Table 5.3  Water Quality Monitoring Parameters and Frequency

Monitoring Stations

Parameters, unit



IS1, IS2, IS3

IS4, CS1, CS2, SR1, SR2, SR3, SR6, ST1, ST2, ST3, SRA

¡P         Temperature(¢XC)

¡P         pH(pH unit)

¡P         turbidity (NTU)

¡P         water depth (m)

¡P         salinity (ppt)

¡P         dissolved oxygen (DO) (mg/L and % of saturation)

¡P         suspended solids (SS) (mg/L)

¡P      3 water depths: 1m below sea surface, mid-depth and 1m above sea bed.

¡P      If the water depth is less than 3m, mid-depth sampling only.

¡P      If water depth less than 6m, mid-depth may be omitted.

¡P      Impact monitoring: 3 days per week, at mid-flood and mid-ebb tides during the construction period of the Contract