9.                    WATER QUALITY

9.1                    Water Quality Parameters

9.1.1A  This Contract does not involve marine works such as dredging and reclamation, only land-based construction works are anticipated. With proper implementation of recommended mitigation measures and with the conducting of regular site audits to ensure proper implementation of the mitigation measures and for compliance checking, no adverse water quality impact would be expected. No water quality monitoring will be undertaken for the Contract.

9.1.2                                 Prior to the commencement of the construction work, a detailed site drainage management plan should be submitted to EPD. The plan should cover measures to minimize all potential water quality impact arising from the surface runoffs of all the related constructions.

9.1.3A  The guidelines outlined in the Practice Note for Professional Persons Environmental Consultative Committee (ProPECC), Construction Site Drainage (PN 1/94) should be adopted to control construction site runoff. Mitigation measures to minimise water quality impacts from construction site runoff and wastewater and sewage generated from construction activities are:

n   Provision of site drainage systems over the entire construction site with sediment control facilities. Regular inspection and maintenance of the site drainage systems are required to ensure proper and efficient operation at all times.

n   Sedimentation tanks or package treatment systems are required to treat the large amount of sediment-laden wastewater generated from foundation construction work, wheel washing, site runoff. Any construction activities that generate wastewater with high concentrations of suspended solids (SS) should also be collected to these facilities for proper treatment prior to disposal. Treated wastewater can be reused for vehicle washing, dust suppression and general cleaning. Bentonite slurry used in bore-pile construction should be reconditioned and reused to minimise the disposal volume of the used slurry.

n   The construction programme should be properly planned to avoid soil excavation in rainy seasons. Exposed stockpiles of excavated soils or construction materials should be covered with tarpaulin or impervious sheets to avoid release of pollutants into the drainage channels.

n   Sewage generated from site toilets and canteen should be collected using a temporary storage system. Chemical toilets should be provided at different locations for use by the workers on site. Licensed waste collectors should be employed for collection and disposal of the sewage. The drainage system for collection of wastewater generated from canteen, if any, should be equipped with grease trap capable of providing at least 20 minutes retention during peak flow.

n   Wheel washing facilities should be installed at all site entrances/exits.

n   An emergency plan should be developed by the contractors to deal with accidental spillage of chemicals.

9.1.4                        Upon completion of the HKLR / HKBCF development, stormwater drainage systems would be completed to collect stormwater generated from the whole area including new roads. Sewage generated from the HKBCF development would be treated on site to fulfil effluent limit for discharge. Additional mitigation measures would not be required.

9.1.5                        Not applicable

9.1.6                        Not applicable

9.1.7                        Not applicable

9.1.8                        Not applicable

9.1.9                        Not applicable

9.2                   Monitoring Equipment

Not applicable

9.3                   Laboratory Measurement / Analysis

Not applicable

9.4                  Monitoring Locations

Not applicable

9.5                   Baseline Monitoring for Water Quality

Not applicable

9.6                  Efficiency of Silt Curtain and Cage Curtain

Not applicable

9.7                   Post-construction Monitoring

Not applicable

9.8                   Impact Operational Phase Monitoring

Not applicable

9.9                  Event and Action Plan

Not applicable

9.10                Mitigation Measures

9.10.1                  The EIA Report has recommended construction and operational phase mitigation measures. All the prepared mitigation measures are summarized in the EMIS as shown in Appendix B.