9               FUTURE KEY ISSUEs

Key Issues in the Coming Month


9.1         Major site activities for the coming reporting month will include:


¡P             Establishment for Asphalt Plant

¡P             Segment lifter and Portal Gantry dismantling


Ancillary and Associated Facilities

¡P             Sealing of deck openings and preparation deck surface for waterproofing

¡P             Waterproofing and asphalt laying

¡P             Watermain installation

¡P             Installation of carrier drains

¡P             Installation of precast parapet skins

¡P             Construction of median and side barriers

¡P             Construction of longitudinal stitching

¡P             Erection of sign gantry

¡P             Reinstatement of slope area and drainage works

¡P             Reinstatement of sloping seawall

¡P             CLK South Road realignment

¡P             Laying of asphalt pavement

¡P             Sealing of gantry crane loading opening


E&M Works

¡P             E&M installation

¡P             E&M ducting installation

¡P             E&M works inside SHT building

¡P             Street light cables and poles installation

¡P             Cable hanger installation

¡P             Construction of Load Centre

¡P             Pillar box installation

¡P             Installation for TCSS¡¦s CCTV high mast

¡P             Installation for HKPF¡¦s high mast

¡P             Installation for C&ED¡¦s high mast


Marine Viaduct (P0 to P80)


Deck Erection

¡P             Segment erection

¡P             Dismantling the remaining LF3


External Prestressing Tendon Installation

Internal Prestressing Grouting

Turnaround Facilities

¡P             Steel fixing for longitudinal stitch between box girders

¡P             Strands installation and stressing for extended platforms

¡P             strands installation for stressing

¡P             Casting of stitches between I-beams and box girder

¡P             Strands installation for I-beams

¡P             Assembly of Megashor tower for corner beams

¡P             Erect 4 number of Corner Beams


Monitoring Schedule for the Next Month

9.2         The tentative environmental monitoring schedule for the next month is shown in Appendix D.

Construction Programme for the Next Month


9.3         A tentative construction programme is provided in Appendix A.