Summary of Exceedances


5.1         Summary of exceedance is provided in Appendix K. The details of the exceedances were attached in the Monthly EM&A Report.

Air Quality

5.2         For 1-hour TSP monitoring, no Action/Limit Level exceedance was recorded in the reporting period.

5.3         For 24-hr TSP monitoring, no Action/Limit Level exceedance was recorded in the reporting period.


5.4         No Action/Limit Level exceedance was recorded in the reporting period.

Water Quality

5.5         There are 25 Action Level exceedances and 23 Limit Level exceedances were recorded for suspended solids. No Action/Limit Level exceedance for turbidity were recorded in the reporting period.

5.6         According to the investigation, the exceedances are considered not due to the Contract due to the following reasons:

1)      No pollution discharge was observed from the site;

2)      The sea conditions were rough. Localized plumes due to natural fluctuation were observed in the monitoring area;

3)      Sediment plume due to natural fluctuation of shallow water and movement of vessel;

4)      Sediment plume discharging to the monitoring stations from the area outside the site boundary;

5)      Adverse water quality outside the site boundary;

6)      The exceeded results were similar or within the ranges baseline monitoring results.

7)      The major marine construction works (e.g. bored piling works) has not been commenced during the water quality monitoring in which exceedance was recorded;

8)      No marine construction works were conducted in vicinity of monitoring station in which exceedance was recorded; and

9)      Localized red tides have been sighted during water quality monitoring in which exceedances were recorded.


Dolphin Monitoring (Line-transect Vessel Survey)

5.7         No Action/Limit Level exceedance was recorded in the reporting period.

Summary of Environmental Complaint


5.8         Three environmental related complaints were received in the reporting period. The Complaint Log is attached in Appendix L. All investigation reports for complaint of the Contract have been submitted to summarize the investigation results.  The summary of environmental complaints is presented in Table 5.1. 

Table 5.1              Summary of Environmental Complaints in the Reporting Period


Complaint Log Ref.


Received Date

Nature of Complaint


HZMB-HKLR – Section between HKSAR Boundary and Scenic Hill (Contract No. HY/2011/09)

11 November 2014

Water Quality and Waste Management


HZMB-HKLR – Section between HKSAR Boundary and Scenic Hill (Contract No. HY/2011/09)

18 November 2014

Water Quality and Waste Management


Floating Concrete Batching Plant (FCBP)

28 November 2014

Water Quality

Summary of Notification of Summons and Successful Prosecution


5.9         There was one prosecution or notification of summons received since the Contract commencement.  Summary of successful prosecution is attached in Appendix M.