Appendix P - Complaint Log


Log Ref.


Received Date

Details of Complaint

Investigation/ Mitigation Action



Near Tung Chung New Development Pier

8 April 2013

EPD received the complaint on 8 April 2013. The complainant complained about oil was dumped from various vessels operating for Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Hong Kong (HZMB HK) Projects near Tung Chung New Development Pier over the past few months.  

1) The vessels photos in the complainant's photo are not the working vessels under Contract No. HK/2011/09.

2) No oil dumped from Contract No. HK/2011/09's working vessels was observed according to ET¡¯s site inspection conducted on 9 April 2013 at near Tung Chung New Development Ferry Pier.

3) Joint site inspection (DCVJV and ARUP) was conducted on 10 April 2013 and confirmed that Contract No. HY/2011/09¡¯s vessels are not involved the complaint case.

4) DCVJV will keep remind their boat crews not discharging contaminated effluent directly into the sea.





2 May 2013

ARUP received the complaint on 2 May 2013. The complainant alleged the noise nuisance was generated from the Works Area WA6 at around 13:00 on 1 May 2013 (Wednesday).

The site diary report was reviewed and confirmed that no works were carried out at WA6 on 1 May 2013. In addition, no noise was heard from WA6 according to the security guard who on duty at WA6 on 1 May 2013. Based on the information provided, the complaint regarding the construction noise at WA6 is not considered justifiable.




18 May 2013

ARUP received the complaint on 18 May 2013. The complainant advised that the noise nuisance due to loading of metal parts at barge near the seawall of Works Area WA6 early morning (around8:45a.m) on 18 May 2013 (Saturday).

Based on the record of site activities at WA6 on 18 May 2013, 4 metal plates and 2 oxygen-acetylene set were lifted onto a derrick boat ¡°Chiu Kee¡± by a crane near seawall at WA6 in the morning on that day. Such operation was commenced around 8:40a.m and completed in 10 minutes during the normal construction working hour (0700 ¨C 1900 Monday to Saturday). However, the duration of aforesaid activities is very short and infrequent. Nevertheless, the Contractor was reminded to strengthen their site supervision and provide training for the workers regularly to increase awareness of their environmental responsibilities to minimize the noise impact to the nearby residents and the specific mitigation measures for the complaint including but not limited to:-

To place wooden planks or rubber mats on ground for loading and unloading heavy or metal objects; and

To deploy professional personnel to supervise the works.



Near Tung Chung New Development Pier

18 May 2013

EPD received the public complaint on 18 May 2013. This complaint was a follow-up of a previous complaint received by EPD on 8 April 2013 (Com-2013-04-001).


The complainant complained again about the oil was dumped from various vessels operating for Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Hong Kong (HZMB HK) Projects near Tung Chung New Development Pier over the past months.

After receiving the complaint, additional site inspection was conducted at near Tung Chung New Development Pier on 30 May 2013 to investigate whether oil dumped was due to Contract No. HY/2011/09¡¯s vessels. During the site inspection, three working vessels under Contract No.HY/2011/09 was anchored off near Tung Chung New Development Pier. No oil dumped from Contract No. HY/2011/09¡¯s vessels were observed and the water around the vessels was clear.

The following mitigation measures have been implemented by DCVJV:

  DCVJV has sent the letter to the shipping agent to remind them to ensure the vessels under Contract No. HY/2011/09 are in good condition and any oil dumped to sea should be avoided to prevent water pollution.

  Provide training to the vessel skippers for prevention of pollution from ships.

  DCVJV requested vessel skippers to provide engine oil disposal records The vessel skippers assured to us that all waste lubricants were sent to waste collectors regularly and no oil discharge into seawater.



Southeast Quay of Chek Lap Kok near the junction of Chek Lap Kok South Road and Scenic Road

17 July 2013

The complaint was received by EPD on 17th July 2013. According to the EPD¡¯s letter, the complainant was concerned for the noise nuisance generated from the operation of concrete lorry mixers during evening and night-time period at Southeast Quay of Chek Lap Kok.


In response to the complaint, ET conducted two times site inspections at Southeast Quay at Chek Lap Kok between 18:45 and 20:30 hours on 23 July 2013 and 20:30 to 22:30 hours on 30 July 2013.


During the inspections, the Ro-Ro barge was observed anchored off Southeast Quay at Chek Lap Kok but no concrete lorry mixer was observed throughout the inspection.


On 23 July 2013, at about 19:35, one tug boat was observed travelling to Southeast Quay, Chek Lap Kok and left at about 19:40.


On 30 July 2013, no tug boat and concrete lorry mixers were observed during the inspection.


According to the Contractor, there was no concreting works for the pier sites on 23 July 2013 and therefore no loading and unloading operation at Southeast Quay at Chek Lap Kok.


Concreting works were performed at Pier 0 on 30 July 2013.  As the Contractor anticipated the arrival time of tug boat and flap-top barge at Southeast Quay will exceed 23:00 hours after the concreting works, they decided to arrange the tug boat and flap-top barge with concrete lorry mixers anchored off around Pier 66 after 23:00 hours. So, no loading and unloading operation at Southeast Quay at Chek Lap Kok was observed.


Further night time site inspection will be conducted during the loading and unloading operation at Southeast Quay of Chek Lap Kok to check whether the Contractor comply with the condition of CNP No. GW-RS0426-13.


In progress