Air Quality
EIA reference EM&A Manual reference Environmental Protection Measures Location/ Timing ImplementationAgent Relevant Standard or Requirement ImplementationStages
4.8.1 3.8 An effective watering programme of twice daily watering with complete coverage, is estimated to reduce by 50%. This is recommended for all areas in order to reduce dust levels to a minimum; All areas / throughout construction period Contractor TMEIA Avoid smoke impacts and disturbance Y
4.8.1 3.8 Watering of the construction sites in Lantau for 8 times/day and in Tuen Mun for 12 times/day to reduce dust emissions by 87.5% and 91.7% respectively and shall be undertaken. All areas / throughout construction period Contractor TMEIA Avoid dust generation Y
4.8.1 3.8 The Contractor shall, to the satisfaction of the Engineer, install effective dust suppression measures and take such other measures as may be necessary to ensure that at the Site boundary and any nearby sensitive receiver, dust levels are kept to acceptable levels. All areas / throughout construction period Contractor TMEIA Avoid dust generation Y
4.8.1 3.8 The Contractor shall not burn debris or other materials on the works areas. All areas / throughout construction period Contractor TMEIA Avoid dust generation Y
4.8.1 3.8 In hot, dry or windy weather, the watering programme shall maintain all exposed road surfaces and dust sources wet. All unpaved haul roads / throughout construction period in hot, dry or windy weather Contractor TMEIA Avoid smoke impacts and disturbance Y
4.8.1 3.8 Where breaking of oversize rock/concrete is required, watering shall be implemented to control dust. Water spray shall be used during the handling of fill material at the site and at active cuts, excavation and fill sites where dust is likely to be created. All areas / throughout construction period Contractor TMEIA Avoid dust generation Y
4.8.1 3.8 Open dropping heights for excavated materials shall be controlled to a maximum height of 2m to minimise the fugitive dust arising from unloading. All areas / throughout construction period Contractor TMEIA Avoid dust generation Y
4.8.1 3.8 During transportation by truck, materials shall not be loaded to a level higher than the side and tail boards, All areas / throughout construction period Contractor TMEIA Avoid dust Y
and shall be dampened or covered before transport. generation
4.8.1 3.8 Materials having the potential to create dust shall not be loaded to a level higher than the side and tail boards, and shall be covered by a clean tarpaulin. The tarpaulin shall be properly secured and shall extend at least 300mm over the edges of the side and tail boards. All areas / throughout construction period Contractor TMEIA Avoid dust generation Y
4.8.1 3.8 No earth, mud, debris, dust and the like shall be deposited on public roads. Wheel washing facility shall be usable prior to any earthworks excavation activity on the site. construction period Contractor TMEIA Avoid dust generation Y
4.8.1 3.8 Areas of exposed soil shall be minimized to areas in which works have been completed shall be restored as soon as is practicable. All exposed surfaces / throughout construction period Contractor TMEIA Avoid dust generation Y
4.8.1 3.8 All stockpiles of aggregate or spoil shall be enclosed or covered and water applied in dry or windy condition. All areas / throughout construction period Contractor TMEIA Avoid dust generation Y
4.11 Section 3 EM&A in the form of 1 hour and 24 hour dust monitoring and site audit All representative existing ASRs / throughout construction period Contractor EM&A Manual Y
EIA reference EM&A Manual reference Environmental Protection Measures Location/ Timing ImplementationAgent Relevant Standard or Requirement ImplementationStages
11.8 Section 9 EM&A in the form of audit of the mitigation measures All areas / throughout construction period Highways Department EIAO-TM Y
EIA reference EM&A Manual reference Environmental Protection Measures Location/ Timing ImplementationAgent Relevant Standard or Requirement ImplementationStages
7.13# 6.3, 6.5# Fencing or other physical barriers for protection of Pitcher Plant around Zones 8, 9 and 10 and the temporary nursery site Tuen Mun Area 46 shrubland/ Detailed/ Prior to construction Design Consultant/ Contractor TMEIA Y Y
7.13 6.5 Audit Pitcher Plant protection measures Tuen Mun Area 46 Contractor TMEIA Y
7.13 6.5 The loss of habitat shall be supplemented by enhancement planting in accordance with the landscape mitigation schedule. All areas / As soon as accessible Contractor TMEIA Y
7.13 6.5 Spoil heaps shall be covered at all times. All areas / Throughout construction period Contractor TMEIA Y
7.13 6.5 Avoid damage and disturbance to the remaining and surrounding natural habitat All areas / Throughout construction period Contractor TMEIA Y
7.13 6.5 Placement of equipment in designated areas within the existing disturbed land All areas / Throughout construction period Contractor TMEIA Y
7.13 6.5 Disturbed areas to be reinstated immediately after completion of the works. All areas / Throughout construction period Contractor TMEIA Y
7.13 6.5 Construction activities should be restricted to the proposed works boundary All areas / Throughout construction Contractor TMEIA Y
EIA reference EM&A Manual reference Environmental Protection Measures Location/ Timing ImplementationAgent Relevant Standard or Requirement ImplementationStages
14.12.2 14.2 Appointment of Safety Officer Appoint a properly trained safety officer and provide with appropriate equipment to measure and monitor LFG hazard. The monitoring frequency and areas to be monitored should be set down prior to commencement of ground-works either by the Safety Officer or an approved and appropriately qualified person. Construction Stage Contractor EPD/TR8/97 Landfill Gas Hazard Assessment Guidance Note Y
14.12.2 Safety Measures - Excavation Staff should receive appropriate training on working in areas susceptible to landfill gas, fire and explosion hazards. Excavation procedures and code of practice should be implemented. Construction Stage Contractor EPD/TR8/97 Landfill Gas Hazard Assessment Guidance Note Y
14.12.2 Safety Measures – Welding, Flame- Cutting and Hot Construction Stage Contractor EPD/TR8/97 Y
works Hot works should be confined to open areas away from any trench or excavation. Should hot works must be carried out in trenches or confined space, “permit to work” procedures should be followed. Landfill Gas Hazard Assessment Guidance Note
14.12.2 Safety Measures – Enclosed Spaces Site offices or buildings located within PPV Landfill Consultation Zone which have the capacity to accumulate landfill gas, then they should either be located in an area which has been proven to be free of landfill gas; or be raised clear of the ground by a minimum of 500mm. Site office, building, tunnel, subway, confined area / Construction Stage Contractor EPD/TR8/97 Landfill Gas Hazard Assessment Guidance Note Y
14.12.2 Safety Measures – Electrical Equipment Any electrical equipment, such as motors and extension cords, should be intrinsically safe. Construction Stage Contractor EPD/TR8/97 Landfill Gas Hazard Assessment Guidance Note Y
14.12.2 Safety Measures – Piping During piping assembly or conduiting construction, all valves/seals should be closed immediately after installation. As construction progresses, all valves/seals should be closed as installed to prevent the migration of gases through the pipeline/conduit. All piping/conduiting should be capped at the end of each working day. Services & utilities / Construction Stage Contractor EPD/TR8/97 Landfill Gas Hazard Assessment Guidance Note Y
14.12.2 Safety Measures – Fire Safety Adequate fire safety equipments should be provided on site. Workers and visitors should be notified of the potential fire hazards. Safety notices should be posted around the site warning the anger and potential hazards. Construction Stage Contractor EPD/TR8/97 Landfill Gas Hazard Assessment Guidance Note Y
14.12.1 Safety Measures – Confined Spaces Precautionary measures should include ensuring that staff members are aware of the potential hazards of working in confined spaces, and that appropriate monitoring procedures are in place to prevent hazards Confined space / Construction Stage Contractor EPD/TR8/97 Landfill Gas Hazard Assessment Guidance Note Y
in confined spaces.
14.12.1 Monitoring Periodically during ground-works within the Consultation Zone, the works area should be monitored for methane, carbon dioxide and oxygen using appropriately calibrated portable gas detection equipment. Depending on the results of the measurements, actions required will vary. As a minimum these should encompass those actions specified in Table 14.8 of the EIA Report or Table 14.1 of the EM&A Manual. Construction Stage Contractor EPD/TR8/97 Landfill Gas Hazard Assessment Guidance Note Y
EIA reference EM&A Manual reference Environmental Protection Measures Location/ Timing ImplementationAgent Relevant Standard or Requirement ImplementationStages
10.9 7.6 Existing trees on boundary of the Project Area shall be carefully protected during construction. Detailed Tree Protection Specification shall be provided in the Contract Specification. Under this specification, the Contractor shall be required to submit, for approval, a detailed working method statement for the protection of trees prior to undertaking any works adjacent to all retained trees, including trees in contractor’s works areas. (Tree protection measures will be detailed at Tree Removal Application stage) (CM1) All areas/detailed design/ during construction Design Consultant/ Contractor TMEIA Y Y
10.9 7.6 Trees unavoidably affected by the works shall be transplanted where practical. Trees will be transplanted straight to their final receptor site and not held in a temporary nursery. A detailed Tree Transplanting Specification shall be provided in the Contract Specification. Sufficient time for necessary tree root and crown preparation periods shall be allowed in the project programme (CM2) All areas/detailed design/ during construction Design Consultant/ Contractor TMEIA Y Y
10.9 7.6 Hillside and roadside screen planting to All areas/detailed design/ Design TMEIA Y Y
proposed roads, associated structures and slope works (CM3) during Construction/ post construction Consultant/ Contractor
10.9 7.6 Hydroseeding or sheeting of soil stockpiles with visually unobtrusive material (in earth tone) (CM4) All areas/detailed design/ during Construction/ post construction Design Consultant/ Contractor TMEIA Y Y
10.9 7.6 Screening of construction works by hoardings around works area in visually unobtrusive colours, to screen works (CM5) All areas/detailed design/ during Construction Design Consultant/ Contractor TMEIA Y Y
10.9 7.6 Control night-time lighting and glare by hooding all lights (CM6) All areas/detailed design/ during Construction Design Consultant/ Contractor TMEIA Y Y
10.9 7.6 Ensure no run-off into water body adjacent to the Project Area (CM7) All areas/detailed design/ during Construction Design Consultant/ Contractor TMEIA Y Y
10.9 7.6 Avoidance of excessive height and bulk of buildings and structures (CM8) All areas/detailed design/ during Construction Design Consultant/ Contractor TMEIA Y Y
10.9 7.6 Recycle/Reuse all felled trees and vegetation, e.g. mulching (CM9) All areas/detailed design/ during Construction Design Consultant/ Contractor TMEIA Y Y
10.9 7.6 Compensatory tree planting shall be provided to the satisfaction of relevant Government departments. Required numbers and locations of compensatory trees shall be determined and agreed separately with Government during the Tree Felling Application process under ETWBTC 3/2006 (CM10) All areas/detailed design/ during Construction Design Consultant/ Contractor TMEIA Y Y
10.9 7.6 Re-vegetation of affected woodland/shrubland with native species (OM1) All areas/detailed design/ during Construction/ post construction Design Consultant/ Contractor TMEIA Y Y Y
10.9 7.6 Tall buffer screen tree / shrub / climber planting where appropriate should be incorporated to soften hard engineering structures and facilities (OM2) All areas/detailed design/ during Construction/ post construction Design Consultant/ Contractor TMEIA Y Y Y
10.9 7.6 Streetscape elements (e.g. paving, signage, street furniture, lighting etc.) shall be sensitively designed in a manner that responds to the local context, and minimises potential negative landscape and visual impacts. Lighting units should be directional and minimize unnecessary light spill (OM3) All areas/detailed design/ during Construction/ post construction Design Consultant/ Contractor TMEIA Y Y Y
10.9 7.6 Structure, ornamental tree / shrub / climber planting should be provided along roadside amenity strips, central dividers and newly formed slopes to enhance the townscape quality and further greenery enhancement (OM4) All areas/detailed design/ during Construction/ post construction Design Consultant/ Contractor TMEIA Y Y Y
10.9 7.6 Aesthetically pleasing design (visually unobtrusive and non-reflective) as regard to the form, material and finishes shall be incorporated to all buildings, engineering structures and associated infrastructure facilities (OM5) All areas/detailed design/ during Construction/ post construction Design Consultant/ Contractor TMEIA Y Y Y
10.9 7.6 Avoidance of excessive height and bulk of buildings and structures (OM6) All areas/detailed design/ during Construction/ post construction Design Consultant/ Contractor TMEIA Y Y Y
EIA reference EM&A Manual reference Environmental Protection Measures Location/ Timing ImplementationAgent Relevant Standard or Requirement ImplementationStages
12.6 The Contractor shall identify a coordinator for the management of waste. Contract mobilisation Contractor TMEIA Y
12.6 The Contractor shall prepare and implement a Waste Management Plan which specifies procedures such as a ticketing system, to facilitate tracking of loads and to ensure that illegal disposal of wastes does not occur, and protocols for the maintenance of records of the quantities of wastes generated, recycled and disposed. A recording system for the amount of waste generated, recycled and disposed (locations) should be established. Contract mobilisation Contractor TMEIA, Works Branch Technical Circular No. 5/99 for the Trip-ticket System for Disposal of Y
12.6 The Contractor shall apply for and obtain the appropriate licenses for the disposal of public fill, chemical waste and effluent discharges. Contract mobilisation Contractor TMEIA, Land (Miscellaneous Provisions) Ordinance Y
(Cap 28); Waste Disposal Ordinance
(Cap 354); Dumping at Sea Ordinance
(Cap 466); Water
12.6 8.1 Training shall be provided to workers about the concepts of site cleanliness and appropriate waste management procedures including waste reduction, reuse and recycling Contract mobilisation Contractor TMEIA Y
12.6 8.1 The extent of cutting operation should be optimised where possible. Earth retaining structures and bored pile walls should be proposed to minimize the extent of cutting. All areas / throughout construction period Contractor TMEIA Y
12.6 8.1 Inert C&D materials from the toll plaza cut slopes shall be reused for construction of the raised platform for the toll plaza where possible. Tol Plaza / toll plaza construction period Contractor TMEIA Y
12.6 8.1 The site and surroundings shall be kept tidy and litter free. All areas / throughout construction period Contractor TMEIA Y
12.6 8.1 No waste shall be burnt on site. All areas / throughout construction period Contractor TMEIA Y
12.6 8.1 The Contractor shall be prohibited from disposing of C&D materials at any sensitive locations. The Contractor should propose the final disposal sites in the EMP and WMP for approval before implementation. All areas / throughout construction period Contractor TMEIA Y
12.6 8.1 Stockpiled material shall be covered by tarpaulin and /or watered as appropriate to prevent windblown dust/ surface run off. All areas / throughout construction period Contractor TMEIA Y
12.6 8.1 Excavated material in trucks shall be covered by tarpaulins to reduce the potential for spillage and dust generation. All areas / throughout construction period Contractor TMEIA Y
12.6 8.1 Wheel washing facilities shall be used by all trucks leaving the site to prevent transfer of mud onto public roads. All areas / throughout construction period Contractor TMEIA Y
12.6 8.1 Standard formwork or pre-fabrication should be used as far as practicable so as to minimise the C&D materials arising. The use of more durable formwork/ plastic facing for construction works should be considered. The use of wooden hoardings should be avoided and metal hoarding should be used to facilitate recycling. Purchasing of construction materials should avoid over-ordering and wastage. All areas / throughout construction period Contractor TMEIA Y
12.6 8.1 The Contractor should recycle as many C&D materials (this is a waste section) as possible on-site. The public fill and C&D waste should be segregated and stored in separate containers or skips to facilitate the reuse or recycling of materials and proper disposal. Where practicable, the concrete and masonry should be crushed and used as fill materials. Steel reinforcement bar should be collected for use by scrap steel mills. Different areas of the sites should be considered for segregation and storage activities. All areas / throughout construction period Contractor TMEIA Y
12.6 8.1 All falsework will be steel instead of wood. All areas / throughout construction period Contractor TMEIA Y
12.6 8.1 Chemical waste producers should register with the All areas / throughout Contractor TMEIA Y
EPD. Chemical waste should be handled in accordance with the Code of Practice on the Packaging, Handling and Storage of Chemical Wastes as follows: suitable for the substance to be held, resistant to corrosion, maintained in good conditions and securely closed; Having a capacity of <450L unless the specifications have been approved by the EPD; and Displaying a label in English and Chinese according to the instructions prescribed in Schedule 2 of the Regulations. Clearly labelled and used solely for the storage of chemical wastes; Enclosed with at least 3 sides; Impermeable floor and bund with capacity to accommodate 110% of the volume of the largest container or 20% by volume of the chemical waste stored in the area, whichever is greatest; Adequate ventilation; Sufficiently covered to prevent rainfall entering (water collected within the bund must be tested and disposed of as chemical waste, if necessary); and Incompatible materials are adequately separated. construction period
12.6 8.1 Waste oils, chemicals or solvents shall not be disposed of to drain, All areas / throughout construction period Contractor TMEIA Y
12.6 8.1 Adequate numbers of portable toilets should be provided for on-site workers. Portable toilets should be maintained in reasonable states, which will not deter the workers from utilising them. All areas / throughout construction period Contractor TMEIA Y
12.6 8.1 Night soil should be regularly collected by licensed collectors. All areas / throughout construction period Contractor TMEIA Y
12.6 8.1 General refuse arising on-site should be stored in enclosed bins or compaction units separately from C&D and chemical wastes. Sufficient dustbins shall be provided for storage of waste as required under the All areas / throughout construction period Contractor TMEIA Y
Public Cleansing and Prevention of Nuisances By-laws. In addition, general refuse shall be cleared daily and shall be disposed of to the nearest licensed landfill or refuse transfer station. Burning of refuse on construction sites is prohibited.
12.6 8.1 All waste containers shall be in a secure area on hardstanding; All areas / throughout construction period Contractor TMEIA Y
12.6 8.1 Training shall be provided to workers about the concepts of site cleanliness and appropriate waste management procedure, including waste reduction, reuse and recycling. All areas / throughout construction period Contractor TMEIA Y
12.6 8.1 Office wastes can be reduced by recycling of paper if such volume is sufficiently large to warrant collection. Participation in a local collection scheme by the Contractor should be advocated. Waste separation facilities for paper, aluminum cans, plastic bottles, etc should be provided on-site. Site Offices/ throughout construction period Contractor TMEIA Y
12.6 Section 8 EM&A of waste handling, storage, transportation, disposal procedures and documentation through the site audit programme shall be undertaken. All areas / throughout construction period Contractor EM&A Manual Y
EIA reference EM&A Manual reference Environmental Protection Measures Location/ Timing ImplementationAgent Relevant Standard or Requirement ImplementationStages
6.10 - Wastewater from temporary site facilities should be controlled to prevent direct discharge to surface or marine waters. All areas/ throughout construction period Contractor TM-EIAO Y
6.10 - Sewage effluent and discharges from onsite kitchen facilities shall be directed to Government sewer in accordance with the Requirements of the WPCO or collected for disposal offsite. The use of soakaways shall be avoided. All areas/ throughout construction period Contractor TM-EIAO Y
6.10 - Storm drainage shall be directed to storm drains via adequately designed sand/silt removal facilities such as sand traps, silt traps and sediment basins. Channels, All areas/ throughout construction period Contractor TM-EIAO Y
earth bunds or sand bag barriers should be provided on site to properly direct stormwater to such silt removal facilities. Catchpits and perimeter channels should be constructed in advance of site formation works and earthworks.
6.10 - Silt removal facilities, channels and manholes shall be maintained and any deposited silt and grit shall be removed regularly, including specifically at the onset of and after each rainstorm. All areas/ throughout construction period Contractor TM-EIAO Y
6.10 - Temporary access roads should be surfaced with crushed stone or gravel. All areas/ throughout construction period Contractor TM-EIAO Y
6.10 - Rainwater pumped out from trenches or foundation excavations should be discharged into storm drains via silt removal facilities. All areas/ throughout construction period Contractor TM-EIAO Y
6.10 - Measures should be taken to prevent the washout of construction materials, soil, silt or debris into any drainage system. All areas/ throughout construction period Contractor TM-EIAO Y
6.10 - Open stockpiles of construction materials (e.g. aggregates and sand) on site should be covered with tarpaulin or similar fabric during rainstorms. All areas/ throughout construction period Contractor TM-EIAO Y
6.10 5.8 Manholes (including any newly constructed ones) should always be adequately covered and temporarily sealed so as to prevent silt, construction materials or debris from getting into the drainage system, and to prevent storm run-off from getting into foul sewers. All areas/ throughout construction period Contractor TM-EIAO Y
6.10 - Discharges of surface run-off into foul sewers must always be prevented in order not to unduly overload the foul sewerage system. All areas/ throughout construction period Contractor TM-EIAO Y
6.10 - All vehicles and plant should be cleaned before they leave the construction site to ensure that no earth, mud or debris is deposited by them on roads. A wheel washing bay should be provided at every site exit. All areas/ throughout construction period Contractor TM-EIAO Y
6.10 - Section of construction road between the wheel washing bay and the public road should be surfaced with crushed stone or coarse gravel. All areas/ throughout construction period Contractor TM-EIAO Y
6.10 - Wastewater generated from concreting, plastering, internal decoration, cleaning work and other similar activities, shall be screened to remove large objects. All areas/ throughout construction period Contractor TM-EIAO Y
6.10 - Vehicle and plant servicing areas, vehicle wash bays and lubrication facilities shall be located under roofed areas. The drainage in these covered areas shall be connected to foul sewers via a petrol interceptor in accordance with the requirements of the WPCO or collected for off site disposal. All areas/ throughout construction period Contractor TM-EIAO Y
6.10 - The Contractor shall prepare an oil / chemical cleanup plan and ensure that leakages or spillages are contained and cleaned up immediately. All areas/ throughout construction period Contractor TM-EIAO Y
6.10 - Waste oil should be collected and stored for recycling or disposal, in accordance with the Waste Disposal Ordinance. All areas/ throughout construction period Contractor TM-EIAO Waste Disposal Ordinance Y
6.10 - All fuel tanks and chemical storage areas should be provided with locks and be sited on sealed areas. The storage areas should be surrounded by bunds with a capacity equal to 110% of the storage capacity of the largest tank. All areas/ throughout construction period Contractor TM-EIAO Y
6.10 Section 5 All construction works shall be subject to routine audit to ensure implementation of all EIA recommendations and good working practice. All areas/ throughout construction period Contractor EM&A Manual Y

Legend: D=Design, C=Construction, O=Operation Note: Funding Agent for all mitigation measures will be the Highways Department of the Hong Kong SAR Government