works with mitigation code G1, G2 and G4 were mainly conducted in Portion D under construction stage. The other mitigation measures with mitigation code G5, G6, G7 & G9 were not yet started. The implementation status of Landscape and Visual Mitigation Measures is presented in Appendix G.


6.4.4.     The Contractor was reminded to provide well-maintained plant operated on-site and plant served regularly;


6.4.5.     The Contractor was reminded to switch off vehicles and equipment while not in use;


6.4.6.     The Contractor was reminded to schedule the construction works to minimize noise nuisance etc.


6.4.7.     A summary of the implementation Schedule of Environmental Mitigation Measures (EMIS) is presented in Appendix G. Most of the necessary mitigation measures were implemented properly.


6.5.         Summary of Exceedance of the Environmental Quality Performance Limit


6.5.1.     Summary of Action and Limit Level exceedance of 1-hr TSP level and 24-hr TSP level at AMS6 shall be referred to the monthly EM&A report prepared by Contract No. HY/2011/03.      


6.5.2.     There was no Action and Limit Level exceedance of 1-hr TSP level and 24-hr TSP level recorded at station AMS7 by the Environmental Team of Contract No. HY/2013/01 during the reporting period.


6.5.3.     There were two Action Level exceedance of 24-hr TSP level recorded at station AMS2 and AMS3B by the Environmental Team of Contract No. HY/2013/01 during the reporting period. The Investigation Reports No. 025 (including the causes of exceedance, action taken and recommendation for mitigation) for Action or Limit Level Non-compliance were provided in Appendix J.


6.5.4.     There was no Action and Limit Level exceedance for noise recorded at station NMS2 and station NMS3B by the Environmental Team of Contract No. HY/2013/01 during the reporting period.


6.5.5.     The monitoring results for the monitoring stations showed in Table 4.1 are reported in the monthly EM&A Report prepared for Contract No. HY/2013/01. During January 2018, there was one action level exceedance of suspended solids recorded on 31 January 2018.


6.5.6.     Since the removal of temporary loading and unloading point by Contract No. HY/2013/02, which involved marine work, was completed on 10 September 2017 and the area was handed back to Reclamation Contractor with Contract No. HY/2010/02 on 11 September 2017 for subsequent seawall construction as confirmed by RSS, there was no marine works or barge of this Contract worked at HKBCF reclamation site near the sea area or area near the monitoring station under Contract No. HY/2013/02 during January 2018. Hence, specific investigation shall be referred to other ET¡¦s report(s) under the HZMB Projects in which the respective contract(s) with remaining marine works on-going for the exceedances recorded in water quality monitoring during this reporting month. There was no Action and Limit Level exceedance recorded on other monitoring date at the monitoring stations showed at Table 4.1 by the Environmental Team of Contract No. HY/2013/01 during the reporting period.


6.5.7.     Impact dolphin monitoring results at all transects are reported in the EM&A Reports prepared for Contract No. HY/2013/01.


6.6.         Summary of Complaints, Notification of Summons and Successful Prosecution


6.6.1.     Follow-up action to the complaint received by Highways Department on 29 December 2017 and referred to the ENPO on 08 January 2018. Then the ENPO forwarded the complaint by email to the R.E. (AECOM), the Contractor (China Harbour) and the ET (ETS-Testconsult Ltd.) of Contract No. HY/2013/02 at 12:20 on 08 January 2018. After received the details of the complaint from the ENPO, the Environmental Officers, RE and ET of Contract No. HY/2013/02 have performed a related follow-up inspection on 10 January 2018 to investigate this event. After received the details of the complaint from the ENPO, the Environmental Officers, RE and ET of Contract No. HY/2013/02 have performed a related follow-up inspection on 10 January 2018 to investigate this event. The inspection was concentrated to check if any mud/slurry and dusts produced from the construction sites of Contract No. HY/2013/02 originated to East Coast Road and if any mud/slurry and dusts accumulated on the road side of East Coast Road. After checked with the RE and the Contractor of Contract No. HY/2013/02 during 10:00 to 11:00 on 10 January 2018, the site entrance was cleaned and no mud/slurry was observed around the East Coast Road site entrance. Besides, high pressure water jet was provided at site exit in order to prevent any mud/slurry bringing out from the site (see attached photo). The site entrance situation was acceptable according to the site inspection on 10 January 2018. In addition, mitigation measures under the item A2 and W2 of EMIS were implemented including provide vehicle washing facilities with high pressure water jet, the road section between the washing facilities and the exit point was hard paved and reminders were provided at the wheel washing basin and exit to remind all Contract(s) vehicles using the site exit for proper wheel washing etc.


To monitor the implementation of mitigation measures, follow-up site inspections were performed. Mitigation measures under the item A2 and W2 of EMIS were implemented and enhanced in order to further improve the condition of the site entrance and road section between wheel-washing facilities and East Coast Road gate. Manpower was provided to stop the vehicles when passing the washing facilities in order to lengthen the washing time. Besides, washing facilities with high pressure water jet at the area where vehicle washing takes place was provided. The road section between the washing facilities and the exit point was hard paved and watering truck was arranged regularly to clean the road section. Besides washing the haul roads by watering, manpower was also assigned to remove the accumulated mud/slurry along the haul road section between wheel-washing facilities and East Coast Road gate (see attached photo) to clean-up the haul road thoroughly in order to avoid mud/slurry from escaping beyond the East Coast Road gate. The photos taken during the follow-up inspections and the wheel washing facilities layout plan were attached. The condition of site exit and the road section from wheel-washing facilities to East Coast Road gate was found to be improved and the situation was acceptable. Hence, the complaint was found non-related to Contract No. HY/2013/02. The complaint investigation report (Log No. 017) was provided in Appendix K.


6.6.2.     There were no notifications of summons or prosecutions received during the reporting period.


6.6.3.     Statistics on environmental complaints, notifications of summons and successful prosecutions are summarized in Appendix H.


7.            FUTURE KEY ISSUES


7.1          Construction Programme for the Coming Months


7.1.1      As informed by the Contractor, the major construction activities for February 2018 are summarized:


l   Road and Bituminous works;

l   Landscaping work


7.2          Environmental Site Inspection Schedule for the Coming Month


7.2.1      The tentative schedule for weekly site inspections for February 2018 is provided in Appendix I.

8.            CONCLUSION


8.1          Conclusions


8.1.1      The site preparation work of the Contract was started on 25 July 2014 and the construction works of the Contract commenced on 24 November 2014.


8.1.2      Summary of Action and Limit Level exceedance of 1-hr TSP level and 24-hr TSP level at AMS6 shall be referred to the monthly EM&A report prepared by Contract No. HY/2011/03.


8.1.3      There was no Action and Limit Level exceedance of 1-hr TSP level and 24-hr TSP level recorded at station AMS7 by the Environmental Team of Contract No. HY/2013/01 during the reporting period.


8.1.4      There were two Action Level exceedance of 24-hr TSP level recorded at station AMS2 and AMS3B by the Environmental Team of Contract No. HY/2013/01 during the reporting period. The Investigation Reports No. 025 (including the causes of exceedance, action taken and recommendation for mitigation) for Action or Limit Level Non-compliance were provided in Appendix J.


8.1.5      There was no Action and Limit Level exceedance for noise recorded at station NMS2 and station NMS3B by the Environmental Team of Contract No. HY/2013/01 during the reporting period.


8.1.6      The monitoring results for the monitoring stations showed in Table 4.1 are reported in the monthly EM&A Report prepared for Contract No. HY/2013/01. During January 2018, there was one action level exceedance of suspended solid recorded on 31 January 2018.


8.1.7      Since the removal of temporary loading and unloading point by Contract No. HY/2013/02, which involved marine work, was completed on 10 September 2017 and the area was handed back to Reclamation Contractor with Contract No. HY/2010/02 on 11 September 2017 for subsequent seawall construction as confirmed by RSS, there was no marine works or barge of this Contract worked at HKBCF reclamation site near the sea area or area near the monitoring station under Contract No. HY/2013/02 during January 2018. Hence, specific investigation shall be referred to other ET¡¦s report(s) under the HZMB Projects in which the respective contract(s) with remaining marine works on-going for the exceedances recorded in water quality monitoring during this reporting month. There was no Action and Limit Level exceedance recorded on other monitoring date at the monitoring stations showed at Table 4.1 by the Environmental Team of Contract No. HY/2013/01 during the reporting period.


8.1.8      Impact dolphin monitoring results at all transects are reported in the EM&A Reports prepared for Contract No. HY/2013/01.


8.1.9      Follow-up action to the complaint received by Highways Department on 29 December 2017 and referred to the ENPO on 08 January 2018. Then the ENPO forwarded the complaint by email to the R.E. (AECOM), the Contractor (China Harbour) and the ET (ETS-Testconsult Ltd.) of Contract No. HY/2013/02 at 12:20 on 08 January 2018. After received the details of the complaint from the ENPO, the Environmental Officers, RE and ET of Contract No. HY/2013/02 have performed a related follow-up inspection on 10 January 2018 to investigate this event. After received the details of the complaint from the ENPO, the Environmental Officers, RE and ET of Contract No. HY/2013/02 have performed a related follow-up inspection on 10 January 2018 to investigate this event. The inspection was concentrated to check if any mud/slurry and dusts produced from the construction sites of Contract No. HY/2013/02 originated to East Coast Road and if any mud/slurry and dusts accumulated on the road side of East Coast Road. After checked with the RE and the Contractor of Contract No. HY/2013/02 during 10:00 to 11:00 on 10 January 2018, the site entrance was cleaned and no mud/slurry was observed around the East Coast Road site entrance. Besides, high pressure water jet was provided at site exit in order to prevent any mud/slurry bringing out from the site (see attached photo). The site entrance situation was acceptable according to the site inspection on 10 January 2018. In addition, mitigation measures under the item A2 and W2 of EMIS were implemented including provide vehicle washing facilities with high pressure water jet, the road section between the washing facilities and the exit point was hard paved and reminders were provided at the wheel washing basin and exit to remind all Contract(s) vehicles using the site exit for proper wheel washing etc.


To monitor the implementation of mitigation measures, follow-up site inspections were performed. Mitigation measures under the item A2 and W2 of EMIS were implemented and enhanced in order to further improve the condition of the site entrance and road section between wheel-washing facilities and East Coast Road gate. Manpower was provided to stop the vehicles when passing the washing facilities in order to lengthen the washing time. Besides, washing facilities with high pressure water jet at the area where vehicle washing takes place was provided. The road section between the washing facilities and the exit point was hard paved and watering truck was arranged regularly to clean the road section. Besides washing the haul roads by watering, manpower was also assigned to remove the accumulated mud/slurry along the haul road section between wheel-washing facilities and East Coast Road gate (see attached photo) to clean-up the haul road thoroughly in order to avoid mud/slurry from escaping beyond the East Coast Road gate. The photos taken during the follow-up inspections and the wheel washing facilities layout plan were attached. The condition of site exit and the road section from wheel-washing facilities to East Coast Road gate was found to be improved and the situation was acceptable. Hence, the complaint was found non-related to Contract No. HY/2013/02. The complaint investigation report (Log No. 017) was provided in Appendix K.


8.1.10    There were no notifications of summons or prosecutions received during the reporting period.



Figure 1     Air Quality and Noise Monitoring Stations for HKBCF



Figure 2     Water Quality Monitoring Stations (construction phases)


Figure 3

Dolphin Monitoring Transect Line and Layout Map















Appendix A



Location of Works Areas




















Appendix B



Project Organization for Environmental Works

















Appendix C



Construction Programme

















Appendix D



Event and Action Plan





Event and Action Plan for Water Quality



ET Leader




Action level being exceeded by one sampling day

1.        Repeat in situ measurement on next day of exceedance to confirm findings

2.        Identify source(s) of impact

3.        Inform IEC, contractor and ER

4.        Check monitoring data, all plant, equipment and Contractor's working methods

1.        Confirm receipt of notification of noncompliance in writing

2.        Notify Contractor

1.        Confirm receipt of notification of noncompliance in writing

2.        Notify Contractor

1.        Inform the ER and confirm notification of the noncompliance in writing

2.        Rectify unacceptable practice

3.        Amend working methods if appropriate.

Action level being exceeded by two or more consecutive sampling days

1.        Repeat in situ measurement to confirm findings

2.        Identify source(s) of impact

3.        Inform IEC, Contractor and ER

4.        Check monitoring data, all plant, equipment and Contractor's working methods

5.        Discuss mitigation measures with IEC, ER and Contractor

6.        Ensure mitigation measures are implemented

7.        Increase the monitoring frequency to daily until no exceedance of Action level;

8.        Repeat measurement on next day of exceedance to confirm findings.

1.        Check monitoring data submitted by ET and Contractor¡¦s working method

2.        Discuss with ET and Contractor on possible remedial actions

3.        Review the proposed mitigation measures submitted by Contractor and advise the ER accordingly

4.        Assess the effectiveness of the implemented mitigation measures.

1.        Confirm receipt of notification of noncompliance in writing

2.        Discuss with IEC on the proposed mitigation measures

3.        Make agreement on mitigation measures to be implemented

4.        Ensure mitigation measures are properly implemented

5.        Assess the effectiveness of the implemented mitigation measures

1.        Inform the Engineer and confirm notification of the noncompliance in writing;

2.        Rectify unacceptable practice

3.        Check all plant and equipment and consider changes of working methods

4.        Discuss with ET and IEC on possible remedial actions and propose mitigation measures to IEC and ER within 3 working days of notification

5.        Implement the agreed mitigation measures

6.        Amend working methods if appropriate

Limit level being exceeded by one sampling day

1.        Repeat in-situ measurement to confirm findings

2.        Identify source(s) of impact

3.        Inform IEC, Contractor, ER and EPD

4.        Check monitoring data, all plant, equipment and Contractor's working methods

5.        Discuss mitigation measures with IEC, ER and Contractor

6.        Ensure mitigation measures are implemented

7.        Increase the monitoring frequency to daily until no exceedance of Limit level

1.        Check monitoring data submitted by ET and Contractor¡¦s working method

2.        Discuss with ET and Contractor on possible remedial actions

3.        Review the proposed mitigation measures submitted by Contractor and advise the ER accordingly

4.        Assess the effectiveness of the implemented mitigation measures

1.        Confirm receipt of notification of failure in writing

2.        Discuss with IEC, ET and Contractor on the proposed mitigation measures

3.        Request Contractor to critically review the working methods

4.        Ensure mitigation measures are properly implemented

5.        Assess the effectiveness of the implemented mitigation measures

1.        Inform the ER and confirm notification of the noncompliance in writing

2.        Rectify unacceptable practice

3.        Check all plant and equipment and consider changes of working methods

4.        Submit proposal of mitigation measures to ER within 3 working days of notification and discuss with ET, IEC and ER

5.        Implement the agreed mitigation measures

6.        Amend working methods if appropriate

Limit level being exceeded by two or more consecutive sampling days

1.        Repeat in-situ measurement to confirm findings

2.        Identify source(s) of impact

3.        Inform IEC, contractor, ER and EPD

4.        Check monitoring data, all plant, equipment and Contractor's working methods

5.        Discuss mitigation measures with IEC, ER and Contractor

6.        Ensure mitigation measures are implemented

7.        Increase the monitoring frequency to daily until no exceedance of Limit level for two consecutive days

1.        Check monitoring data submitted  by ET and Contractor¡¦s working method

2.        Discuss with ET and Contractor on possible remedial actions

3.        Review the Contractor¡¦s mitigation measures whenever necessary to assure their effectiveness and advise the ER accordingly.

1.        Confirm receipt of notification of failure in writing

2.        Discuss with IEC, ET and Contractor on the proposed mitigation measures

3.        Request Contractor to critically review the working methods

4.        Make agreement on the mitigation measures to be implemented

5.        Ensure mitigation measures are properly implemented

6.        Assess the effectiveness of the implemented mitigation measures

7.        Consider and instruct, if necessary, the Contractor to slow down or to stop all or part of the construction activities until no exceedance of Limit level.

1.        Inform the ER and confirm notification of the noncompliance in writing

2.        Take immediate action to avoid further exceedance

3.        Rectify unacceptable practice

4.        Check all plant and equipment and consider changes of working methods

5.        Submit proposal of mitigation measures to ER within 3 working days of notification and discuss with ET, IEC and ER

6.        Implement the agreed mitigation measures

7.        Resubmit proposals of mitigation measures if problem still not under control;

8.        As directed by the engineer, to slow down or to stop all or part of the construction activities until no exceedance of Limit level.

Event and Action Plan for Dolphin Monitoring
















Appendix E



Waste Flow Table

















Appendix F



Environmental Licenses and Permits


Environmental Licenses and Permits

Item No.

Type of Permit / Licence

Reference No.

Application Date

Date of Issue

Date of Expiry



Environmental Permit under EIAO


24 Mar 2016

11 Apr 2016




Construction Dust Notification (Western Portion)

Acknowledge Receipt: 377883

5 Aug 2014

11 Aug 2014




Construction Dust Notification (Works Area WA3)

Acknowledge Receipt: 377884

5 Aug 2014

18 Aug 2014




Construction Waste Disposal Account

Billing Account No.: 7020516

5 Aug 2014

15 Aug 2014


Account approved


Registration as a Chemical Waste Producer (Works Area WA3)

Waste Producer Number (WPN): 5213-961-C1186-23

1 Sep 2014

17 Oct 2014


Registration completed


Discharge License under WPCO (Works Area WA3)

License No.:


21 Aug 2014

27 Oct 2014

31 Oct 2019

License approved


Registration as a Chemical Waste Producer (Western Portion)

Waste Producer Number (WPN): 5213-961-C1186-27

20 Oct 2014

24 Nov 2014


Registration completed


Discharge License under WPCO (Western Portion)

License No.:


25 Sep 2014

16 Mar 2015

31 Mar 2020

License approved


Construction Noise Permit under NCO for HKBCF(Western Portion)

License No.:


22 Nov 2017

6 Dec 2017

11 Apr 2018

Permit Approved

















Appendix G



Implementation Schedule for Environmental Mitigation Measures (EMIS)


Environmental Mitigation Implementation Schedule ¡V Hong Kong Boundary Crossing Facilities (Superstructures and Infrastructures)

EIA Ref.

EM&A Log Ref

Environmental Mitigation Measures

Objectives of the Recommended Measures & Main Concerns to address

Who to implement the measures?


When to implement the measures?

What requirements or standards for the measure to achieve?

Implementation Status

Air Quality

S5.5.6.1 of



The contractor shall follow the procedures and requirements given in the Air Pollution Control (Construction Dust) Regulation

Good construction site practices to control the dust impact at the nearby sensitive receivers to within the relevant criteria


All construction sites

Construction stage

To control the dust impact to within the HKAQO and TM-EIA criteria(Ref. 1-hr and 24 hr TSP levels are 500µgm-3 and 260µgm-3, respectively)


S5.5.6.2 of


S4.8.1 of



Proper watering of exposed spoil should be undertaken throughout the construction phase:


-    Any excavated or stockpile of dusty material should be covered entirely by impervious sheeting or sprayed with water to maintain the entire surface wet and then removed or backfilled or reinstated where practicable within 24 hours of the excavation or unloading;

-    Any dusty materials remaining after a stockpile is removed should be wetted with water and cleared from the surface of roads;

-    A stockpile of dusty material should not be extended beyond the pedestrian barriers, fencing or traffic cones.

-    Where practicable, vehicle washing facilities with high pressure water jet should be provided at every discernible or designated vehicle exit point. The area where vehicle washing takes place and the road section between the washing facilities and the exit point should be paved with concrete, bituminous materials or hardcores;

-    When there are open excavation and reinstatement works, hoarding of not less than 2.4m high should be provided as far as practicable along the site boundary with provision for public crossing. Good site practice shall also be adopted by the Contractor to ensure the conditions of the hoardings are properly maintained throughout the construction period;

-    The portion of any road leading only to construction site that is within 30m of a vehicle entrance or exit should be kept clear of dusty materials;

-    Surfaces where any pneumatic or power-driven drilling, cutting, polishing or other mechanical breaking operation takes place should be sprayed with water or a dust suppression chemical continuously;

-    Any area that involves demolition activities should be sprayed with water or a dust suppression chemical immediately prior to, during and immediately after the activities so as to maintain the entire surface wet;

-    Where a scaffolding is erected around the perimeter of a building under construction, effective dust screens, sheeting or netting should be provided to enclose the scaffolding from the ground floor level of the building, or a canopy should be provided from the first floor level up to the highest level of the scaffolding;

-    Any skip hoist for material transport should be totally enclosed by impervious sheeting;

-    Every stock of more than 20 bags of cement or dry pulverised fuel ash (PFA) should be covered entirely by impervious sheeting or placed in an area sheltered on the top and the 3 sides;

-    Cement or dry PFA delivered in bulk should be stored in a closed silo fitted with an audible high level alarm which is interlocked with the material filling line and no overfilling is allowed;

-    Loading, unloading, transfer, handling or storage of bulk cement or dry PFA should be carried out in a totally enclosed system or facility, and any vent or exhaust should be fitted with an effective fabric filter or equivalent air pollution control system; and

-    Exposed earth should be properly treated by compaction, turfing, hydroseeding, vegetation planting or sealing with latex, vinyl, bitumen, shotcrete or other suitable surface stabiliser within six months after the last construction activity on the construction site or part of the construction site where the exposed earth lies.


Good construction site practices to control the dust impact at the nearby sensitive receivers to within the relevant criteria


All construction sites

Construction stage

To control the dust impact to within the HKAQO and TM-EIA criteria(Ref. 1-hr and 24 hr TSP levels are 500µgm-3 and 260µgm-3, respectively)


S5.5.6.3 of


S4.8.1 of



The Contractor should undertake proper watering on all exposed spoil and associated work areas (with at least 8 times per day) throughout the construction phase.

Control construction dust


All construction sites

Construction stage

To control the dust impact


S5.5.6.4 of



Engineer to incorporate the controlled measures into the Particular Specification (PS) for the civil work. The PS should also draw the contractor¡¦s attention to relevant latest Practice notes issued by EPD.

Control construction dust


All construction sites

Design Stage

Air pollution Control (Construction Dust) Regulation


S5.5.6.4 of


S4.11 of



Implement regular dust monitoring under EM&A programme during the construction stage.

Monitor the 24hr and 1hr TSP levels at the representative dust monitoring stations to ensure compliance with relevant criteria throughout the construction period.

Contractor of Contract No. HY/2013/01 and Contractor of Contract No. HY/2011/03


representative dust monitoring station

Construction stage

-      Air Pollution Control (Construction Dust) Regulation

-      To control the dust impact to within the HKAQO and TM-EIA criteria(Ref. 1-hr and 24 hr TSP levels are 500µgm-3 and 260µgm-3, respectively)


S5.5.7.1 of



The following mitigation measures should be adopted to prevent fugitive dust emissions for concrete batching plant:

Loading, unloading, handling, transfer or storage of any dusty materials should be carried out in totally enclosed system;

All dust-laden air or waste gas generated by the process operations should be properly extracted and vented to fabric filtering system to meet the emission limits for TSP;

Vents for all silos and cement/ pulverised fuel ash (PFA) weighing scale should be fitted with fabric filtering system;

The materials which may generate airborne dusty emissions should be wetted by water spray system;

All receiving hoppers should be enclosed on three sides up to 3m above unloading point;

All conveyor transfer points should be totally enclosed;

All access and route roads within the premises should be paved and wetted; and

Vehicle cleaning facilities should be provided and used by all concrete trucks before leaving the premises to wash off any dust on the wheels and/or body.

Monitor the 24hr and 1hr TSP levels at the representative dust monitoring stations to ensure compliance with relevant criteria throughout the construction period.



representative dust monitoring station

Construction stage

Air Pollution Control (Construction Dust) Regulation

-      To control the dust impact to within the HKAQO and TM-EIA criteria(Ref. 1-hr and 24 hr TSP levels are 500µgm-3 and 260µgm-3, respectively)


S5.5.2.7 of



The following mitigation measures should be adopted to prevent fugitive dust emissions at barging point:

All road surface within the barging facilities will be paved;

Dust enclosures will be provided for the loading ramp;

Vehicles will be required to pass through designated wheels wash facilities; and

Continuous water spray at the loading points.

Control construction dust


All construction sites

Construction stage

Air Pollution Control (Construction Dust) Regulation



(Construction in process)

ConstructioNoise (Air borne)

S6.4.10 of HKBCFEIA


Use of good site practices to limit noise emissions by considering the following:

-          only well-maintained plant should be operated on-site and plant should be serviced regularly during the construction programme;

-          machines and plant (such as trucks, cranes) that may be in intermittent use should be shut down between work periods or should be throttled down to a minimum;

-          plant known to emit noise strongly in one direction, where possible, be orientated so that the noise is directed away from nearby NSRs;

-          silencers or mufflers on construction equipment should be properly fitted and maintained during the construction works;

-          mobile plant should be sited as far away from NSRs as possible and practicable;

-          material stockpiles, mobile container site officer and other structures should be effectively utilised, where practicable, to screen noise from on-site construction activities.

Control construction airborne noise by means of good site practices


All construction sites

Construction stage

Noise Control Ordinance


S6.4.11 of



Install temporary hoarding located on the site boundaries between noisy construction activities and NSRs. The conditions of the hoardings shall be properly maintained throughout the construction period.

Reduce the construction noise levels at low-level zone of NSRs through partial screening


All construction sites

Construction stage

-       Noise Control Ordinance

-       Annex 5, TM_EIA


S6.4.12 of



Install movable noise barriers (typically density 14kg/m2), acoustic mat or full enclosure close to noisy plants including air compressor, generators, saw.

Screen the noisy plant items to be used at all construction sites


For plant items listed in Appendix 6D of the EIA report at all construction sites

Construction stage

-       Noise Control Ordinance

-       Annex 5, TM_EIA

-       75dB(A) for residential premises

-       The movable barrier should achieve at least 5 dB(A) and the full enclosure should be designed to achieve 10dB(A)


S6.4.13 of



Select ¡§Quiet plants¡¨ which comply with the BS 5228 Part 1 or TM standards.

Reduce the noise levels of plant items


For plant items listed

In Appendix 6D of the EIA report at all construction sites

Construction stage

-       Noise Control Ordinance

-       Annex 5, TM_EIA


S6.4.14 of



Sequencing operation of construction plants where practicable.

Operate sequentially within the same work site to reduce the construction airborne noise


All construction sites

where practicable

Construction stage

-       Noise Control Ordinance

-       Annex 5, TM_EIA


S5.1 of



Implement a noise monitoring under EM&A programme.

Monitor the construction noise levels at selected representative locations

Contractor of Contract No. HY/2013/01


representative noise monitoring station

Construction stage

-       Noise Control Ordinance

-       Annex 5, TM_EIA

-       75dB(A) for residential premises






All dredged marine mud, which required Type 2 Confined Marine Disposal under Environment, Transport and Works Bureau Technical Circular (Works) No. 34/2002 Management of Dredged/Excavated Sediment, from the Project shall be disposed of inside the sheet pile cellular structures within the Project boundary.

Re-deposition of Contaminated Sediment



Dredged Contaminated Sediment



-      Waste Disposal Ordinance

-      ETWB TC 34/2002




Before re-deposition the contaminated sediment, a layer of geotextile shall be placed at the bottom of the sheet pile cellular structures to avoid direct contact of the contaminated sediment and the bottom sediment.

Re-deposition of Contaminated Sediment



Dredged Contaminated Sediment



-        Waste Disposal Ordinance

-        ETWB TC 34/2002




A minimum of 2m thick sand fill or public fill shall be placed on top of the contaminated sediment to protect and cover the sediment after redeposition.

Re-deposition of Contaminated Sediment



Dredged Contaminated Sediment



-      Waste Disposal Ordinance

-      ETWB TC 34/2002




The contaminated sediment shall not be disturbed after re-deposition. No piling works or deep foundation which may disturb the contaminated sediment is allowed within the cellular structures.

Re-deposition of Contaminated Sediment



Dredged Contaminated Sediment



-      Waste Disposal Ordinance

-      ETWB TC 34/2002


 Waste management (Construction Waste)

S12.6 of



The Contractor shall identify a coordinator for the management of waste.

Proper implementation of WMP


Contractor All construction sites

Construction stage



S12.6 of



The Contractor shall apply for and obtain the appropriate licenses for the disposal of public fill, chemical waste and effluent discharges.

Proper control of wastes disposal in accordance to relevant ordinances


All construction sites



-      Land (Miscellaneous Provisions) Ordinance (Cap28);

-      Waste Disposal Ordinance (Cap 354);

-      Dumping at Sea Ordinance (Cap 466);

-      Water Pollution Control Ordinance.


S12.6 of



EM&A of waste handling, storage, transportation, disposal procedures and documentation through the site audit programme shall be undertaken.

Ensure proper implementation mitigation measures stated in WMP


All construction sites


Construction stage


S8.3.8 of


S12.6 of



Construction and Demolition Material

The following mitigation measures should be implemented in handling the waste:

-          Maintain temporary stockpiles and reuse excavated fill material for backfilling and reinstatement;

-          Carry out on-site sorting;

-          Make provisions in the Contract documents to allow and promote the use of recycled aggregates where appropriate;

-          Adopt ¡¥Selective Demolition¡¦ technique to demolish the existing structures and facilities with a view to recovering broken concrete effectively for recycling purpose, where possible;

-          Implement a trip-ticket system for each works contract to ensure that the disposal of C&D materials are properly documented and verified;

-          Implement an enhanced Waste Management Plan similar to ETWBTC (Works) No. 19/2005 ¡V ¡§Environmental Management on Construction Sites¡¨ to encourage on-site sorting of C&D materials and to minimize their generation during the course of construction;

-          In addition, disposal of the C&D materials onto any sensitive locations such as agricultural lands, etc. should be avoided. The Contractor shall propose the final disposal sites to the Project Proponent and get its approval before implementation;

-          The surplus surcharge should be transferred to a fill bank.

Good site practice to minimize and recycle the C&D material as far as practicable so as to reduce the amount for final disposal


All construction site areas

Construction stage

-      Land (Miscellaneous Provisions) Ordinance

-      Waste Disposal Ordinance

-      ETWB TC 19/2005


S8.3.9 -

S8.3.11 of


S12.6 of



C&D Waste

-          Standard formwork or pre-fabrication should be used as far as practicable in order to minimise the arising of C&D materials. The use of more durable formwork or plastic facing for the construction works should be considered. Use of wooden hoardings should not be used, as in other projects.

-          Metal hoarding and falsework should be used to enhance the possibility of recycling. The purchasing of construction materials will be carefully planned in order to avoid over ordering and wastage.

-          The Contractor should recycle as much of the C&D materials as possible on-site. Public fill and C&D waste should be segregated and stored in different containers or skips to enhance reuse or recycling of materials and their proper disposal. Where practicable, concrete and masonry can be crushed and used as fill. Steel reinforcement bar can be used by scrap steel mills. Different areas of the sites should be considered for such segregation and storage.

Good site practice to minimize and recycle the C&D material as far as practicable so as to reduce the amount for final disposal


All construction sites

Construction stage

-      Land (Miscellaneous Provisions) Ordinance

-      Waste Disposal Ordinance

-      ETWB TC 19/2005


S8.2.12 -

S8.3.15 of


S12.6 of



Chemical Waste

-          Chemical waste that is produced, as defined by Schedule 1 of the Waste Disposal (Chemical Waste) (General) Regulation, should be handled in accordance with the Code of Practice on the Packaging, Labelling and Storage of Chemical Wastes.

-          Containers used for the storage of chemical wastes should be suitable for the substance they are holding, resistant to corrosion, maintained in a good condition, and securely closed; have a capacity of less than 450 litres unless the specification has been approved by the EPD; and display a label in English and Chinese in accordance with instructions prescribed in Schedule 2 of the regulation.

-          The storage area for chemical wastes should be clearly labelled and used solely for the storage of chemical waste; enclosed on at least 3 sides; have an impermeable floor and bunding of sufficient capacity to accommodate 110% of the volume of the largest container or 20 % of the total volume of waste stored in that area, whichever is the greatest; have adequate ventilation; covered to prevent rainfall entering; and arranged so that incompatible materials are adequately separated.

-          Disposal of chemical waste should be via a licensed waste collector; be to a facility licensed to receive chemical waste, such as the Chemical Waste Treatment Centre which also offers a chemical waste collection service and can supply the necessary storage containers; or be to a reuser of the waste, under approval from the EPD.

Control the chemical waste and ensure proper storage, handling and disposal.


All construction sites

Construction stage

-     Waste Disposal(Chemical Waste) General Regulation

-     Code of Practice on the Packaging, Labelling and Storage of Chemical Waste


S8.3.16 of


and S12.6 of




Adequate numbers of portable toilets should be provided for the workers. The portable toilets should be maintained in a state, which will not deter the workers from utilizing these portable toilets. Night soil should be collected by licensed collectors regularly.

Proper handling of sewage from worker to avoid odour, pest and litter impacts.


All construction sites

Construction stage

Waste Disposal Ordinance


S8.3.17 of


and S12.6 of



General Refuse

-          The site and surroundings shall be kept tidy and litter free. General refuse generated on-site should be stored in enclosed bins or compaction units separately from construction and chemical wastes.

-          A reputable waste collector should be employed by the Contractor to remove general refuse from the site, separately from construction and chemical wastes, on a daily basis to minimize odour, pest and litter impacts. Burning of refuse on construction sites is prohibited by law.

-          Aluminium cans are often recovered from the waste stream by individual collectors if they are segregated and made easily accessible. Separate labelled bins for their deposit should be provided if feasible.

-          Office wastes can be reduced through the recycling of paper if volumes are large enough to warrant collection. Participation in a local collection scheme should be considered by the Contractor. In addition, waste separation facilities for paper, aluminium cans, plastic bottles etc., should be provided.

-          Training should be provided to workers about the concepts of site cleanliness and appropriate waste management procedure, including reduction, reuse and recycling of wastes.

-          Sufficient dustbins shall be provided for storage of waste as required under the Public Cleansing and Prevention of Nuisances By-laws. In addition, general refuse shall be cleared daily and shall be disposed of to the nearest licensed landfill or refuse transfer station.

-          All waste containers shall be in a secure area on hardstanding.


Minimize production of the general refuse and avoid odour, pest and litter impacts.


All construction sites

Construction stage

Waste Disposal Ordinance



 Water Quality (Construction Phase)



Mitigation during the marine works to reduce impacts to within acceptable levels have been recommended and will comprise a series of measures that restrict the method and sequencing of dredging/backfilling, as well as protection measures. Details of the measures are provided below:

-          No dredging works of marine sediment shall be carried out the Project except for the construction of box culverts and seawalls at Portion D.

-          Reclamation filling for the Project shall not proceed until at least 200m of leading seawall at the reclamation area formed above +2.2mPD, unless otherwise agreement was obtained from EPD, except for the 300m gaps for marine access. All underwater filling works shall be carried out behind seawalls to avoid dispersion of suspended solids outside the Project limit;

-          Except for the filling of the cellular structures, not more than 15% public fill shall be used for reclamation filling below +2.5mPD during construction of the seawall;

-          After the seawall is completed except for the 300m marine access as indicated in the EPs, not more than 30% public fill shall be used for reclamation filling below +2.5mPD, unless otherwise agreement from EPD was obtained;

-          No more than 2 grab dredgers with a maximum daily dredging rate of 12,000m3 shall be employed for dredging operation at Portion D of the Project;

-          Upon completion of 200m leading seawall, no more than a total of 60 filling barge trips per day shall be made with a cumulative maximum daily filling rate of 60,000 m3 for HKBCF and TMCLKL southern landfall reclamation during the filling operation; and

-          Upon completion of the whole section of seawall except for the 300m marine access as indicated in the EPs, no more than a total of 190 filling barge trips per day shall be made with a cumulative maximum daily filling rate of 190,000 m3 for the remaining filling operations for HKBCF and TMCLKL southern landfall reclamation.

-          Closed grabs should be used for sediment dredging to reduce sediment loss when lifting the grabs to the barges. Only grab dredgers shall be used for dredging works of the Project;

-          All mechanical grabs shall be designed and maintained to avoid spillage;

-          The moving speed of construction vessels in the dredging area should be reduced to prevent disturbance to the seabed generating sediment plumes;

-          Floating type silt curtains shall be installed enclosing the entire reclamation site at all time. Staggered layers of silt curtain shall be provided to prevent sediment loss at navigation accesses. The length of each staggered layers shall be at least 200m;

-          The cage-type silt-curtain with steel enclosure is proposed to be installed to enclose local pollution caused by the grab dredging. The grab dredging work should be carried out within the cage-type silt curtain;

-          Single layer silt curtain to be applied around the North-east airport water intake;

-          The silt-curtains should be maintained in good condition to ensure the sediment plume generated from dredging and filling be confined effectively within the site boundary;

-          The dredging and filling works shall be scheduled to spread the works evenly over a working day;

-          Cellular structure shall be used for seawall construction;

-          A layer of geotextile shall be placed on top of the seabed before any filling activities take place inside the cellular structures to form the seawall;

-          The conveyor belts shall be fitted with windboards and conveyor release points shall be covered with curtain to prevent any spillage of filling materials onto the surrounding waters;

-          An additional layer of slit curtain shall be installed near the active stone column installation points. A layer of geotextile with stone blanket on top shall be placed on the seabed prior to stone column installation works. Stone blanket -> with silt curtain.



To control construction water quality

Contractor of Contract No. HY/2013/01

During dredging and filling

Construction stage



S9.11.1 - S9.11.1.2 of HKBCFEIA and S6.10 of TMCLKLEIAƒn



-  In addition, dredging operations should be undertaken in such a manner as to minimize resuspension of sediments. Standard good dredging practice measures should, therefore, be implemented including the following requirements which should be written into the dredging and filling contract.

1.     Trailer suction hopper dredgers shall not allow mud to overflow;

2.     Use of Lean Material Overboard (LMOB) systems shall be prohibited;

3.     Mechanical grabs shall be designed and maintained to avoid spillage and should seal tightly while being lifted;

4.     Barges and hopper dredgers shall have tight fitting seals to their bottom openings to prevent leakage of material;

5.     Any pipe leakages shall be repaired quickly. Plant should not be operated with leaking pipes;

6.     Loading of barges and hoppers shall be controlled to prevent splashing of dredged material to the surrounding water. Barges or hoppers shall not be filled to a level which will cause overflow of materials or pollution of water during loading or transportation;

7.     Excess material shall be cleaned from the decks and exposed fittings of barges and hopper dredgers before the vessel is moved;

8.     Adequate freeboard shall be maintained on barges to reduce the likelihood of decks being washed by wave action;

9.     All vessels shall be sized such that adequate clearance is maintained between vessels and the sea bed at all states of the tide to ensure that undue turbidity is not generated by turbulence from vessel movement or propeller wash;

10.  The works shall not cause foam, oil, grease, litter or other objectionable matter to be present in the water within and adjacent to the works site.

To control construction water quality


Contractor of Contract No. HY/2013/01

During dredging and filling


Construction Stage

-          TM-EIAO

-          Marine Fill Committee Guidelines

-          DASO Permits Conditions



S9.11.1.3 of HKBCFEIA and S6.10 of TMCLKLEIA




Land Works


General construction activities on land should also be governed by standard good working practice. Specific measures to be written into the works contracts should include:


-          wastewater from temporary site facilities should be controlled to prevent direct discharge to surface or marine waters;

-          sewage effluent and discharges from on-site kitchen facilities shall be directed to Government sewer in accordance with the requirements of the WPCO or collected for disposal offsite. The use of soakaways shall be avoided;

-          storm drainage shall be directed to storm drains via adequately designed sand/silt removal facilities such as sand traps, silt traps and sediment basins. Channels, earth bunds or sand bag barriers should be provided on site to properly direct stormwater to such silt removal facilities. Catchpits and perimeter channels should be constructed in advance of site formation works and earthworks;

-          silt removal facilities, channels and manholes shall be maintained and any deposited silt and grit shall be removed regularly, including specifically at the onset of and after each rainstorm;

-          temporary access roads should be surfaced with crushed stone or gravel;

-          rainwater pumped out from trenches or foundation excavations should be discharged into storm drains via silt removal facilities;

-          measures should be taken to prevent the washout of construction materials, soil, silt or debris into any drainage system;

-          open stockpiles of construction materials (e.g. aggregates and sand) on site should be covered with tarpaulin or similar fabric during rainstorms;

-          manholes (including any newly constructed ones) should always be adequately covered and temporarily sealed so as to prevent silt, construction materials or debris from getting into the drainage system, and to prevent storm run-off from getting into foul sewers;

-          discharges of surface run-off into foul sewers must always be prevented in order not to unduly overload the foul sewerage system;

-          all vehicles and plant should be cleaned before they leave the construction site to ensure that no earth, mud or debris is deposited by them on roads. A wheel washing bay should be provided at every site exit;

-          wheel wash overflow shall be directed to silt removal facilities before being discharged to the storm drain;

-          the section of construction road between the wheel washing bay and the public road should be surfaced with crushed stone or coarse gravel;

-          wastewater generated from concreting, plastering, internal decoration, cleaning work and other similar activities, shall be screened to remove large objects;

-          vehicle and plant servicing areas, vehicle wash bays and lubrication facilities shall be located under roofed areas. The drainage in these covered areas shall be connected to foul sewers via a petrol interceptor in accordance with the requirements of the WPCO or collected for off site disposal;

-          the contractors shall prepare an oil / chemical cleanup plan and ensure that leakages or spillages are contained and cleaned up immediately;

-          waste oil should be collected and stored for recycling or disposal, in accordance with the Waste Disposal Ordinance;

-          all fuel tanks and chemical storage areas should be provided with locks and be sited on sealed areas. The storage areas should be surrounded by bunds with a capacity equal to 110% of the storage capacity of the largest tank; and

-          surface run-off from bunded areas should pass through oil/grease traps prior to discharge to the stormwater system.


To control construction water qualityƒn



All land-based construction sites






S9.14 of HKBCFEIA and S6.10 of TMCLKLEIA



Implement a water quality monitoring programme


Control water quality


Contractor of Contract No. HY/2013/01

At identified

monitoring location

 During Construction stage

-      TM-water

-      Water Pollution Control Ordinance




Ecology (construction Phase)

S10.7 of


S8.14 of



-         Use closed grab in dredging works.

-         Install silt curtain during the construction.

-         Limit dredging and works fronts.

-         Construct seawall prior to reclamation filling where practicable.

-         Good site practices

-         Strict enforcement of no marine dumping.

-         Site runoff control

-         Spill response plan

Minimize marine water quality impacts


Seawall, reclamation






S10.7 of



Watering to reduce dust generation; prevention of siltation of freshwater habitats; Site runoff should be desilted, to reduce the potential for suspended sediments, organics and other contaminants to enter streams and standing freshwater.

Prevent Sedimentation from Land-based works areas


Land-based works


During construction



S10.7 of


S8.14 of



Good site practices, including strictly following the permitted works hours, using quieter machines where practicable, and avoiding excessive lightings during night time.

Prevent disturbance to terrestrial fauna and habitats


Land-based works


During construction



S10.7 of


S8.14 of



-          Dolphin Exclusion Zone

-          Dolphin watching plan

Minimize temporary marine habitat loss impact to dolphins


Marine works

During marine works



S10.7 of


S8.14 of



-         Decouple compressors and other equipment on working vessels

-         Proposal on design and implementation of acoustic decoupling

-         measures applied during dredging and reclamation works

-         Avoidance of percussive piling

Minimize marine noise impacts on dolphins


Marine works

During marine works

-       TM-EIAO

-       Marine Park Regulations


S10.7 of


S8.14 of



-         Control vessel speed

-         Skipper training

-         Predefined and regular routes for working vessels; avoid Brothers Islands

Minimize marine traffic disturbance on dolphins


Marine traffic

During marine works



S10.10 of


S8.14 of



Vessel based dolphin monitoring

Minimize marine traffic

disturbance on dolphins

Contractor of Contract No. HY/2013/01

Northeast and

Northwest Lantau

During marine works




S11.7 of



-         Reduce re-suspension of sediments

-         Limit dredging and works fronts.

-         Good site practices

Minimize marine water quality Impacts


Seawall, reclamation






S11.7 of



Install silt-grease trap in the drainage system collecting surface runoff

Minimize impacts on marine water quality impacts


Reclamation area

During construction



Landscape & Visual (Detailed Design Phase)

S14.3.3.1 of



General design measures include:

-          Roadside planting and planting along the edge of the reclamation is proposed;

-          Transplanting of mature trees in good health and amenity value where appropriate and reinstatement of areas disturbed during construction by compensatory hydro-seeding and planting;

-          Protection measures for the trees to be retained during construction activities;

-          Maximizing new tree, shrub and other vegetation planting to compensate tree felled and vegetation removed;

-          Providing planting area around peripheral of HKBCF for tree planting screening effect; and

-          Providing salt-tolerant native trees along the planter strip at affected seawall and newly reclaimed coastline.

Minimize visual & landscape impacts



Design Stage




Landscape & Visual (Construction Phase)

S14.3.3.3 of


S10.9 of



Mitigate Landscape Impacts

G1. Grass-hydroseed or sheeting bare soil surface and stock pile areas.

Minimize visual & landscape impacts


Portion D

Construction stage




G2. Add planting strip and automatic irrigation system if appropriate at some portions of bridge or footbridge to screen bridge and traffic.

Portion D



G3. For HKLR, providing aesthetic design on the viaduct, tunnel portals, at-grade roads and reclamation (e.g. subtle colour tone and slim form for viaduct, aesthetic design of the bridge form and its structural elements including the parapet, soffit, columns and so on and decorative urban design elements and lightings for the HKLR; featured form of tunnel portals, roadside planting along at-grade roads and landscape berm on & planting along edge of reclamation area) to beautify the HKLR alignment.



G4. For HKBCF, providing aesthetic architectural design on the related buildings (e.g. similar materials for PCB building facade to Airport buildings, roof planting and subtle materials for other facilities buildings and so on), and the related infrastructure (e.g. parapet planting and transparent cover for elevated footbridges) to provide harmonic atmosphere of the HKBCF

Portion D



G5. Vegetation reinstatement and upgrading to disturbed areas.


Not Yet Started

G6. Maximize new tree, shrub and other vegetation planting to compensate tree felled and vegetation removed.


Not Yet Started

G7. Provide planting area around peripheral of and within HKBCF and HKLR for tree screening buffer effect.


Not Yet Started

G8. Plant salt tolerant native tree and shrubs etc along the planter strip at affected seawall.

Shatin to Central Link (SCL) and Central Kowloon Route (CKR) projects



G9. Reserve of loose natural granite rocks for re-use.  Provide new coastline to adopt ¡§natural-look¡¨ by means of using armour rocks in the form of natural rock materials and planting strip area accommodating screen buffer to enhance ¡§natural-look¡¨ of the new coastline



Not Yet Started

S10.9 of



Mitigate Landscape Impacts

CM1. Existing trees on boundary of the Project Area shall be carefully protected during construction. Detailed Tree Protection Specification shall be provided in the Contract Specification. Under this specification, the Contractor shall be required to submit, for approval, a detailed working method statement for the protection of trees prior to undertaking any works adjacent to all retained trees, including trees in contractor¡¦s works areas. (Tree protection measures will be detailed at Tree Removal Application stage).


CM2. Trees unavoidably affected by the works shall be transplanted where practical. Trees will be transplanted straight to their final receptor site and not held in a temporary nursery. A detailed Tree Transplanting Specification shall be provided in the Contract Specification. Sufficient time for necessary tree root and crown preparation periods shall be allowed in the project programme.

CM7. Ensure no run-off into water body adjacent to the Project Area.

CM9. Recycle/Reuse all felled trees and vegetation, e.g. mulching.

Minimize landscape impact


All construction site areas





S14.3.3.3 of



Mitigate Visual Impacts

V1. Minimize time for construction activities during construction period.

Minimize visual & landscape impacts


All construction site areas

Construction stage



Mitigate Visual Impacts

V2. Provide screen hoarding at the portion of the project site/ works areas storage areas near VSRs who have close low- level views to the Project during HKBCF construction.


S10.9 of



Mitigate Visual Impacts

CM5. Screening of construction works by hoardings around works area in visually unobtrusive colors, to screen works.

CM6. Control night-time lighting and glare by hooding all lights.

CM8. Avoidance of excessive height and bulk of buildings and structures.

Minimize visual impact


All construction site areas

Construction stage




S15.2.2 of



An Independent Environmental Checker needs to be employed as per the EM&A Manual.

Control EM&A Performance

Project Proponent

All construction site areas

Construction stage

-          EIAO Guidance Note No. 4/2002

-          TM_EIAO


S15.5 -

S15.6 of



An Environmental Team needs to be employed as per the EM&A Manual.

Prepare a systematic Environmental Management Plan to ensure effective implementation of the mitigation measures.

An environmental impact monitoring needs to be implementing by the Environmental Team to ensure all the requirements given in the EM&A Manual are fully complied with.

Perform environmental monitoring & auditing


All construction site areas

Construction stage

-          EIAO Guidance Note No. 4/2002

-          TM_EIAO


Legend: V = implemented; x = not implemented; N/A = not applicable
















Appendix H



Statistics on Environmental Complaints, Notification of Summons and Successful Prosecutions



Statistics on Environmental Complaints, Notification of Summons and Successful Prosecutions



Reporting Period

Cumulative Statistic


Notifications of summons

Successful prosecutions

The reporting period




From commencement date of construction to end of reporting month




















Appendix I



Environmental Site Inspection Schedule


Contract No.: HY/2013/02

Hong Kong ¡V Zhuhai ¡V Macao Bridge

Hong Kong Boundary Crossing Facilities ¡V Infrastructure Works Stage I (Western Portion)


Schedule for Weekly Environmental Site Inspection


January 2018




















Environmental Site Inspection














Environmental Site Inspection














Environmental Site Inspection














Environmental Site Inspection





















Contract No.: HY/2013/02

Hong Kong ¡V Zhuhai ¡V Macao Bridge

Hong Kong Boundary Crossing Facilities ¡V Infrastructure Works Stage I (Western Portion)


Schedule for Weekly Environmental Site Inspection


February 2018




















Environmental Site Inspection














Environmental Site Inspection












Environmental Site Inspection
















Environmental Site Inspection


































Appendix J



Investigation Reports on Action Level or Limit Level Non-compliance

























Appendix K



Complaint Investigation Report