
1.              This is the 13th monthly Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A) Report prepared by Cinotech Consultants Limited for the project “Contract No. HY/2011/09 – Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Hong Kong Link Road – Section between HKSAR Boundary and Scenic Hill” (hereinafter called the “Contract”). This report documents the findings of EM&A Works conducted in February 2014.

Environmental Monitoring and Audit Progress

2.              A summary of the monitoring activities in this reporting month is listed in Table I below:

Table I            Summary Table for Monitoring Activities in the Reporting Month




1-hr TSP Monitoring

5th, 11th, 17th, 21st and 27th February 2014.

24-hr TSP Monitoring

5th, 11th, 17th, 21st and 27th February 2014.

Noise Monitoring

6th, 12th , 18st  and 24th February 2014

Water Quality Monitoring

1st, 4th, 6th, 8th, 11th, 13th, 15th, 17th, 19th, 21st, 25th  and 27th February 2014

Dolphin Monitoring (Line-transect Vessel Surveys)

24th  and 26th February 2014

Environmental Site Inspection

5th, 11th , 18th and 28th February 2014

Archaeological Site Inspection


             Remark:        (1)    Due to the short notice given to Dolphin Specialist after receiving preliminary reply on Review Report for Land-based Dolphin Behaviour and Movement Monitoring from AFCD in mid of February 2014, additional land-based dolphin behaviour and movement monitoring could not be arranged on 27 and 28 February 2014.

                                     (2)     No archaeological site inspection was conducted in the reporting month.

Breaches of Action and Limit Levels

3.              Summary of the environmental exceedances of the reporting month is tabulated in Table II.

Table II          Summary Table for Events Recorded in the Reporting Month


Environmental Monitoring


No. of Exceedance

No. of Exceedance related to the Construction Activities of this Contract

Action Level

Limit Level

Action Level

Limit Level

Air Quality

1-hr TSP





24-hr TSP











Water Quality

Dissolved Oxygen (DO) (Surface & Middle)





Dissolved Oxygen (DO) (Bottom)










Suspended Solids (SS)






1-hour TSP Monitoring


4.              All 1-hour TSP monitoring was conducted as scheduled in the reporting month.  No Action/Limit Level exceedance was recorded.


24-hour TSP Monitoring


5.              All 24-hour TSP monitoring was conducted as scheduled in the reporting month.  No Limit Level exceedance was recorded. One Action Level exceedance for 24-hr TSP monitoring at AMS1was recorded on 17 February 2014.

6.              According to the investigation, no dust generation works was conducted at near the monitoring station during the monitoring and observable dust source from construction activity under Contract No. HY/2011/09. In addition, construction works from other site and stockpile of dusty materials without proper cover at near the monitoring station was observed. Therefore, the exceedance is considered not due to the Contract.


Construction Noise


7.              All construction noise monitoring was conducted as scheduled in the reporting month. No Action/Limit Level exceedance was recorded.

Water Quality


8.              All water quality monitoring was conducted as scheduled in the reporting month. There are nine Action Level and three Limit Level exceedances for suspended solids were recorded. No Action/Limit Level exceedance for dissolved oxygen and turbidity were recorded.

9.              According to the investigation, no pollution discharge was observed from the site. In addition, sediment plume due to natural fluctuation of shallow water was observed and the exceeded results were similar or within the ranges baseline monitoring results. Therefore, the exceedances are considered not due to the Contract.

Complaint Log


10.          No environmental complaints were received in the reporting month.

Notification of Summons and Successful Prosecutions


11.          No notification of summons and successful prosecution was received in the reporting month.

Reporting Changes


12.          This report has been developed in compliance with the reporting requirements for the subsequent monthly EM&A Report as required by the EM&A Manual for Hong Kong Link Road (EM&A Manual).

Future Key Issues

13.          Major site activities for the coming reporting month will include:


Ÿ   Fabrication of rebar cages

Ÿ   Fabrication of temporary piling platforms


Ÿ   Fabrication of rebar cages

Ÿ   Loading and Unloading of rebar materials


Marine Viaduct (P0 to P84)

Ÿ   Construction of the temporary jetty

Ÿ   Installation of temporary casings, piling jackets, temporary piles, platform and permanent casings

Ÿ   Dismantling of piling jacket

Ÿ   Pile excavation by Reverse Circulation Drill (RCD) method

Ÿ   Pile excavation by Kelly method

Ÿ   Inter-face coring test, full depth coring test and sonic test

Ÿ   Pre-drilling works

Ÿ   Operation of floating concrete batching plants

Ÿ   Trimming of pile head

Ÿ   Grouting works

Ÿ   Driving of sheet piling

Ÿ   Trial water cracking and trial shaft grouting

Ÿ   Precast shells waterproofing works

Ÿ   Advanced concrete breaking works inside the permanent steel casing


Land Viaduct (P85 to P114)

Ÿ   Land piling and concreting works

Ÿ   Rebar threading for coupler

Ÿ   Drainage and water main diversion works

Ÿ   Backfilling

Ÿ   Tree transplant and maintenance works

Ÿ   Installation of portal beam

Ÿ   Excavation works and Earth Lateral Support (ELS)

Ÿ   Pouring of pile cap and pile head breaking

Ÿ   Formation works

Ÿ   Pours of column

Ÿ   Erection of side formwork for the portal and kickers

Ÿ   Road diversion works

Ÿ   Pre-drilling works, pile cap, column and portal construction