2.1       Summary of EM&A Requirements


2.1.1    The EM&A programme was undertaken in accordance with the Updated EM&A Manual for HKBCF (Version 1.0). It should be noted that the air quality and noise monitoring works for the Contract are covered by Contract No. HY/2010/02 “Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge HKBCF – Reclamation Works” and Contract No. HY/2011/03 “Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Hong Kong Link Road – Section between Scenic Hill and HKBCF”. The ET of the Contract or another ET of the HZMB project is required to conduct impact air quality monitoring at AMS6 and AMS7 and noise monitoring at NMS2 and NMS3B as part of EM&A programme if these monitoring stations are no longer covered under Contract Nos. HY/2010/02 and HY/2011/03. However, this is subject to ENPO’s final decision on which ET should carry out the monitoring work at these stations.


2.1.2    A summary of air and noise monitoring locations are presented in Table 2.1. The location of air quality and noise monitoring stations are shown as in Figure 1 and Figure 2, respectively.


            Table 2.1 Air Quality and Noise Monitoring Locations

Environmental Monitoring

Identification No.

Location Description

Air Quality


Dragonair/CNAC (Group) Building (A80)


Hong Kong SkyCity Marriott Hotel



Seaview Crescent

NMS3B(2) (3)

Site Boundary of Site Office Area at WA2


(1)    The ET of this Contract should conduct impact air quality monitoring at the AMS listed in the table as part of EM&A programme according to latest notification from ENPO when the monitoring station(s) is/are no longer covered by another ET of the HZMB project.

(2)    The ET of this Contract should conduct impact noise monitoring at the NMS listed in the table as part of EM&A programme according to the latest notification from ENPO when the monitoring station(s) is/are no longer covered by another ET of the HZMB project.

(3)    The Action and Limit Levels for schools will be applied for this alternative monitoring location.


2.2       Monitoring Requirements


2.2.1    The monitoring requirements, monitoring equipment, monitoring parameters, frequency and duration, monitoring methodology, monitoring schedule, meteorological information are detailed in the monthly EM&A Reports prepared for Contract Nos. HY/2010/02 and HY/2011/03.


2.3       Action and Limit Levels


2.3.1    The Action and Limit Levels for 1-hr TSP and 24-hr TSP are provided in Table 2.2 and Table 2.3 respectively.


            Table 2.2 Action and Limit Levels for 1-hour TSP

Monitoring Station

Action Level (µg/m³)

Limit Level (µg/m³)







Table 2.3 Action and Limit Levels for 24-hour TSP

Monitoring Station

Action Level (µg/m³)

Limit Level (µg/m³)







2.3.2    If exceedance(s) at these stations is/are recorded by the ET of the Contract or referred by the other ET under the HZMB project to the Contract, the ET of the Contract will carry out an investigation and findings will be reported in the quarterly EM&A Report.


2.3.3    The Action and Limit Levels for construction noise are defined in Table 2.4.


            Table 2.4 Action and Limit Level for Construction Noise

Monitoring Station

Action Level

Limit Level

For the Time Period 0700-1900 hrs. on Normal Weekdays


When one documented complaint is received

75.0 dB (A) Leq (30 min.)


70.0 dB (A) Leq (30 min.)*


If works are to be carried out during restricted hours, the conditions stipulated in the construction noise permit issued by the Noise Control Authority have to be followed.

                * Reduce to 70 dB(A) for schools and 65 dB(A) during school examination period.


2.3.4    If exceedance(s) at these stations is/are recorded by the ET of the Contract or referred by the other ET under the HZMB project to the Contract, the ET of the Contract will carry out an investigation and findings will be reported in the quarterly EM&A Report.


2.4       Event and Action Plans


2.4.1    The event and action plans for air quality and noise are provided in Appendix D.


2.5       Mitigation Measures


2.5.1   Environmental mitigation measures for the contract were recommended in the approved EIA Report. Appendix E lists the recommended mitigation measures and the implementation status.