9.            CONCLUSIONS

9.1         Commencement of Contract No. HY/2013/03 took place on 10 April 2015. The commencement date for construction works and the EM&A programme of Contract No. HY/2013/03 commenced on 29 August 2015 (commencement of Contract No. HY/2013/06 took place on 14 August 2015. The commencement date for construction works and the EM&A programme of Contract No. HY/2013/06 commenced on 13 September 2016 within Contract No. HY/2013/03 works area).

9.2         Summary of Action and Limit Level exceedance of 1-hr TSP level and 24-hr TSP level at AMS6 shall be referred to the monthly EM&A report prepared by Contract No. HY/2011/03.

9.3         There was no Action and Limit Level exceedance of 1-hr TSP level and 24-hr TSP level recorded at station AMS2, AMS3C and AMS7B by the Environmental Team of Contract No. HY/2013/04 during the reporting period.

9.4         There was no Action and Limit Level exceedance for noise recorded at station NMS2 and NMS3C by the Environmental Team of Contract No. HY/2013/04 during the reporting period.

9.5         Summary of Action and Limit Level exceedance of water quality at the monitoring stations shown as shown at Table 4.1 shall be referred to the monthly EM&A report prepared by Contract No. HY/2013/04.

9.6         There were Action Level exceedance of water quality recorded on two days by the Environmental Team of Contract No. HY/2013/04 during reporting period. After investigation, it was concluded that all exceedances were not relevant to Contract No. HY/2013/03. There was no Action and Limit Level exceedance recorded on other monitoring dates at the monitoring stations shown as shown at Table 4.1 by the Environmental Team of Contract No. HY/2013/04 during the reporting period.

9.7         Ecological monitoring results at all transects are reported in the EM&A report prepared by Contract No. HY/2013/04.

9.8         No site inspection except for bi-monthly landscape establishment monitoring was carried out during the reporting period as all the sections under Contract No. HY/2013/03 and HY/2013/06 were handed over to the relevant authorities on 24 October 2018 and the site had been changed to a closed area.

9.9         The Bi-monthly Landscape Monitoring Report is shown in Appendix H.

9.10       There was no complaint received in relation to the environmental impact during the report period.

9.11       There were no notifications of summons or prosecutions received during the reporting period.