Contract No. HY/2013/12 – Tuen Mun - Chek Lap Kok Link - Northern Connection Toll Plaza and Associated Works


3rd Monthly Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A) Report – January 2015

Event and Action Plan for Air Quality
ET(1) IEC(1) SOR(1) Contractor(s)
Action Level
Exceedance 1 Identify the source. 1 Check monitoring 1 Confirm receipt 1 Rectify any
recorded 2 Repeat measurements to confirm findings. If two consecutive measurements exceed Action Level, the exceedance is then confirmed. 3 Inform the IEC and the SOR 4 Investigate the cause of exceedance and check Contractor’s working procedures to determine possible mitigation to be implemented. 5 If the exceedance is confirmed to be Project related after investigation, increase monitoring frequency to daily. 6 Discuss with the IEC and the Contractor on remedial actions required. 7 If exceedance continues, arrange meeting with the IEC and the SOR. 8 If exceedance stops, cease additional monitoring. 2 3 4 5 data submitted by the ET. Check the Contractor’s working method. If the exceedance is confirmed to be Project related after investigation, discuss with the ET and the Contractor on possible remedial measures. Advise the SOR on the effectiveness of the proposed remedial measures. Supervisor implementation of remedial measures. of notification of failure in writing. 2 Notify the Contractor. 3 Ensure remedial measures properly implemented. unacceptable practice. 2 Amend working methods if appropriate 3 If the exceedance is confirmed to be Project related, submit proposals for remedial actions to IEC within 3 working days of notification 4 Implement the agreed proposals 5 Amend proposal if appropriate.
Limit Level
Exceedance 1. Identify the source. 1 Check monitoring 1. Confirm receipt of 1 Take immediate
recorded 2. Repeat measurement to confirm finding. If two consecutive measurements exceed Limit Level, the exceedance is then confirmed. 3. Inform the IEC, the SOR, the DEP and the Contractor. 4. Investigate the cause of exceedance and check Contractor’s working procedures to determine possible mitigation to be implemented. 5. If the exceedance is confirmed to be Project related after investigation, increase monitoring frequency to daily. 6. Carry out analysis of the Contractor’s working procedures to determine possible mitigation to be implemented. 7. Arrange meeting with the IEC and the SOR to discuss the remedial actions to be taken. 8. Assess effectiveness of the Contractor’s remedial actions and keep the IEC, the DEP and the SOR informed of the results. 9. If exceedance stops, cease additional monitoring. 2 3 4 5 data submitted by the ET. Check Contractor’s working method. If the exceedance is confirmed to be Project related after investigation, discuss with the ET and the Contractor on possible remedial measures. Advise the SOR on the effectiveness of the proposed remedial measures. Supervisor implementation of remedial measures. notification of failure in writing. 2. Notify the Contractor. 3. If the exceedance is confirmed to be Project related after investigation, in consultation with the IEC, agree with the Contractor on the remedial measures to be implemented. 4. Ensure remedial measures are properly implemented. 5. If exceedance continues, consider what activity of the work is responsible and instruct the Contractor to stop that activity of work until the exceedance is abated. action to avoid further exceedance. 2 If the exceedance is confirmed to be Project related after investigation, submit proposals for remedial actions to IEC within 3 working days of notification. 3 Implement the agreed proposals. 4 Amend proposal if appropriate. 5 Stop the relevant activity of works as determined by the SOR until the exceedance is abated.

Contract No. HY/2013/12 – Tuen Mun - Chek Lap Kok Link - Northern Connection Toll Plaza and Associated Works


3rd Monthly Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A) Report – January 2015

Event and Action Plan for Landscape and Visual Impact

ET IEC ER Contractor
Design Check Check final design conforms to the requirements of EP and prepare report. Check report. Recommend remedial design if necessary Undertake remedial design if necessary
Non- conformity Identify Source Check report Notify Contractor Amend working
on one occasion Inform IEC and ER Discuss remedial actions with IEC, ER and Contractor Monitor remedial actions until rectification has been completed Check Contractor's working method Discuss with ET and Contractor on possible remedial measures Advise ER on effectiveness of proposed remedial measures. Check implementation of remedial measures Ensure remedial measures are properly implemented methods Rectify damage and undertake any necessary replacement
Repeated Non- Identify Source Check monitoring Notify Contractor Amend working
conformity Inform IEC and ER Increase monitoring frequency Discuss remedial actions with IEC, ER and Contractor Monitor remedial actions until rectification has been completed If nonconformity stops, cease additional monitoring report Check Contractor's working method Discuss with ET and Contractor on possible remedial measures Advise ER on effectiveness of proposed remedial measures Supervise implementation of remedial measures Ensure remedial measures are properly implemented methods Rectify damage and undertake any necessary replacement

Contract No. HY/2013/12 – Tuen Mun - Chek Lap Kok Link - Northern Connection Toll Plaza and Associated Works


3rd Monthly Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A) Report – January 2015

Event / Action Plan for Cultural Heritage

Action Level ET IC (E) ER Contractor
Non 1. Identify Source 1.Check report 1. Notify 1. Amend working
conformity on 2. Inform the IEC and 2.Check the Contractor methods
one occasion the ER 3. Discuss remedial actions with the IEC, the ER and the Contractor 4. Monitor remedial actions until rectification has been completed Contractor's working method 3.Discuss with the ET and the Contractor on possible remedial measures 4.Advise the ER on effectiveness of proposed remedial measures. 5.Check implementation of remedial measures. 2. Ensure remedial measures are properly implemented 2. Rectify damage and undertake any necessary replacement
Repeated Non- 1. Identify Source 1.Check monitoring 1. Notify the 1. Amend working
conformity 2. Inform the IC(E) and the ER 3. Increase monitoring frequency 4. Discuss remedial actions with the IC(E), the ER and the Contractor 5. Monitor remedial actions until 6. rectification has been completed 7. If exceedance stops, cease additional monitoring report 2.Check the Contractor's working method 3.Discuss with the ES and the Contractor on possible remedial measures 4.Advise the ER on effectiveness of proposed remedial measures 5.Supervise implementation of remedial measures. Contractor 2. Ensure remedial measures are properly implemented methods 2. Rectify damage and undertake any necessary replacement


ET – Environmental Specialist, IEC – Independent Environmental Checker, ER – Engineer’s Representative

Contract No. HY/2013/12 – Tuen Mun - Chek Lap Kok Link - Northern Connection Toll Plaza and Associated Works


3rd Monthly Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A) Report – January 2015

Event / Action Plan for General Ecology

Action Level ET IEC ER Contractor
Non Identify Source Check report Notify Contractor Amend
conformity Inform the IEC and Check the Ensure remedial working
on one the ER Contractor's working measures are methods
occasion Discuss remedial actions with the IEC, the ER and the Contractor Monitor remedial actions until rectification has been completed method Discuss with the ET and the Contractor on possible remedial measures Advise the ER on effectiveness of proposed remedial measures. Check implementation of remedial measures. properly implemented Consider and instruct, if necessary, the Contractor to slow down or to stop all or part of the works in the case of a serious nonconformity until situation rectified. Rectify damage and undertake any necessary replacement
Repeated Identify Source Check monitoring Notify the Amend
Non Inform the IC(E) and report Contractor working
conformity the ER Increase monitoring frequency Discuss remedial actions with the IC(E), the ER and the Contractor Monitor remedial actions until rectification has been completed If exceedance stops, cease additional monitoring Check the Contractor's working method Discuss with the ES and the Contractor on possible remedial measures Advise the ER on effectiveness of proposed remedial measures Supervise implementation of remedial measures Ensure remedial measures are properly implemented Consider and instruct, if necessary, the Contractor to slow down or to stop all or part of the works in the case of a serious nonconformity until situation rectified. methods Rectify damage and undertake any necessary replacement

Note: ET – Environmental Specialist, IC(E) – Independent Checker (Environmental), ER – Engineer’s Representative

Contract No. HY/2013/12 – Tuen Mun - Chek Lap Kok Link - Northern Connection Toll Plaza and Associated Works


3rd Monthly Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A) Report – January 2015 Actions in the Event of Landfill Gas being Detected in Excavation / Confined Area

Parameter Measurement Action
Oxygen < 19% - Ventilate to restore oxygen to > 19%
< 18% - Stop work - Evacuate personnel / prohibit entry - Increase ventilation to restore to > 19%
Methane > 10% LEL (> 0.5% v/v) - Prohibit hot work - Ventilate to restore methane to < 10% LEL
> 20% LEL (>1% v/v) - Stop work - Evacuate personnel / prohibit entry - Increase ventilation to restore to < 10%
Carbon Dioxide > 0.5% - Ventilate to restore oxygen to < 0.5%
> 1.5% - Stop work - Evacuate personnel / prohibit entry - Increase ventilation to restore to < 0.5%