9               FUTURE KEY ISSUEs

Key Issues in the Coming Month


9.1         Major site activities for the coming reporting month will include:


Ÿ   Cross Beam Precast Shell construction


Ancillary and Associated Facilities

Ÿ   E&M installation

Ÿ   Preparation works for installation of precast precast parapets

Ÿ   Construction of side barriers


Marine Viaduct (P0 to P80)

Precast Column Erection

Ÿ   Vertical Tendons Stressed

Ÿ   Grouting Vertical Tendons

Ÿ   Pier Head Concrete

Double Blade Column

Ÿ   Pier head construction


Deck Erection

Ÿ   Segment erection

Ÿ   Erection of canilever

Ÿ   Erection of SOP segments, movement joint, in-situ RC works

Ÿ   Cross Beam Precast Shell construction


Land Viaduct (P81 to Abutment at SHT)

Ÿ   Removal of filled platform

Ÿ   Reinstatement of slope area at P115

Ÿ   Construction of longitudinal stitching

Monitoring Schedule for the Next Month

9.2         The tentative environmental monitoring schedule for the next month is shown in Appendix D.

Construction Programme for the Next Month


9.3         A tentative construction programme is provided in Appendix A.