4.                    ECOLOGY MONITORING

4.1                    Monitoring Requirements

4.1.1                All marine-based construction activities for the HKBCF project were completed in January 2019. No marine-based construction activities will be undertaken under this Contract. However, the ET of this Contract or another ET of the HZMB is required to conduct post-construction dolphin monitoring in accordance with Section 10.7 of the updated EM&A Manual.

4.1.2                The CV of the proposed dolphin specialist for this Contract has been submitted to IEC for review prior to submission to AFCD for approval.

4.1.3                According to the Proposal on Post-construction Dolphin Monitoring (PCDM) prepared by Contract No. HY/2013/04 which has been verified by ENPO and approved by EPD on 8 March 2019 (EPD ref. () in Ax(5) to E771/E1/100) , the completion date of the PCDM is in February 2021. Therefore, the reporting of Chinese White Dolphins monitoring works under this contract was completed on 1 March 2021.

4.2                   Monitoring Locations and Methodology

4.2.1                              In accordance with the requirements of the updated EM&A manual, the dolphin monitoring programme have adopted the standard line-transect method (Buckland et al. 2001) to survey the pre-set and fixed transect lines defined by AFCD in the Northeast Lantau (NEL) and Northwest Lantau (NWL) survey areas. The layout map of the transect lines provided by AFCD is presented in Figure 4.