Table 14.1 Monitoring Programme


Monitoring Task

Monitoring Report

Form of Approval


Detailed Design

Checking of design works against the recommendations of the landscape and visual impact assessments within the EIA should be undertaken during detailed design phase, to ensure that they fulfil the intention of the mitigation measures. Any changes to the design, including design changes on site should also be checked.

Not Required

Not Required

At the end of the Detailed Design Phase


Checking of the contractor’s operations during the construction period.

Report on Contractor's compliance, by ET*

Counter- signature of report by IEC


Establishment Works

Checking of the planting works during the 12-month Establishment Period after completion of the construction works.

Report on Contractor's compliance, by ET

Counter- signature of report by IEC

Every 2 months

Long Term Management (10 year)

Monitoring of the long-term management of the planting works in the period up to 10 years after completion of the construction works.

Report on compliance by ET or Maintenance Agency as appropriate

Counter- signature of report by Management Agency


Notes: Environmental Team (ET) – employed by the Contractor