9               FUTURE KEY ISSUEs

Key Issues in the Coming Month


9.1         Major site activities for the coming reporting month will include:


Ÿ   Fabrication of rebar cages

Ÿ   Fabrication of temporary piling platforms



Ÿ   Fabrication of rebar cages

Ÿ   Loading and Unloading of rebar materials

Marine Viaduct (P0 to P84)

Ÿ   Piling works for the temporary jetty

Ÿ   Beams and deck installation for jetty

Ÿ   Installation of temporary casings, jackets and permanent casings

Ÿ   Dismantling of jacket

Ÿ   Pile excavation by RCD method

Ÿ   Pile excavation by Kelly method

Ÿ   Inter-face Coring Test and Sonic Test

Ÿ   Installation of temporary piles, platform and permanent casing

Ÿ   Predrilling works

Ÿ   Operation of floating concrete batching plants

Ÿ   Casting of precast shell for pile cap


Land Viaduct (P85 to P114)

Ÿ   Land piling and concreting works

Ÿ   Formation of piling platform along seawall

Ÿ   Kicker pour for column

Ÿ   Rebar threading for coupler

Ÿ   Marine landing access establishment work

Ÿ   Construction of ingress and egresses

Ÿ   Trial trenches for pile cap

Ÿ   Drainage and water main diversion

Ÿ   Tree felling/transplant work

Ÿ   Pile head excavation / trimming

Ÿ   Pile cap and column construction

Ÿ   Predrilling works

Ÿ   Construction of cofferdam for pilcaps


Monitoring Schedule for the Next Month

9.2         The tentative environmental monitoring schedule for the next month is shown in Appendix D.

Construction Programme for the Next Month


9.3         A tentative construction programme is provided in Appendix A.