4.1          Summary of Exceedance of the Environmental Quality Performance Limit


4.1.1      Summary of Action and Limit Level exceedance of 1-hr TSP level and 24-hr TSP level at AMS6 is reported in the monthly EM&A Reports (for September 2018, October 2018 and November 2018) prepared by Contract No. HY/2011/03.

4.1.2      There was no Action and Limit Level exceedance of 1-hr TSP level and 24-hr TSP level recorded at station AMS2 and AMS7B by the Environmental Team of Contract No. HY/2013/01 (for September 2018). There was no Action and Limit Level exceedance of 1-hr TSP level and 24-hr TSP level recorded at station AMS3C by the Environmental Team of Contract No. HY/2013/04 (for September 2018). There was no Action and Limit Level exceedance of 1-hr TSP level and 24-hr TSP level recorded at station AMS2, AMS3C and AMS7B by the Environmental Team of Contract No. HY/2013/04 (for October 2018 and November 2018).

4.1.3      There was no Action and Limit Level exceedance for noise recorded at station NMS2 by the Environmental Team of Contract No. HY/2013/01 (for September 2018). There was no Action and Limit Level exceedance for noise recorded at station NMS3C by the Environmental Team of Contract No. HY/2013/04 (for September 2018). There was no Action and Limit Level exceedance for noise recorded at station NMS2 and station NMS3C by the Environmental Team of Contract No. HY/2013/04 (for October 2018 and November 2018).

4.1.4      There were Action and Limit Level exceedances recorded at different WQM stations recorded on eleven days during the reporting period.

The monitoring and investigation results for the monitoring stations showed in Table 2.2 are reported in the monthly EM&A Report prepared for Contract No. HY/2013/01 (for September 2018). The monitoring and investigation results for the monitoring stations showed in Table 2.2 are reported in the monthly EM&A Report prepared for Contract No. HY/2013/04 (for October 2018 and November 2018).

There was no Action and Limit Level exceedance recorded on other monitoring dates at the monitoring stations shown as shown at Table 2.2 by the Environmental Team of Contract No. HY/2013/01 (for September 2018). There was no Action and Limit Level exceedance recorded on other monitoring dates at the monitoring stations shown as shown at Table 2.2 by the Environmental Team of Contract No. HY/2013/04 (for October 2018 and November 2018).

Although the exceedances were not relevant to Contract No. HY/2013/03, the Contractor was reminded to continue to fully maintain all water quality mitigation measures and prevent any water quality impact to seawater.

4.1.5      Ecological monitoring results at all transects are reported in the EM&A report (for September 2018) prepared by Contract No. HY/2013/01. Ecological monitoring results at all transects are reported in the EM&A report (for October 2018 and November 2018) prepared by Contract No. HY/2013/04.

4.2          Summary of Complaints, Notification of Summons and Successful Prosecution

4.2.1      There were no complaints received in relation to the environmental impact during the reporting period. The details of cumulative statistics of Environmental Complaints are provided in Appendix I.

4.2.2      No notification of summons or prosecutions was received during the reporting period.

4.2.3      Statistics on notifications of summons and successful prosecutions are summarized in Appendix I.