2               Contract INFORMATION

1.1. Background

2.1         The proposed Hong Kong - Zhuhai - Macao Bridge Hong Kong Link Road (HKLR) is 12km long connecting the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge (HZMB) at the HKSAR Boundary with the Hong Kong Boundary Crossing Facilities (HKBCF) situated at the north eastern waters of the Hong Kong International Airport, opening a new and direct connection route between Hong Kong, Macao and the Western Pearl River Delta. 

2.2         The HKLR comprises a 9.4km long viaduct section from the HKSAR boundary to Scenic Hill on the Airport Island; a 1km tunnel section to the reclamation formed along the east coast of the Airport Island and a 1.6km long at-grade road section on the reclamation connecting to the HKBCF. The tunnel section of HKLR will pass under Scenic Hill, Airport Road and Airport Railway to minimize the environmental and visual impacts to Tung Chung residents.

2.3         An application (No ESB-110/2003) for an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Study Brief under Section 5(1) of the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (EIAO) was submitted by Highways Department (the Project Proponent) on 8 October 2003 with a Project Profile (No. No. PP-201/2003) for the Hong Kong - Zhuhai - Macao Bridge Hong Kong Section and North Lantau Highway Connection. The Hong Kong - Zhuhai - Macao Bridge Hong Kong Section and North Lantau Highway Connection has subsequently been renamed as HKLR.  EPD issued an EIA Study Brief (No: ESB-110/2003) in November 2003 to the Project Proponent to carry out an EIA study.

2.4         An EIA Study (Reg. No. AEIAR-144/2009) has been undertaken to provide information on nature and extent of environmental impacts arising from the construction and operation of HKLR. The Environmental Permit was issued on 4 November 2009 (Permit No. EP-352/2009). Pursuant to Section 13 of the EIAO, the Director of Environmental Protection amends the Environmental Permit (No. EP-352/2009) based on the Application No. VEP-339/2011 and the environmental Permit (Permit No. EP-352/2009/A) was issued on 9 November 2011 for HKLR to the Highways Department as the Permit Holder. Subsequently, the Director of Environmental Protection amends the Environmental Permits (No. EP-352/2009/A, EP-352/2009/B, EP-352/2009/C) based on the Application No. VEP-409/2013, VEP-411/2013 and VEP-459/2014 respectively. The environmental Permit (Permit No. EP-352/2009/D) was then issued on 22 December 2014.

2.5         Figure 1a-d  shows the layout of the Contract and the scope of the Contract works comprises the following major items:


¡P           a dual 3-lane carriageway in the form of viaduct from the HKSAR boundary (connecting with the HZMB Main Bridge) to the Scenic Hill (connecting with the tunnel under separate Contract No. HY/2011/03), of approximately 9.4km in length with a hard shoulder for each bound of carriageway and a utilities trough on the outer edge of each bound of viaducts;

¡P           a grade-separated turnaround facility located near San Shek Wan, composed of sliproads in the form of viaduct with single-lane carriageway bifurcated from the HKLR mainline with an elevated junction above the mainline;

¡P           provision of ancillary facilities including, but not limited to, meteorological enhancement measures including the provisioning of anemometers and modification of the wind profiler station at hillside of Sha Lo Wan, provisioning of a compensatory marine radar, and provisioning of security systems; and

¡P           associated civil, structural, geotechnical, marine, environmental protection, landscaping, drainage and highways electrical and mechanical (E&M) works, street lightings, traffic aids and sign gantries, marine navigational aids, ship impact protection system, water mains and fire hydrants, lightning protection system, structural health monitoring and maintenance management system (SHM&MMS), supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system, as well as operation and maintenance provisions of viaducts, provisioning of facilities for installation of traffic control and surveillance system (TCSS), provisioning of facilities for installation of telecommunication cables/equipments and reprovisioning works of affected existing facilities/utilities.

1.2. Contract Organisation

2.6         Different parties with different levels of involvement in the Contract organization include:

Ÿ   Supervising Officer¡¦s Representative (SOR) ¡V Ove Arup & Partners Hong Kong Limited (ARUP)

Ÿ   Contractor ¡VDragages -China Harbour-VSL JV   (DCVJV)

Ÿ   Environmental Team (ET) ¡V Cinotech Consultants Ltd. (Cinotech)


2.7         The proposed project organization and lines of communication with respect to the on-site environmental management structure are shown in Figure 2. The key personnel contact names and numbers are summarized in Table 2.1.

Table 2.1        Key Contacts of the Contract




Phone No.

Fax No.



Mr. Michael Chan

3767 5803

3767 5922

Mr. Dennis Leung

3767 5801


(Ramboll Hong Kong Limited)

Environmental Project Office Leader

Mr. Y. H Hui

3465 2888

3465 2899

Independent Environmental Checker

Mr. Antony Wong

3465 2888

3465 2899

Contractor (DCVJV)

Project Director

Mr. W.K Poon

3121 6638

3121 6688

Environmental Officer

Mr. CHU Chung Sing

3121 6672

24-hour Hotline


6898 6161




Environmental Team Leader

Dr. Priscilla Choy

2151 2089

3107 1388


2.8         Ramboll Hong Kong Limited is employed by the Highways Department as the Independent Environmental Checker (IEC) and Environmental Project Office (ENPO) for the Project.

1.3. Construction Programme


2.9         A copy of Contractor¡¦s construction programme is provided in Appendix A.

1.4. Summary of Construction Works Undertaken During Reporting Month

2.10     The major site activities undertaken in the reporting month included:

Ancillary and Associated Facilities

(a)      P115 & P114 interface area - Reinstatement of slope underneath the deck is in progress;

(b)     Reinstatement U4 rock at top of sloping seawall and verge area at Portion A are in progress;

(c)      All fire mains, hydrants installation were completed, and all fire hydrant flow tests were completed;

(d)     Installation of utility trough covers at high mast, movement joints, valve chambers and cables access locations is in progress;

(e)      All traffic signs installation was completed;

(f)      Installation of barrier stainless steel covers at movement joint locations was completed except the cover plates at P115 interface area;

(g)     Road studs installation was completed except area at top of Turnaround;

(h)     Installation of stainless steel hoppers and uPVC drainage pipes at movement joint locations is in progress;

(i)       Rehabilitation works for existing drains and sewerage at South Perimeter Road between P81 to P84 commenced;

(j)       Site clearance/formation works to the reinstatement of South Perimeter Road between P84 to P81 are in progress.

E&M Works

(a)      E&M works inside SHT building were completed;

(b)     Lightning installation in deck void from P0 to P113 continue;

(c)      Red obstacle light installation at high mast was completed.

Temporary Works/ Works at P68

(a)      P69 & 70 Jetty Dismantling Works  - Removal the temporary jetty was completed;

(b)     P68 Works

-                 Removal of the marine concrete blocks was completed.

-                 Armour rock filling along the sloping seawall is in progress (50% completed).

-                 Installation of proposed marine concrete blocks was completed.

Turnaround Facilities

(a)                    Stainless steel maintenance platforms ¡V Installation of platforms is in progress (80% completed).

10m Works at P0 Interface

(a)                               Road marking at P0 area was completed.

1.5. Status of Environmental Licences, Notification and Permits


2.11     A summary of the relevant permits, licences, and/or notifications on environmental protection for this Contract is presented in Table 2.2.

Table 2.2        Status of Environmental Licences, Notification and Permits

Permit / License No.

Valid Period




Environmental Permit (EP)





Consruction Noise Permit (CNP)

P84-P115: GW-RW0847-17

06/10/2017 (19:00)

05/04/2018 (23:00)


Notification pursuant to Air Pollution Control (Construction Dust) Regulation




Receipt acknowledged by EPD

Billing Account for Construction Waste Disposal

A/C# 7015341

(Construction Site)




Registration of Chemical Waste Producer

WPN 5213-951-D2499-01




Effluent Discharge License under Water Pollution Control Ordinance

WA6A (DCVJV site office): WT00028521-2017




WA6B  (SOR site office): WT00028841-2017




Portion C: WT00023624-2016



(Renewal application is pending approval)

Portion A: WT00016076-2013




WA4B: WT00014750-2012




P114: WT00018631-2014




P81-P83: WT00023608-2016




Specific Process License (SP license) for conduct Tar and Bitumen Works

WA4: Licence No. L-15-038(1)





*The license holder is the supplier, ASL.


 [IT1]Please check with DCVJV if any update for Portion C discharge license