
10.1     The Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A) Report presents the EM&A works undertaken in July 2013 in accordance with EM&A Manual. 


10.2     No Action/Limit Level exceedance was recorded for air quality, construction noise and underwater noise.


10.3     For water quality monitoring, there is three Action Level and one Limit Level exceedances for suspended solids were recorded.


10.4     According to the investigation, no pollution discharge from the marine works and no exceedances were recorded at the impact stations (i.e. IS1 to IS4) which are close to construction site. Therefore, all exceedances are considered not due to the Contract.


10.5     Dolphin transect survey was carried out on 5th and 10th July 2013. No adverse impact on Chinese White Dolphins was noticeable from general observations.


10.6     Dolphin Behaviour Monitoring (Acoustic) was carried out on 9th, 11th, 12th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th, 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 25th and 26th July 2013.


10.7     Land-based Dolphin Behaviour and Movement Monitoring was conducted on 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 15th, 17th, 18th, 19th, 23rd, 24th and 29th July 2013.


10.8     Environmental site inspection was conducted on 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd and 30th July 2013 by ET in the reporting month. All deficiencies identified during the site inspection have already rectified / improved during the follow-up audit session.


10.9     There was one environmental complaint, no notification of summons and successful prosecution received.


10.10 The ET will keep track on the EM&A programme to ensure compliance of environmental requirements and the proper implementation of all necessary mitigation measures.



10.11 According to the environmental audit performed in the reporting month, the following recommendations were made:


Air Quality Impact


¡¤          To regularly maintain the quality of machinery and vehicles on site.

¡¤          To implement dust suppression measures on all haul roads, stockpiles, dry surfaces and excavation works.

¡¤          To provide hoarding along the entire length of that portion of the site boundary.


Noise Impact


¡¤          To inspect the noise sources inside the site.

¡¤          To space out noisy equipment and position the equipment as far away as possible from sensitive receivers.

¡¤          To provide temporary noise barriers for operations of noisy equipment near the noise sensitive receivers, if necessary.


Water Impact


¡¤     To prevent any surface runoff discharge into any stream course and sea.

¡¤     To review and implement temporary drainage system.

¡¤     To identify any wastewater discharges from site.

¡¤     To ensure properly maintenance for de-silting facilities.

¡¤     To clear the silt and sediment in the sedimentation tanks.

¡¤     To review the capacity of de-silting facilities for discharge.

¡¤     To divert all the water generated from construction site to de-silting facilities with enough handling capacity before discharge.

¡¤     To avoid accumulation of stagnant and ponding water on site.


Ecology Impact


¡¤     To implement Spill Response Plan in the event of accidental spillage of or other hazardous chemicals.

¡¤     To implement Dolphin Exclusion Zone during the installation of bored pile casing located in the waters to the west of Airport.

¡¤     To implement Dolphin Watching Plan after the bored piling casing is installed.

¡¤     To ensure the acoustically-decoupled measures were implemented for air compressors and other noisy equipment mounted on construction vessels according to acoustic decoupling measures plan. 


Waste/Chemical Management


¡¤          To check for any accumulation of waste materials or rubbish on site.

¡¤          To ensure the performance of sorting of C&D materials at source (during generation);

¡¤          To carry out inspection of dump truck at site exit to ensure inert and non-inert C&D materials are properly segregated before removing off site.

¡¤          To avoid any discharge or accidental spillage of chemical waste or oil directly from the site.

¡¤          To avoid improper handling or storage of oil drum on site.