7.1          Site Inspection

7.1.1     Site audits were carried out by ET on weekly basis to monitor the implementation of proper environmental management practices and mitigation measures in the Project site.

7.1.2     The landscape work of green roof for Contract No. HY/2013/03 was commenced on 7 November 2017. Detail commencement date of each building were shown in Table 7.1. The implementation of mitigation measures for landscape and visual resources recommended in the EIA Report were monitored during the reporting period. Landscape and visual mitigation measures in accordance with the EP, EIA and EM&A Manual were implemented by the Contractor.

Table 7.1 Commencement date of green roof for each building

Building No. of Green Roof

Commencement dates of planting for roof greening


7 Nov 2017

7.1.3     The joint site audits for Contract No. HY/2013/03 (includes Contract No. HY/2013/06 within Contract No. HY/2013/03 works area) were conducted on 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30 November 2017 by the representatives of Engineer, Contractor, ET and IEC (IEC for 23 November 2017).

7.1.4     Particular observations during the site inspection and corrective actions undertaken by the Contractor are described below:

For Contract No. HY/2013/03

27 October 2017

1.      The Contractor was reminded to remove general waste accumulated at Building 049. Subsequently, general waste was removed. The observation was closed on 2 November 2017.

2.      The Contractor was reminded to provide NRMN label to the mobile crane at Box Culvert B. Subsequently, NRMN label d. The observation was closed on 2 November 2017.

2 November 2017

1.      The Contractor was reminded to remove general waste accumulated at Building 040. Subsequently, construction waste was removed. The observation was closed on 9 November 2017.

            9 November 2017

1.        The Contractor was reminded to remove general waste accumulated at Building 027. Subsequently, general waste was removed. The observation was closed on 16 November 2017.

            16 November 2017

1.      The Contractor was reminded to remove general waste accumulated at Portion K and Building 048. Subsequently, general waste was removed. The observation was closed on 23 November 2017.

23 November 2017

1.      The Contractor was reminded to remove general waste accumulated at Building 030. Subsequently, general waste was removed. The observation was closed on 30 November 2017.

30 November 2017

1.      The Contractor was reminded to provide drop tray for the oil drum beside Building 049. Follow-up actions for outstanding observation will be checked in the upcoming site inspections and reported in the coming reporting period.

For Contract No. HY/2013/06 within Contract No. HY/2013/03 works area

2 October 2017

1. Nil findings.

9 October 2017

1. Nil findings.

16 October 2017

1. Nil findings.

            23 October 2017

1.  Nil findings.

            30 October 2017

1.  Nil findings.

7.2          Advice on the Solid and Liquid Waste Management Status

7.2.1     The Contractor of Contract No. HY/2013/03 registered as a chemical waste producer for the Contract. Sufficient numbers of receptacles were available for general refuse collection and sorting.

7.2.2      The monthly summary of waste flow table for Contract No. HY/2013/03 (includes Contract No. HY/2013/06 within Contract No. HY/2013/03 works area) are detailed in Appendix E.

7.2.3     Contract No. HY/2013/03 has been assigned to arrange for delivery of surplus filling materials from Contract No. HY/2013/03 to other projects, including Tuen Mun - Chek Lap Kok Link (TM-CLKL) project of HZMB, the Airport Authority Hong Kong¨s Three Runway (3RS) Project, Wan Chai Development Phase II project, Contract No. HY/2013/02 of HKBCF and Hong Kong Link Road (HKLR) project of HZMB. The estimated quantity of surplus filling materials is confirmed by Resident Site Staff of Contract No. HY/2013/03. The summary of surplus filling materials delivered to other projects up to the end of October 2017 is shown in Table 7.1.

Table 7.1 Summary of Surplus Filling Materials Delivered from Contract No. HY/2013/03 to other projects


Density (in tonnes/m3)

Quantity disposed (in `000m3)

To HY/2013/02

To TM-CLKL Project

To 3RS Project

To WDII Project

To HKLR Project


May 2017








June 2017








July 2017








August 2017








September 2017








October 2017








November 2017

















ž   The variation in density is due to different compositions of surplus filling materials

ž  There may be discrepancies in the total quantities with the quantities of inert C&D materials stated in Appendix E and section 7.2.4, due to rounding errors

ž  No density was given for October 2017 due to the direct volume figures as provided and confirmed by the RSS

7.2.4     0.000 (in`000m3) of excavated marine sediment (from Contract No. HY/2013/03), 12.476 (in`000m3) of Inert C & D Wastes and 1.750 (in`000m3) of Non-inert C & D Wastes were generated (from Contract No. HY/2013/03) in this reporting period. 10.191 (in`000m3) of Inert C & D Wastes were reused in other projects and 1.557 (in`000m3) of Inert C & D Wastes was disposed as public fill. Non-Inert C & D Wastes and 0.050 (in tonnes) of Non-inert C & D Wastes were generated (from Contract No. HY/2013/06 within Contract No. HY/2013/03 works area) in this reporting period. 0.030 (in tonnes) metals were generated and recycled (from Contract No. HY/2013/06 within Contract No. HY/2013/03 works area) in this reporting period.

7.2.5     The excavated marine mud from the land-based works was disposed of at the designated disposal sites within Hong Kong as allocated by the Marine Fill Committee. The Contractor of Contract No. HY/2013/03 shall ensure no spilling and overflowing of materials during loading / unloading / transportation is allowed.

7.2.6     The Contractor was reminded that chemical waste containers should be properly treated and stored temporarily in designated chemical waste storage area on site in accordance with the Code of Practice on the Packing, Labelling and Storage of Chemical Waste.

7.2.7     Contractor of Contract No. HY/2013/03¨s site arrangement for disposal of bentonite slurry to Tseung Kwan O Area 137 Fill Bank was checked by ET and formal consent has been obtained from Tseung Kwan O Area 137 Fill Bank for receiving used bentonite slurry generated from Contract No. HY/2013/03.

7.3          Environmental Licenses and Permits

7.3.1     The valid environmental licenses and permits for Contract No. HY/2013/03 (includes Contract No. HY/2013/06 within Contract No. HY/2013/03 works area) during the reporting period are summarized in Appendix F. The Contractor of Contract No. HY/2013/06 was advised to register as a chemical waste producer when chemical waste is expected to generate for the foreseeable future from the operations (For Registration as Waste Producer Pursuant to Waste Disposal (Chemical Waste) (General) Regulation).

7.4          Implementation Status of Environmental Mitigation Measures

7.4.1     In response to the site audit findings, the Contractor carried out corrective actions.

7.4.2     A summary of the Implementation Schedule of Environmental Mitigation Measures (EMIS) is presented in Appendix G. All necessary mitigation measures at this stage of works were implemented properly.

7.4.3     Implementation status of Regular Marine Travel Route Plan (RMTRP) was checked by ET. Training of marine travel route for marine vessels operator was given to relevant staff and relevant records were kept properly. The marine traffic records and geographical plots of all the vessels tracks to demonstrate the conformance of the vessel to the proposed route in November 2017 would be provided to ER, ETL, IEC/ENPO for checking within the month of December 2017.

7.4.4     With respect to condition 3.26A of EP-353/2009/K approved by EPD on 11 April 2016, the numbers and operating periods of floating grout production facilities and floating concrete batching plants on-site to review on the compliance to this EP condition were checked. Under Contract No. HY/2013/03, no floating concrete batching plant was operated on-site during the reporting period.

7.4.5     As silt curtain was installed since May 2017, Dolphin Watching Plan (DWP) should be implemented. The status of silt curtain was reviewed by ET and there was no change on the status of silt curtain during the reporting period. Implementation status of DWP was checked by ET. The records of dolphin watching training, regular inspection of the silt curtains and visual inspection of waters surrounded by the silt curtain in November 2017 would be provided to ER, ETL, IEC/ENPO for checking within the month of December 2017.

7.5          Summary of Exceedance of the Environmental Quality Performance Limit

7.5.1      Summary of Action and Limit Level exceedance of 1-hr TSP level and 24-hr TSP level at AMS6 shall be referred to the monthly EM&A report prepared by Contract No. HY/2011/03.

7.5.2      There was no Action and Limit Level exceedance of 1-hr TSP level and 24-hr TSP level recorded at station AMS7 by the Environmental Team of Contract No. HY/2013/01 during the reporting period.

7.5.3      There was no Action and Limit Level exceedance for noise recorded at station NMS2 and station NMS3B by the Environmental Team of Contract No. HY/2013/01 during the reporting period.

7.5.4      There were Action and Limit Level exceedances of suspended solids, turbidity and dissolved oxygen recorded on seven days by the Environmental Team of Contract No. HY/2013/01 during reporting period. After investigation, it was concluded that all exceedances were not relevant to Contract No. HY/2013/03. There was no Action and Limit Level exceedance recorded on other monitoring dates at the monitoring stations shown as shown at Table 4.1 by the Environmental Team of Contract No. HY/2013/01 during the reporting period.

7.5.5      Ecological monitoring results at all transects are reported in the EM&A report prepared by Contract No. HY/2013/01.

7.6          Summary of Complaints, Notification of Summons and Successful Prosecution

7.6.1      There was one complaint received in relation to the environmental impact during the reporting period. The summary of environmental complaints is presented in Table 7.2. The details of cumulative statistics of Environmental Complaints are provided in Appendix H.

Table 7.2 Summary of Environmental Complaints for the Reporting Month

Log No.

Environmental Complaint Ref. No.

Date of Complaint Receipt




23 November 2017

Air pollution

7.6.2      The complaint (ENPO-C0127) was received by EPD from a member of the public on 27 October 2017 and was referred by EPD to the ENPO. Then the ENPO forwarded the complaint by email to the ET (Materialab Consulants Ltd.) of the Contract No. HY/2013/03 on 27 October 2017.

Details of Complaint

            One complaint was received by EPD on 27 October 2017, with the following information provided by EPD:

The complainant complained about the construction site C3 of HZMB artificial island. The construction site discharged muddy water into open waters which lasted for a week. The complainant required EPD to follow up and reply.

            Investigation of Complaint

Date Complaint Investigated by Environmental Team: 30 October 2017

Summary of Investigation

After liaising with CHEC and the operation team, it cannot be identified if the location mentioned in the complaint is under HY/2013/03 or not. As there are construction sites which under other contracts of HZMB.

Notwithstanding the above, interview was conducted on 30 October 2017 with Mr. Marko Chan, Environmental Officer of CHEC. Only the works area of Box Culvert B was adjoining open waters. There was no discharge activities during the complained period. Wastewater will be treated properly before discharge. Water sampling will also be conducted regularly to monitor water quality. There was SS exceedance recorded at the WQM station IS(Mf)11 close to the works area Box Culvert B during the complained period. During the site walk conducted on 27 October 2017, the discharge point located in the construction site of Box Culvert B has been visited. It was connected to two tanks in Sewage Treatment Plant which carried underground water pumped out. Water was being treated before discharge. By observation, the water discharged from the discharge point and water discharge to the tanks looked clear.

Investigation Results

Base on the above, the ET of Contract No. HY/2013/03 cannot conclude that the captioned complaint is related to the construction activities of our contract. Nevertheless, the Contractor had been reminded to comply with the requirements stipulated in the Environmental Mitigation Implementation Schedule (EMIS) of the EM&A Manual, in particular:

l   Water Quality:


1. barges  and  hopper  dredgers shall  have  tight fitting seals  to  their  bottom openings to prevent leakage of material;

2. any pipe leakages shall be repaired quickly. Plant should not be operated with leaking pipes;

3. loading of barges and hoppers shall be controlled to prevent splashing of dredged material to the surrounding water. Barges or hoppers shall not be filled to a level which will cause overflow of materials or pollution of water during loading or transportation;

4. excess material  shall  be cleaned from the  decks  and  exposed fittings  of barges and hopper dredgers before the vessel is moved;

5. adequate freeboard shall  be maintained on barges to reduce the likelihood of decks being washed by wave action; and

6. all  vessels  shall  be  sized  such  that  adequate  clearance  is  maintained between vessels and the sea bed at all states of the tide to ensure that undue turbidity is not  generated by turbulence from vessel movement or propeller wash.


1. wastewater from temporary site facilities should be controlled to prevent direct discharge to surface or marine waters;

2. storm drainage shall be directed to storm drains via adequately designed sand/silt removal facilities such as sand traps, silt traps and sediment basins. Channels, earth bunds or sand bag barriers should be provided on site to properly direct stormwater to such silt removal facilities. Catchpits and perimeter channels should be constructed in advance of site formation works and earthworks;

3. silt removal facilities, channels and manholes shall be maintained and any deposited silt and grit shall be removed regularly, including specifically at the onset of and after each rainstorm;

4. rainwater pumped out from trenches or foundation excavations should be discharged into storm drains via silt removal facilities;

5. measures should be taken to prevent the washout of construction materials, soil, silt or debris into any drainage system;

6. open stockpiles of construction materials (e.g. aggregates and sand) on site should be covered with tarpaulin or similar fabric during rainstorms;

7. discharges of surface run-off into foul sewers must always be prevented in order not to unduly overload the foul sewerage system;

8. surface run-off from bunded areas should pass through oil/grease traps prior to discharge to the stormwater system.

Follow up status (complaints)

During weekly site audit on 6, 12, 19 and 27 October 2017, ET confirmed that the Contractor had provided workable and effective water quality mitigation measures on site.

Recommendations to the Contractor

The Contractor was reminded to continue to fully implement all water quality mitigation measures and comply with the requirements of Water Discharge License.

Follow up Status (Overall)

The captioned complaint is not considered valid and therefore, no additional follow up is needed. However, ET has proposed several recommendations to the Contractor, and reminded on complying with the requirements stipulated in the Environmental Mitigation Implementation Schedule (EMIS) of the EM&A Manual. According to site audit conducted recently, ET confirmed all mitigation measures stipulated in the EMIS had been implemented during site audit on 6, 12, 19 and 27 October 2017, in particular to the following aspect:

Water Quality:


    Barges  and  hopper  dredgers shall  have  tight fitting seals  to  their  bottom openings to prevent leakage of material;

    Any pipe leakages shall be repaired quickly. Plant should not be operated with leaking pipes;

    Loading of barges and hoppers shall be controlled to prevent splashing of dredged material to the surrounding water. Barges or hoppers shall not be filled to a level which will cause overflow of materials or pollution of water during loading or transportation;

    Excess material  shall  be cleaned from the  decks  and  exposed fittings  of barges and hopper dredgers before the vessel is moved;

    Adequate freeboard shall  be maintained on barges to reduce the likelihood of decks being washed by wave action; and

    All  vessels  shall  be  sized  such  that  adequate  clearance  is  maintained between vessels and the sea bed at all states of the tide to ensure that undue turbidity is not  generated by turbulence from vessel movement or propeller wash.


    wastewater from temporary site facilities should be controlled to prevent direct discharge to surface or marine waters;

    storm drainage shall be directed to storm drains via adequately designed sand/silt removal facilities such as sand traps, silt traps and sediment basins. Channels, earth bunds or sand bag barriers should be provided on site to properly direct stormwater to such silt removal facilities. Catchpits and perimeter channels should be constructed in advance of site formation works and earthworks;

    silt removal facilities, channels and manholes shall be maintained and any deposited silt and grit shall be removed regularly, including specifically at the onset of and after each rainstorm;

    rainwater pumped out from trenches or foundation excavations should be discharged into storm drains via silt removal facilities;

    measures should be taken to prevent the washout of construction materials, soil, silt or debris into any drainage system;

    open stockpiles of construction materials (e.g. aggregates and sand) on site should be covered with tarpaulin or similar fabric during rainstorms;

    discharges of surface run-off into foul sewers must always be prevented in order not to unduly overload the foul sewerage system;

    surface run-off from bunded areas should pass through oil/grease traps prior to discharge to the stormwater system.

7.6.3      The complaint (ENPO-C0128) was received by EPD from a member of the public on 23 November 2017 and was referred by EPD to the ENPO. Then the ENPO forwarded the complaint by email to the ET (Materialab Consulants Ltd.) of the Contract No. HY/2013/03 on 23 November 2017.

Details of Complaint

            One complaint was received by EPD on 23 November 2017, with the following information provided by EPD:

The complainant complained that the watering on the construction site is not evenly, resulting in a lot of dust spreading around, especially construction area near toll kiosks.

Investigation of Complaint

Date Complaint Investigated by Environmental Team: 24 November 2017

Summary of Investigation

Interview was conducted on 24 November 2017 with Mr. Marko Chan, Environmental Officer of CHEC and site management. It was confirmed that watering was undertaken on all exposed spoil with at least 8 times per day except rainy days.

Investigation Results

The ET of Contract No. HY/2013/03 (including Contract No. HY/2013/06 within Contract No. HY/2013/03) concluded that the captioned complaint is not related to the construction activities of our contract. Nevertheless, ET has recommended the Contractor to remind workers to report dusty spots to contractor to ensure prompt response and necessary follow-up on dust suppression measures through the complaint hotline. The Contractor had also been reminded to fulfil the conditions set out in the EP, in particular:

               Condition 3.23:

The Permit Holder shall undertake watering at least 8 times per day on all exposed soil within the Project site and associated work areas throughout the construction phase.

The Contractor had also been reminded to comply with the requirements stipulated in the Environmental Mitigation Implementation Schedule (EMIS) of the EM&A Manual, in particular:

               Air Quality:

A3: The Contractor should undertake proper watering on all exposed spoil (with at least 8 times per day) throughout the construction phase.

Follow up status (complaints)

During weekly site audit on 2, 9 16 and 23 November 2017, ET confirmed that the Contractor had fulfilled the conditions set out in the EP including Condition 3.23 and provided workable and effective air quality mitigation measures on site including undertaking proper watering on all exposed spoil (with at least 8 times per day) throughout the construction phase.

Recommendations to the Contractor

The Contractor had been reminded to fully fulfil the conditions set out in the EP and implement all air quality mitigation measures. ET has also recommended the Contractor to remind workers to report dusty spots to contractor to ensure prompt response and necessary follow-up on dust suppression measures through the complaint hotline.

Follow up Status (Overall)

The captioned complaint is not valid and therefore, no additional follow up is needed. However, ET has proposed recommendations to the Contractor, including reminding workers to report dusty spots to contractor to ensure prompt response and necessary follow-up on dust suppression measures through the complaint hotline, and reminded the Contractor on fulfilling the conditions in the EP and complying with the requirements stipulated in the Environmental Mitigation Implementation Schedule (EMIS) of the EM&A Manual to the Contractor. According to site audit conducted recently, ET confirmed all conditions of the EP had been fulfilled and all mitigation measures stipulated in the EMIS had been implemented during site audit on 2, 9 16 and 23 November 2017 and will keep checking their implementation status during the future site audit, in particular to the following aspect:

                  Air Quality:

A3: The Contractor should undertake proper watering on all exposed spoil (with at least 8 times per day) throughout the construction phase.

7.6.4      There was no notification for summons or prosecutions received in relation to the environmental impact during this reporting period.

7.6.5      Statistics on environmental complaints, notifications of summons and successful prosecutions are provided in Appendix H.