AUES Job No.: TCS01230/21










Tuen Mun - Chek Lap Kok Link

Contract No. HY/2021/13¡V

Provision of Remaining Compensation Tree Planting for the Tuen Mun ¡V Chek Lap Kok Link Project











22nd Monthly Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A) Report¡V March 2024











Prepared For

Wing Ho Yuen Landscaping Co., Ltd















Reference No.

Prepared By

Certified By

9 April 2024


My signature

Martin Li

(Environmental Consultant)

Ben Tam

 (Environmental Team Leader)






9 April 2024

First Submission


















ES01       This is the 22nd Monthly EM&A Report presenting the monitoring results and inspection findings for the period from 1 to 31 March 2024 (hereinafter ¡¥the Reporting Period¡¦).


Summary of EM&A activities for the Reporting Period

ES02       The EM&A activities conducted in the Reporting Period are summary in below:-

Ÿ     Landscape & Visual Monitoring (Establishment period) ¡V 1 events


ES03       According to the approved Landscape and Visual plan, the planting works under the contract was commended on 21 June 2022 and completed on 15 December 2022.


ES04       The two years Establishment Period for the compensation planting areas (Tuen Mun and Lantau) outside the TMCLKL Project site was commenced on 16 December 2022. According to the EM&A manual requirement, once per three months inspection should be conducted during the Establishment Period to monitor the compensation trees health condition. One establishment period inspection was conducted on 11 March 2024 for those compensation planting areas during this reporting period covering the 5th quarter establishment period from 16 December 2023 to 15 March 2024.


Environmental Complaint

ES05       In the Reporting Period, no environmental complaint was received.


ES06       The statistical summary of environmental complaints is summarized in the following table.

Reporting Period

Environmental Complaint Statistics



Since the Contract commencement



March 2024




Notification of Summons and Successful Prosecutions

ES07       No environmental summons or successful prosecutions were recorded in the Reporting Period.


Reporting Change

ES08       Reporting changes were made in the Reporting Period due to the Establishment Period for the Contract commenced. Some not related sections were removed.


Future Key Issues

ES09       The planting works for the Contract was completed on 15 December 2022. The two years establishment period for those planting area was commenced on 16 December 2022.


ES10       According to the Project EM&A Manual requirement, monitoring for the planting works at a frequency of 3 months interval during the 24-month establishment period is required to make sure the establishment planting works is complied with EMIS requirement, and during the 12-month establishment period, the maintenance operations must be supervised by fully qualified Landscape Resident Site Staff (Registered Landscape Architect or Professional Member of the Hong Kong Institute of Landscape Architects).  Subsequent to the 12-month establishment period supervised by the qualified Landscape Resident Site Staff, the supervision from the 13th to the 24th month would be continued by other members of the Project.


ES11       All the planting works for the TM-CLKL Project was completed, the quantity of tree planting and the landscape planting area for the Project fulfil with the EIA Report and EP requirement.



Table of Contents

1     Introduction                                                                                                                     1

1.1            Project Background                                                                                       1

1.2            Report Structure                                                                                             1

1.3            Contract Organization                                                                                 1

2     Summary of Environmental Requirements Under the Contract        2

2.1            General                                                                                                                 2

2.2            Environmental Aspects                                                                                  2

2.3            Monitoring Schedule                                                                                     4

3     LandscAPe and Visual                                                                                                    5

3.1            General                                                                                                                 5

3.2            Landscape and Visual Inspection                                                              5

3.3            Summary of the tree planting for TMCLK Project                            6

4     Environmental Complaint and Non-compliance                                           7

4.1            Environmental Complaint, Summons and Prosecution                   7

5     Conclusions and Recommendations                                                                     8

5.1            Conclusions                                                                                                        8

5.2            Recommendations                                                                                             8



List of TABLES

Table 2-1      Summary of Establishment inspection for the Project

Table 3-1      Details of Provision of Remaining Compensation Tree Planting Works Areas

Table 3-2      Details of Establishment Inspection for the Project during the Reporting Period

Table 3-3      Summary of Quantity Tree Planting for TM-CLKL Project

Table 3-4      Summary of Landscape Planting Area for TM-CLKL Project

Table 4-1      Statistical Summary of Environmental Complaints

Table 4-2      Statistical Summary of Environmental Summons

Table 4-3      Statistical Summary of Environmental Prosecution




List of Appendices

Appendix A Project Layout Plan

Appendix B Layout Plan of the Contract

Appendix C  Organization of the Contract

Appendix D Event and Action Plan

Appendix E  Monitoring Schedule

Appendix F Environmental Mitigation and Enhancement Measures Implementation Schedule (EMIS)

Appendix G Layout Plan for the Planting Zone

Appendix H Checklist for Landscape and Visual Monitoring

Appendix I Tree planting schedule for TM-CLKL Project

Appendix J Cumulative Statistics of Complaint, Summon and Prosecution






1                    Introduction

1.1                          Project Background

1.1.1                 According to the findings of the Northwest New Territories (NWNT) Traffic and Infrastructure Review conducted by the Transport Department, Tuen Mun Road, Ting Kau Bridge, Lantau Link and North Lantau Highway would be operating beyond capacity after 2016. This forecast has been based on the estimated increase in cross boundary traffic, developments in the Northwest New Territories (NWNT), and possible developments in North Lantau, including the Airport developments, the Lantau Logistics Park (LLP) and the Hong Kong ¡V Zhuhai ¡V Macao Bridge (HZMB). In order to cope with the anticipated traffic demand, two new road sections between NWNT and North Lantau ¡V Tuen Mun ¡V Chek Lap Kok Link (TM-CLKL) and Tuen Mun Western Bypass (TMWB) are proposed.


1.1.2                 According to the requirements of the EIA Report, the TM-CLKL Project shall carry out landscape softworks including planting of 6300 trees within the project limits, amongst others. On completion of the planting works by the three other contracts, 5353 trees were accommodated within the project limits. The Landscape and Visual Plan (LVP) later prepared for this Project recommended the compensatory planting of remaining trees at locations outside the limits of the TM-CLKL Project.


1.1.3                 Wing Ho Yuen Landscaping Co., Ltd (hereafter ¡§WHY¡¨) is commissioned by the Highways Department (HyD) as the Main Contractor of the Contract No. HY/2021/13 ¡VProvision of Remaining Compensation Tree Planting for the Tuen Mun ¡V Chek Lap Kok Link Project ((hereafter ¡§the Contract¡¨) and this Contract is part of the Tuen Mun ¡V Chek Lap Kok Link (TM-CLK Link Project).TM-CLK Link Project is a Designated Project under Environmental Permit number EP-354/2009/D issued on 13 March 2015.  The layout Plan of the Project and the Contract are showed in Appendix A and B respectively.


1.1.4                 The planting works for the Contract No. HY/2021/13 was commenced on 21 June 2022. The entire compensation tree planting works for this Contract was completed on 15 December 2022. The two years establishment period for those planting area was commenced on 16 December 2022.


1.1.5                 The construction works of the Contract mainly include:-

a.              Maintenance the compensation planting area of the Project during the establishment period.


1.1.6                 This is 22nd monthly EM&A report presenting the inspection findings for period from 1 to 31 March 2024.


1.2                          Report Structure

1.2.1                 The Monthly Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A) Report is structured into the following sections:-

Section 1     Introduction

Section 2     Summary of Environmental Requirements under the Contract

Section 3     Landscape and Visual

Section 4     Environmental Complaints and Non-Compliance

Section 5     Conclusions and Recommendations


1.3                       Contract Organization

1.3.1                 The Contract organization and contact details of key personnel are shown in Appendix C.

2                    Summary of Environmental Requirements Under the Contract

2.1                       General

2.1.1                 In accordance with the Project EM&A Manual requirements, the environmental aspects under the Project shall be included air quality, ecological, cultural heritage, landscape and visual, landfill gas and site inspection. 


2.1.2                 A summary of EM&A requirements under the contract are presented in the sub-sections below. Should non-compliance of the environmental quality criteria occurs, remedial actions will be triggered according to the Event and Action Plan which presented in Appendix D.


2.2                       Environmental Aspects


2.2.1                 According to the Contract remaining duty is maintenance the compensation planting area of the Project outside TMCLKL boundary during the establishment period. No specific EM&A requirement for air quality related to the establishment of landscape softworks was identify.


2.2.2                 The scopes of works under this Contract do not involve any of works listed under Section of the approved EIA Report. Vehicles travel under this contract was carried out in paved area. Therefore, fugitive dust emission from the contract would be limited and no unacceptable air quality impact would be expected. No specific mitigation measure and monitoring would be required.



2.2.3                 According to the Contract remaining duty is maintenance the compensation planting area of the Project outside TMCLKL boundary during the establishment period. No unacceptable noise impact would be expected from the contract. No mitigation measure would be required under the approved EIA Report. No specific EM&A requirement for noise impact related to the establishment of landscape softworks was identify.


2.2.4                 Most of the works under this contract would be conducted manually, with limited use of PME for delivery material on site and watering the planting area along the road side. Therefore, no unacceptable noise impact would be expected. No specific mitigation measure and monitoring would be required.


Water Quality

2.2.5                 No marine works will be undertaken under the Contract.  Therefore, no water quality monitoring is required for the construction phase of the Contract..  



2.2.6                 No marine works will be undertaken under the Contract and generated marine ecological impact, no dolphin monitoring is required for the construction phase of the Contract.


2.2.7                 According to the scope of works under the Contract, no identified ecology aspect was related to the Contract, therefore no land base ecology monitoring and mitigation measure would be required.


Landscape and Visual

2.2.8                 Monitoring of the planting works during the 24-month Establishment period after completion of the construction works should be carried out. Establishment Works Inspection should be carried out once every 3 months to make sure the establishment planting works is complied with EMIS requirement. The entire compensation tree planting works for this Contract was completed on 15 December 2022. The two years establishment period for those planting area was commenced on 16 December 2022.The summary of Establishment inspection for the Project is shown in Table 2-1.


Table 2-1    Summary of Establishment inspection for the Project

Contract Area

Establishment Monitoring Commenced

Respond Party

Next Quarter of Establishment Monitoring


(Zone 1, 3 & 4)

June 2020

HMWSD 2/2020 (HY)

Completed (Last quarter inspection was taken on 26 May 2022)


(Zone 2)

June 2020


Completed (Last quarter inspection was taken on 25 April 2022)


June 2020

HMWSD 2/2020 (HY)

Completed (Last quarter inspection was taken on 31 May 2022)


(Zone 1-5)

February 2021

HMWSD 2/2020 (HY)

Completed (Last quarter inspection was taken on 13 Jan 2023)


(Zone 6)

February 2021


Completed (Last quarter inspection was taken on 13 Jan 2023))

Tuen Mun

(Portion A)

16 December 2022


16 March to 15 June 2024 (6th Quarter)


Tung Chung

(Portion B)

Penny¡¦s Bay

(Portion C)


Cultural Heritage

2.2.9                 According to the works area under the Contract, no cultural heritage zone is located. Therefore, no specific EM&A requirement for construction phase was identified.


Landfill Gas

2.2.10             According to work scope of the Contract, there is no works area lies within the 250m Consultation Zone around the closed Pillar Point Valley Landfill. Therefore, no landfill gas monitoring is required for the Contract.


Waste Management

2.2.11             According to the Contract remaining duty is maintenance the compensation planting area of the Project outside TMCLKL boundary during the establishment period. No specific EM&A requirement for Waste Management related to the establishment of landscape softworks was identify.


2.2.12             All planting area under this contract area are land-based, no dredged sediment, excavated C&D material, C&D waste, chemical waste and sewage would be generated under this Contract. Only limited level of dead plant would be generated from works during maintenance of the planting area and would be easily controlled by standard waste management practice. No specific mitigation measure would be required.


Inspection and Audit

2.2.13             According to the Contract remaining duty is maintenance the compensation planting area of the Project outside TMCLKL boundary during the establishment period. No construction works would be taken under this contract. Moreover, no potential environmental issue had been identified in the previous sections. No regular site inspections would be required.


2.3                       Monitoring Schedule

2.3.1                 The monitoring schedule for landscape &visual for the present reporting period is presented in Appendix E. Summary of Impact Environmental Requirements Under the Contract




3                    LandscAPe and Visual

3.1                          General

3.1.1                 According to the Project EM&A Manual requirement, monitoring for the planting works at a frequency of 3 months interval during the 24-month establishment period is required to make sure the establishment planting works is complied with EMIS requirement, and during the 12-month establishment period, the maintenance operations must be supervised by fully qualified Landscape Resident Site Staff (Registered Landscape Architect or Professional Member of the Hong Kong Institute of Landscape Architects).  Subsequent to the 12-month establishment period supervised by the qualified Landscape Resident Site Staff, the supervision from the 13th to the 24th month would be continued by other members of the Project. The updated EMIS for the Contract is shown in Appendix F.


3.2                          Landscape and Visual Inspection

3.2.1                 The planting works under the contract was commenced on 21 June 2022. According to the approved landscape and visual plan, the planting areas under the Contract are summarized in Table 3-1 and the layout plan for the planting zone is illustrated in Appendix G.


Table 3-1          Details of Provision of Remaining Compensation Tree Planting Works Areas

Works Area



Proposed Use

Tuen Mun

Portion A1

Zone 1

(Tuen Mun Area)

Slope 6NW-C/F 153

Works area for compensation tree planting

Portion A2

Slope 6SW-A/F 25

Portion A3

Slope 5SE-B/F 89

Slope 5SE-B/F 70

Portion A4

Slope 5SE-D/F 73

Portion A5

Zone 2

(Siu Lam Area)

Slope 6SW-C/FR 200

Portion A6

Slope 6SW-C/F 233

Slope 6SW-D/FR 279

Portion A7

Slope 6SW-D/FR 320


Tung Chung

Portion B

Zone 3

(Tung Chung Area)

Slope 9SE-B/F 35

Slope 9SE-B/F 56

Slope 9SE-B/F 74

Works area for compensation tree planting

Penny¡¦s Bay

Portion C

Zone 4

(Penny¡¦s Bay


Slope 10NW-D/F 86

Slope 10NW-D/F 88

Slope 10NW-D/FR 89

Slope 10NW-D/FR 90

Slope 10NW-D/F 93

Slope 10NE-C/F 4

Slope 10NE-C/F 5

Slope 10NE-C/F 6

Works area for compensation tree planting


3.2.2                 The planting works for the Contract was completed on 15 December 2022. The two years establishment period for those planting area was commenced on 16 December 2022.


3.2.3                 In the Reporting Period, one establishment period inspection was conducted on 11 March 2024 for those compensation planting areas during this reporting period covering the 5th quarter establishment period from 16 December 2023 to 15 March 2024. The details of Establishment inspection for the Project during the reporting period are shown in Table 3-2 and the Establishment inspection checklist is shown in Appendix H.


Table 3-2    Details of Establishment Inspection for the Project during the Reporting Period

Planting Area

Quarter of Establishment Monitoring

Inspection Date

Tuen Mun (Portion A)

16 December 2023 to 15 March 2023 (5th Quarter)

11 March 2024

Tung Chung (Portion B)

11 March 2024

Penny¡¦s Bay (Portion C)

11 March 2024



3.3                          Summary of the tree planting for TMCLK Project

3.3.1                 According to the requirements of the EIA Report and EP, the TM-CLKL Project shall carry out landscape softworks including planting of 6300 trees and provide at least 33 ha of landscape planting. All the planting works for the Project was completed. The compliance check for the quantity of tree planting and landscape planting area for the Project are summarized in Table 3-3 and Table 3-4 the tree planting schedule for TM-CLKL Project is illustrated in Appendix I.


Table 3-3          Summary of Quantity Tree Planting for TM-CLKL Project

Works Contract


Total No. of Tree Planting  (light standard to heavy standard size)

EIA Requirement

HY/2012/07 (includes Entrusted Landscape Works to DC/2016/01)

Within TMCLK Project Boundary


At least 6300 trees

(light standard to heavy standard size)






Outside TMCLK Project Boundary







Table 3-4          Summary of Landscape Planting Area for TM-CLKL Project

Works Contract


Total Area of Landscape Planting


EIA Requirement

HY/2012/07 (includes Entrusted Landscape Works to DC/2016/01)

Within TMCLK Project Boundary


At least 33 ha






Outside TMCLK Project Boundary







3.3.2                 According to the above summary, the quantity of tree planting and the landscape planting area for the TM-CLKL Project fulfil with the EIA Report and EP requirement.


4                    Environmental Complaint and Non-compliance

4.1                          Environmental Complaint, Summons and Prosecution

4.1.1                 In the Reporting Period, no environmental complaint, summons and prosecution under the EM&A Programme was lodged. 


4.1.2                 The statistical summary table of environmental complaint, summons and prosecution are presented in Tables 4-1, 4-2 and 4-3 and the cumulative statistics of complaint, summons and prosecution are illustrated in Appendix J.


Table 4-1      Statistical Summary of Environmental Complaints

Reporting Period

Environmental Complaint Statistics



Complaint Nature





March 2024








Table 4-2      Statistical Summary of Environmental Summons

Reporting Period

Environmental Summons Statistics



Complaint Nature




March 2024







Table 4-3      Statistical Summary of Environmental Prosecution

Reporting Period

Environmental Prosecution Statistics



Complaint Nature




March 2024







4.1.3                 In the Reporting Period, no warning letter related to environmental issue was received from the EPD or HyD.




5                    Conclusions and Recommendations

5.1                          Conclusions

5.1.1                 This is 22nd monthly EM&A report presenting the inspection findings for the period of 1 to 31 March 2024.


5.1.2                 The planting works for the Contract No. HY/2021/13 was commenced on 21 June 2022.


5.1.3                 In the Reporting Period, no complaint was received by RE, the Contractor, ENPO or HyD. 


5.1.4                 No notifications of summons, or successful prosecution were received by the Contractor during the Reporting Period.


5.1.5                 The planting works for the Contract was completed on 15 December 2022. The two years establishment period for those planting area was commenced on 16 December 2022.


5.1.6                 There is no air quality, noise, water quality, ecology, cultural heritage and landfill gas monitoring was required for the contract.


5.1.7                 One establishment period inspection was conducted on 11 March 2024 for those compensation planting areas during this reporting period covering the 5th quarter establishment period from 16 December 2023 to 15 March 2024.


5.1.8                 All the planting works for the TM-CLKL Project was completed, the quantity of tree planting and the landscape planting area for the Project fulfil with the EIA Report and EP requirement.


5.2                          Recommendations

5.2.1                 According to the Project EM&A Manual requirement, monitoring for the planting works at a frequency of 3 months interval during the 24-month establishment period is required to make sure the establishment planting works is complied with EMIS requirement, and during the 12-month establishment period, the maintenance operations must be supervised by fully qualified Landscape Resident Site Staff (Registered Landscape Architect or Professional Member of the Hong Kong Institute of Landscape Architects).  Subsequent to the 12-month establishment period supervised by the qualified Landscape Resident Site Staff, the supervision from the 13th to the 24th month would be continued by other members of the Project.


5.2.2                 Proper maintenance for the planting area / planting tree should be provided during the establishment period.