9              FUTURE KEY ISSUEs

Key Issues in the Coming Month


9.1         Major site activities for the coming reporting month will include:


There should be no environmental issue due to the Asphalt Plant at WA4 as the ASL Asphalt Plant has been abandoned since 9 February 2018.


Ancillary and Associated Facilities

¡P             Reinstatement of slope area and drainage works at P115 interface area;

¡P             Continue reinstatement of sloping seawall at Portion A;

¡P             Continue reinstatement works at South Perimeter Road;

¡P             Rehabilitation works for existing drains and sewerage at South Perimeter Road between P81 to P84 commence;

¡P             Commence road lighting at Scenic Road;

¡P             Continue construction of drainage at P113;

¡P             Continue installation of carrier drains at ML8;

¡P             Continue installation of water main at ML8;

¡P             Continue installation of utility trough covers;

¡P             Continue remaining road marking works;

¡P             Continue installation of the additional pier number and information signs.


E&M Works

¡P             Continue installation of the pile cap lighting;

¡P             Complete installation of the additional LED flood light;

¡P             Commence installation of red obstacle light at high mast.


Removal of Temporary works

¡P             Continue P69 & 70 jetty dismantling works and P68 platform removal works;

¡P             Continue defect repairing works on bridge bearings;

¡P             Continue APC Temporary Platforms under the MJ pier;

¡P             Continue Western Water NSS temporary platforms removal.


Turnaround Facilities

¡P             Construction of U-channel at top of Turnaround.


10m Works at P0 Interface


¡P             Road marking work at 10m interface area.

Monitoring Schedule for the Next Month

9.2         The tentative environmental monitoring schedule for the next month is shown in Appendix D.

Construction Programme for the Next Month


9.3         A tentative construction programme is provided in Appendix A.