9.1                    Conclusions

9.1.1                1-hour TSP and 24-hour TSP impact monitoring at AMS2, AMS3C and AMS7B were carried out in the reporting month, no Action / Limit Level exceedance was recorded during the period.

9.1.2                Summary of Action and Limit Level exceedance of 1-hour TSP level and 24-hour TSP level at AMS6 shall be referred to the monthly EM&A report prepared by Contract No. HY/2011/03.

9.1.3                Construction noise monitoring were carried out in the reporting month, no Action / Limit Level exceedance was recorded during the period.

9.1.4                Based on previous dolphin surveys conducted for the HZMB project, monthly variation in dolphin occurrence within the survey areas was observed. Hence, it is more suitable to assess whether post-construction activities of the HKBCF have adverse impacts on dolphin occurrence every quarter where monthly comparison of distribution, group size, and encounter rates will be conducted.

9.1.5                Four environmental site inspections were carried out in the reporting month. Recommendations on mitigation measures for water quality impact and landscape and visual impact and permit/licenses were given to the Contractor for remediating the deficiencies identified during the site inspections.

9.1.6                Two Bi-weekly Landscape and Visual Site audits were carried out by a Registered Landscape Architect in the reporting month.

9.1.7                Referring to the Contractor¡¦s information, no environmental complaint, notification of summons and successful prosecution was received in the reporting month.

9.2                   Comment and Recommendations

9.2.1                The recommended environmental mitigation measures, as proposed in the EIA reports and EM&A Manuals shall be effectively implemented to minimize the potential environmental impacts from the Project. The EM&A programme would effectively monitor the environmental impacts generated from the construction activities and ensure the proper implementation of mitigation measures.

9.2.2                According to the environmental site inspections performed in the reporting month, the following recommendations were provided:


Air Quality Impact

¡P          No specific observation was identified in the reporting month.

Construction Noise Impact

¡P          No specific observation was identified in the reporting month.

Water Quality Impact

¡P          Contractor was reminded stagnant water should be removed.

¡P          Contractor was reminded water spray should be provided at the exposed area.

Chemical and Waste Management

¡P          No specific observation was identified in the reporting month.

Landscape and Visual Impact

¡P          Some newly planted trees are observed dead. Contractor was reminded to replace the trees.

Permit/ Licenses

¡P          NRMM label should be provided to replace the substandard label.