This Monthly Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A) Report is prepared for Contract No. HY/2013/03 ¡§Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Hong Kong Boundary Crossing Facilities ¡V Vehicle Clearance Plazas and Ancillary Buildings and Facilities¡¨ (includes the construction works of Contract No. HY/2013/06 ¡§Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Hong Kong Boundary Crossing Facilities ¡V Automatic Vehicle Clearance Support System¡¨ within Contract No. HY/2013/03 works area) (hereafter referred to as ¡§the Contract¡¨) for the Highways Department of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR). Contract No. HY/2013/03 was awarded to China Harbour Engineering Co. Limited (construction works of Contract No. HY/2013/06 was awarded to ATAL Technologies Limited within Contract No. HY/2013/03 works area) (hereafter referred to as ¡§the Contractor¡¨) and MateriaLab Consultants Limited (MCL) was appointed as the Environmental Team (ET) by the Contractor.

Contract No. HY/2013/03 (includes the construction works of Contract No. HY/2013/06 within Contract No. HY/2013/03 works area) is part of the ¡§Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Hong Kong Boundary Crossing Facilities¡¨ (HZMB HKBCF) Project which is a ¡§Designated Project¡¨ under Schedule 2 of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Ordinance (Cap. 499) and for which an EIA Report (Register No. AEIAR-145/2009) was prepared and approved. The current Environmental Permit (EP) for HKBCF, namely No. EP-353/2009/K, was issued on 11 April 2016. These documents are available through the EIA Ordinance Register.

Commencement of Contract No. HY/2013/03 took place on 10 April 2015 while the construction works and the EM&A programme of Contract No. HY/2013/03 commenced on 29 August 2015 (commencement of Contract No. HY/2013/06 took place on 14 August 2015 while the construction works and the EM&A programme of Contract No. HY/2013/06 within Contract No. HY/2013/03 works area commenced on 13 September 2016).

MateriaLab Consultants Limited (MCL) has been appointed by the Contractor to implement the Environmental Monitoring & Audit (EM&A) programme for the Contract in accordance with the Updated EM&A Manual for HKBCF (Version 1.0) and will be providing environmental team services for the Contract.

This is the 38th Monthly EM&A Report for the Contract which summaries findings of the EM&A programme during the reporting period from 1 October 2018 to 31 October 2018 (includes the findings of the EM&A programme of Contract No. HY/2013/06 within Contract No. HY/2013/03 works area during the reporting period from 1 October 2018 to 31 October 2018) (the ¡§reporting period¡¨). The monthly EM&A programme was undertaken in accordance with the Updated EM&A Manual for HKBCF (Version 1.0). It should be noted that the air quality and noise monitoring works for the Contract are covered by Contract No. HY/2013/04 ¡§Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge HKBCF ¡V Passenger Clearance Building¡¨ and Contract No. HY/2011/03 ¡§Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Hong Kong Link Road ¡V Section between Scenic Hill and HKBCF¡¨. The ET of the Contract or another ET of the HZMB project is required to conduct impact air quality monitoring at AMS2, AMS3B, AMS6 and AMS7B, noise monitoring at NMS2 and NMS3B, water quality monitoring at the locations shown in Figure 3 and ecological monitoring as shown in Figure 4 as part of EM&A programme if these monitoring stations are no longer covered under Contract No. HY/2013/04 and HY/2011/03. However, this is subject to ENPO¡¦s final decision on which ET should carry out the monitoring work at these stations.

The dates of site inspection for Contract No. HY/2013/03 (includes Contract No. HY/2013/06 within Contract No. HY/2013/03 works area) during the reporting period are listed below:

Environmental Site Inspection: 4, 11, 18 and 25 October 2018.

Breaches of Action and Limit Levels

Summary of Action and Limit Level exceedance of 1-hr TSP level and 24-hr TSP level at AMS6 shall be referred to the monthly EM&A report prepared by Contract No. HY/2011/03.

There was no Action and Limit Level exceedance recorded on other monitoring dates at station AMS2, AMS3B and AMS7B by the Environmental Team of Contract No. HY/2013/04 during the reporting period.

There was no Action and Limit Level exceedance for noise recorded at station NMS2 and station NMS3B by the Environmental Team of Contract No. HY/2013/04 during the reporting period.

There were Action and Limit Level exceedance for water quality recorded on two days by the Environmental Team of Contract No. HY/2013/04 during reporting period. After investigation, it was concluded that all exceedances were not relevant to Contract No. HY/2013/03. There was no Action and Limit Level exceedance recorded on other monitoring dates at the monitoring stations shown as shown at Table 4.1 by the Environmental Team of Contract No. HY/2013/04 during the reporting period.

Ecological monitoring results at all transects are reported in the EM&A report prepared by Contract No. HY/2013/04.

Complaint Log

There was no complaint received in relation to the environmental impact during the reporting period.

Notifications of Summons and Successful Prosecutions

There was no notifications of summons or prosecutions received during this reporting period.

Reporting Changes

The Contract taking up the impact air quality monitoring at AMS2, AMS3B, AMS6 and AMS7B, noise monitoring at NMS2 and NMS3B, water quality monitoring at the locations shown in Figure 3 and ecological monitoring as shown in Figure 4 has been changed from Contract No. HY/2013/01 to HY/2013/04.

Future Key Issues

The future key issues to be undertaken in the upcoming month are:

For Contract No. HY/2013/03

1.       Maintenance Works at All Site Area;

For Contract No. HY/2013/06 within Contract No. HY/2013/03 works area

1.       Defect fixing, System Testing & commissioning at Vehicle Kiosk & Building 037