Monitoring Parameters and Monitoring Locations


3.1         The EM&A Manual designates locations for the ET to monitor environmental impacts in terms of air quality, noise, underwater noise, water quality and dolphin to the Contract. The monitoring locations are depicted in Figures 3 to 6. The details of monitoring requirements are presented in Table 3.1.

Table 3.1        Summary of Impact EM&A Requirements

Type of Monitoring





Air Quality

1-hr TSP

Three times / 6 days

AMS1 ¡V Sha Lo Wan

AMS4 ¡V San Tau

While the highest

dust impact was expected

24-hr TSP

Once / 6 days



L10(30 min.) dB(A)

L90(30 min.) dB(A)

Leq(30 min.) dB(A) (as six consecutive Leq, 5min readings)

Once per week

NMS1 ¡V Sha Lo Wan

NMS4 ¡V San Tau

Daytime on normal


(0700-1900 hrs)

Water Quality

¡P         Temperature(¢XC)

¡P         pH(pH unit)

¡P         turbidity (NTU)

¡P         water depth (m)

¡P         salinity (ppt)

¡P         dissolved oxygen (DO) (mg/L and % of saturation)

¡P         suspended solids (SS) (mg/L)

Impact monitoring: 3 days per week, at mid-flood and mid-ebb tides (within ¡Ó 1.75 hour of the predicted time) during the construction period of the Contract

IS1, IS2, IS3

IS4, CS1, CS2, SR1, SR2, SR3, SR6, ST1, ST2, ST3, SRA

¡P      3 water depths: 1m below sea surface, mid-depth and 1m above sea bed.

¡P      If the water depth is less than 3m, mid-depth sampling only.

¡P      If water depth less than 6m, mid-depth may be omitted.


Line-transect Methods

Twice per


West Lantau



3.2         The wind speed and wind direction were recorded by the installed Wind Anemometer set at AMS4. The location is shown in Figure 3. 

Monitoring Methodology and Calibration Details


3.3         Monitoring works/equipments were conducted/calibrated regularly in accordance with the EM&A Manual. Copies of calibration certificates are attached in the appendices of the Monthly EM&A Reports.

Environmental Quality Performance Limits (Action and Limit Levels)


3.4         The environmental quality performance limits, i.e. Action and Limit Levels were derived from the baseline monitoring results (except the Action and Limit Levels for underwater noise monitoring).  Should the measured environmental quality parameters exceed the Action/Limit Levels, the respective action plans would be implemented.  The Action/Limit Levels for each environmental parameter are given in Table 3.2a-f.

Table 3.2a      Action and Limit Levels for 1-Hour TSP


Action Level, £gg/m3

Limit Level, £gg/m3







Table 3.2b      Action and Limit Levels for 24-Hour TSP


Action Level, £gg/m3

Limit Level, £gg/m3







Table 3.2c      Action and Limit Levels for Construction Noise

Time Period

Action Level

Limit Level

0700-1900 hrs on normal weekdays

When one documented complaint is received

75 dB(A) *


Noted: If works are to be carried during restricted hours, the conditions stipulated in the construction noise permit issued by the Noise Control Authority have to be followed.

(*)        reduce to 70 dB(A) for schools and 65 dB(A) during school examination periods.


Table 3.2d      Action and Limit Levels for Water Quality


Parameter (unit)

Water Depth

Action Level

Limit Level

Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L) (surface, middle, bottom)

Surface and Middle


4.2 except 5 for FCZ 




Turbidity (NTU)

Depth average

27.5 and 120% of upstream control station¡¦s turbidity at the same tide of the same day

47.0  and  130% of  turbidity at the upstream control station at the same tide of same day

Suspended Solids


Depth average

23.5  and  120% of upstream control station¡¦s SS at the same tide of the same day

34.4  and  130% of  SS at the upstream control station at the same tide of same day  and 10mg/L for WSD Seawater Intakes


 (1) Depth-averaged is calculated by taking the arithmetic means of reading of all three depths

(2) For DO, non-compliance of the water quality limit occurs when monitoring result is lower that the limit.

(3) For SS & turbidity non-compliance of the water quality limits occur when monitoring result is higher than the limits.

 (4) All the figures given in the table are used for reference only and the EPD may amend the figures whenever it is considered as necessary.

(5) The 1%-ile of baseline data for dissolved oxygen (surface and middle) and dissolved oxygen (bottom) are 4.2mg/L and 3.6mg/L respectively.


Table 3.2e      Action and Limit Levels for Dolphin Line Transect Monitoring


West Lantau

Action Level

STG < 9.8 & ANI <36.3

Limit Level

STG < 7.4 & ANI <27.2



Derived Value of Action Level (AL) and Limit Level (LL):


West Lantau

Action Level

STG < 60% of baseline & ANI <60% of baseline

Limit Level

STG < 45% of baseline & ANI <45% of baseline



1. STG means quarterly encounter rate of number of dolphin sightings

2. ANI means quarterly encounter rate of total number of dolphins

3. Baseline value: 16.4 for ER (STG) and 60.5 for ER (ANI)


Event and Action Plan 


3.5         Should non-compliance of the criteria occur, action in accordance with the Action Plan in Appendix G shall be carried out.

Implementation Status of Environmental Mitigation Measures


3.6         Relevant mitigation measures as recommended in the EIA report have been stipulated in the EM&A Manual for the Contractor to implement.  The implementation status of environmental mitigation measures (EMIS) is given in Appendix H.


3.7         Regular marine travel route for marine vessels were implemented properly in accordance with the submitted plan and relevant records were kept properly.

3.8         Acoustic decoupling measures for the stationary equipment (generators, winch generators and air compressors) mounted on boards were adopted according to EP Condition 3.7 and EM&A Manual, Section 10.2.18.

3.9         Dolphin exclusion zone and dolphin watching plan according to EM&A Manual, Section 10.2.12 and EP Condition 3.5 was implemented by DCVJV¡¦s trained dolphin watcher.

3.10     Spill kits and booms are ready on site for the event of accidental spillage of oil or other hazardous chemicals from construction activities including vessels operating for the Contract.

Site Audit Summary


3.11     Site audits were carried out by ET on weekly basis to monitor the timely implementation of proper environmental management practices and mitigation measures in the Contract site. The observations and recommendations made during the reporting period are summarized in Appendix I.


3.12     According to EP condition 4.7 and EM&A Manual, periodic monitoring (every three months) of construction works shall be conducted to ensure the avoidance of any impacts on Sha Lo Wan (West) Archaeological Site. Access to Sha Lo Wan (West) Archaeological site for works areas and storage of construction equipment is not allowed. One inspection to the Sha Lo Wan (West) Archaeological Site was conducted in the reporting period (12th September 2017). No access to Sha Lo Wan (West) Archaeological site for works areas and storage of construction equipment was observed. The photographic records of the inspection to the Sha Lo Wan (West) Archaeological Site are shown in the Monthly EM&A Reports.


Status of Waste Management

3.13     The amount of wastes generated by the activities of the Contract during the reporting month is shown in Appendix J.