Appendix P - Complaint Log


Log Ref.


Received Date

Details of Complaint

Investigation/ Mitigation Action



Near Tung Chung New Development Pier

8 April 2013

EPD received the complaint on 8 April 2013. The complainant complained about oil was dumped from various vessels operating for Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Hong Kong (HZMB HK) Projects near Tung Chung New Development Pier over the past few months.  

1) The vessels photos in the complainant's photo are not the working vessels under Contract No. HK/2011/09.

2) No oil dumped from Contract No. HK/2011/09's working vessels was observed according to ET¡¦s site inspection conducted on 9 April 2013 at near Tung Chung New Development Ferry Pier.

3) Joint site inspection (DCVJV and ARUP) was conducted on 10 April 2013 and confirmed that Contract No. HY/2011/09¡¦s vessels are not involved the complaint case.

4) DCVJV will keep remind their boat crews not discharging contaminated effluent directly into the sea.





2 May 2013

ARUP received the complaint on 2 May 2013. The complainant alleged the noise nuisance was generated from the Works Area WA6 at around 13:00 on 1 May 2013 (Wednesday).

The site diary report was reviewed and confirmed that no works were carried out at WA6 on 1 May 2013. In addition, no noise was heard from WA6 according to the security guard who on duty at WA6 on 1 May 2013. Based on the information provided, the complaint regarding the construction noise at WA6 is not considered justifiable.




18 May 2013

ARUP received the complaint on 18 May 2013. The complainant advised that the noise nuisance due to loading of metal parts at barge near the seawall of Works Area WA6 early morning (around8:45a.m) on 18 May 2013 (Saturday).

Based on the record of site activities at WA6 on 18 May 2013, 4 metal plates and 2 oxygen-acetylene set were lifted onto a derrick boat ¡§Chiu Kee¡¨ by a crane near seawall at WA6 in the morning on that day. Such operation was commenced around 8:40a.m and completed in 10 minutes during the normal construction working hour (0700 ¡V 1900 Monday to Saturday). However, the duration of aforesaid activities is very short and infrequent. Nevertheless, the Contractor was reminded to strengthen their site supervision and provide training for the workers regularly to increase awareness of their environmental responsibilities to minimize the noise impact to the nearby residents and the specific mitigation measures for the complaint including but not limited to:-

•To place wooden planks or rubber mats on ground for loading and unloading heavy or metal objects; and

•To deploy professional personnel to supervise the works.



Near Tung Chung New Development Pier

18 May 2013

EPD received the public complaint on 18 May 2013. This complaint was a follow-up of a previous complaint received by EPD on 8 April 2013 (Com-2013-04-001).


The complainant complained again about the oil was dumped from various vessels operating for Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Hong Kong (HZMB HK) Projects near Tung Chung New Development Pier over the past months.

After receiving the complaint, additional site inspection was conducted at near Tung Chung New Development Pier on 30 May 2013 to investigate whether oil dumped was due to Contract No. HY/2011/09¡¦s vessels. During the site inspection, three working vessels under Contract No.HY/2011/09 was anchored off near Tung Chung New Development Pier. No oil dumped from Contract No. HY/2011/09¡¦s vessels were observed and the water around the vessels was clear.

The following mitigation measures have been implemented by DCVJV:

  DCVJV has sent the letter to the shipping agent to remind them to ensure the vessels under Contract No. HY/2011/09 are in good condition and any oil dumped to sea should be avoided to prevent water pollution.

  Provide training to the vessel skippers for prevention of pollution from ships.

  DCVJV requested vessel skippers to provide engine oil disposal records The vessel skippers assured to us that all waste lubricants were sent to waste collectors regularly and no oil discharge into seawater.



Southeast Quay of Chek Lap Kok near the junction of Chek Lap Kok South Road and Scenic Road

17 July 2013

The complaint was received by EPD on 17th July 2013. According to the EPD¡¦s letter, the complainant was concerned for the noise nuisance generated from the operation of concrete lorry mixers during evening and night-time period at Southeast Quay of Chek Lap Kok.


In response to the complaint, ET conducted two times site inspections at Southeast Quay at Chek Lap Kok between 18:45 and 20:30 hours on 23 July 2013 and 20:30 to 22:30 hours on 30 July 2013.


During the inspections, the Ro-Ro barge was observed anchored off Southeast Quay at Chek Lap Kok but no concrete lorry mixer was observed throughout the inspection.


On 23 July 2013, at about 19:35, one tug boat was observed travelling to Southeast Quay, Chek Lap Kok and left at about 19:40.


On 30 July 2013, no tug boat and concrete lorry mixers were observed during the inspection.


According to the Contractor, there was no concreting works for the pier sites on 23 July 2013 and therefore no loading and unloading operation at Southeast Quay at Chek Lap Kok.


Concreting works were performed at Pier 0 on 30 July 2013.  As the Contractor anticipated the arrival time of tug boat and flap-top barge at Southeast Quay will exceed 23:00 hours after the concreting works, they decided to arrange the tug boat and flap-top barge with concrete lorry mixers anchored off around Pier 66 after 23:00 hours. So, no loading and unloading operation at Southeast Quay at Chek Lap Kok was observed.


Further night time site inspection was conducted on 22 August 2013 during the loading and unloading operation at Southeast Quay of Chek Lap Kok, the construction works conducted under Contract No. HY/2011/09 complied with the conditions in the CNP No. GW-RS0895-13.




Chek Lap Kok (CLK) South Road

16 November 2013

The complaint was received by project customer services on 16th November 2013 regarding the dust problem at Chek Lap Kok (CLK) South Road.

After receiving the complaint, ET conducted the site inspection on 19 and 29 November 2013 to check the appropriate environmental protection and pollution control measures which are properly implemented by the Contractor under HY/2011/09 (DCVJV). The observation are summarized as below:-

l   Dust generation works was conducted by the other Contractor at South East Quay

l   Proper watering of haul road to avoid dust generation during vehicle / plant equipment movement.

l   Vehicle washing facilities provided at every site exit at CLK South Road and South Perimeter Road.

l   No dark smoke was observed emitting from the plant equipments.


Based on the information collected, the complaint of dust problem at Check Lap Kok South Road is considered not related to Contract No.  HY/2011/09 as dust suppression measures has been properly implemented by the Contractor on site to prevent dust nuisance from the construction activities.



Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Hong Kong Link Road ¡V Section between HKSAR Boundary and Scenic Hill (Contract No. HY/2011/09

3 January 2014

The complaint was received by EPD on 3rd January 2014. According to the EPD¡¦s letter, a resident in Tai O District was concerned for the noise nuisance occasionally arising from the hammering or hitting of metals from Contract No. HY/2011/09.

In response to the complaint, ET conducted an ad hoc night time site inspection at P0, P18 and P19 on 14 January 2014 between around 23:00 and 00:30 hours of 15 January 2014.


In accordance with the site activities record and site inspections, the construction works conducted under Contract No. HY/2011/09 complied with the conditions in the CNP No. GW-RS1108-13.


Nevertheless, the Contractor was advised to strictly follow the conditions of the permit because any deviation from the conditions may lead to cancellation of the permit, subsequent prosecution action and the Authority¡¦s refusal to issue further permit.


In addition, the following environmental mitigation measures were recommended:


¡P            Review and adjust the lighting directions of the barge, under safety consideration, to avoid potential visual impacts to residents in vicinities;

¡P            To ensure the equipment are maintaining in good operation condition; and

¡P            To strengthen site supervision and provide training for the workers regularly to increase awareness of their environmental responsibilities to minimize the noise impact to the nearby residents and the specific mitigation measures.



Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge

16 January 2014

The complaint was received by HyD¡¦s PR Team on 16 January 2014 that the complainant advised that the heavy exhaust fume affecting Tung Chung Crescent.

After receiving the complaint, ET conducted the site inspection on 21 January 2014 to check all the plant equipments which were operated for the construction works and air quality mitigation measures.


Based on the information collected, the complaint of heavy exhausts affecting Tung Chung Crescent is considered not related to Contract No.  HY/2011/09 due to the following reason(s):-


1)      The work sites at Portion C and South East Quay at Portion A under Contract No.  HY/2011/09 are approximately 800m from Tung Chung Crescent. Any unpleasant smell of exhaust fume would not be anticipated.

2)      No heavy smoke was observed emitting from plants / equipment during the site inspection on 21 January 2014.

3)      The vehicles and equipments were switched off while not in use.

4)      All plant and equipment were well maintained and in good operating condition.

5) Air quality mitigation measures has been properly implemented by the Contractor on site to prevent dust nuisance from the construction activities.



Oil Spillage at near Sha Lo Wan

5 March 2014

The complaint was received by EPD on 5 March 2014. The complainant suspected the

oil leakage from the works area of Contract No. HY/2011/09 near Sha Lo Wan

Based on ET site inspection, no oil spillage from the works area under Contract No. HY/2011/09 at near Sha Lo Wan was observed.

In addition, spill kits are ready on site in order to dealing with spillage cases promptly.

Nevertheless, DCVJV was also recommended the mitigation measures as below:

• Provide training for the workers regularly regarding the mitigation measures on waste / chemical management.

• Provide sufficient chemical spillage kit (e.g. oil absorbent) to all vessels and working platform.

• Regular check the condition of vessels and plant equipments to ensure no leakage of oil.



Construction Noise in the vicinity of the waters outside

Sha Lo Wan

11 March 2014

The complaint was received by EPD on 11 March 2014. According to the EPD¡¦s

letter, the complainant was concerned for the mobile crane which operating in the

vicinity of the waters outside Sha Lo Wan after 23:00.

In accordance with an ad hoc site inspection on 18 March 2014, no construction works were conducted during the restricted hours. The 1st investigation report has been submitted to EPD on 21 March 2014 and the 2nd investigation report was submitted to EPD on 26 June 2014.

The Contractor was advised to strictly follow the conditions of the permit because any deviation from the conditions may lead to cancellation of the permit, subsequent prosecution action and the Authority¡¦s refusal to issue further permit.

Nevertheless, the Contractor was reminded to take sufficient noise mitigation measures to minimize the environmental impact on the nearby community:

¡P To space out noisy equipment and position it as far away as possible from the sensitive receivers;

¡P To avoid concurrent uses of noisy equipment near the sensitive area;

¡P To ensure the equipment are maintaining in good operation condition;

¡P To turned off any idle equipment on site; and

¡P To enclose the noisy part of the machine by acoustic insulation material if feasible.

¡P To arrange tailor-made training for the Production Team including the management and foremen to explain to them the conditions and requirements listed on the CNP.

¡P To delegate one Engineer for ensuring that all construction activities and PMEs used are in full compliance with the CNP and legislative requirements.



Construction marine works by the company Bauer Hong Kong in Tung Chung

14 April 2014

The complaint was received by Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) on 14 April 2014, the complainant complained that the dead dolphin was found under a platform at construction marine works by the company Bauer Hong Kong in Tung Chung (Macau Bridge Piling Works)

In accordance with the photos showing a date of 27 November 2013 (08:00 ¡V 08:25a.m.) which provided by the complainant, the dolphin was observed has been dead for some time and shows signs of decomposition. It was difficult to determine the cause of death of the deceased dolphin based on the photographs and the dead dolphin was found a few months ago. By examining the photos, it is found that the body was beside a barge, not under a working platform.

In addition, the dead dolphin was found in the early morning in which the marine construction works have not been commenced. Therefore, from the above information the dead dolphin is considered to be washed to the work site.

However, there is no significant increase of cetacean stranding were found in Hong Kong since the commencement of Contact No. HY/2011/09.


In regard to the complaint, the following recommendations were made:


Ø   In case stranded cetaceans are found, the AFCD shall be contacted immediately and provide the following information to facilitate AFCD¡¦s investigation:


1.           Name and telephone number;

2.           Date and time of discovery;

3.           Location (as specific as possible);

4.           Status of the stranded animal (i.e. alive, freshly dead, slightly decomposed, rotten, mummified);

5.           Type and size of the stranded animal.


Ø   To implement Dolphin Exclusion Zone during the installation of bored pile casing located in the waters to the west of Airport.

Ø   To implement Dolphin Watching Plan after the bored piling casing is installed.



At the shore of Sha Lo Wan

13 May 2014

The complaint was received by EPD on 13 May 2014. According to the EPD¡¦s email, the  complainant  was  concerned  about  the  sand  material  that  was  excavated  on  the shore of Sha  Lo Wan for the construction of Hong Kong -  Zhuhai - Macao  Bridge (HZMB) Project on 11 May 2014.

After receiving the complaint from a Sha Lo Wan¡¦s village resident, the sub-contractor was instructed to stop the sand excavation and leave immediately.  In addition, all sands excavated from the shore of Sha Lo Wan were returned back to the original area on 13 May 2014.


Nevertheless,  the  Contractor  was  advised  to  arrange tailor-made  training  for Production  Team  including  the  management  and  foremen  to  explain  to  them  the conditions and requirements listed on the Environmental Permit.


In  addition,  indicative  poles  and  flags  are  recommended  to  put  within  the  site boundary to identify the extent of land areas in  Sha  Lo Wan / Sha  Lo  Wan (West) Archaeological site.



At the shore of Sha Lo Wan

27 May 2014

The complaint was received by EPD on 27 May 2014. According to the EPD¡¦s email, the  complainant  was  concerned  about  the  dumping  rubbles  along  the  shore  area  of Sha Lo Wan on 27 May 2014.

The complaint investigation report for the complaint of dumping rubbles along the shore area of Sha Lo Wan was submitted to EPD on 4 June 2014.


EPD and AFCD provided their comments on 5 and 9 June 2014 respectively.


A meeting among DCVJV, ARUP, IEC, ET, EPD and AFCD was held on 17 June 2014. According to the meeting, further information is required to include in the complaint investigation report and the report was submitted to EPD on 4 March 2015.


Complaint investigation report is under review by EPD


Pier 39 to 50

29 May 2014

ARUP received the complaint on 29 May 2013. The complainant advised that the workers disposed hundreds of kg of waste spoils (concrete and earth) into the sea every day in the existing locations of HZMB site area.

Based on the investigation findings, the waste spoils (concrete and earth) were disposed to HY/2010/02 Project according to approved WMP.

The following recommendations were made:

¡P       To check for any accumulation of waste spoils (concrete and earth) on site.

¡P       To cover the wastes skip with waste spoils before removing from site.

¡P       To carry out inspection of pier(s) regularly to ensure the frontline staff loads inert materials to approved barge properly.

¡P       To clean the waste storage areas regularly and do not cause dust nuisance.



Near Sha Lo Wan

27 August 2014

ARUP received the complaint on 27 August 2013. The complainant was concerned about the dust on the surface of the roro-barge.

Based on the investigation findings, dusty materials at the ro-ro barge at P63 and dust generation when vehicles passing by at the roro-barge at Southeast Quay were observed. The following recommendations were made:

¡P       To check for any accumulation of dusty materials at roro-barge.

¡P       To cover the stockpile of dusty materials before removing from site.

¡P       To clean the surface of roro-barge regularly and do not cause dust and water quality nuisance.

¡P       To maintain the surface of roro-barge wet especially during the vehicle movements. Water misting is considered an acceptable measure to control dust emissions.

¡P       To check and replace the worn sand bags at the surface of roro-barge to prevent the turbid water from entering to the sea when watering the barge surface.



HZMB-HKLR ¡V Section between HKSAR Boundary and Scenic Hill (Contract No. HY/2011/09)

11 November 2014

The complaint was received by EPD on 11 November 2014. According to the EPD¡¦s email, the complaint was received from one of the green groups Sea Shepherd. They complained that the residual concrete had been washed off from the deck surface of a flat-top barge into the sea, and marine littering had been spotted by a worker of HZMB-HKLR ¡V Section between HKSAR Boundary and Scenic Hill (Contract No. HY/2011/09)

Based on the investigation findings, residue concrete or wastewater contaminated with concrete overflowing/spilling into the sea from the roro barge and marine littering were suspected. The following recommendations were made:

Ø  Properly clear the concrete stains on the three ro-ro barges (e.g. hand-held equipments such as shovel etc). Tarpaulin sheet is also recommended to provide when clearing the concrete stains at the edge of roro barge to prevent these removed materials from getting into the sea. The worker should also pay special care to remove the concrete stains to minimize the water quality nuisance.

Ø  Keep cleanliness of the surface of roro-barge and do not cause water quality nuisance.

Ø  To check and reinforce the concrete / sand bag bund between baffles erected near the edge of the three ro-ro barges to avoid accidental leakage of wastewater from the deck regularly.

Ø  Keep all debris/ aggregate away from the edge of ro-ro barge to prevent them from falling into the sea.

Ø  Provide sufficient skips for temporary storage of concrete residue/wastewater.

Ø  To check for any accumulation of residual waste concrete at the waste skip on roro-barge.

Ø  Provide spare and sufficient sand bags at each roro barges to confine the concerned area in the event of accidental spillage of concrete when discharge the concrete from the concrete lorry mixers to pump truck.

Ø  Provide absorptive materials to absorb the wastewater in case of accidental spillage of wastewater during washing concrete lorry mixers or other equipments.

Ø  Assign trained staff to ensure proper management of environmental matters on each of the ro-ro barges in particular the handling of concrete residue/wastewater generated during operation.

Ø  Keep record for collection of skip or temporary storage tank for wastewater and excess concrete.

Ø  Ensure sufficient garbage bag / rubbish bin are provided at working barge / pier site.

Ø  Provide training for the workers regularly regarding the water quality mitigation measures and waste management to increase their awareness of environmental protection.



HZMB-HKLR ¡V Section between HKSAR Boundary and Scenic Hill (Contract No. HY/2011/09)

18 November 2014

The complaint was received by EPD on 18 November 2014. According to the EPD¡¦s email, it was alleged that residual concrete had been poured out directly from the concrete lorry mixers on a roro barge into the sea during night-time by the workers of HZMB-HKLR ¡V Section between HKSAR Boundary and Scenic Hill (Contract No. HY/2011/09)



Floating Concrete Batching Plant (FCBP)

28 November 2014

The complaint was received by EPD on 28 November 2014. The complaint was received from one of the green groups Green Lantau Association. They complained about the hauling of the floating concrete batching plant (FCBP) by the tug boat to the site of Contract No. HY/2011/09 from the north-east side had disturbed the seabed causing an increase of turbidity in marine waters at around noon of 15 November 2014.

Based on the information collected, the following conclusions were drawn:


1)      It is suspected that the wake following the FCBP was resulted from disturbance to the bottom sediment when it was traveling during the lowest tide on that day.

2)      The FCBP was traveling within the site area and the maximum number of movement of a floating plant (and therefore tug boat) is two times per day. Average duration of each movement is around 1 hour/day. Therefore, the disturbance to the bottom sediment is considered temporary, localized and infrequent.

3)      No illegally discharge of wastewater or domestic wastewater to the sea from FCBP.

4)      Relevant environmental mitigation measures as shown in EP-352/2009/C were properly implemented.

5)      No deterioration of marine water quality based on the marine water quality monitoring results on 15 November 2014.


Nevertheless, DCVJV was also recommended the mitigation measures as below:


¡P       The vessel skipper should pay special care about the movement of deep draught vessel to avoid seabed disturbance. (e.g. speed restrictions)

¡P       In case of sediment plume was found behind vessel, the vessel skipper should further reduce vessel speed.

¡P       Minimum clearance of 0.6m should be maintained between vessels and the seabed in all tide conditions, to ensure that undue turbidity is not generated by turbulence from vessel movement or propeller wash. (Reference: EIA-081/2002 - Construction of Lung Kwu Chau Jetty)




Shores of Po Chue Tam and Shek Tsai Po, Tai O

7 December 2014

The complaint was received from one of the green groups Green Lantau Association. They complained about some waste materials (including a number of grey plastic mats and buoys) suspected in relation to the HZMB works have recently washed up on the shores of Po Chue Tam and Shek Tsai Po, Tai O

The owner of objects found on the shores could not be identified. DCVJV has taken initiative to remove these materials after receiving the complaint.


Nevertheless, DCVJV was also recommended the mitigation measures as below:


¡P       Gather up and remove debris to keep the work site orderly.

¡P       Maintain site housekeeping. Designate areas for waste materials and provide containers.

¡P       Secure loose or light material that is stored on open floors.

¡P       Do not permit rubbish to fall freely from any level of the pier sites.

¡P       Provide training for the workers regularly regarding the water quality mitigation measures and waste management to increase their awareness of environmental protection.




Site Office of HZMB-HKLR ¡V Section between HKSAR Boundary and Scenic Hill

2 December 2014

Highways Department (HyD) received a public complaint from a resident of Le Bleu Duex on 2 December 2014. According to the email from ARUP dated 3 December 2014, the complainant advised that the noise nuisance due to the metal parts were dropped onto the ground by people repetitively and loading or unloading a boat at the pier. The complaint was quoted, ¡§A resident living in Le Bleu Duex addressed a complaint to CE of HyD at about 20:04 hrs last night. He complained about the noise nuisance coming from site office since 19:30 hrs last night. Repetitively metal parts had been dropped on the ground by people who seem to be loading or unloading a boat at the pier. Noise was still going on right now at 20:04.¡¨

Based on the information collected, the noise generated is considered due to the metal parts were dropped onto the ground at the seashore area near Le Bleu Duex.


The metal pipe was unloaded at non-designated area and no powered mechanical equipment was used for unloading works at WA6 during restricted hour.


The Contractor was reminded to take sufficient noise mitigation measures to minimize the environmental impact on the nearby community as recommended in the approved EIA report and the specific mitigation measures for the complaint including but not limited to:-


¡P       To place wooden planks or rubber mats on ground for loading and unloading heavy or metal objects; and

¡P       To deploy professional personnel to supervise the works.




Along the shore from Yat Tung to Tai O

24 December 2014

The complainant was concerned about the increase of marine refuse (water bottles and debris) along the shore from Yat Tung to Tai O suspected in relation to the HZMB works.


The owner of marine refuse found on the shores could not be identified. DCVJV has taken initiative to remove these wastes after receiving the complaint. DCVJV will also take the initiative to clear the marine refuse along the shore from Yat Tung to Tai O, if necessary.


Nevertheless, DCVJV was also recommended the mitigation measures as below:


¡P       Gather up and remove debris to keep the work site orderly.

¡P       Maintain site housekeeping. Designate areas for waste materials and provide containers.

¡P       Secure loose or light material that is stored on open floors.

¡P       Do not permit rubbish to fall freely from any level of the pier sites.

¡P       Provide training for the workers regularly regarding the water quality mitigation measures and waste management to increase their awareness of environmental protection.




The sea side at WA6 vertical seawall

6 June 2015

A resident living in Le Bleu Duex complained about noise from a barge which unloading materials at about 21:00 hrs last Saturday i.e. 6 June 2015

Based on the information collected, the noise generated is considered due to the unloading of steel casings to the seashore area opposite to the China State Site Office.

The person-in-charge of the barge has been reprimanded by the Contractor for causing noise nuisance to resident nearby.

In addition, the Contractor had also reminded their subcontractors to avoid unloading of materials during restricted hours (i.e. 19:00 to 07:00 hours on any day and any time on public holidays including Sundays) without Construction Noise Permit (CNP).

The Contractor was reminded to obtain Construction Noise Permit (CNP) for PME use in restricted hours.

The Contractor was reminded again to take sufficient noise mitigation measures to minimize the environmental impact on the nearby community as recommended in the approved EIA report and the specific mitigation measures for the complaint including but not limited to:-


¡P       To place wooden planks or rubber mats on ground for loading and unloading heavy or metal objects; and

¡P       To deploy professional personnel to supervise the works.

