Certified by Environmental Team Leader


Verified by Independent Environmental Checker



Contract No. HY/2013/04 HZMB HKBCF – Infrastructure Works Stage II (Southern Portion)


Final EM&A Review Report


September 2020




China State Construction Engineering (Hong Kong) Limited




Mott MacDonald

3/F International Trade Tower

348 Kwun Tong Road


Hong Kong


T +852 2828 5757

F +852 2827 1823































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 Executive summary                                                                                 1

1      Background                                                                                       3

2      Project Organisation                                                                          6

3      Works Undertaken in the Reporting Period                                         7

4      Summary of EM&A Requirements                                                      8

5      Environmental Mitigation Measures                                                  13

5.1   Introduction                                                                                                13

5.2   Site Inspection                                                                                            13

5.3   Landscape Establishment Monitoring                                                           14

6      Status of Environmental Protection and Pollution Control Environmental Mitigation Measures                                                  15

7      Impact Monitoring Results                                                                17

7.1   Summary of Monitoring Results                                                                   17

7.2   Weather Conditions                                                                                    19

7.3   Major Sources of Environmental Impacts                                                      21

8      Summary of Non-compliance (Exceedances)                                   22

9      Review of Reasons for and the Implications of Non-compliance        24

9.1   Air Quality Exceedance                                                                               24

9.2   Water Quality Exceedance                                                                          27

9.3   Chinese White Dolphin Exceedance                                                            31

10    Record on Environmental Complaints Received / Notification of Summons and Successful Prosecution                                             37

10.1  Overall Summary                                                                                        37

10.2  Air Quality Complaint                                                                                  37

10.3  Noise Complaint                                                                                         38

10.4  Water Quality Complaint                                                                             39

10.5  Multiple-parameter Complaints                                                                    41

11    Review of the Validity of EIA Predictions                                          46

11.1  Air Quality                                                                                                  46

11.2  Noise                                                                                                         46

11.3  Water Quality                                                                                             46

11.4  Chinese White Dolphin                                                                                47

11.5  Waste Management                                                                                    48

11.6  Fisheries                                                                                                    48

11.7  Landscape and Visual                                                                                 48

11.8  Conclusion                                                                                                 49

12    Review of the EM&A Programme                                                     50

13    Conclusions                                                                                     51

13.1  Conclusions                                                                                               51




Figure 1: Locations of Air Quality Monitoring Stations

Figure 2: Locations of Noise Monitoring Stations

Figure 3.1: Location of Water Quality Monitoring Stations (Construction Phase)

Figure 3.2: Location of Water Quality Monitoring Stations (Post-Construction Phase)

Figure 3.3: Location of Water Quality Monitoring Stations (Impact Operational Phase)

Figure 4: Impact & Post-Construction Dolphin Monitoring Line Transect Layout Map


Appendix A.    Location of Works Areas

Appendix B.    Project Organization for Environmental Works

Appendix C.   Construction Programme

Appendix D.   Action and Limit Levels

Appendix E.    Event and Action Plan

Appendix F.    Implementation Schedule for Environmental Mitigation Measures (EMIS)

Appendix G.   Graphical Plots of the Monitoring Results



Table 2.1: Contact Information of Key Personnel 6

Table 4.1: Summary of Impact EM&A Requirements  8

Table 4.2: Construction Dust Monitoring Locations  9

Table 4.3: Construction Noise Monitoring Locations  9

Table 4.4: Construction Phase Impact Water Quality Monitoring Stations  9

Table 4.5: Post-Construction Water Quality Monitoring Stations  10

Table 4.6: Impact Operational Phase Water Quality Monitoring Stations  11

Table 4.7: Construction Phase Impact and Post-Construction Dolphin Monitoring Line Transect Co-ordinates (Provided by AFCD) 11

Table 7.1: Summary of Monitoring Events and Exceedances reported by this Contract during the Reporting Period  17

Table 7.2: Summary of Weather Conditions during the Reporting Period  19

Table 8.1: Air Quality Monitoring Exceedances (for AMS2, AMS3C and AMS7B) reported by this Contract from 1 October 2018 to 31 January 2020  22

Table 8.2: Summary of Construction Phase Water Quality Exceedances (for NMS2 and NMS3C) reported by this Contract from 1 October 2018 to 31 January 2020  22

Table 8.3: Chinese White Dolphin Monitoring Exceedances reported by this Contract from 1 October 2018 to 28 February 2019  22

Table 10.1: Summary of Environmental Complaints for the Reporting Period reported by this Contract 37





Executive summary

This Final Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A) Review Report is prepared for Contract No. HY/2013/04 “Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Hong Kong Boundary Crossing Facilities – Infrastructure Works Stage II (Southern Portion)” (hereafter referred to as “the Contract”) for the Highways Department of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR). The Contract was awarded to China State Construction Engineering (Hong Kong) Limited (hereafter referred to as “the Contractor”) and Mott MacDonald Hong Kong Limited (MMHK) was appointed as the Environmental Team (ET) by the Contractor.

The Contract is part of the “Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Hong Kong Boundary Crossing Facilities” (HZMB HKBCF) Project which is a “Designated Project” under Schedule 2 of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Ordinance (Cap. 499) and for which an EIA Report (Register No. AEIAR-145/2009) was prepared and approved. The current Environmental Permit (EP) for HKBCF, namely No. EP-353/2009/K, was issued on 11 April 2016. These documents are available through the EIA Ordinance Register. Commencement of the Contract took place on 13 March 2015 and the construction works commenced on 13 July 2015.

Mott MacDonald Hong Kong Limited was appointed by the Contractor to implement the Environmental Monitoring & Audit (EM&A) programme for the Contract in accordance with the Updated EM&A Manual for HKBCF (Version 1.0) (hereafter referred to as “the Updated EM&A Manual”) and provide environmental team services for the Contract.

The proposal for termination of the construction phase EM&A programme for this Contract including weekly site audits was certified by the ET Leader on 6 March 2020, verified by the IEC on 9 March 2020, approved by EPD on 9 April 2020 and implemented on 20 April 2020.

Furthermore, upon completion of all marine-based construction activities, a post-project monitoring exercise on water quality was carried out for 4 weeks during May 2019 in the same manner as the Baseline monitoring. Subsequently, an impact operational phase monitoring exercise on water quality was carried out monthly during the first year of Project operation at all designated monitoring stations including control stations, commencing in June 2019 and concluding in May 2020.

This is the Final EM&A Review Report submitted under Section 16.5 of the Updated EM&A Manual which summarises the findings on the EM&A programme described above during the period from 13 July 2015 to 31 May 2020 (the “reporting period”).

Breaches of Action and Limit Levels

During the reporting period, the Environmental Team of this Contract was responsible for the reporting of environmental exceedances under the HZMB HKBCF Project from 1 October 2018 to 31 January 2020 inclusive. A summary of these environmental exceedances as recorded and reported by the Environmental Team of this Contract are listed below:

Environmental Monitoring


Action Level

Limit Level

Air Quality

1-hour TSP




24-hour TSP




Leq (30 min)



Water Quality

Suspended Solids (SS)








Dissolved Oxygen (DO)



Chinese White Dolphin




The ET of this Contract conducted investigations and the findings are summarised in this report.

After investigations by ET, it was concluded that the air quality exceedances were not related to the Contract and the water quality exceedances were not related to the HZMB HKBCF project. Furthermore, after investigation of the impact dolphin monitoring exceedances, there was no evidence that indicated that the reduced number of dolphins in NWL and NEL was related solely to Project works. It was also concluded that the contribution of impacts due to the HZMB HKBCF project as a whole (or individual contracts) cannot be quantified nor separate from the other stress factors.

Implementation of Mitigation Measures

Weekly environmental site inspections were carried out during the reporting period to confirm the implementation measures undertaken by the Contractor. Potential environmental impacts due to the construction activities, including air quality, noise, water quality, marine ecology, waste management, land contamination, and landscape and visual were monitored or reviewed.

Record of Complaints

There were 12 complaints received in relation to the environmental impact for this Contract during the reporting period.

Notifications of Summons and Successful Prosecutions

There were no notifications of summons or prosecutions received under this Contract during the reporting period.







1         Background

On 13 March 2015, Mott MacDonald Hong Kong Limited (MMHK) was commissioned by China State Construction Engineering (Hong Kong) Limited (also referred to as “the Contractor”) to undertake the Environmental Team (ET) services (including environmental monitoring and audit (EM&A)) for Contract No. HY/2013/04 “Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Hong Kong Boundary Crossing Facilities – Infrastructure Works Stage II (Southern Portion)” (“the Contract”) for the Highways Department of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR).

The Contract is part of the “Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Hong Kong Boundary Crossing Facilities” (HZMB HKBCF) Project which is a “Designated Project” under Schedule 2 of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Ordinance (Cap. 499) and for which an EIA Report (Register No. AEIAR-145/2009) was prepared and approved. The current Environmental Permit (EP) for HKBCF, namely No. EP-353/2009/K, was issued on 11 April 2016. These documents are available through the EIA Ordinance Register. Commencement of the Contract took place on 13 March 2015 and the construction works commenced on 13 July 2015. The works areas of the contract are shown in Appendix A.

The EM&A programme undertaken and reported by this Contract consists of the following:

Monitoring Parameter


Period reported by this Contract

Air (1-hour TSP)


1 Oct 2018 – 31 Jan 2020 (AMS2, AMS3C & AMS7B)(A1)(A2)(A3)

Air (24-hour TSP)


1 Oct 2018 – 31 Jan 2020 (AMS2, AMS3C & AMS7B)(A1)(A2)(A3)



1 Oct 2018 – 31 Jan 2020 (NMS2 & NMS3C)(N1)(N2)(N3)

Water Quality


1 Oct 2018 – 26 Nov 2018(W1)

3 – 14 Dec 2018(W2)

2 – 4 Jan 2019(W3)(W4)



1 – 31 May 2019



(first year)

1 Jun 2019 – 31 May 2020

Chinese White Dolphin


1 Oct 2018 – 28 Feb 2019(CWD1)



1 Mar 2019 – 29 Feb 2020

Landscape and Visual

Establishment Works

24 Feb 2019 – 23 Oct 2019 (HY/2013/01, HY/2013/03 & HY/2014/05)

20 Feb 2019 – 4 Oct 2019 (HY/2013/02)

Weekly Environmental Site Inspections


13 Jul 2015 – 20 Apr 2020


(A1)          The remaining air quality monitoring works at AMS2, AMS3C and AMS7B under this Contract were suspended from 1 February 2020. The ET of Contract No. HY/2019/01 “HZMB HKBCF – Phase 2 and Other Works” is required and continues the full implementation of environmental air quality monitoring commencing on 1 February 2020.

(A2)          The air quality monitoring station AMS6 is covered by Contract No. HY/2011/03 “Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Hong Kong Link Road (HZMB HKLR) – Section between Scenic Hill and HKBCF” during the reporting period.

(A3)          Besides the abovementioned period reported under this Contract, the other contracts responsible for reporting air quality monitoring results during the reporting period are as follows:

AMS2: HY/2010/02 (Jul 2015 – Aug 2017), HY/2013/01 (Sep 2017 – Sep 2018), HY/2019/01 (Feb 2020 – May 2020)

AMS3B: HY/2010/02 (Jul 2015 – Aug 2017), HY/2013/01 (Sep 2017 – 15 Aug 2018)

AMS3C: HY/2019/01 (Feb 2020 – May 2020)

AMS6: HY/2011/03 (Jul 2015 – May 2020)

AMS7: HY/2010/02 (Jan 2016 – Jan 2018)

AMS7A: HY/2010/02 (Jul 2015 – Dec 2015)

AMS7B: HY/2010/02 (Jan 2016 – Aug 2017), HY/2013/01 (Sep 2017 – Sep 2018), HY/2019/01 (Feb 2020 – May 2020)

(N1)         The remaining noise monitoring works at NMS2 and NMS3C under this Contract were suspended from 1 February 2020. The ET of Contract No. HY/2019/01 “HZMB HKBCF – Phase 2 and Other Works” is required and continues the full implementation of environmental noise monitoring commencing on 1 February 2020.

(N2)         A proposal to terminate impact monitoring for noise at NMS2 and NMS3C was justified by the ET Leader of this Contract and verified by the IEC on 13 August 2019, and approved by EPD on 3 September 2019. Therefore, the last noise monitoring event at NMS2 and NMS3C to be reported under this Contract was conducted on 2 September 2019.     

(N3)          Besides the abovementioned period reported under this Contract, the other contracts responsible for reporting construction noise monitoring results during the reporting period are as follows:

NMS2: HY/2010/02 (Jul 2015 – Aug 2017), HY/2013/01 (Sep 2017 – Sep 2018), HY/2019/01 (Feb 2020 – May 2020)

NMS3B: HY/2010/02 (Jul 2015 – Aug 2017), HY/2013/01 (Sep 2017 – 15 Aug 2018)

NMS3C: HY/2013/01 (20 Aug 2018 – 30 Sep 2018), HY/2019/01 (Feb 2020 – May 2020)

(W1)         A proposal by ET to temporarily suspend the water quality monitoring under the EM&A programme during a scheduled period of no marine works under HZMB HKBCF was verified by IEC on 26 October 2018 and approved by EPD on 21 November 2018. Subsequently, the water quality monitoring programme was temporarily suspended by ET after completion of water quality monitoring on 26 November 2018.

(W2)         The water quality monitoring programme was resumed on 3 December 2018 to align with the Contractor’s tentative schedule of marine works, and again temporarily suspended after completion of water quality monitoring on 14 December 2018 after the Contractor confirmed that no marine works were scheduled for the remainder of the reporting month.

(W3)         The water quality monitoring programme was resumed on 2 January 2019 to align with the Contractor’s tentative schedule of marine works and temporarily suspended at the completion of water quality monitoring on 4 January 2019 after the Contractor confirmed that marine works in the form of removal of the silt curtain was completed.

(W4)         Besides the abovementioned periods reported under this Contract, the other contracts responsible for reporting water quality monitoring results during the reporting period are as follows:

HY/2010/02 (Jul 2015 – Aug 2017)

HY/2013/01 (Sep 2017 – Sep 2018)

(CWD1)   Besides the abovementioned periods reported under this Contract, the other contracts responsible for reporting dolphin monitoring results during the reporting period are as follows:

HY/2010/02 (Jul 2015 – Aug 2017)

HY/2013/01 (Sep 2017 – Sep 2018)

The termination of the construction phase EM&A programme for this Contract including weekly site audits was certified by the ET Leader on 6 March 2020, verified by the IEC on 9 March 2020, approved by EPD on 9 April 2020 and implemented on 20 April 2020.

For water quality, upon completion of all marine-based construction activities, a post-project monitoring exercise was carried out for 4 weeks during May 2019 in the same manner as the Baseline monitoring. Subsequently, an impact operational phase monitoring exercise on water quality was carried out monthly during the first year of Project operation at all designated monitoring stations including control stations, commencing in June 2019 and concluding in May 2020.

This is the Final EM&A Review Report which summarises the findings on the EM&A programme described above during the period from 13 July 2015 to 31 May 2020 (the “reporting period”). The purpose of this report is to summarise the findings in the EM&A programme of the Contract over the reporting period and was prepared according to the requirements under Section 16.5 of the Updated EM&A Manual.

The Highways Department of HKSAR, the Contractor and MMHK consent to the requirements under the current EP for HZMB HKBCF to submit EM&A reports to the Environmental Protection Department (EPD) for public inspection.




2         Project Organisation

The organisation chart and lines of communication with respect to the on-site environmental management structure, and the contact information of the key personnel as of the end of the reporting period, are shown in Appendix B and Table 2.1 respectively.

Table 2.1: Contact Information of Key Personnel






Engineer or Engineer’s Representative

(AECOM Asia Co. Ltd.)

Senior Resident Engineer

Peter Lee

3958 7465

3748 8900

Environmental Project Office / Independent Environmental Checker

(Ramboll Hong Kong Limited)

Environmental Project Office Leader

Y H Hui

3465 2888

3465 2899

Independent Environmental Checker

Manson Yeung

9700 6767

3465 2899


Environmental Site Supervisor

K C Chan

6410 0425

3465 2899


(China State Construction Engineering (Hong Kong) Limited)

Site Agent

Jason Chung

9127 8369

2459 4336

Environmental Officer

Xavier Lam

9493 2944

2459 4336

Environmental Team

(Mott MacDonald Hong Kong Limited)

Environmental Team Leader

Gary Chow

2828 5874

2827 1823

24-hour Complaint Hotline



5236 7111





3         Works Undertaken in the Reporting Period

During the reporting period, construction works of the Project undertaken included:

    Construction of vehicular bridge and at-grade roads at the southern portion of Hong Kong Boundary Crossing Facilities;

    Construction of associated street lighting, street furniture, road marking, road signage, box culverts and outfalls, drainage, sewerage, fresh water and flushing water supply, irrigation, landscape, electrical and mechanical (E&M), utilities and services works;

    Provisioning of civil engineering works and power supply for Traffic Control and Surveillance System (TCSS); and

    Other works in accordance with the Contract.

The Construction Works Programme of the Project is provided in Appendix C.




4         Summary of EM&A Requirements

The EM&A programme requires environmental monitoring of air quality, noise, water quality, Chinese White Dolphin, and landscape and visual as specified in the Updated EM&A Manual. From the list of proposed monitoring locations in the Updated EM&A Manual, the most representative and accessible options were identified and selected for the carrying out of baseline monitoring and impact monitoring for the required parameters.

A summary of impact EM&A requirements and parameters is presented Table 4.1.

Table 4.2 to Table 4.7 describes the details of the monitoring stations and Figures 1, 2, 3.1-3.3 and 4 show the locations of monitoring stations during the course of the reporting period.

Table 4.1: Summary of Impact EM&A Requirements





Air Quality

24-hour Total Suspended Particulates (TSP)


Once every 6 days

1-hour TSP


3 times every 6 days


Leq, L90 & L10
(30 min)

Daytime on normal weekdays

(07:00-19:00 hrs)

Once every week (daytime on normal weekdays)

For restricted hours (outside daytime on normal weekdays), one set of measurement shall include at least 3 consecutive Leq(5 mins) results.

Leq, L90 & L10
(5 min)

Evening time on all days (19:00-23:00 hrs)


Holidays (including Sundays)

during daytime and evening (07:00-23:00 hrs)

All days during the night-time

(23:00-07:00 hrs of the next day)

Water Quality

   Depth, m

   Temperature, °C

   Salinity, ppt

   Dissolved Oxygen (DO), mg/L

   DO Saturation, %

   Turbidity, NTU


   Suspended Solids (SS), mg/L

No. of depths measured: 3

(1m below water surface, mid-depth and 1m above sea bed, except where the water depth is less than 6m, in which case the mid-depth station may be omitted. Should the water depth be less than 3m, only the mid-depth station will be monitored.)

Three times per week during mid-ebb and mid-flood tides

(within ±1.75 hour of the predicted time)

Chinese White Dolphin

Vessel based surveys

Line-transect vessel survey method, following pre-set and fixed transect lines in the two areas defined by AFCD as: Northeast Lantau (NEL) survey area; and Northwest Lantau (NWL) survey area.

Two sets of systematic line-transect vessel surveys were conducted under the HKBCF dolphin monitoring programme for each month, to cover all transect lines in NWL and NEL survey areas twice.

Landscape and Visual

Construction Phase Audits

Checking of the contractor’s operations during the construction period.



Establishment Works

Checking of the planting works during the 12-month Establishment Period after completion of the construction works.

Every 2 months

Table 4.2: Construction Dust Monitoring Locations

Identification No.

Location Description

Contract Responsible for Reporting on Dust Monitoring during the Reporting Period


Tung Chung Development Pier

HY/2010/02 (Jul 2015 – Aug 2017)

HY/2013/01 (Sep 2017 – Sep 2018)

HY/2013/04 (Oct 2018 – Jan 2020)

HY/2019/01 (Feb 2020 – May 2020)


Site Boundary of Site Office Area at Works Area WA2

HY/2010/02 (Jul 2015 – Aug 2017)

HY/2013/01 (Sep 2017 – 15 Aug 2018)


Ying Tung Estate Market Rooftop

HY/2013/01 (20 Aug 2018 – 30 Sep 2018)

HY/2013/04 (Oct 2018 – Jan 2020)

HY/2019/01 (Feb 2020 – May 2020)


Dragonair/CNAC (Group) Building

HY/2011/03 (Jul 2015 – May 2020)


Hong Kong SkyCity Marriott Hotel

HY/2010/02 (Jan 2016 – Jan 2018)


Chu Kong Air-Sea Union Transportation Co. Ltd.

HY/2010/02 (Jul 2015 – Dec 2015)


3RS Site Offices

HY/2010/02 (Jan 2016 – Aug 2017)

HY/2013/01 (Sep 2017 – Sep 2018)

HY/2013/04 (Oct 2018 – Jan 2020)

HY/2019/01 (Feb 2020 – May 2020)

Remark:      (1) The air quality monitoring station AMS6 is covered by Contract No. HY/2011/03 “Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Hong Kong Link Road (HZMB HKLR) – Section between Scenic Hill and HKBCF” during the reporting period.  

Table 4.3: Construction Noise Monitoring Locations

Identification No.

Location Description

Contract Responsible for Reporting on Noise Monitoring during the Reporting Period


Seaview Crescent

HY/2010/02 (Jul 2015 – Aug 2017)

HY/2013/01 (Sep 2017 – Sep 2018)

HY/2013/04 (Oct 2018 – Jan 2020)

HY/2019/01 (Feb 2020 – May 2020)


Site Boundary of Site Office Area at Works Area WA2

HY/2010/02 (Jul 2015 – Aug 2017)

HY/2013/01 (Sep 2017 – 15 Aug 2018)


Ying Tung Estate Refuse Collection Point

HY/2013/01 (20 Aug 2018 – 30 Sep 2018)

HY/2013/04 (Oct 2018 – Jan 2020)

HY/2019/01 (Feb 2020 – May 2020)

Remarks:    (1) The Action and Limit Levels for schools is applied for this alternative monitoring location.

Table 4.4: Construction Phase Impact Water Quality Monitoring Stations






Impact Station (Close to HKBCF construction site)




Impact Station (Close to HKBCF construction site)




Impact Station (Close to HKBCF construction site)




Impact Station (Close to HKBCF construction site)




Impact Station (Close to HKBCF construction site)



IS10* (1)

Impact Station (Close to HKBCF construction site)



IS10(N)# (1)

Impact Station (Close to HKBCF construction site)




Impact Station (Close to HKBCF construction site)




Impact Station (Close to HKBCF construction site)




Impact Station (Close to HKBCF construction site)



SR3$ (2)

Sensitive receivers (San Tau SSSI)



SR3(N)% (2)

Sensitive receivers (San Tau SSSI)




Sensitive receivers (Tai Ho)



SR5* (1)

Sensitive receivers (Artificial Reef in NE Airport)



SR5(N)# (1)

Sensitive receivers (Artificial Reef in NE Airport)




Sensitive receivers (Sha Chau and Lung Kwu Chau Marine Park)




Sensitive receivers (Tai Mo Do)



SR10A$ (2)

Sensitive receivers (Ma Wan FCZ) 1



SR10A(N)% (2)

Sensitive receivers (Ma Wan FCZ) 1



SR10B(N)$ (1)

Sensitive receivers (Ma Wan FCZ) 2



SR10B(N2)# (1)

Sensitive receivers (Ma Wan FCZ) 2



CS(Mf)3* (1)

Control Station



CS(Mf)3(N)# (1)

Control Station




Control Station




Control Station




Control Station




Control Station



Remarks: (1)  On 15 May 2017, IEC/ENPO notified ET of changes to the EM&A Programme regarding some water quality monitoring stations being conducted by Contract No. HY/2010/02. These changes were certified by the ETL of Contract No. HY/2010/02 and verified by the IEC on 24 March 2017, and approved by EPD on 12 May 2017. Three monitoring stations, namely IS10, SR5 and CS(Mf)3 (marked *), were replaced by IS10(N), SR5(N) and CS(Mf)3(N) respectively (marked #, shown in bold red font).

                 (2)   On 27 December 2017, IEC/ENPO notified ET of changes to the EM&A Programme regarding some water quality monitoring stations being conducted by Contract No. HY/2013/01. These changes were justified by the ETL of Contract No. HY/2013/01 on 8 November 2017, verified by the IEC on 13 November 2017 and approved by EPD on 22 December 2017 for implementation with effect from the same date. Three monitoring stations, namely SR3, SR10A and SR10B(N) (marked $), were replaced by SR3(N), SR10A(N) and SR10B(N2) respectively (marked %, shown in bold red font).

When exceedance(s) at these stations were recorded by the ET of the Contract or referred by the other ET under the HZMB project to the Contract, the ET of the Contract carried out an investigation and findings were reported in the monthly EM&A Report.

Table 4.5: Post-Construction Water Quality Monitoring Stations






Impact Station (Close to HKBCF construction site)




Impact Station (Close to HKBCF construction site)




Impact Station (Close to HKBCF construction site)




Impact Station (Close to HKBCF construction site)




Impact Station (Close to HKBCF construction site)




Impact Station (Close to HKBCF construction site)




Impact Station (Close to HKBCF construction site)




Impact Station (Close to HKBCF construction site)




Impact Station (Close to HKBCF construction site)




Impact Station (Close to HKBCF construction site)




Sensitive receivers (San Tau SSSI)




Sensitive receivers (Tai Ho)




Sensitive receivers (Tai Ho)




Sensitive receivers (Artificial Reef in NE Airport)




Sensitive receivers (Sha Chau and Lung Kwu Chau Marine Park)




Sensitive receivers (Tai Mo Do)




Sensitive receivers (Ma Wan FCZ) 1




Sensitive receivers (Ma Wan FCZ) 2




Control Station




Control Station




Control Station




Control Station




Control Station



Remark:  For the post-construction water quality programme, the ETL of this Contract proposed changes to the EM&A Programme regarding some water quality monitoring stations. These changes were justified by the ETL of this Contract on 30 April 2019, verified by the IEC on 2 May 2019 and submitted to EPD for record on 2 May 2019 for implementation with effect from 3 May 2019. Two monitoring stations, namely IS8 and SR4(N) (marked *), were replaced by IS8(N) and SR4(N2) respectively (marked #, shown in bold red font).

Table 4.6: Impact Operational Phase Water Quality Monitoring Stations






Sensitive receivers (Sha Lo Wan)




Sensitive receivers (San Tau SSSI)




Control Station




Control Station



Table 4.7: Construction Phase Impact and Post-Construction Dolphin Monitoring Line Transect Co-ordinates (Provided by AFCD)


HK Grid System

Long Lat in WGS84























































































































































































































































(a)    *     Due to the presence of deployed silt curtain systems at the site boundaries of the Contract, some of the transect lines shown in Figure 4 could not be fully surveyed during the regular survey. Transect 10 is reduced from 6.4km to approximately 3.6km in length due to the HKBCF construction site. Therefore the total transect length for both NEL and NWL combined is reduced to approximately 108km.

(b)    #     Coordinates for transect lines 1, 2, 7, 8, 9 and 11 have been updated in respect to the Proposal for Alteration of Transect Line for Dolphin Monitoring approved by EPD on 19 August 2015.

(c)    ^     Due to marine works of the Expansion of Hong Kong International Airport into a Three-Runway System (3RS Project), the change of transect lines 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 and new transect line 24 were justified and verified by the ET Leader for Contract No. HY/2010/02 and the IEC respectively on 24 March 2017 and it was approved by EPD on 12 May 2017.

The approved EIA Report, which includes the Updated EM&A Manual, contained predictions on the resulting air quality, noise, water quality and Chinese White Dolphin impacts during construction and operation phases, which are normal practice in the course of conducting an EIA study under the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (EIAO).

The Action and Limit Levels for air quality, noise, water quality and Chinese White Dolphin monitoring are shown in Appendix D. The Event and Action Plan for the abovementioned monitoring parameters, as well as landscape and visual, are shown in Appendix E.




5         Environmental Mitigation Measures

5.1       Introduction

The EM&A programme followed the recommended mitigation measures stipulated in the Updated EM&A Manual and EPs. The EM&A requirements of the environmental mitigation measures are provided in Appendix F. The Contractor is responsible for the implementation of these measures.

5.2       Site Inspection

In particular, the following mitigation measures were brought to attention during the site audits:

Air Quality

    Excavated dusty materials should be covered by impervious sheeting or sprayed with water to keep the entire surface wet.

    The haul roads should be sprayed with water to keep the entire road surface wet.

    Every vehicle should be washed to remove dusty materials from its body and wheels before leaving a construction site.

    Cement mixing area should be covered on top and 3 sides with impervious sheets.

    The load carried by vehicle should be covered by impervious sheeting to ensure no leakage of dusty materials from the vehicle.

    Vehicle speed within the construction sites should be maintained at 20 km/h or below.

    The heights from which fill materials are dropped should be controlled to a practical level to minimise the fugitive dust arising from unloading.

    Sufficient water spraying for dusty operation to suppress dust emission.

    Dusty materials shall be stored in a covered warehouse and the excess amount should be removed from the site.


    Machines and plant that may be in intermittent use should be shut down between work periods or should be throttled down to a minimum.

    Only well-maintained plant should be operated on-site and plant should be serviced regularly during the construction works.

    Material stockpiles and other structures should be effectively utilised, where practicable, to screen noise from on-site construction activities. 

Water Quality

    Dusty materials shall be stored in a covered warehouse and the excess amount should be removed from the site.

    Sediment tanks of sufficient capacity, constructed from pre-formed individual cells of approximately 6 to 8 m3 capacity, are recommended as a general mitigation measure which can be used for settling storm water prior to disposal.

    Water to be pumped out from trenches or foundation excavations shall be discharged into storm drains via silt removal facilities.

    Construction waste, debris and rubbish shall be properly collected, handled and disposed of to avoid water quality impacts.

    Particular attention shall be paid to the control of silty surface runoff during storm events, especially for areas located near steep slopes.

    All drainage facilities and erosion and sediment control structures shall be regularly inspected and maintained to ensure proper and efficient operation at all times and particularly following rainstorms.

    Measures shall be taken to minimise the ingress of any site drainage into excavations.

    All vehicles and mechanical plant shall be cleaned before leaving a construction site to ensure no earth, mud, debris and the like is deposited by them on roads.

    Channels, earth bunds or sand bag barriers shall be provided on site to direct storm water to silt removal facilities. The design of efficient silt removal facilities shall be based on the guidelines in Appendix A1 of ProPECC PN 1/94. Measures shall be taken to minimise the ingress of any site drainage into excavations.

    Slopes and stockpiles shall be covered to avoid the soil from being washed away during rainy days.

    The bentonite, grouting and cement materials shall only be delivered to the construction site when they are to be used.

    A temporary drainage channel shall be provided to divert any runoff away from the site.

    Construction and demolition materials shall not be deposited on public road.

    Drip trays shall be provided for the chemical containers to avoid chemical spillage.

Waste Management

    Construction solid waste, debris and rubbish on site shall be collected, handled and disposed of properly.

    Remove wastes in a timely manner.

    Chemical waste produced should be handled in accordance with the relevant guidelines and regulations.

    Handle and store wastes in a manner which ensures that they are held securely without loss or leakage, thereby minimising the potential for pollution.

    Control measures shall be taken at the stockpiling area to prevent the generation of dust and pollution of stormwater channels.

    Minimise windblown litter and dust during transportation by either covering trucks or transporting wastes in enclosed containers.

    Soil affected by oil leak should be removed as chemical waste.

    To minimize the potential for pollution, regular maintenance of construction plants should be implemented.

5.3       Landscape Establishment Monitoring

During the reporting period, bi-monthly landscape establishment monitoring for Contract Nos. HY/2013/01, HY/2013/02, HY/2013/03 and HY/2014/05 was conducted.

As coordinated between IEC and EPD, the monitoring reports for landscape establishment for Contract Nos. HY/2013/01 (for 24 Feb 2019 – 23 Oct 2019), HY/2013/02 (20 Feb 2019 – 4 Oct 2019), HY/2013/03 (for 24 Feb 2019 – 23 Oct 2019) and HY/2014/05 (24 Feb 2019 – 23 Oct 2019) were covered in the individual monthly and quarterly EM&A reports for this Contract which have already been submitted to EPD.




6         Status of Environmental Protection and Pollution Control Environmental Mitigation Measures

Weekly site inspections were carried out during the reporting period to confirm the implementation measures undertaken by the Contractor regarding air quality, noise, water quality, waste management, marine ecology, terrestrial ecology, and landscape and visual. Some of the key observations from site inspections during the reporting period are summarised below:

Air Quality

    Some dark smoke emission was observed from a construction plant.

    Dry haul road was observed.

    Open stockpile of C&D material was observed.

    Enhanced continuous water spray during each concrete breaking period was recommended.

    The Contractor was reminded to ensure that all NRMMs operated on-site are approved/exempted and affixed with requisite label, as applicable.

    A concrete-mixing area was operating without proper dust mitigation measures.

    Rock breaking works without provision of watering was observed.

    Stockpile of more than 20 bags of cement was observed without covering.

    Vehicles were observed leaving the site without wheel wash.

    Muddy trail was observed on public road near the site gate.

    The exposed works areas were observed dry and dusty.


    Panel door of a generator was open.

Water Quality

    Stagnant water pond following rainfall was observed.

    Some chemical containers were not stored in drip tray.

    Stagnant water was observed in drip tray.

    Silty water was observed immediately outside the perimeter of a silt curtain.

    Gaps were observed at the silt curtain.

    Leakage of site runoff was observed outside the silt curtain.

    The wetsep provided was not yet in operation.

    The silt curtains at Box Culvert C and D were disconnected from the coastal shoreline.

    Plastic pipes were observed directly connected to storm drain without passing thorugh Wetsep.

Waste Management

    Drip tray was not provided for chemical container.

    Oil stain on bare ground was observed.

    Stockpile of exposed excavated marine sediment was observed.

    Some loose general refuse was observed on the ground.

    Some general refuse bins were not properly closed.

    A full tank (waste skip) of general refuse without cover was observed.

    A stockpile of unsorted construction waste was observed.

    C&D materials mixed with general refuse were observed.

    Chemical containers without labelling was observed.

    A chemical waste storage area was observed damaged.

    Inert C&D material was observed mixing with non-inert C&D material in a waste skip.




7         Impact Monitoring Results

7.1       Summary of Monitoring Results

Impact monitoring for air quality and construction noise (during construction phase), water quality (during construction phase, post-construction phase and the first year of operational phase) and Chinese White Dolphin (during construction phase and post-construction phase) were undertaken in compliance with the Updated EM&A Manual during the reporting period, and the results of monitoring were included in the individual Monthly EM&A reports covering this reporting period which have been already submitted to EPD.

The number of monitoring events and exceedances recorded during the reporting period are presented in Table 7.1.

Table 7.1: Summary of Monitoring Events and Exceedances reported by this Contract during the Reporting Period

Monitoring Parameter


Period reported by this Contract

No. of Monitoring Events reported by this Contract (Monitoring Locations)

No. of Action Level Exceedances

No. of Limit Level Exceedances

Air (1-hour TSP)


1 Oct 2018 – 31 Jan 2020(A1)

88 (AMS2)





1 Oct 2018 – 31 Jan 2020(A1)

87 (AMS3C)





1 Oct 2018 – 31 Jan 2020(A1)

87 (AMS7B)



Air (24-hour TSP)


1 Oct 2018 – 31 Jan 2020(A1)

88 (AMS2)





1 Oct 2018 – 31 Jan 2020(A1)

87 (AMS3C)





1 Oct 2018 – 31 Jan 2020(A1)

87 (AMS7B)





1 Oct 2018 – 31 Jan 2020 (N1)(N2)

49 (NMS2)





1 Oct 2018 – 31 Jan 2020 (N1)(N2)

49 (NMS3C)



Water Quality


1 Oct 2018 – 26 Nov 2018(W1)

3 – 14 Dec 2018(W2)

2 – 4 Jan 2019(W3)

33 (21 no. monitoring locations)

1 (turbidity)

11 (SS)

1 (SS)



1 – 31 May 2019

12 (21 no. monitoring locations)





(first year)

1 Jun 2019 – 31 May 2020

12 (4 no. monitoring locations)



Chinese White Dolphin


1 Oct 2018 – 28 Feb 2019





1 Mar 2019 – 29 Feb 2020





(A1)          The remaining air quality monitoring works at AMS2, AMS3C and AMS7B under this Contract were suspended from 1 February 2020. The ET of Contract No. HY/2019/01 “HZMB HKBCF – Phase 2 and Other Works” is required and continues the full implementation of environmental air quality monitoring commencing on 1 February 2020.

(N1)         The remaining noise monitoring works at NMS2 and NMS3C under this Contract were suspended from 1 February 2020. The ET of Contract No. HY/2019/01 “HZMB HKBCF – Phase 2 and Other Works” is required and continues the full implementation of environmental noise monitoring commencing on 1 February 2020.

(N2)         A proposal to terminate impact monitoring for noise at NMS2 and NMS3C was justified by the ET Leader of this Contract and verified by the IEC on 13 August 2019, and approved by EPD on 3 September 2019. Therefore, the last noise monitoring event at NMS2 and NMS3C to be reported under this Contract was conducted on 2 September 2019.     

(W1)         A proposal by ET to temporarily suspend the water quality monitoring under the EM&A programme during a scheduled period of no marine works under HZMB HKBCF was verified by IEC on 26 October 2018 and approved by EPD on 21 November 2018. Subsequently, the water quality monitoring programme was temporarily suspended by ET after completion of water quality monitoring on 26 November 2018.

(W2)         The water quality monitoring programme was resumed on 3 December 2018 to align with the Contractor’s tentative schedule of marine works, and again temporarily suspended after completion of water quality monitoring on 14 December 2018 after the Contractor confirmed that no marine works were scheduled for the remainder of the reporting month.

(W3)         The water quality monitoring programme was resumed on 2 January 2019 to align with the Contractor’s tentative schedule of marine works and temporarily suspended at the completion of water quality monitoring on 4 January 2019 after the Contractor confirmed that marine works in the form of removal of the silt curtain was completed.

Air Quality


All 1-hour TSP results recorded at AMS2, AMS3C and AMS7B by the ET of this Contract were below the Action and Limit Level during the reporting period.

A total of four Action Level exceedances of the 24-hour TSP were recorded and investigated by the ET of this Contract during the reporting period. It was concluded that these exceedances were not due to the Contract.

Construction phase air quality impacts from the Contract with respect to 1-hour and 24-hour TSP levels were compared to those predicted under the mitigated scenario in the approved EIA Report. From the impact monitoring results during the reporting period, the maximum 1-hour TSP levels were found to be less than those predicted in the approved EIA Report, while the maximum 24-hour TSP levels were found to be more than the predicted maximum levels.  

Tables and graphical plots of the air quality monitoring results recorded by the ET of this Contract during this reporting period were included in the Monthly EM&A Reports between October 2018 and January 2020 which have been already submitted. A graphical summary of the monitoring results is presented in Appendix G.


The monitoring results for AMS6 are reported in the monthly EM&A Reports prepared for Contract No. HY/2011/03.


All noise monitoring results recorded by the ET of this Contract were below the Limit Level during the reporting period. Also, since no documented noise complaint was received from any one of the sensitive receivers during the reporting period, there was no Action Level exceedance.

Construction phase noise impacts from the Contract were found to be less than those predicted in the approved EIA Report, based on the noise impact monitoring results during the reporting period.

Tables and graphical plots of the noise monitoring results recorded by the ET of this Contract during this reporting period were included in the Monthly EM&A Reports between October 2018 and January 2020 which have been already submitted. A graphical summary of the monitoring results is presented in Appendix G.

Water Quality

A total of 12 Action Limit exceedances (one for turbidity and 11 for suspended solids) and one Limit Level exceedance (suspended solids) for water quality were recorded and investigated by the ET of this Contract during the reporting period. Following investigations, it was concluded that the exceedances were not related to the HZMB HKBCF project. The investigation findings are presented in this report.

Tables and graphical plots of the water quality monitoring results recorded by the ET of this Contract (for the impact construction phase, post-construction phase and first year of impact operational phase) during this reporting period were included in the Monthly EM&A Reports between October 2018 and May 2020 which have been already submitted. A graphical summary of the monitoring results is presented in Appendix G.

Chinese White Dolphin

Two Limit Level exceedances of impact dolphin monitoring were recorded and investigated by the ET of this Contract during the reporting period. Following investigations, there was no evidence that indicated that the reduced number of dolphins in NWL and NEL was related solely to Project works. It was also concluded that the contribution of impacts due to the HZMB works as a whole (or individual contracts) cannot be quantified nor separate from the other stress factors. The investigation findings are presented in this report. 

7.2       Weather Conditions

A summary of the weather conditions during the reporting period is presented in Table 7.2.

Table 7.2: Summary of Weather Conditions during the Reporting Period



Jul 2015

This month was warmer and cloudier than usual. With the increase in cloudiness, the total sunshine duration recorded was below normal. The month was also wetter than usual.

Aug 2015

August 2015 was hotter and drier than usual. It was the seventh highest temperature for August on record. The monthly total rainfall recorded in August 2015 was only about one-third of the normal figure.

Sep 2015

Marked by sunny and warm weather with below normal rainfall.

Oct 2015

The weather was warmer and wetter than usual, mainly as a result of heavy rain brought by tropical cyclone Mujigae during the first week of the month.

Nov 2015

Emerged as the warmest November in Hong Kong since records began in 1884. The month was also drier than usual.

Dec 2015

Gloomier and wetter than usual. It was also warmer than usual.

Jan 2016

Mainly fine and dry. Unseasonably warm weather was experienced in the first three weeks of the month and intense cold surge with freezing temperatures was recorded in the latter part of the month.

Feb 2016

Cooler than usual with frequent replenishment of winter monsoon and drier than usual as affected by dry continental air.

Mar 2016

Gloomy, rainy and humid with fluctuating temperatures as affected by the northeast monsoon and a humid maritime airstream competing for dominance over the south China coast. March was cooler and wetter than usual.

Apr 2016

Exceptionally humid and gloomy with a maritime airstream trying to exert control over the coastal areas of Guangdong in a change of seasons.

May 2016

Warmer and drier than usual.

Jun 2016

Rainy with persistent hot weather as a trough of low pressure over southern China edged towards the coast of Guangdong.

Jul 2016

Unusually hot and sunny under the influence of an active southerly airstream, and was much drier than usual with less rainfall.

Aug 2016

Generally rainy with less sunshine than usual.

Sep 2016

Gloomier than usual and the weather was unstable with a trough of low pressure lingering over the South China coast.

Oct 2016

Marked by record-breaking high mean temperatures, despite a succession of cyclonic systems passing by in the vicinity of Hong Kong.

Nov 2016

Warmer and much wetter than usual.

Dec 2016

Warmer than usual and the northeast monsoon over the south China coastal areas remained relatively weak for most of the month.

Jan 2017

Warmest January in Hong Kong with record-breaking monthly mean temperature.

Feb 2017

Cooler than usual.

Mar 2017

Marked by fluctuating temperatures and drier than usual weather.

Apr 2017

Warmer than usual and also drier than usual despite stormy weather on a few days.

May 2017

Wetter than usual due to the heavy rain on the morning of 24 May.

Jun 2017

Overall warmer and wetter than usual as a result of the very hot weather in early June and the rainy spell in mid-June.

Jul 2017

Cloudier with more rain than usual.

Aug 2017

Hotter than normal, and the prolonged heat was relieved by the successive strikes of tropical cyclones Hato and Pakhar within a 5-day period during the latter part of the month. 

Sep 2017

Unseasonably hot, drier than usual.

Oct 2017

Fine and unseasonably hot days in the first half of the month; a spell of fine weather then prevailed for the rest of the month as a continental airstream dominated over the south China coastal areas.

Nov 2017

Gloomier and more humid than usual.

Dec 2017

Sunny and bright.

Jan 2018

Dominated by the northeast monsoon with two episodes of cold weather during the first half and towards the end of the month. Overall, the month was slightly cooler more rainy than usual.

Feb 2018

Overall cooler than usual, with the persistence of an intense winter monsoon during the early part of the month.

Mar 2018

Unseasonably warm and sunny with little rain.

Apr 2018

Warmer and much drier than usual.

May 2018

Exceptionally hot and dry with a 20-day fine spell that lasted till the end of the month.

Jun 2018

Warmer than usual with slightly above average rainfall.

Jul 2018

Warmer and cloudier than usual with slightly below average rainfall.

Aug 2018

Wetter and much gloomier than usual.

Sep 2018

Wetter than usual mainly due to rainfall associated with severe typhoon Mangkhut.

Oct 2018

Slightly cooler and wetter than usual.

Nov 2018

Slightly warmer and wetter than average with the highest amount of cloud on record for November.

Dec 2018

Much warmer and drier than usual.

Jan 2019

Much warmer than usual with elatively less cold air outbreaks from the north arriving at the south China coast during the month.

Feb 2019

Unseasonably warm which was mainly attributed to weaker than normal northeast monsoon over the south China coast for most of the time in the month.

Mar 2019

Much warmer and wetter than usual.

Apr 2019

Much warmer and slightly wetter than average.

May 2019

Cloudier and cooler than usual with slightly above average rainfall.

Jun 2019

Much hotter and slightly drier than usual.

Jul 2019

Much hotter and cloudier than usual with below average rainfall.

Aug 2019

Hotter and wetter than usual.

Sep 2019

Sunnier, hotter and drier than usual.

Oct 2019

Exceptionally hot and sunny, and wetter than normal.

Nov 2019

Prolonged dry and sunny weather, also one of the driest Novembers since records began.

Dec 2019

Much warmer and drier than usual.

Jan 2020

Much warmer and drier than usual.

Feb 2020

Much warmer than usual with higher than average rainfall.

Mar 2020

Much warmer and drier than usual.

Apr 2020

Drier and slightly cooler than usual.

May 2020

Generally fine and hot weather during the first part of the month and unsettled weather with outbreaks of heavy showers in the latter part.

7.3       Major Sources of Environmental Impacts

Apart from impacts caused by this project, in terms of air quality impact, the major dust sources were from other nearby construction works at adjacent sites and from the operations of other nearby facilities. Meanwhile, the major sources of noise impact were aircraft noise and ships and no major sources of impacts on water quality and Chinese White Dolphin. Some environmental impacts from other nearby construction works at adjacent sites were expected to be caused.




8         Summary of Non-compliance (Exceedances)

Exceedances investigated and reported by the ET of this Contract during the reporting period are summarised in Table 8.1 to Table 8.3 below.

Table 8.1: Air Quality Monitoring Exceedances (for AMS2, AMS3C and AMS7B) reported by this Contract from 1 October 2018 to 31 January 2020


Monitoring Station

Exceedance Recorded

Measured 24-hour TSP Concentration, µg/m3

Action Level, µg/m3

Limit Level, µg/m3

30 Sep 2019


Action Level




4 Nov 2019


Action Level




21 Nov 2019


Action Level




2 Dec 2019


Action Level




Table 8.2: Summary of Construction Phase Water Quality Exceedances (for NMS2 and NMS3C) reported by this Contract from 1 October 2018 to 31 January 2020





Exceedance Recorded during Mid-ebb Tide

Exceedance Recorded during Mid-flood Tide

10 Oct 2018



Depth Average


Action Level

24 Oct 2018



Depth Average

Action Level


23 Nov 2018



Depth Average


Action Level

23 Nov 2018



Depth Average


Action Level

23 Nov 2018



Depth Average


Action Level

26 Nov 2018



Depth Average


Action Level

26 Nov 2018



Depth Average


Action Level

7 Dec 2018



Depth Average


Action Level

10 Dec 2018



Depth Average

Action Level


12 Dec 2018



Depth Average


Limit Level

12 Dec 2018



Depth Average


Action Level

12 Dec 2018



Depth Average


Action Level

12 Dec 2018



Depth Average


Action Level

Table 8.3: Chinese White Dolphin Monitoring Exceedances reported by this Contract from 1 October 2018 to 28 February 2019

Monitoring Period

Monitoring Location

Exceedance Recorded

Monitoring Results for the Monitoring Period

Action Level

Limit Level

Sep 2018 – Nov 2018


Limit Level


STG = 0 & ANI = 0


STG = 1.5 ± 2.25 & ANI = 3.0 ± 3.89


STG < 4.2 & ANI < 15.5


STG < 6.9 & ANI < 31.3


(STG < 2.4 & ANI < 8.9)



(STG < 3.9 & ANI < 17.9)

Dec 2018 – Feb 2019


Limit Level


STG = 0 & ANI = 0


STG = 2.4 ± 1.88 & ANI = 8.0 ± 6.60


STG < 4.2 & ANI < 15.5


STG < 6.9 & ANI < 31.3


(STG < 2.4 & ANI < 8.9)



(STG < 3.9 & ANI < 17.9)




9         Review of Reasons for and the Implications of Non-compliance

9.1       Air Quality Exceedance

9.1.1  Air Quality Exceedance – 30 September 2019

According to the Contractor of HY/2013/04, the major construction activities conducted under the Contract during the monitoring period included construction of parapets for bridge structures, construction of Retaining Wall RW16N and RW16S, construction of Bridge Deck D16 in-situ deck, construction of utilities cross-over frame under Bridge D9c, backfilling of retaining walls and formation of fill slopes and road embankment, drainage works and watermains laying, roadworks and road furniture.

As informed by the Contractor of HY/2013/04, watering of all main haul roads was provided in accordance with the HY/2013/04 site watering plan. This plan schedules water spraying for at least 8 times per day which follows the recommended mitigation measures in the Updated EM&A Manual and Environmental Permit. 

During ET’s regular weekly site inspection on 25 September 2019 (between 09:30 and 10:30 a.m.), one air quality observation was recorded: namely, stockpiles and some exposed works areas were observed dry and dusty. The same observation was recorded during the next ET regular weekly site inspection on 2 October 2019 (between 14:15 and 15:00). Subsequently, the Contractor provided water spray for stockpiles and exposed works areas and the observation was closed during the subsequent ET regular weekly site inspection on 9 October 2019 (between 14:15 and 15:00). The remaining haul roads were observed to be watered and no fugitive dust generation from HY/2013/04 works was observed during this inspection. There was further no air quality observation associated with watering of site areas. 

Photos relating to the abovementioned site inspections are presented in the investigation report prepared by the ET of this Contract.

The wind data collected at the AMS3C wind station at Ying Tung Estate and the Hong Kong Observatory wind station at Chek Lap Kok during the abovementioned 24-hour monitoring period shows that winds were mostly from the south/southwest on the afternoon/evening of 30 September 2019 and west/northwest on the morning of 1 October 2019. This indicates that it was unlikely that the source of exceedance could be attributed to HY/2013/04.

Information available on EPD’s Air Quality Health Index (AQHI) website shows that the short-term health risk of air pollution between 12:00 p.m. on 30 September 2019 and 12:00 p.m. on 1 October 2019 was low to serious in Tung Chung (with maximum AQHI of 10+ at 13:00-17:00 on 30 September 2019). This, combined with the winds recorded at the abovementioned wind stations, indicates that the background air pollution was relatively high during part of the monitoring period and may have contributed to the high level of TSP recorded. The AQHI data is available online at:

·       http://www.aqhi.gov.hk/epd/ddata/html/history/2019/201909_Eng.csv

·       http://www.aqhi.gov.hk/epd/ddata/html/history/2019/201910_Eng.csv  

It was concluded that the exceedance was not due to HY/2013/04.

Actions Taken in the event of Non-compliance

Not applicable.

9.1.2  Air Quality Exceedance – 4 November 2019

According to the Contractor of HY/2013/04, the major construction activities conducted under the Contract during the monitoring period included aggregate placement for seawall capping layer, formation of remaining works, construction of utilities cross-over frame under Bridge D9c, trimming of fill slopes, U-channel casting works and concrete defect rectification at bridge external face and deck voids.

As informed by the Contractor of HY/2013/04, watering of all main haul roads was provided in accordance with the HY/2013/04 site watering plan. This plan schedules water spraying for at least 8 times per day which follows the recommended mitigation measures in the Updated EM&A Manual and Environmental Permit. 

During ET’s regular weekly site inspections on 30 October 2019 (between 14:15 and 15:00) and 6 November 2019 (14:15-15:00), one air quality observation was recorded: namely, an exposed works area was observed dry and dusty.

Photos relating to the Contractor’s site watering on 4-6 November 2019 and abovementioned site inspections are presented in the investigation report.

The wind data collected at the AMS3C wind station at Ying Tung Estate during the abovementioned 24-hour monitoring period shows that winds were mostly from the northeast/east during the 24-hour TSP monitoring. This indicates that it was unlikely that the source of exceedance could be attributed to HY/2013/04.

Information available on EPD’s Air Quality Health Index (AQHI) website shows that the short-term health risk of air pollution between 12:00 p.m. on 4 November 2019 and 12:00 p.m. on 5 November 2019 was moderate to very high in Tung Chung (with maximum AQHI of 8 at 15:00-16:00 on 4 November 2019). This, combined with the winds recorded at the abovementioned wind stations, indicates that the background air pollution was relatively high during part of the monitoring period and may have contributed to the high level of TSP recorded. The AQHI data is available online at:

·       http://www.aqhi.gov.hk/epd/ddata/html/history/2019/201911_Eng.csv 

It was concluded that the exceedance was not due to HY/2013/04.

Actions Taken in the event of Non-compliance

Not applicable.

9.1.3  Air Quality Exceedance – 21 November 2019

According to the Contractor of HY/2013/04, the major construction activities conducted under the Contract during the monitoring period included aggregate placement for seawall capping layer, formation of remaining works, construction of utilities cross-over frame under Bridge D9c, trimming of fill slopes, U-channel casting works and concrete defect rectification at bridge external face and deck voids.

As informed by the Contractor of HY/2013/04, watering of all main haul roads was provided in accordance with the HY/2013/04 site watering plan. This plan schedules water spraying for at least 8 times per day which follows the recommended mitigation measures in the Updated EM&A Manual and Environmental Permit. 

During ET’s regular weekly site inspections on 18 November 2019 (14:30-15:30) and 27 November 2019 (14:45-15:45), one air quality observation was recorded: namely, an exposed works area was observed dry and dusty.

Photos relating to the Contractor’s site watering on 21-23 November 2019 and abovementioned site inspections are presented in the investigation report.

The wind data collected at the AMS3C wind station at Ying Tung Estate and the Hong Kong Observatory wind station at Chek Lap Kok during the abovementioned 24-hour monitoring period shows that winds were initially from the north then more variable during the 24-hour TSP monitoring. This indicates that it was unlikely that the source of exceedance could be attributed to HY/2013/04.

Information available on EPD’s Air Quality Health Index (AQHI) website shows that the short-term health risk of air pollution between 8:00 a.m. on 21 November 2019 and 8:00 a.m. on 22 November 2019 was low to very high Tung Chung (with maximum AQHI of 8 at 17:00-18:00 on 21 November 2019). This, combined with the winds recorded at the abovementioned wind stations, indicates that the background air pollution was relatively high during part of the monitoring period and may have contributed to the high level of TSP recorded. The AQHI data is available online at:

·       http://www.aqhi.gov.hk/epd/ddata/html/history/2019/201911_Eng.csv  

It was concluded that the exceedance was not due to HY/2013/04.

Actions Taken in the event of Non-compliance

Not applicable.

9.1.4  Air Quality Exceedance – 2 December 2019

According to the Contractor of HY/2013/04, the major construction activities conducted under the Contract during the monitoring period included aggregate placement for seawall capping layer, formation of remaining works, construction of utilities cross-over frame under Bridge D9c, trimming of fill slopes, U-channel casting works and concrete defect rectification at bridge external face and deck voids.

As informed by the Contractor of HY/2013/04, watering of all main haul roads was provided in accordance with the HY/2013/04 site watering plan. This plan schedules water spraying for at least 8 times per day which follows the recommended mitigation measures in the Updated EM&A Manual and Environmental Permit. 

During ET’s regular weekly site inspections on 27 November 2019 (14:45-15:45) and 4 December 2019 (14:30-15:30), one air quality observation was recorded: namely, an exposed works area was observed dry and dusty.

Photos relating to the Contractor’s site watering on 1-3 December 2019 and abovementioned site inspections are presented in the investigation report.

The wind data collected at the AMS3C wind station at Ying Tung Estate and the Hong Kong Observatory wind station at Chek Lap Kok during the abovementioned 24-hour monitoring period (as presented in the investigation report) shows that winds were in the NNW to ENE range during the 24-hour TSP monitoring. This indicates that it was unlikely that the source of exceedance could be attributed to HY/2013/04.

Information available on EPD’s Air Quality Health Index (AQHI) website shows that the short-term health risk of air pollution between 8:00 a.m. on 2 December 2019 and 8:00 a.m. on 3 December 2019 was low to moderate at Tung Chung (with maximum AQHI of 4 at 14:00-02:00 a.m. and 07:00-08:00 a.m.). The AQHI data is available online at:

·       http://www.aqhi.gov.hk/epd/ddata/html/history/2019/201912_Eng.csv   

It was concluded that the exceedance was not due to HY/2013/04.

Actions Taken in the event of Non-compliance

Not applicable.

9.2       Water Quality Exceedance

9.2.1  Water Quality Exceedance – 10 October 2018

On 10 October 2018, 1 no. AL exceedance of SS at station SR6 was recorded during mid-flood tide.

According to the Contractor of HY/2013/04, all marine-based segment deliveries were completed in January 2018 and no marine-based works were conducted under the contract on 10 October 2018. Furthermore, there was no visible observation of any discharge or accumulation of organic matter at the active works areas within HY/2013/04 site area on 10 October 2018.

HY/2013/04 site shoreline interfacing with open waters was inspected during ET’s regular weekly site inspection on 10 October 2018 (between 14:40 and 14:50). It was observed that the silt curtain at Box Culvert D was installed properly, however the silt curtain at Box Culvert C was not reinstated. The Contractor was reminded to reinstate the silt curtain at Box Culvert C as soon as possible. There were no other observations in relation to the same shoreline.

It was concluded that the exceedance was not due to HY/2013/04.

Actions Taken in the event of Non-compliance

Actions were taken under Event and Action Plan (EAP):

1. In situ measurement was repeated to confirm findings;

2. After considering the above-mentioned investigation results, it appears that it was unlikely that the exceedance was attributed to active construction activities of this Contract;

3. IEC, Contractor and ER were informed via email;

4. Monitoring data, all plant, equipment and Contractor's working methods were checked;

5. Since it is considered that the exceedance was unlikely to be contract related, as such, Actions 5-7 under the EAP are not considered applicable.

9.2.2  Water Quality Exceedance – 24 October 2018

On 24 October 2018, 1 no. AL exceedance of turbidity at station IS(Mf)6 was recorded during mid-ebb tide.

According to the Contractor of HY/2013/04, all marine-based segment deliveries were completed in January 2018 and no marine-based works were conducted under the contract on 24 October 2018. Furthermore, there was no visible observation of any discharge or accumulation of organic matter at the active works areas within HY/2013/04 site area on 24 October 2018.

HY/2013/04 site shoreline interfacing with open waters was inspected during ET’s regular weekly site inspections on 22 October 2018 (between 14:25 and 14:45) and 31 October 2018 (between 14:55 and 15:15). At both site inspections, it was observed that the silt curtain at Box Culvert D was installed properly, however the silt curtain at Box Culvert C was not reinstated. The Contractor was reminded to reinstate the silt curtain at Box Culvert C as soon as possible. There were no other observations in relation to the same shoreline.

It was concluded that the exceedance was not due to HY/2013/04.

Actions Taken in the event of Non-compliance

Actions were taken under Event and Action Plan (EAP):

1. In situ measurement was repeated to confirm findings;

2. After considering the above-mentioned investigation results, it appears that it was unlikely that the exceedance was attributed to active construction activities of this Contract;

3. IEC, Contractor and ER were informed via email;

4. Monitoring data, all plant, equipment and Contractor's working methods were checked;

5. Since it is considered that the exceedance was unlikely to be contract related, as such, Actions 5-7 under the EAP are not considered applicable.

9.2.3  Water Quality Exceedance – 23 November 2018

On 23 November 2018, 3 no. AL exceedances of suspended solids at stations IS10(N), IS(Mf)11 and SR7 were recorded during mid-flood tide.

According to the Contractor of HY/2013/04, all marine-based segment deliveries were completed in January 2018 and no marine-based works were conducted under the contract on 23 November 2018. Furthermore, there was no visible observation of any discharge or accumulation of organic matter at the active works areas within HY/2013/04 site area on 23 November 2018.

HY/2013/04 site shoreline interfacing with open waters was inspected during ET’s regular weekly site inspections on 19 November 2018 (between 14:50 and 15:00) and 28 November 2018 (between 14:20 and 15:00). On 19 November 2018, it was observed that the silt curtain at Box Culvert D was installed properly, however the silt curtain at Box Culvert C was not reinstated. The Contractor was reminded to reinstate the silt curtain at Box Culvert C as soon as possible. Subsequently, the silt curtain at Box Culvert C was removed and the observation was closed on 28 November 2018. There were no other observations (including the appearance of the open waters) in relation to the same shoreline on 19 and 28 November 2018.

It was concluded that the exceedances were not due to HY/2013/04.

Actions Taken in the event of Non-compliance

Actions were taken under Event and Action Plan (EAP):

1. In situ measurement was repeated to confirm findings;

2. After considering the above-mentioned investigation results, it appears that it was unlikely that the exceedance was attributed to active construction activities of this Contract;

3. IEC, Contractor and ER were informed via email;

4. Monitoring data, all plant, equipment and Contractor's working methods were checked;

5. Since it is considered that the exceedance was unlikely to be contract related, as such, Actions 5-7 under the EAP are not considered applicable.

9.2.4  Water Quality Exceedance – 26 November 2018

On 26 November 2018, 2 no. AL exceedances of suspended solids at stations SR10A(N) and SR10B(N2) were recorded during mid-flood tide.

According to the Contractor of HY/2013/04, all marine-based segment deliveries were completed in January 2018 and no marine-based works were conducted under the contract on 26 November 2018. Furthermore, there was no visible observation of any discharge or accumulation of organic matter at the active works areas within HY/2013/04 site area on 26 November 2018.

HY/2013/04 site shoreline interfacing with open waters was inspected during ET’s regular weekly site inspections on 19 November 2018 (between 14:50 and 15:00) and 28 November 2018 (between 14:20 and 15:00). On 19 November 2018, it was observed that the silt curtain at Box Culvert D was installed properly, however the silt curtain at Box Culvert C was not reinstated. The Contractor was reminded to reinstate the silt curtain at Box Culvert C as soon as possible. Subsequently, the silt curtain at Box Culvert C was removed and the observation was closed on 28 November 2018. There were no other observations (including the appearance of the open waters) in relation to the same shoreline on 19 and 28 November 2018.

It was concluded that the exceedances were not due to HY/2013/04.

Actions Taken in the event of Non-compliance

Actions were taken under Event and Action Plan (EAP):

1. In situ measurement was repeated to confirm findings;

2. After considering the above-mentioned investigation results, it appears that it was unlikely that the exceedance was attributed to active construction activities of this Contract;

3. IEC, Contractor and ER were informed via email;

4. Monitoring data, all plant, equipment and Contractor's working methods were checked;

5. Since it is considered that the exceedance was unlikely to be contract related, as such, Actions 5-7 under the EAP are not considered applicable.

9.2.5  Water Quality Exceedance – 7 December 2018

On 7 December 2018, 1 no. AL exceedance of suspended solids at station SR6 was recorded during mid-flood tide.

According to the Contractor of HY/2013/04, all marine-based segment deliveries were completed in January 2018 and no marine-based works were conducted under the contract on 7 December 2018. Furthermore, there was no visible observation of any discharge or accumulation of organic matter at the active works areas within HY/2013/04 site area on 7 December 2018.

HY/2013/04 site shoreline interfacing with open waters was inspected during ET’s regular weekly site inspections on 5 December 2018 (between 10:20 and 10:30) and 13 December 2018 (between 10:10 and 10:30). There were no observations (including with respect to the appearance of the open waters) in relation to the same shoreline during both inspections. The silt curtain was inspected and was found to be structurally intact.

It was concluded that the exceedance was not due to HY/2013/04.

Actions Taken in the event of Non-compliance

Actions were taken under Event and Action Plan (EAP):

1. In situ measurement was repeated to confirm findings;

2. After considering the above-mentioned investigation results, it appears that it was unlikely that the exceedance was attributed to active construction activities of this Contract;

3. IEC, Contractor and ER were informed via email;

4. Monitoring data, all plant, equipment and Contractor's working methods were checked;

5. Since it is considered that the exceedance was unlikely to be contract related, as such, Actions 5-7 under the EAP are not considered applicable.

9.2.6  Water Quality Exceedance – 10 December 2018

On 10 December 2018, 1 no. AL exceedance of suspended solids at station SR6 was recorded during mid-ebb tide.

According to the Contractor of HY/2013/04, all marine-based segment deliveries were completed in January 2018 and no marine-based works were conducted under the contract on 12 December 2018. Furthermore, there was no visible observation of any discharge or accumulation of organic matter at the active works areas within HY/2013/04 site area on 12 December 2018.

HY/2013/04 site shoreline interfacing with open waters was inspected during ET’s regular weekly site inspections on 5 December 2018 (between 10:20 and 10:30) and 13 December 2018 (between 10:10 and 10:30). There were no observations (including with respect to the appearance of the open waters) in relation to the same shoreline during both inspections. The silt curtain was inspected and was found to be structurally intact.

It was concluded that the exceedance was not due to HY/2013/04.

Actions Taken in the event of Non-compliance

Actions were taken under Event and Action Plan (EAP):

1. In situ measurement was repeated to confirm findings;

2. After considering the above-mentioned investigation results, it appears that it was unlikely that the exceedance was attributed to active construction activities of this Contract;

3. EPD, IEC, Contractor and ER were informed via email;

4. Monitoring data, all plant, equipment and Contractor's working methods were checked;

5. Since it is considered that the exceedance was unlikely to be contract related, as such, Actions 5-7 under the EAP are not considered applicable.

9.2.7  Water Quality Exceedance – 12 December 2018

On 12 December 2018, 4 no. AL exceedances of suspended solids at stations IS8, SR4(N), IS(Mf)9 and IS7 were recorded during mid-flood tide.

According to the Contractor of HY/2013/04, all marine-based segment deliveries were completed in January 2018 and no marine-based works were conducted under the contract on 12 December 2018. Furthermore, there was no visible observation of any discharge or accumulation of organic matter at the active works areas within HY/2013/04 site area on 12 December 2018.

HY/2013/04 site shoreline interfacing with open waters was inspected during ET’s regular weekly site inspections on 5 December 2018 (between 10:20 and 10:30) and 13 December 2018 (between 10:10 and 10:30). There were no observations (including with respect to the appearance of the open waters) in relation to the same shoreline during both inspections. The silt curtain was inspected and was found to be structurally intact.

It was concluded that the exceedances were not due to HY/2013/04.

Actions Taken in the event of Non-compliance

Actions were taken under Event and Action Plan (EAP):

1. In situ measurement was repeated to confirm findings;

2. After considering the above-mentioned investigation results, it appears that it was unlikely that the exceedance was attributed to active construction activities of this Contract;

3. IEC, Contractor and ER were informed via email;

4. Monitoring data, all plant, equipment and Contractor's working methods were checked;

5. Since it is considered that the exceedance was unlikely to be contract related, as such, Actions 5-7 under the EAP are not considered applicable.

9.3       Chinese White Dolphin Exceedance

9.3.1  Chinese White Dolphin Exceedance – September to November 2018

(a) Causes of Exceedance

·       During CWD monitoring in the reporting period, no adverse impact from the activities of HZMB HKBCF project on dolphin was noticeable from general observations.

·       After review of all available and relevant data, including the raw data and analyses of other parameters included in the EM&A, no significant variation is detected in key environmental parameters.

·       As confirmed with Engineer’s Representative, there were no marine transportation and no marine-based works performed under Contract Nos. HY/2013/01, HY/2013/02 and HY/2013/03 in September–November 2018.

·       Also, according to the Contractor of HY/2013/04, all marine-based segment deliveries were completed in January 2018 and no marine-based works were conducted under the contract in September–November 2018. Moreover, the localised silt curtain at Box Culvert C under HY/2013/04 were removed on 28 November 2018.

·       Current mitigation measures were being upheld. Dolphin Watching Plans under Contract Nos. HY/2013/01 and HY/2013/04 were implemented in September–November 2018. There was no failure or reduction of dolphin-specific mitigation measures.

·       It was concluded that the HZMB construction work is one of the contributing factors affecting the dolphins. It was also concluded the contribution of impacts due to individual HZMB contracts and processes cannot be separated from the other activities within the dolphin habitat.

(b) Action required under the action plan

Please refer to the corresponding Event and Action Plan.

(c) Action taken under the action plan

1)     Statistical data analysis has been repeated to confirm findings

A two-way ANOVA with repeated measures and unequal sample size was conducted to examine whether there were any significant differences in the average encounter rates between the baseline and impact monitoring periods.  The two variables that were examined included the two periods (baseline and impact phases) and two locations (NEL and NWL). 

For the comparison between the baseline period and the present quarter (24th quarter of the impact phase being assessed), the p-values for the differences in average dolphin encounter rates of STG and ANI were 0.0029 and 0.0143 respectively.  If the alpha value is set at 0.05, significant differences were detected between the baseline and present quarters in both the average dolphin encounter rates of STG and ANI.

For comparison between the baseline period and the cumulative quarters in impact phase (i.e. first 24 quarters of the impact phase being assessed), the p-values for the differences in average dolphin encounter rates of STG and ANI were 0.000000 and 0.000000 respectively.  Even if the alpha value is set at 0.00001, significant differences were still detected in both the average dolphin encounter rates of STG and ANI (i.e. between the two periods and the locations).  

2)     All available and relevant data, including raw data and statistical analysis results of other parameters covered in the EM&A have been reviewed

The AFCD monitoring data during September to November 2018 has been reviewed by the dolphin specialist. During the same quarter, no dolphin was sighted from 172.60 km of survey effort on primary lines in NEL, while nine groups of 22 dolphins were sighted from 216.88 km of survey effort on primary lines in NWL. This review has confirmed that the low occurrence of dolphins reported by the monitoring surveys in autumn 2018 in NEL and NWL survey area is accurate.

Furthermore, for water quality monitoring during this reporting period, the following exceedances were recorded and investigated:

·       During September 2018, 184 exceedances of water quality (consisting of 153 Action Level and 29 Limit Level exceedances of dissolved oxygen and two Action Level exceedances of suspended solids) were recorded. Following investigations, it was concluded that the exceedances were not related to the HZMB HKBCF project.

·       During October 2018, two exceedances of water quality (consisting of one Action Level exceedance of suspended solids and one Action Level exceedance of turbidity) were recorded. Following investigations, it was concluded that the exceedances were not related to the HZMB HKBCF project.

·       During November 2018, five exceedances of water quality (all Action Level exceedances of suspended solids) were recorded. Following investigations, it was concluded that the exceedances were not related to the HZMB HKBCF project.

3)     Identification of source of impact was carried out

During this reporting period of dolphin monitoring, no adverse impact on dolphin from the works activities of HZMB HKBCF project was noticeable from general observations. Nevertheless, dolphin mitigation measures were being upheld and the Dolphin Watching Plan was implemented from the start of the works of the Project.

It is also noted that another ongoing project has expanded extensively in scale and now occupies considerable areas of NWL; it has prevented the successful completion of some of the transect lines and is in addition to the existing pressures the dolphins faced in the Lantau habitat before the HZMB development started (e.g. boat traffic, habitat degradation, pollution, competition with fisheries). The same project has already been noted as influencing a large part of NWL, which dolphins seem to have entirely vacated.

Investigation reports into previous dolphin monitoring exceedances prepared by the ET for Contract No. HY/2010/02 had concluded that there were ongoing construction works, both Project related and not, which were known to impact dolphins. While no adverse impact was observed from HZMB HKBCF activities on dolphins during this reporting period, the long-term impacts of these works cannot be assessed although expanding the scope of monitoring areas will provide better data on impacts outside the NEL and NWL zones. 

4)     The IEC, ER and Contractor have been informed of findings

ET of HY/2013/04 notified the exceedance as follows:

·       18 April 2019 (Notification No.  201809-201811D_NOE)

·       20 May 2019 (Notification No.  201809-201811D_NOE_r1)

5)     Monitoring data have been checked

See Point (2) above.

6)     Repeated review to ensure all the dolphin protective measures are fully and properly implemented and advise on additional measures if necessary

Site inspection of the silt curtain integrity was conducted during weekly site inspection. The appropriate mitigation monitoring was in place depending on site activities (i.e., Dolphin Exclusion Zone (DEZ)/Dolphin Watching Plan (DWP) for silt curtain deployment and all other Project activities, respectively).

After investigation, there was no evidence that indicated that the reduced number of dolphins in NWL and NEL was related solely to Project works. It was also concluded that the contribution of impacts due to the HZMB works as a whole (or individual contracts) cannot be quantified nor separate from the other stress factors.

(d) ET’s conclusions and recommendations for mitigation

Current mitigation measures for CWD were implemented fully, and the Contractor was reminded to consistently implement existing mitigation measures.

Investigation reports into previous dolphin monitoring exceedances prepared by the ET for Contract No. HY/2010/02 have noted that the current monitoring works under the EM&A programmes have already provided a high level of monitoring effort, that additional monitoring in the monitoring areas was not considered necessary, and that existing data can be reviewed and alternative analytical methods can be explored to determine any new insight to the dolphin distribution pattern.

(e) Contractor’s actions to implement the mitigation

·       Although this exceedance was considered not solely caused by HZMB HKBCF Project, the Contractor is reminded to fully implement all relevant mitigation measures identified in the Updated EM&A Manual.

·       It was recommended that the marine works of HZMB projects should be accelerated and completed as soon as possible so as to reduce the overall duration of impacts and allow the dolphin population to recover as early as possible.

9.3.2  Chinese White Dolphin Exceedance – December 2018 to February 2019

(a) Causes of Exceedance

·       During CWD monitoring in the reporting period, no adverse impact from the activities of HZMB HKBCF project on dolphin was noticeable from general observations.

·       After review of all available and relevant data, including the raw data and analyses of other parameters included in the EM&A, no significant variation is detected in key environmental parameters.

·       As confirmed with Engineer’s Representative, there were no works under the other HKBCF contracts (i.e. HY/2013/01, HY/2013/02, HY/2013/03 and HY/2014/05) during December 2018 – February 2019, and the EM&A programmes under the abovementioned contracts were terminated as per EPD’s memo dated 1 February 2019.  

·       Also, according to the Contractor of HY/2013/04, all marine-based segment deliveries were completed in January 2018 and no marine-based works were conducted under the contract during December 2018 – February 2019. Moreover, the localised silt curtains under HY/2013/04 were removed on 4 January 2019.

·       Current mitigation measures were being upheld until completion of the removal of localised silt curtains under HY/2013/04 on 4 January 2019. During December 2018 – February 2019, Dolphin Watching Plans under Contract No. HY/2013/01 and HY/2013/04 were implemented until 1 February 2019 and until 4 January 2019 respectively. There was no failure or reduction of dolphin-specific mitigation measures.

·       It was concluded that the HZMB construction work is one of the contributing factors affecting the dolphins. It was also concluded the contribution of impacts due to individual HZMB contracts and processes cannot be separated from the other activities within the dolphin habitat.

(b) Action required under the action plan

Please refer to the corresponding Event and Action Plan

(c) Action taken under the action plan

1)     Statistical data analysis has been repeated to confirm findings

A two-way ANOVA with repeated measures and unequal sample size was conducted to examine whether there were any significant differences in the average encounter rates between the baseline and impact monitoring periods.  The two variables that were examined included the two periods (baseline and impact phases) and two locations (NEL and NWL). 

For the comparison between the baseline period and the present quarter (25th quarter of the impact phase being assessed), the p-values for the differences in average dolphin encounter rates of STG and ANI were 0.0041 and 0.0221 respectively.  If the alpha value is set at 0.05, significant differences were detected between the baseline and present quarters in both the average dolphin encounter rates of STG and ANI.

For comparison between the baseline period and the cumulative quarters in impact phase (i.e. first 25 quarters of the impact phase being assessed), the p-values for the differences in average dolphin encounter rates of STG and ANI were 0.000000 and 0.000000 respectively.  Even if the alpha value is set at 0.00001, significant differences were still detected in both the average dolphin encounter rates of STG and ANI (i.e. between the two periods and the locations).

2)     All available and relevant data, including raw data and statistical analysis results of other parameters covered in the EM&A have been reviewed

The AFCD monitoring data during December 2018 to February 2019 has been reviewed by the dolphin specialist engaged under this Contract. During the same quarter, no dolphin was sighted from 83.03 km of survey effort on primary lines in NEL, while only four groups of 14 dolphins were sighted from 127.29 km of survey effort on primary lines in NWL. This review has confirmed that the low occurrence of dolphins reported by the monitoring surveys in winter 2018-19 in NEL and NWL survey area is accurate.

Furthermore, for water quality monitoring during this reporting period, the following exceedances were recorded and investigated:

·       During December 2018, six exceedances of water quality (consisting of five Action Level exceedances and one Limit Level exceedance of suspended solids) were recorded. Following investigations, it was concluded that the exceedances were not related to the HZMB HKBCF project.

·       During January 2019, no Action and Limit Level exceedances were recorded.

·       During February 2019, the water quality monitoring programme was temporarily suspended, therefore no water quality monitoring was conducted, no water quality monitoring results were recorded, and no Action and Limit Level exceedances were recorded.

3)     Identification of source of impact was carried out

During this reporting period of dolphin monitoring, no adverse impact on dolphin from the works activities of HZMB HKBCF project was noticeable from general observations. Nevertheless, dolphin mitigation measures were being upheld until completion of the removal of localised silt curtains on 4 January 2019 and the Dolphin Watching Plan was implemented from the start of the works of the Project until 4 January 2019.

It is also noted that another ongoing project has expanded extensively in scale and now occupies considerable areas of NWL; it has prevented the successful completion of some of the transect lines and is in addition to the existing pressures the dolphins faced in the Lantau habitat before the HZMB development started (e.g. boat traffic, habitat degradation, pollution, competition with fisheries). The same project has already been noted as influencing a large part of NWL, which dolphins seem to have entirely vacated.

Investigation reports into previous dolphin monitoring exceedances prepared by the ET for Contract No. HY/2010/02 had concluded that there were ongoing construction works, both Project related and not, which were known to impact dolphins. While no adverse impact was observed from HZMB HKBCF activities on dolphins during this reporting period, the long-term impacts of these works cannot be assessed although expanding the scope of monitoring areas will provide better data on impacts outside the NEL and NWL zones. 

4)     The IEC, ER and Contractor have been informed of findings

ET of HY/2013/04 notified the exceedance as follows:

·       18 April 2019 (Notification No.  201812-201902D_NOE)

·       22 May 2019 (Notification No.  201812-201902D_NOE_r1)

5)     Monitoring data have been checked

See Point (2) above.

6)     Repeated review to ensure all the dolphin protective measures are fully and properly implemented and advise on additional measures if necessary

Site inspection of the silt curtain integrity was conducted during weekly site inspection. The appropriate mitigation monitoring was in place depending on site activities (i.e., Dolphin Exclusion Zone (DEZ)/Dolphin Watching Plan (DWP) for silt curtain deployment and all other Project activities, respectively). These activities continued until completion of the removal of localised silt curtains under Contract No. HY/2013/04 on 4 January 2019.

After investigation, there was no evidence that indicated that the reduced number of dolphins in NWL and NEL was related solely to Project works. It was also concluded that the contribution of impacts due to the HZMB works as a whole (or individual contracts) cannot be quantified nor separate from the other stress factors.

(d) ET’s conclusions and recommendations for mitigation

Current mitigation measures for CWD were implemented fully, and the Contractor was reminded to consistently implement existing mitigation measures.

Investigation reports into previous dolphin monitoring exceedances prepared by the ET for Contract No. HY/2010/02 have noted that the current monitoring works under the EM&A programmes have already provided a high level of monitoring effort, that additional monitoring in the monitoring areas was not considered necessary, and that existing data can be reviewed and alternative analytical methods can be explored to determine any new insight to the dolphin distribution pattern.

(e) Contractor’s actions to implement the mitigation

·       Although this exceedance was considered not solely caused by HZMB HKBCF Project, the Contractor is reminded to fully implement all relevant mitigation measures identified in the Updated EM&A Manual.

·       It was recommended that the marine works of HZMB projects should be accelerated and completed as soon as possible so as to reduce the overall duration of impacts and allow the dolphin population to recover as early as possible.





10   Record on Environmental Complaints Received / Notification of Summons and Successful Prosecution

10.1    Overall Summary

Environmental complaints investigated and reported by the ET of this Contract during the reporting period are summarised in Table 10.1 below.

Table 10.1: Summary of Environmental Complaints for the Reporting Period reported by this Contract

Log No.

Environmental Complaint Ref. No.

Date of Complaint Receipt




22 May 2015

Air Quality and Noise



13 July 2015




22 September 2016

Water Quality



10 November 2016

Water Quality



14 December 2016




27 March 2017

Noise and Water Quality



27 October 2017

Water Quality



23 November 2017

Air Quality



29 December 2017

Air Quality and Water Quality



10 March 2018

Air Quality and Water Quality



22 June 2018

Water Quality



3 October 2018

Air Quality

10.2    Air Quality Complaint

10.2.1 Air Quality Complaint – received on 23 November 2017

The complaint was about dust dispersion from HZMB HKBCF Island works site. According to the complainant, a large amount of dust was generated due to water spray not being provided at every part of the site and was most serious near the toll gate.  

The complaint was investigated by the ET of the Contract.

As informed by the Contractor of HY/2013/04, watering of all main haul roads was provided in accordance with the HY/2013/04 site watering plan (as presented in ET’s investigation report). This plan schedules water spraying for 8 times per day which follows the recommended mitigation measures in the Updated EM&A Manual. 

During ET’s regular weekly site inspection on 20 November 2017 (between 14:00 and 15:00) and 29 November 2017 (between 14:00 and 15:30), the haul roads were observed to be watered and no fugitive dust generation from HY/2013/04 works was observed. Photos of these mitigation measures are presented in ET’s investigation report. There were no observations referring to air quality mitigation measures associated with watering of site areas.

It is also noted that HY/2013/04 works do not include construction of any toll gates or vehicle clearance plazas. 

It was concluded that the complaint was unlikely to be related to HY/2013/04.

10.2.2  Air Quality Complaint – received on 3 October 2018

The complaint referred to a large amount of dust generated due to lack of water spraying on dirt road at HKBCF Island site. As informed by EPD, the location under complaint was near the exit/entrance of Contract No. HY/2013/04 as advised by the complainant.

The relevant mitigation measures for access roads for the HZMB HKBCF Island site, as required in the EMIS and statutory requirements in the Air Pollution Control (Construction Dust) Regulations and other applicable environmental legislation, are consolidated as follows:

    Immediately before leaving a construction site, every vehicle shall be washed to remove any dusty materials from its body and wheels and to ensure that no earth, mud or debris is deposited by them on roads.

    Vehicle washing facilities with high pressure water jet should be provided at every discernible or designated vehicle exit point.  The area where vehicle washing takes place and the road section between the washing facilities and the exit point should be paved with concrete, bituminous materials or hardcores.

    Every main haul road shall be paved with concrete, bituminous materials, hardcores or metal plates, and kept clear of dusty materials, or sprayed with water or a dust suppression chemical so as to maintain the entire road surface wet.

    The portion of any road leading only to construction site that is within 30m of a vehicle entrance or exit should be kept clear of dusty materials.

    The Contractor should undertake proper watering on all exposed spoil (with at least 8 times per day) throughout the construction phase.

The Contractor’s site watering record for 2 and 3 October 2018 as checked by ET was normal with watering provided 8 times per day.

As informed by the Contractor of HY/2013/04, water spray was provided by water truck for the HY/2013/04 site on the morning of 3 October 2018.

During ET’s regular weekly site inspection on 3 October 2018 (between 14:00 and 15:00), a site observation regarding air quality was made, namely dust emission was observed along haul road near bridge D12 area; the Contractor was reminded to provide water spraying to ensure wet surface. Other haul roads within HY/2013/04 site were found to have been provided with water spray.

The vehicular entrance of and the wheel wash facility at the vehicular exit of HY/2013/04 site boundary were also inspected and found to be operating normally with no fugitive dust observed.

10.3    Noise Complaint

10.3.1  Noise Complaint – received on 13 July 2015

The complaint was in relation to construction noise nuisance in the vicinity of Tung Chung New Development Pier. According to the complainant, construction noise was generated at the HKBCF site near Hong Kong SkyCity Marriott Hotel during night-time period of the past 10 days.

After investigation, it was concluded that the complaint was not relevant to Contract No. HY/2013/04.

10.3.2  Noise Complaint – received on 14 December 2016

The complaint was about hammering noise during night-time period from unidentified sources possibly from construction sites of HZMB. According to the complainant, in the preceding month hammering noise was heard during the early morning hours possibly from nearby construction sites. While the complainant was not sure about the exact source of this noise, he suspected that it was most likely from HZMB site works.  

As informed by the Contractor of HY/2013/04, works conducted under Contract No. HY/2013/04 during restricted hours between mid-November and mid-December 2016 involved transport of concrete segments to HZMB HY/2013/04 site using tug boat and barge (marine-based) and crane and tractor with trailer (land-based). Such activity commenced after 1:30am in the morning. No hammering works were conducted by the Contract during restricted hours.

It was noted that the Contractor obtained valid Construction Noise Permits (CNP nos. GW-RS1064-16 and GW-RS1192-16) permitting the use of certain powered mechanical equipment (PME) during restricted hours including the period of mid-November to mid-December 2016. The abovementioned activity was permitted in these CNPs.

Based on the investigation findings above, the complaint is considered invalid under HY/2013/04.

10.4    Water Quality Complaint

10.4.1  Water Quality Complaint – received on 22 September 2016

The complaint was about whitish effluent discharged from HZMB construction site. According to the complainant, two barges which commenced from Tuen Mun had discharged whitish effluent into the open waters opposite Casing No. 54–55 of HZMB HKBCF Island construction site between 18:00 and 04:00 hours on a daily basis.

After investigation, it was concluded that the complaint was not relevant to Contract No. HY/2013/04.

10.4.2  Water Quality Complaint – received on 10 November 2016

The complaint was about muddy water being observed as a works barge “長盛308 was travelling east from the HZMB Scenic Hill site area to open waters opposite Tung Chung Ferry Pier on 7 November 2016. According to the complainant, the barge was carrying muddy water. A photo of the observation was also provided by the complainant.  

As informed by the Contractor of HY/2013/04, no marine barges were operated and no marine works from HKBCF contract site were conducted under this contract on 7 November 2016.

Based on the investigation findings above, the complaint is considered invalid under HY/2013/04.

10.4.3  Water Quality Complaint – received on 27 October 2017

The complaint was about muddy water discharge from HZMB HKBCF Island works site. According to the complainant, this had continued for one week and occurred at C3 (HY/2013/03) site.  

The complaint was investigated by the ET of the Contract.

As informed by the Contractor of HY/2013/04, there was no ongoing discharge of wastewater from the HY/2013/04 site during the period described in the complaint.

The Contractor has obtained a discharge licence under the WPCO for treatment and disposal of wastewater (Licence No. WT00028782-2017). The discharge licence and most recently-received results for monthly sampling under the licence were included in ET’s investigation report.

During ET’s regular weekly site inspection on 23 October 2017, HY/2013/04 site shoreline interfacing with open waters was inspected. Land-based works at the shoreline for Box Culverts C and D were in progress. Bunds were provided near the shoreline to contain potential site runoff. No surface runoff was observed near the shoreline. Wastewater treatment facilities were provided near Box Culverts C and D to treat site runoff before discharge from the contract site. No discharge was observed at the discharge points or along the same shoreline interfacing with open waters.  Silt curtain was provided at each box culvert for marine work areas. Photos of these mitigation measures were included in ET’s investigation report. A location plan showing the discharge points was also included in ET’s investigation report.

During the abovementioned site inspection, silty water was observed immediately outside the perimeter of a silt curtain for Box Culvert D, and the Contractor was reminded to inspect the silt curtain to ensure that its structural integrity is intact. Subsequently, the Contractor inspected the silt curtain to confirm its structural integrity and no silty water outside the silt curtain was observed. There were no other observations referring to water quality mitigation measures associated with that shoreline.

10.4.4  Water Quality Complaint – received on 22 June 2018

The complaint was about discharge of muddy water from HKBCF. According to site photos provided by HyD, it is noticed that there was muddy water discharged via as-constructed box culverts/outfall structures at various parts of seawall on 13 June 2018.

This investigation reports the findings with respect to Box Culverts C and D which are located inside HY/2013/04 works site. It is noted that more than one HKBCF contract site was subject to the present complaint.

It is noted that the construction of Box Culverts C and D is divided into two parts, with HY/2013/04 and the adjacent HZMB HKBCF contract each responsible for the part inside its respective site boundary. The general HY/2013/04 site arrangement map showing the locations of Box Culverts C and D relative to these contracts is provided in ET’s investigation report.

As informed by the Contractor of HY/2013/04, land-based construction of the main structure of Box Culverts C and D (including the outfalls) were completed by May 2018 and no further works inside the main structures were conducted. Since then, land-based reinstatement of the seawall at ground level were in progress.

Prior to the subject incident, ET conducted weekly site inspection on 11 June 2018, during which the HY/2013/04 site shoreline interfacing with open waters was inspected. There was no observation regarding any overflow of site runoff or presence of silty water in the open waters associated with that shoreline, including at Box Culverts C and D. Silt curtains at Box Culverts C and D were observed as secured with no leakage of muddy water into the open waters. No HY/2013/04 site works were observed which may be a potential cause of muddy water discharge. Relevant photos are presented in ET’s investigation report. 

It is noted that amber rainstorm warning signal was issued during the daytime on 13 June 2018 from 15:00 to 18:15. The relevant record from the Hong Kong Observatory is presented in ET’s investigation report.

The Contractor confirmed that prior to the heavy rain on 13 June 2018 it had inspected the silt curtains which were functioning properly with no leakage of muddy water into the open waters. Photo provided by the Contractor is presented in ET’s investigation report.

After the heavy rain, the silt curtains were inspected and readjusted to ensure no leakage of site runoff into the open waters. Photo taken by the Contractor on 16 June 2018 is also presented in ET’s investigation report.

ET conducted weekly site inspection on 20 June 2018, during which the HY/2013/04 site shoreline interfacing with open waters was inspected. There was no observation regarding any overflow of site runoff or presence of silty water in the open waters associated with that shoreline. Silt curtains at Box Culverts C and D were observed as secured with no leakage of muddy water into the open waters. According to the Contractor, the opening in the silt curtain at Box Culvert C was repaired by 20 June 2018. Relevant photos are presented in ET’s investigation report. 

Following receipt of the subject complaint, ET conducted weekly site inspections on 27 June 2018, during which the HY/2013/04 site shoreline interfacing with open waters was inspected. There was no observation regarding any overflow of site runoff or presence of silty water in the open waters associated with that shoreline. Silt curtains at Box Culverts C and D were observed as secured with no leakage of muddy water into the open waters. No HY/2013/04 site works were observed which may be a potential cause of muddy water discharge. Relevant photos are presented in ET’s investigation report. 

As part of the regular weekly site inspection process, mitigation measures for surface runoff collection and treatment were audited. According to the Contractor’s approved Site Temporary Drainage Management Plan (Section 4.1.1 for HKBCF island site), in the event of flooding on site due to heavy rainstorm, the effluent and surface water would be collected by temporary drainage channels to on-site waste water treatment facilities (including, but not limited to, sedimentation tank and Wetsep) and then discharged by discharge well on-site; furthermore, temporary drainage channel or earth bund shall be formed in front of the existing crest of sloping seawall within the site area in order to prevent the effluent from being overflowed into the sea due to heavy rainstorm. It is noted that the temporary site drainage system are not connected to Box Culverts C and D within HY/2013/04 site and therefore it is not anticipated that muddy surface runoff would flow into these box culverts. The Layout Plan for Site Temporary Drainage is presented in ET’s investigation report. Throughout June 2018, no adverse observations were made in relation to muddy surface runoff, and no muddy surface runoff was observed as overflowing from the HY/2013/04 site area into these box culverts or the open waters. 

It is concluded that the source of the discharged runoff is not related to this contract and may be upstream of the HY/2013/04 works area.

10.5    Multiple-parameter Complaints

10.5.1  Air Quality & Noise Complaint – received on 22 May 2015

The complaint was in relation to noise generation and dark smoke emission from plants undertaking at night-time works at HKBCF project.

The Contractor was currently establishing the temporary site office and storage area in works area WA3 (Siu Ho Wan). The Contractor confirmed that there were no site activities including any plant and equipment mobilization to HZMB HKBCF island on 21 May 2015 during night-time.

Based on the investigation stated above, the complaint was considered an invalid complaint under HY/2013/04.

10.5.2  Air Quality & Water Quality Complaint – received on 29 December 2017

The complaint was about effectiveness of mitigation measures for dust and mud on roads related to HZMB HKBCF Island site works.

The complaint was investigated by the ET of the Contract.

This investigation reviewed the effectiveness of mitigation measures implemented by the Contractor of HY/2013/04 to control any potential dust or mud nuisance attributed to vehicles leaving the HY/2013/04 site boundary. 

The relevant mitigation measures for access roads for the HZMB HKBCF Island site, as required in the EMIS and statutory requirements in the Air Pollution Control (Construction Dust) Regulations and other applicable environmental legislation, are consolidated as follows:

    Immediately before leaving a construction site, every vehicle shall be washed to remove any dusty materials from its body and wheels and to ensure that no earth, mud or debris is deposited by them on roads.

    Vehicle washing facilities with high pressure water jet should be provided at every discernible or designated vehicle exit point.  The area where vehicle washing takes place and the road section between the washing facilities and the exit point should be paved with concrete, bituminous materials or hardcores.

    Every main haul road shall be paved with concrete, bituminous materials, hardcores or metal plates, and kept clear of dusty materials, or sprayed with water or a dust suppression chemical so as to maintain the entire road surface wet.

    The portion of any road leading only to construction site that is within 30m of a vehicle entrance or exit should be kept clear of dusty materials.

    The Contractor should undertake proper watering on all exposed spoil (with at least 8 times per day) throughout the construction phase.

In early January 2018 RE had requested the Contractor of HY/2013/04 to provide a wheel washing facility at the HY/2013/04 site boundary exit for vehicles to adjacent HKBCF contract site. A map showing the general location of the HKBCF contract sites is presented in ET’s investigation report.

As informed by the Contractor of HY/2013/04, water spray was provided by site workers as an interim measure at the HY/2013/04 site boundary entrance/exit for vehicles leaving HY/2013/04 site in the direction of HZMB HKBCF Island site exit. The wheel washing facility was subsequently completed and implemented on 27 January 2018. Contractor’s photos showing the operation of the wheel wash facility on that day are presented in ET’s investigation report.

Also, watering of all main haul roads was provided in accordance with the HY/2013/04 site watering plan (as presented in ET’s investigation report). This plan schedules water spraying for at least 8 times per day which follows the recommended mitigation measures in the Updated EM&A Manual and Environmental Permit.

Before operation of the wheel wash facility, ET conducted regular weekly site inspections on 10, 15 and 24 January 2018 with extra focus on the implementation status of all air quality and water quality mitigation measures including haul roads and washing of vehicles leaving HY/2013/04 site. The following observations were made:

    10 January 2018 (14:00-15:00): Water spray was provided for haul roads in the HY/2013/04 site area. Water spray from two hoses was provided by the Contractor to wash the wheels of vehicles leaving HY/2013/04 and entering HY/2013/02 site towards HZMB HKBCF Island site exit. No specific observations referring to air or water quality mitigation measures associated with wheel washing facility.

    15 January 2018 (14:30-15:30): Water spray was provided for haul roads in the HY/2013/04 site area. Water spray from two hoses was provided by the Contractor to wash the wheels of vehicles leaving HY/2013/04 and entering HY/2013/02 site towards HZMB HKBCF Island site exit. An air quality observation regarding effectiveness of water spray was made; subsequently the Contractor displayed a temporary stop sign to ensure vehicles were being properly washed at this location and the observation was closed. Also, an air quality observation regarding dry haul road at Bridge D1 was observed; subsequently, the Contractor provide water spray.

    24 January 2018 (14:00-15:00): Water spray was provided for haul roads in the HY/2013/04 site area. Water spray from two hoses was provided by the Contractor to wash the wheels of vehicles leaving HY/2013/04 and entering HY/2013/02 site towards HZMB HKBCF Island site exit. No specific observations referring to air or water quality mitigation measures associated with wheel washing facility.

Following commencement of operation of the wheel wash facility, ET conducted regular weekly site inspections on 31 January, 9 and 12 February 2018 with extra focus on the implementation status of all air quality and water quality mitigation measures including haul roads and washing of vehicles leaving HY/2013/04 site. The following observations were made:

    31 January 2018 (14:30-15:00): Water spray provided for haul roads in the HY/2013/04 site area. Wheel wash facility was in operation. No specific observations referring to air or water quality mitigation measures associated with wheel washing facility.

    9 February 2018 (14:00-15:00): Water spray was provided for haul roads in the HY/2013/04 site area. Wheel wash facility was in operation. No specific observation referring to air or water quality mitigation measures associated with wheel washing facility and access roads was observed.

    12 February 2018 (14:00-15:00): Wheel wash facility was in operation; no specific observation referring to air or water quality mitigation measures associated with the wheel wash facility was observed. Water spray was provided for haul roads in the HY/2013/04 site area. An air quality observation regarding fugitive dust generated when vehicles passed through the haul road between wheel washing facilities and Box Culvert C was observed. The Contractor was reminded to provide watering on haul road frequently.

10.5.3  Air Quality & Water Quality Complaint – received on 10 March 2018

The complaint was about the regular absence of site staff at the wheel wash facility to clean the wheels of vehicles leaving HZMB HKBCF Island site after 19:00. A video of the area concerned was provided by the complainant. 

The complaint was investigated by the ET of the Contract.

The relevant mitigation measures for washing of site vehicles for the HZMB HKBCF Island site, as required in the EMIS and statutory requirements in the Air Pollution Control (Construction Dust) Regulations and other applicable environmental legislation, are consolidated as follows:

    Immediately before leaving a construction site, every vehicle shall be washed to remove any dusty materials from its body and wheels and to ensure that no earth, mud or debris is deposited by them on roads.

    Vehicle washing facilities with high pressure water jet should be provided at every discernible or designated vehicle exit point.  The area where vehicle washing takes place and the road section between the washing facilities and the exit point should be paved with concrete, bituminous materials or hardcores.

The wheel washing facility at the HY/2013/04 site boundary entrance/exit for vehicles leaving HY/2013/04 site in the direction of HZMB HKBCF Island site exit was implemented by the Contractor on 27 January 2018. A plan of the wheel washing facility is presented in ET’s investigation report.  As informed by the Contractor of HY/2013/04, wheel washing facility was staffed by site workers with water hose between 07:00 and 19:00 only on each working day.

During ET’s regular weekly site inspection on 14 March 2018 (between 14:00 and 15:00), the haul road in the vicinity of the wheel wash facility was observed to be watered and no fugitive dust generation from HY/2013/04 works was observed. The additional signage mentioned above was also provided. Photos of implementation of these measures at the wheel wash facility are presented in ET’s investigation report. There were no observations referring to air quality mitigation measures associated with watering of site areas. 

The Contractor was reminded to properly implement all necessary air and water quality mitigation measures identified in the Updated EM&A Manual. All site vehicles leaving HY/2013/04 site should be properly washed at the wheel washing facilities at HY/2013/04 site exit to prevent muddy trail on the access roads and public roads thereafter.

The Contractor has agreed to provide 24 hours site workers with manual water spray at the wheel washing facility on each working day to ensure all vehicles have been washed before leaving the site.

10.5.4  Noise & Water Quality Complaint – received on 27 March 2017

The complaint covered noise and water quality aspects, as follows:

    Noise: The complaint was about very loud noise which according to the complainant’s observations were likely to originate from works near the HZMB HKBCF Island and which continued until late night hours.

    Water quality: The complaint was about pollutant in the open waters from the complainant’s residence. A photo was also provided by the complainant. According to the complainant, the pollution appeared to be caused by HZMB-related works.

As informed by the Contractor of HY/2013/04:

1.   On 26 March 2017, works were conducted under Contract No. HY/2013/04 until 5pm and no further works were performed during evening and night-time hours on that day. It is noted that the Contractor obtained a valid Construction Noise Permit (CNP no. GW-RS1064-16) permitting the use of certain powered mechanical equipment (PME) during restricted hours between 1 November 2016 and 30 April 2017.

2.   On 27 March 2017, no marine-based transportation was conducted under Contract No. HY/2013/04. 

Based on the investigation findings above, the complaint is considered invalid under HY/2013/04.




11   Review of the Validity of EIA Predictions

11.1    Air Quality

A total of four exceedances of the 24-hour TSP Limit Levels were recorded and investigated by the ET of this Contract from 1 October 2018 to 31 January 2020. Of these, one Limit Level exceedance was recorded at AM2, four Limit Level exceedances were recorded at AM3C and three Limit Level exceedances were recorded at AM7B. It was concluded that these exceedances were not due to the Contract. It was noted that other nearby concurrent projects were under construction at various stages throughout the Contract works period.

Also, all 1-hour TSP results recorded by the ET of this Contract were below the Action and Limit Level from 1 October 2018 to 31 January 2020.

The approved EIA Report had predicted that with the implementation of dust mitigation measures, in particular watering frequency of eight times per day, the predicted cumulative 1-hour, 24-hour and annual TSP levels at all ASRs would comply with the TM-EIA and HKAQO (which correspond to the Limit Levels for the HKBCF Project), and therefore no adverse cumulative dust impact would be caused.

Therefore, the air quality monitoring results were in line with the predictions of the approved EIA Report.

Besides the abovementioned period reported under this Contract, the other contracts responsible for reporting air quality monitoring results during the reporting period are presented in Table 4.2.

11.2    Noise

All noise monitoring results recorded by the ET of this Contract were below the Limit Level from 1 October 2018 to 31 January 2020. Also, since no documented noise complaint was received from any one of the sensitive receivers during the same period, there was no Action Level exceedance.

The approved EIA Report had predicted that with the implementation of noise mitigation measures, the construction noise from the Project works would meet the stipulated criterion at the noise sensitive receivers (NSRs).

Besides the abovementioned period reported under this Contract, the other contracts responsible for reporting noise monitoring results during the reporting period are presented in Table 4.3.

11.3    Water Quality

This report reviews the validity of such predictions during the period in which this Contract was responsible for the water quality monitoring programme for the HKBCF project (i.e. October 2018 to May 2020), which was after completion of dredging, reclamation and seawall works undertaken by other HZMB Contracts.

A total of 12 Action Limit exceedances (one turbidity and 11 suspended solids) and one Limit Level exceedance (suspended solids) for water quality were recorded and investigated by the ET of this Contract during the reporting period. Following investigations, it was concluded that the exceedances were not related to the HZMB HKBCF project.

The approved EIA Report had predicted that with the implementation of the recommended mitigation measures, no residual adverse impacts on water quality would be expected from the HZMB HKBCF and HKLR projects including reclamation works. Furthermore, no significant impacts were predicted for the operational stage.

While some water quality exceedances were recorded, these were investigated and found to be not related to the HZMB HKBCF project works. Furthermore, the weekly site inspections ensured that all the environmental mitigation measures recommended in the approved EIA Report and Updated EM&A Manual were effectively implemented, and any deficiencies were promptly identified and followed-up by the Contractor.

It was noted that other nearby concurrent projects were under construction at various stages throughout the Contract works period.

Besides the abovementioned period reported under this Contract, the other contracts responsible for reporting water quality monitoring results during the reporting period were Contract Nos. HY/2010/02 (Jul 2015 – Aug 2017) and HY/2013/01 (Sep 2017 – Sep 2018).

11.4    Chinese White Dolphin

Two Limit Level exceedances of impact dolphin monitoring were recorded and investigated by the ET of this Contract during the reporting period. Following investigations, there was no evidence that indicated that the reduced number of dolphins in NWL and NEL was related solely to Project works. It was also concluded that the contribution of impacts due to the HZMB works as a whole (or individual contracts) cannot be quantified nor separate from the other stress factors.

The approved EIA Report had predicted that with the implementation of the recommended mitigation measures, the cumulative impacts to Chinese White Dolphin in terms of disturbance, noise, marine traffic is considered to be minimal and the impact is considered to be low, and no residual impact is expected. More specifically, it was predicted that the loss of dolphin habitat would be contributed mostly by HKBCF reclamation works and would be largely be carried forward to the operational phase, but would also be significantly reduced by effective mitigation measures such as the establishment of Brothers Islands Marine Park, which was officially designated under Marine Parks Ordinance in December 2016. Additional dolphin habitat loss from other nearby concurrent projects was also predicted, although the quantity, locations, size and scheduling of these other projects in reality have differed from those mentioned in the approved EIA Report. For example, the “Expansion of Hong Kong International Airport into a Three Runway System” had not yet been officially announced when the HZMB HKBCF EIA Report was approved by EPD in 2009.

Furthermore, the weekly site inspections ensured that all the environmental mitigation measures recommended in the approved EIA Report and Updated EM&A Manual were effectively implemented, and any deficiencies were promptly identified and followed-up by the Contractor.

Overall, the dolphin monitoring results were in line with the predictions of the approved EIA Report.

Besides the abovementioned period reported under this Contract, the other contracts responsible for reporting water quality monitoring results during the reporting period were Contract Nos. HY/2010/02 (Jul 2015 – Aug 2017) and HY/2013/01 (Sep 2017 – Sep 2018).

11.5    Waste Management

Mitigation measures on waste management had been implemented in accordance with the Waste Management Plan for the Contract which was submitted under the EP.

Regular weekly site inspections were conducted by the ET of this Contract to audit the implementation of the recommended mitigation measures, and any issues or observations identified were followed up and rectified by the Contractor. No adverse events regarding waste management under this Contract were observed during the reporting period. Moreover, no complaints regarding waste management under this Contract were received.

Furthermore, the Contractor was registered as a chemical waste producer for the Contract. Sufficient numbers of receptacles were available for general refuse collection and sorting. The C&D materials were disposed of at public filling reception facilities while C&D wastes were disposed of at landfill.

Regarding marine sediment, as a practical means, the disposal operation was managed by a single HKBCF contractor who was also responsible for application of dumping permit and its subsequent extension applications from EPD. Contract No. HY/2013/03 was assigned to coordinate and arrange for disposal of extracted marine sediment from this Contract at the allocated dumping site, with the last batch disposal on 30 August 2017.

The Approved EIA Report had predicted that with the implementation of recommended mitigation measures, residual impacts would not be anticipated for both the construction and operational phases.

11.6    Fisheries

The recommended mitigation measures for fisheries consisted of a water quality monitoring and audit programme with implementation measures, which was duly implemented. Among these measures, the Brothers Islands Marine Park was officially designated under Marine Parks Ordinance in December 2016, as mentioned in Section 11.4.

The Approved EIA Report had predicted that there would be minor changes in water quality, all of which would comply with Water Quality Objectives during the operation phase, and that the impacts on the fish and shrimp spawning ground in North Lantau waters and Tung Chung Bay (i.e. the next nearest sites of fisheries sensitive receivers) would not be significant, with impacts on other more distant sites to be even less.

11.7    Landscape and Visual

Mitigation measures on landscape and visual for construction and operation phases under the Contract, which were adopted during the detail design stage, were implemented in accordance with the Landscape and Visual Plan for the Contract which was submitted under the EP.

During the construction phase, bi-weekly site audits were conducted by the ET of this Contract to audit the implementation of the recommended mitigation measures, and any issues or observations identified were followed up and rectified by the Contractor. No adverse events regarding landscape and visual under this Contract were observed during the construction phase. Moreover, no complaints regarding landscape and visual under this Contract were received.

Furthermore, mitigation measures on landscape and visual during the 12-month establishment period under the HZMB HKBCF project had been implemented in accordance with the Landscape and Visual Plan for the HZMB HKBCF project which was submitted under the EP.

Bi-monthly site inspections during the 12-month establishment period were conducted by the ET of Contract Nos. HY/2013/01, HY/2013/02, HY/2013/03 and HY/2014/05 to audit the implementation of the recommended mitigation measures, and any issues or observations identified were followed up and rectified by the relevant maintenance Contractor. Overall, the planting of the recommended tree and plant species was observed to be satisfactory. No adverse events regarding landscape and visual were observed during the establishment period.

The Approved EIA Report had predicted that with the implementation of the proposed mitigation measures during construction and operation phases, the overall residual impacts are considered as acceptable.

11.8    Conclusion

The environmental monitoring results indicated that the construction activities in general were in compliance with the relevant environmental requirements and were environmentally acceptable. The weekly site inspections ensured that all the environmental mitigation measures recommended in the approved EIA Report and Updated EM&A Manual were effectively implemented. Despite the minor deficiencies found during site audits, the relevant Contractor had taken appropriate actions to rectify deficiencies within a reasonable timeframe. Therefore, the effectiveness and efficiency of the mitigation measures were considered high for most of the time.

For air quality and water quality parameters under impact monitoring, some exceedances were recorded and investigated, and found to be not related to the Contract. For Chinese White Dolphin parameters under impact monitoring, some exceedances were recorded and investigated, and there was no evidence that indicated that the reduced number of dolphins in NWL and NEL was related solely to Project works. For all noise parameters under impact monitoring, the measured levels were in line with the approved EIA Report generally.

This indicates that the mitigation measures were effectively implemented.




12   Review of the EM&A Programme

The environmental monitoring methodology was considered well established as the monitoring results were found in line with the EIA predictions.

Effective follow up actions were promptly taken once environmental deficiencies were noted. The EM&A programme was considered successfully and adequately conducted during the course of the reporting period.




13   Conclusions

13.1    Conclusions


The EM&A programme for this Contract, as recommended in the Updated EM&A Manual, commenced on 13 July 2015 and continued throughout the reporting period until 31 May 2020.

The proposal for termination of the construction phase EM&A programme for this Contract including weekly site audits was certified by the ET Leader on 6 March 2020, verified by the IEC on 9 March 2020, approved by EPD on 9 April 2020 and implemented on 20 April 2020.

During this Contract, the monitoring and reporting responsibilities of air quality, noise, water quality and Chinese White Dolphin due to the Project were initially performed by the ETs of other HKBCF Contracts. The ET of this Contract assumed this responsibility of both conducting and reporting on the monitoring due to the Project during the following periods:

Monitoring Parameter


Period reported by this Contract

Air (1-hour TSP)


1 Oct 2018 – 31 Jan 2020 (AMS2, AMS3C & AMS7B)(A1)(A2)(A3)

Air (24-hour TSP)


1 Oct 2018 – 31 Jan 2020 (AMS2, AMS3C & AMS7B)(A1)(A2)(A3)



1 Oct 2018 – 31 Jan 2020 (NMS2 & NMS3C)(N1)(N2)(N3)

Water Quality


1 Oct 2018 – 26 Nov 2018(W1)

3 – 14 Dec 2018(W2)

2 – 4 Jan 2019(W3)(W4)



1 – 31 May 2019



(first year)

1 Jun 2019 – 31 May 2020

Chinese White Dolphin


1 Oct 2018 – 28 Feb 2019(CWD1)



1 Mar 2019 – 29 Feb 2020

Landscape and Visual

Establishment Works

24 Feb 2019 – 23 Oct 2019 (HY/2013/01, HY/2013/03 & HY/2014/05)

20 Feb 2019 – 4 Oct 2019 (HY/2013/02)

Weekly Environmental Site Inspections


13 Jul 2015 – 20 Apr 2020


(A1)          The remaining air quality monitoring works at AMS2, AMS3C and AMS7B under this Contract were suspended from 1 February 2020. The ET of Contract No. HY/2019/01 “HZMB HKBCF – Phase 2 and Other Works” is required and continues the full implementation of environmental air quality monitoring commencing on 1 February 2020.

(A2)          The air quality monitoring station AMS6 is covered by Contract No. HY/2011/03 “Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Hong Kong Link Road (HZMB HKLR) – Section between Scenic Hill and HKBCF” during the reporting period.

(A3)          Besides the abovementioned period reported under this Contract, the other contracts responsible for reporting air quality monitoring results during the reporting period are as follows:

AMS2: HY/2010/02 (Jul 2015 – Aug 2017), HY/2013/01 (Sep 2017 – Sep 2018), HY/2019/01 (Feb 2020 – May 2020)

AMS3B: HY/2010/02 (Jul 2015 – Aug 2017), HY/2013/01 (Sep 2017 – 15 Aug 2018)

AMS3C: HY/2019/01 (Feb 2020 – May 2020)

AMS6: HY/2011/03 (Jul 2015 – May 2020)

AMS7: HY/2010/02 (Jan 2016 – Jan 2018)

AMS7A: HY/2010/02 (Jul 2015 – Dec 2015)

AMS7B: HY/2010/02 (Jan 2016 – Aug 2017), HY/2013/01 (Sep 2017 – Sep 2018), HY/2019/01 (Feb 2020 – May 2020)

(N1)         The remaining noise monitoring works at NMS2 and NMS3C under this Contract were suspended from 1 February 2020. The ET of Contract No. HY/2019/01 “HZMB HKBCF – Phase 2 and Other Works” is required and continues the full implementation of environmental noise monitoring commencing on 1 February 2020.

(N2)         A proposal to terminate impact monitoring for noise at NMS2 and NMS3C was justified by the ET Leader of this Contract and verified by the IEC on 13 August 2019, and approved by EPD on 3 September 2019. Therefore, the last noise monitoring event at NMS2 and NMS3C to be reported under this Contract was conducted on 2 September 2019.     

(N3)          Besides the abovementioned period reported under this Contract, the other contracts responsible for reporting construction noise monitoring results during the reporting period are as follows:

NMS2: HY/2010/02 (Jul 2015 – Aug 2017), HY/2013/01 (Sep 2017 – Sep 2018), HY/2019/01 (Feb 2020 – May 2020)

NMS3B: HY/2010/02 (Jul 2015 – Aug 2017), HY/2013/01 (Sep 2017 – 15 Aug 2018)

NMS3C: HY/2013/01 (20 Aug 2018 – 30 Sep 2018), HY/2019/01 (Feb 2020 – May 2020)

(W1)         A proposal by ET to temporarily suspend the water quality monitoring under the EM&A programme during a scheduled period of no marine works under HZMB HKBCF was verified by IEC on 26 October 2018 and approved by EPD on 21 November 2018. Subsequently, the water quality monitoring programme was temporarily suspended by ET after completion of water quality monitoring on 26 November 2018.

(W2)         The water quality monitoring programme was resumed on 3 December 2018 to align with the Contractor’s tentative schedule of marine works, and again temporarily suspended after completion of water quality monitoring on 14 December 2018 after the Contractor confirmed that no marine works were scheduled for the remainder of the reporting month.

(W3)         The water quality monitoring programme was resumed on 2 January 2019 to align with the Contractor’s tentative schedule of marine works and temporarily suspended at the completion of water quality monitoring on 4 January 2019 after the Contractor confirmed that marine works in the form of removal of the silt curtain was completed.

(W4)         Besides the abovementioned periods reported under this Contract, the other contracts responsible for reporting water quality monitoring results during the reporting period are as follows:

HY/2010/02 (Jul 2015 – Aug 2017)

HY/2013/01 (Sep 2017 – Sep 2018)

(CWD1)   Besides the abovementioned periods reported under this Contract, the other contracts responsible for reporting dolphin monitoring results during the reporting period are as follows:

HY/2010/02 (Jul 2015 – Aug 2017)

HY/2013/01 (Sep 2017 – Sep 2018)

In particular, the results of 1-hr TSP, 24-hr TSP, noise level (as Leq), water quality, Chinese White Dolphin, and landscape and visual under monitoring were checked against established Action and Limit levels by the responsible ET.

Air Quality

All 1-hour TSP results recorded by the ET of this Contract were below the Action and Limit Level during the reporting period.

A total of four Action Level exceedances of the 24-hour TSP were recorded and investigated by the ET of this Contract during the reporting period. It was concluded that these exceedances were not due to the Contract.


All noise monitoring results recorded by the ET of this Contract were below the Limit Level during the reporting period. Also, since no documented noise complaint was received from any one of the sensitive receivers during the reporting period, there was no Action Level exceedance.

Water Quality

A total of 12 Action Limit exceedances (one for turbidity and 11 for suspended solids) and one Limit Level exceedance (suspended solids) for water quality were recorded and investigated by the ET of this Contract during the reporting period. Following investigations, it was concluded that the exceedances were not related to the HZMB HKBCF project.

Chinese White Dolphin

Two Limit Level exceedances of impact dolphin monitoring were recorded and investigated by the ET of this Contract during the reporting period. Following investigations, there was no evidence that indicated that the reduced number of dolphins in NWL and NEL was related solely to Project works. It was also concluded that the contribution of impacts due to the HZMB HKBCF project as a whole (or individual contracts) cannot be quantified nor separate from the other stress factors.

Landscape Establishment Monitoring

During the reporting period, bi-monthly landscape establishment monitoring for Contract Nos. HY/2013/01, HY/2013/02, HY/2013/03 and HY/2014/05 was conducted.

As coordinated between IEC and EPD, the monitoring reports for landscape establishment for Contract Nos. HY/2013/01 (for 24 Feb 2019 – 23 Oct 2019), HY/2013/02 (20 Feb 2019 – 4 Oct 2019), HY/2013/03 (for 24 Feb 2019 – 23 Oct 2019) and HY/2014/05 (24 Feb 2019 – 23 Oct 2019) were covered in the individual monthly and quarterly EM&A reports for this Contract which have already been submitted to EPD.

Record of Complaints

There were 12 complaints received in relation to the environmental impact for this Contract during the reporting period. After investigations, it was concluded that the exceedances were not related to the HZMB HKBCF project.

Notifications of Summons and Successful Prosecutions

There were no notifications of summons or prosecutions received under this Contract during the reporting period.

Implementation of Mitigation Measures

Mitigation measures were implemented by the Contractor to minimise the environmental impacts due to construction activities. From observations made during site audits and results of impact monitoring, it was considered that the mitigation measures recommended in the Updated EM&A Manual were largely effective and efficient in controlling the environmental pollution caused by the construction works and first year of operation of the Project. The Contractor was reminded to ensure that all mitigation measures recommended in the Updated EM&A Manual are properly implemented within the Project site area.

Therefore, the EM&A Programme was considered to be successful in cost-effectively identifying deterioration and initiating prompt and effective mitigatory action when necessary, despite the recording of some exceedances.









Appendix A. Location of Works Areas




Appendix B. Project Organization for Environmental Works




Appendix C. Construction Programme




Appendix D. Action and Limit Levels




Appendix E. Event and Action Plan




Appendix F. Implementation Schedule for Environmental Mitigation Measures (EMIS)




Appendix G. Graphical Plots of the Monitoring Results