1.1.1 This Waste Management
Plan is prepared for Contract HY/2013/01 Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao
Bridge Hong Kong Boundary Crossing Facility ¡V Passenger Clearance Building
(¡§the Contract¡¨) for the Highways Department of HKSAR. The Contract is part of Hong Kong ¡V Zhuhai ¡V Macao Bridge Hong Kong
Boundary Crossing Facilities (HKBCF), this
project is
considered to be ¡§Designated Projects¡¨, under Schedule 2 of the Environmental
Impact Assessment (EIA) Ordinance (Cap 499) and Environmental Impact Assessment
(EIA) Reports (Register No. AEIAR-145/2009) was prepared for the Project. The current Environmental Permit (EP)
EP-353/2009/H for
HKBCF was issued on 19 January 2015. These documents are available through the EIA Ordinance
1.1.2 According to
condition 2.10 of
EP-353/2009/H state: ¡§The Permit Holder shall deposit with the Director, at least
one month before the commencement of the construction of the project, three
hard copies and one electronic copy of a waste management plan (WMP) for the
construction stage of the Project.
The WMP shall describe the arrangements for avoidance, reuse, recovery
and recycling, storage, collection, treatment and disposal of different
categories of waste to be generated from the construction activities and shall
include the recommended mitigation measures on waste management in the EIA
Report. The WMP shall indicate the
disposal location(s) of all surplus excavated spoil and other waste. A trip ticket system (TTS) shall be
included in the WMP. Surplus excavated spoil and other wastes shall only be
disposed of at designated disposal locations unless otherwise approved by the
Director. All measures recommended
in the WMP shall be fully and properly implemented by the Permit Holder and any
person working on the Project throughout the construction period.
This WMP
applies to the works undertaken by Leighton ¡V Chun Wo Joint Venture for the
Contract. The works include:
¡P Construction of Passenger
Clearance Building (PCB) including architectural and builders works, structural
steel roof and reinforced concrete frames, basement, piled foundations, aluminium
roof, curtain wall facades, building services and electrical and mechanical
¡P Installation of District
Cooling System including seawater cooling intake pumping station, seawater
intake and discharge water pipelines work; Installation of Chilled water
cooling pipelines system, heat exchanger and chilled pumping system;
¡P Construction of transport
and associated facilities connecting to the PCB entailing the Emergency
Vehicular Access, an at-grade mainland side drop-off area, an Hong Kong side
elevated drop-off deck and 8 nos. of footbridge links;
¡P Construction of a public
toilet, 6 nos. of C&ED observation booths, a generator set building and a
refuse storage & material recovery chamber;
¡P Construction of a section
of 70m common utilities enclosure and staff subway and civil provisions for
associated electrical and mechanical works;
¡P Construction of drainage,
sewerage, fresh water & flushing water supply and utilities & service
¡P Construction of civil
provisions, including draw pits & ducting for Traffic Control and
Surveillance System (TCSS) and Extra Low Voltage System (ELV);
¡P Construction of box culvert
¡P Construction of 2 nos. of
vehicular bridge abutments at mainland side pickup area earthmound;
¡P Construction of
geotechnical works including top up the existing earth mound from +11.5mPD to
the finished level as stated in the Contract, reinforced earth slope and fill
slopes and special backdrop manhole at mainland side pick up area earthmound;
¡P Landscape hardworks and
softworks; and
¡P Other works which are shown
on the Drawings or specified in the Specification or which may be ordered in
accordance with the Contract.
The site
location plans are provided in Appendix
This WMP
will describe the arrangements for avoidance, minimization, handling, reuse,
recovery and recycling, storage, transportation, collection, treatment and
disposal of the different categories of waste that are expected to be generated
during the construction activities of the Contract. This WMP includes the recommended
mitigation measures on waste management that are contained in the EIA report
and EM&A manual.
The main
objectives of this WMP are to:
l Provide
reference to the applicable environmental legislation and guidelines pertaining
to waste management.
l Clarify
each party¡¦s responsibilities regarding waste management, and identify the
personnel from each party that are assigned these responsibilities and their respective
role on the Contract.
l Establish
waste management practices and treatment procedures, for the avoidance,
minimization, material reuse/recovery/recycling, collection, transportation,
storage and disposal of wastes that are generated during the course of the Contract
that are specified by the EP and the implementation of the mitigation measures
that are outlined in the EIA report.
1.4.1 An Environmental Policy has been established by
Leighton ¡V Chun Wo Joint Venture to
outline guidance, technical information, and instructions to designated
personnel who will be responsible for the management of site environmental
issues, and to ensure that all statutory and contractual environmental
requirements and the Company Environmental Policy are followed. In
addition, Leighton ¡V Chun Wo Joint Venture will create an Environmental Management Team (EMT) for establishing and
implementing effective and efficient environmental protection procedures for
the Contractor.
1.4.2 The Environmental Policy Statement, together with the Environmental
Objectives and Targets, are listed below in
the Leighton ¡V Chun Wo Joint Venture Environmental Policy:
Comply with all applicable environmental
laws, regulations and contractual obligations;
Taking all practicable steps to prevent
adverse environmental events and provide rapid and appropriate response to
address any events that occur;
Managing resource usage to protect the
environment and improve our business performance
Creating project opportunities that utilize
new environmental technologies;
Maintaining an effective environmental
management system that is aligned and implemented to international standard
(ISO14001) to manage performance on project, set and review targets, allocate
resources and continually improve our environmental performance;
Provide appropriate training for our
employees, subcontractors and others working on our behalf to improve awareness
and knowledge of our system and their roles and obligations
1.5.1 Leighton ¡V Chun Wo Joint Venture aims to recover, avoid and
minimize the construction waste generated
on site by utilizing the hierarchy illustrated below. This attempts to evaluate waste
management practices and selects the best
practical option since conceptually it makes sense to avoid producing a
waste rather than developing extensive treatment schemes. Through good planning, and effective
site management practices, Leighton ¡V Chun Wo Joint Venture will minimise the
amount of construction waste that is generated. The objective of Leighton ¡V Chun Wo
Joint Venture is to reduce and minimize the amount of wastes generated and hence minimise the costs associated
with subsequent waste handling and disposal.

1.6.1 During the course of the Contract,
it is anticipated that various types of waste will be generated. Each distinct waste type will
require a different approach for the effective management and disposal as stipulated
in the applicable legislation and guidelines.
1.6.2 The following legislation relates to the
handling, treatment and disposal of waste in Hong Kong:
l The
Waste Disposal (Amendment) Ordinance (WDO) (Cap 354).
l The
Waste Disposal (Chemical Waste) (General) Regulation (Cap 354C).
l The
Waste Disposal (Charges for Disposal of Construction Waste) Regulation. (Cap
l The
Land (Miscellaneous Provisions) Ordinance (Cap 28).
l The
Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance (Cap 132) - Public Cleansing and
Prevention of Nuisances (Urban Council) and (Regional Council) By-Laws.
l Summary
Offences Ordinance (Cap 228).
l Other
relevant regulations.
1.6.3 The WDO prohibits the
unauthorized disposal of waste.
Construction waste is not directly defined in the WDO, but is considered
to fall within the category of ¡§trade waste¡¨. Under the WDO, wastes can only be disposed of at sites licensed by the Environmental
Protection Department (EPD).
1.6.4 Under the WDO and the Charging Regulation,
wastes can only be disposed of at designated waste disposal facilities that are
licensed by the EPD. For
construction work with a value of more than HK$1M, the main contractor is
required to establish a billing account at
the EPD before transporting the construction waste to the designated
waste disposal facilities (e.g. landfill, public fill etc.). The vessels for delivering construction
waste to a public fill reception facility would need prior approval from
EPD. Breach of these regulations
can lead to a fine and/or imprisonment.
1.6.5 Under the
Waste Disposal (Chemical
Waste) (General) Regulation all producers of chemical wastes (including
asbestos) must register with the EPD and treat
their wastes either utilizing on-site plant licensed by the EPD, or arranging
for a licensed collector transport the wastes to an appropriately
licensed facility. The regulation also
prescribes the storage facilities to be provided on site, including labelling and
warning signs, and requires the preparation of written procedures and training
to deal with emergencies such as spillages, leakages, or accidents arising from the storage of chemical wastes.
current policy related to the dumping of construction and demolition (C&D)
material is documented in the Works Branch Technical Circular No. 2/93, ¡¥Public
Dumps¡¦. C&D materials that are wholly inert, namely public
fill, should not be disposed of at landfill, but should be taken to public
filling areas, which usually form part of reclamation schemes.
1.6.7 The Land (Miscellaneous Provisions) Ordinance requires
that dumping licenses be obtained by individuals or companies who deliver public fill to public filling areas. The Civil Engineering & Development Department
(CEDD) issues the licenses under delegated powers from the Director of Lands.
The Public
Cleansing and Prevention of Nuisances By-Laws provide further controls on the
illegal tipping of wastes on unauthorized (unlicensed) sites.
Contractor is required to obtain all necessary permits and licenses under these
ordinances including, but not limited to:
l Chemical
waste permits/licenses under the Waste Disposal Ordinance (Cap 354).
l Public
Dumping License under the Land (Miscellaneous Provisions) Ordinance (Cap 28).
1.6.10 The following guidelines related to waste
management and disposal would be adhered to
during construction:
l Waste
Disposal Plan for Hong Kong (1989), Planning, Environmental and Lands Branch Government
l Environmental
Guidelines for Planning in Hong Kong.
Hong Kong planning Standards and Guidelines (1990).
l New
disposal Arrangements for Construction Waste, EPD and CEDD (1992).
l Code
of Practice on the Packaging, Labelling and storage of Chemical Wastes EPD
l Code
of Practice on the Handling, Transportation and Disposal of Asbestos Waste,
l Works
Branch Technical Circular No. 12/2000, Fill Management, Works Bureau, HKSAR
l Works
Branch Technical Circular No. 19/2005, Environmental Management on Construction
Site, Works Bureau, HKSAR Government.
l Environment,
Transport and Works Bureau Technical Circular (Works) No. 34/2002, Management
of Dredged/Excavated Sediment, Environment, Transport and Works Bureau, HKSAR
l Works
Branch Technical Circular, 32/92, the Use of Tropical Hard Wood on Construction
Site, Works Branch, HKSAR Government.
l Works
Branch Technical Circular No. 2/93, Public Dumps, Works Branch, Hong Kong
l Works
Branch Technical Circular No. 16/96, Wet Soil in Public Dumps, Works Branch,
Hong Kong Government.
l Works
Bureau Technical Circular No. 4/98 and No.4/98A, Use of Public Fill in
Reclamation and Earth Filling Projects, Works Bureau, HKSAR Government.
l Works
Bureau Technical Circular No. 5/98, On-site sorting of Construction Waste on
Demolition Site, Works Bureau, HKSAR Government.
l Environment,
Transport and Works Bureau Technical Circular (Works) No. 33/2002, Management of Construction and Demolition Material including Rock,
Environment, Transport and Works Bureau, HKSAR Government.
l Waste
Reduction Framework Plan, 1998 to 2007, Planning, Environment and Lands Bureau,
Government Secretariat, 5 November 1998.
l Works
Bureau Technical Circular No. 6/2002 and 6/2002A, Enhanced Specification for
Site Cleanliness and Tidiness, Works Bureau, HKSAR Government.
l Works
Bureau Technical Circular No. 25/99, 25/99A and 25/99C.Incorporation of
Information on Construction and Demolition Material Management in Public Works
Sub-committee Papers, Works Bureau, HKSAR Government.
l A
Guide to the Registration of Chemical Waste Producers and Guide to the Chemical
Waste Control Scheme.
Site Organization
and Staff Duties
organization structure for waste management onsite is outlined in Figure 1. This structure outlines the overall site management in relation to waste management
and the associated environmental issues. Details on the roles and
responsibilities of staff members responsible for the implementation of the WMP are outlined in the Leighton ¡V
Chun Wo Joint Venture organizational chart
for waste management below:
1 Organization Structure
2.2.1 The Project Director (PD) is responsible for
coordinating all environmental matters on site and reporting on these matters
to the Leighton ¡V Chun Wo Joint Venture.
Approve (internally) the WMP and ensure adequate resources for the
implementation of the WMP.
2.2.2 The Project Manager (PM) is responsible for
ensuring commitment to the WMP and assigning the necessary resources for its
effective implementation.
Construction Manager (CM) reports to the PD, and has the responsibility to coordinate all
environmental matters related to the WMP.
The CM is also responsible for all site operations, management of
environmental issues, staff supervision, control, coordination & planning,
external liaison as well as implementing and monitoring corrective actions related
to the WMP.
The CM, when
necessary, will also carry out immediate corrective action to rectify any non-compliance
of environmental requirements of the WMP, as well as handle any complaints that
are received from the public regarding the
2.2.5 The CM will also assist the EO in overseeing
the implementation and performance of the WMP. The CM would also assist with
environmental duties onsite and ensure that works
are executed in accordance with the WMP. The CM will arrange regular site
inspections with the EO.
2.2.6 The EO will be appointed on site for the
overall coordination, monitoring, oversight and implementation of the WMP for
the duration of the contract. The
EO directly reports to the PM. The responsibilities of the EO include, but are
not limited to:
l Review
of the Site Management Plan for Implementation of the TTS and ensure works are executed
in accordance with the plan.
l Monitor
onsite work to ensure compliance with the environmental requirements for the
l Assist
the CM in handling any complaints that are received.
l Ensure
that the required environmental monitoring is carried out, and that all
environmental monitoring results are recorded.
l Carrying
out waste management training.
2.2.7 The Senior Engineer/ Engineer shall:
l Coordinate
with the EO regarding the implementation of all appropriate environmental
mitigation measures.
l Coordinate
with the EO to make sure that all the applicable environmental licenses and
permits are identified and allowed for in the program of work.
Environmental Supervisor (ES) is responsible for the implementation of the WMP
with the assistance of the Foremen. The ES is also responsible for:
l Assisting
the EO to rectify any non-conformances with the environmental requirements of
this WMP that are identified onsite.
l Attend
environmental meetings related to waste management when necessary.
l Carry
out environmental site inspections with the EO when deficiencies in waste
management are identified.
l Assist
the EO with any environmental accidents, such as the release of chemicals.
2.2.9 The foremen are responsible for onsite
supervision, the coordination of the works as well as the implementation of any
corrective actions as directed by the CM/EO. The
Foremen are also responsible for:
l Assisting
in the daily implementation of the WMP including the sorting and segregation of
construction waste in to separate stockpiles/staging areas and where possible the
recycling (via recycling containers) or reusing materials.
l Ensuring
that the trip-ticket system is followed and that all paperwork (e.g. CHIT /
Disposal Delivery Form (DDF)) is signed, completed and collected.
l Ensuring
that, where possible, the generation of waste is avoided or minimized.
Site Specific Waste Management
3.1.1 The key to successful waste management is undertaking
proactive measures to reduce the amount of waste generated. Waste management options/programme will
be exercised in accordance with the
hierarchy outlined in Table 1 below:
1: Hierarchy/Programme of Waste Management
Waste Management Option/Programme
Required Actions
Avoidance / Reduction
/ Minimization
Avoid the
generation of excessive waste by planning and scheduling material deliveries.
Minimize the amount
of waste generated through careful planning and design, before commencing the
Where appropriate
and practicable, construction materials such as timber formwork, metal, etc,
and any spoil generated during excavation work should be re-used onsite.
Recovery and Recycling
construction materials such as plastics and metal will be recovered, sorted
and stored onsite in containers.
The containers will be transported off site for recycling at an
approved facility.
Regularly serviced,
covered recycling containers will be provided for the use of the onsite
Treatment and Disposal
All waste removed
from the site requiring treatment and/or disposal will be transported to an
approved facility.
To achieve
waste reduction, environmentally responsible purchasing would involve the
introduction of practices that discourage unnecessary purchases and encourage
the purchase of products or materials that can be found locally, that have
reduced packaging or recyclable packaging, increased durability and materials
with recycled content, such as, recycled paper, steel, concrete and other raw construction materials.
3.1.3 Waste minimization is best achieved through the
use of careful planning, design and close supervision. It is expected that, following good
waste management practices on site will result in a reduction of the amount waste
being generated. To minimize the
wastage of raw materials that are delivered to the site, good management,
estimation and planning techniques will be required.
3.2.1 In order to determine whether the waste
management procedures used by Leighton ¡V Chun Wo Joint Venture are effective, the following specific
targets will be implemented onsite in an effort to reduce the generation of
waste materials, and thus minimize the amount of waste requiring disposal at
l All
excavated material will be sorted on site to recover the inert portion of
construction and demolition debris materials, such as hard rock, soil and
broken concrete, for subsequent re-use on site or disposal to designated
l Recover
and store all metallic waste (e.g. scrap metal) for subsequent collection by a
recycling contractor and recycling at an approved facility.
l Recover
all cardboard and/or paper packaging (for plant, equipment and materials) will
be stored in covered stockpiles (to keep dry and prevent contamination) for
subsequent collection and recycling at an approved facility.
l All
chemical waste that is generated on site (e.g. servicing of plant) will be
stored for collection and disposal at an approved disposal facility.
l All
demolition debris will be sorted on site to recover broken concrete,
reinforcement bars, mechanical and electrical fittings, hardware as well as
other recyclable fittings for subsequent recycling at an approved facility.
l To minimize
the use of timber during construction, recyclable metal formwork and hoarding
will be used where practicable.
3.3.1 Leighton ¡V Chun Wo Joint Venture will designate suitable areas onsite for the
storage, sorting and segregation of construction waste. The areas that are designated by Leighton
¡V Chun Wo Joint Venture will be clearly defined with appropriate signage and
barriers (or similar) and allow for easy access by workers and vehicles. The
layout plan of proposed temporary storage and sorting area for C&D
materials is shown in Appendix
B. As the project progresses, it
is anticipated that the designated areas will be reviewed depending upon
construction program requirements.
The areas designated by Leighton ¡V Chun Wo Joint Venture will be
sufficient for the amounts of construction waste that are anticipated to be
generated during the course of the contract. Table 2 below shows
the actions that will be taken for each type of construction waste generated
Table 2: Sorting of C&D Waste
Type of C&D Material
Required Action
Responsible Party
on site where possible or recycle off site
¡V Chun Wo Joint Venture
on site where possible or dispose of at approved landfill facility
¡V Chun Wo Joint Venture
and segregated onsite, re-use on site where possible or recycle offsite
¡V Chun Wo Joint Venture / Subcontractors
and recycle offsite
¡V Chun Wo Joint Venture/ Subcontractors
and recycle offsite
¡V Chun Wo Joint Venture / Subcontractors
recycling containers and recycle offsite
¡V Chun Wo Joint Venture / Subcontractors
recycling containers and recycle offsite
¡V Chun Wo Joint Venture / Subcontractors
on site if possible, other segregate and recycle off site
¡V Chun Wo Joint Venture/ Subcontractors
in approved containers and transport offsite for disposal at an approved
¡V Chun Wo Joint Venture/ Subcontractors
The waste
that is generated during the construction process will be disposed of at designated
disposal facilities. Monthly
summaries of the amount of waste material disposed of offsite will be provided
to the Engineer¡¦s Representative (ER) in the form of a Waste Flow Table
(WFT). The summaries will indicate
the estimated quantities of waste removed
the types of materials removed and the corresponding disposal ground in the WFT.
quantities of C&D material disposed of will be recorded under the barcode TTS
by using the CHIT / DDF (for disposal of C&D Materials at Disposal Grounds
(Other than Prescribed Facilities) as designated in the Contract or as Directed
by the ER, or Alternative Disposal Grounds Proposed by the Contractor and
Approved by the ER). In addition, a
completed ¡§CHIT¡¨ will also be presented to the receiving facility as part of
the system for the disposal charging scheme which became officially effective
in January 2006. Waste transaction
records could be obtained either from the waste disposal facilities directly,
or retrieved from the EPD bill statement
each month.
4.2.1 Leighton ¡V Chun Wo Joint Venture will comply
with the acceptance criteria laid down by the operators of the corresponding
fill bank(s) and landfill(s), as outlined below:
The truck drivers
should bear a duly signed CHIT / a
duly completed, signed and stamped DDF (for approved alternative disposal
grounds). The dump truck should also have a
valid Dumping Licence issued by CEDD. Dump trucks
without valid Dumping Licences will be rejected.
4.2.3 The inert C&D materials to be delivered to
the fill bank(s) should be in accordance with the conditions stipulated in the
Dumping Licence. Any over-sized
inert C&D materials will be broken down to less than 250mm in size so as to
facilitate its reuse by other reclamation or earth-filling projects. The C&D materials to be disposed
should consist entirely of inert construction waste (i.e. 100% inert
construction waste).
4.2.4 Recyclable materials such as metal, paper, plastics
and milled bituminous materials etc., which have been sorted on the site for
the purposes of recycling, shall not be considered as C&D materials and
should be delivered to a proper recycling outlet for processing.
The truck drivers
should bear a duly signed CHIT. The dump truck should also have a
valid Dumping License issued by CEDD. Dump trucks
without valid Dumping Licenses will be rejected.
non-inert C&D waste to be delivered to the landfills should be in
accordance with the conditions stipulated
in the Dumping License.
waste containing not more than 50% by weight of inert C&D waste (Gazette Notice G.N. 4274 published on 16 June
For a load
of C&D waste not consisting entirely of bamboo, plywood or timber delivered
by a vehicle, the weight of the waste divided by the permitted gross vehicle
weight of the vehicle must not greater than 0.25 for goods vehicle with
demountable skip and 0.2 for other types of vehicle (Gazette Notice G.N. 4274 published on 16 June 2008).
Mixed C&D materials should be sorted at source to reduce the inert
content as far as practicable to meet the above criteria before they are
delivered to landfills.
4.2.10 C&D waste delivered for landfill disposal
should contain no free water and the liquid
content will not exceed 70% by weight.
4.2.11 At least one (1) week¡¦s notice, including
contractors name and contact details etc, will be submitted to the EPD before
starting to deliver the C&D waste to the landfills. EPD
will be informed of any subsequent change to the disposal programme.
4.3.1 Leighton ¡V Chun Wo Joint Venture will implement a TTS to track the disposal
of C&D materials. Under the
TTS, each truck carrying C&D materials leaving the Site for a disposal facility
will be accompanied by a duly completed and stamped CHIT / DDF. The C&D materials must be disposed of at the disposal grounds as stipulated in
the DDF. The TTS will be
executed according to the following procedures:
4.3.2 The Foremen will arrange the C&D waste to
be segregated on site and also check the total actual amount of cumulated
C&D waste after the completion of the particular works in the working area.
4.3.3 The C&D waste will be sorted and stored
separately into different storage areas.
4.3.4 Non-inert C&D waste will be stored in
storage containers covered with tarpaulin sheeting in the temporary holding
area. Inert C&D materials will
be stored on the ground properly covered with tarpaulin sheeting in the
temporary holding area. Larvicidal
oil or larvicide will be applied to the stored C&D waste, if necessary, to
control pests.
4.3.5 For each truckload of C&D material leaving
the working area to the designated fill banks / landfills, the truck driver
must bear a duly completed, signed and stamped CHIT. A Notification to Truck
Driver (attached in Appendix
C) will be given to truck drivers to remind them the proper disposal
4.3.6 The truck will proceed to the designated
disposal facility as stipulated in the CHIT / DDF. The truck driver will present the CHIT /
DDF to the reception facility operator.
If the C&D waste accords with the acceptance criteria, disposal of
the C&D waste will be permitted and the facility operator will give the
truck driver a transaction receipt and stamp the CHIT / DDF.
4.3.7 The truck driver will present the CHIT at the weighbridge. If the vehicle load is accepted, the
CHIT is deemed to be used and the weight would be recorded on the ¡§Transaction
Record Slip¡¨.
4.3.8 If the truck driver is instructed by the
reception facility operator to go to the sorting facility, the driver will need
return back to the site and report to the Foremen. No driver is allowed to go to sorting
facility without Foremen permission or instruction.
4.3.9 The truck driver will then return the
transaction receipt and the stamped CHIT / DDF to Leighton ¡V Chun Wo Joint Venture as soon
as possible. All CHIT / DDFs are to
be return to the EO.
4.3.10 Leighton ¡V Chun Wo Joint Venture will maintain
a daily record summary (DRS) of disposal of C&D material from the Site
including details of the C&D waste, the truck number, departure time, etc. This record will be checked against the ER
records as soon as possible and the ER will be notified immediately in case any
discrepancy is noted.
4.3.11 Part 1 of the DRS will be completed in
duplicate and a copy should be kept by the ER.
4.3.12 For disposal at government disposal facilities,
Leighton ¡V Chun Wo Joint Venture will check the information recorded in the DRS
against the disposal records on CEDD¡¦s or the EPD¡¦s website (see below).
l http:www.cedd.gov.hk/eng/services/tripticket/index.html.
l http://www.epd.gov.hk/epd/misc/cdm/trip.html
4.3.13 Part 2 of the DRS will be completed and submit
to the ER within 1 working day after the records are posted at the EPD web-site.
4.3.14 Where an irregularity is observed or where
requested by the ER under special circumstances (e.g. a CHIT / DDF has been
issued but there is no disposal record at the disposal ground), Leighton ¡V Chun
Wo Joint Venture will submit to the ER within 5 working days after the recorded
date of disposal the supporting evidence such as duly stamped CHIT / DDF and/or
the Transaction Record Slip (where relevant) to confirm proper completion of
the delivery trips in question, or within 2 working days after the ER has
requested for such evidence, whichever is later. A fax copy of the CHIT / DDF
or Transaction Record Slip is acceptable, unless otherwise directed by the ER.
Measures to be implemented During
Transportation of Wastes to Avoid Leakage of Wastes onto Public Areas
All trucks
to transport waste from the site will be in good working condition and will be
equipped with mechanical covers (or similar) to prevent leakage of waste onto
public areas. In addition to the cover, to
further minimize the leaking of waste from the trucks, trucks should not be
filled higher than the trail board.
4.4.2 Wastes collected on all the
wheels and bodies of trucks will be washed off by wheel washing facilities before leaving
the construction site. Leighton ¡V Chun Wo Joint Venture will provide wheel washing facilities on site at
the site entrance.
Where Leighton
¡V Chun Wo Joint Venture has identified a project that can serve as an
alternative disposal facility, Leighton ¡V Chun Wo Joint Venture will provide a
detailed description of the alternative disposal ground, including location, lot
number (where appropriate) and location plan(s) to the ER to request for his written approval to dispose of waste at the
proposed location.
Where the
alternative disposal facility is a private construction project, Leighton ¡V
Chun Wo Joint Venture will submit a letter from the Authorized Person of the
development (as defined under the Building
Ordinance) to confirm that:
l The use
of C&D materials in the development is acceptable.
l The
use of land formed by C&D materials is in conformity with the statutory
town plan / lease conditions.
l The ER
is allowed to enter the alternative facility to conduct an inspection when
l The
estimated quantity and type of C&D materials to be used in the construction
works and the approximate delivery program, together with the name, post and
specimen signature of the competent person to sign the DDF / internal trip
Where the alternative disposal facility is a private facility but not a
construction site, Leighton ¡V Chun
Wo Joint Venture will submit a
letter from the relevant authorities, such as the Lands Department and Planning
Department, to confirm the suitability of the alternative disposal facility to
receive the proposed amount of C&D materials for use, and a written consent
from the landowner.
Where the alternative disposal facility is a government project, Leighton ¡V Chun Wo Joint Venturewill submit written consent from the
project office of the alternative disposal facility to use the C&D materials generated from the Site, and to confirm
the estimated quantity and type of C&D materials required and the approximate delivery programme.
4.5.5 A system for transmitting disposal records from
the alternative disposal ground will be submitted
to the ER for approval before disposal to the alternative ground starts.
4.6.1 Leighton ¡V Chun Wo Joint Venture has been registered as Chemical Waste Producer. Chemical waste that is generated, as defined by Schedule 1 of the Waste
Disposal (Chemical Waste) (General) Regulation, will be handled in accordance
with the Code of Practice on the Packaging,
Labelling and Storage of Chemical Wastes as follows:
waste will be packed and held in containers of suitable design and construction
so as to prevent leakage, spillage or escape of the contents under normal
conditions of handling, storage and
4.6.3 Containers used for the storage of chemical
wastes will:
l Be
suitable for the substance they are holding, resistant to corrosion, maintained
in a good condition, and securely closed.
l Have
a capacity of less than 450 litres unless the specifications have been approved
by the EPD.
l Display
a label in English and Chinese in accordance with instructions prescribed in
Schedule 2 of the Regulations.
container of chemical waste will bear an appropriate label which with details
of the chemical waste. The waste
producer will ensure that the information contained on the label is accurate
and sufficient so as to enable proper and safe handling, storage and transport of the chemical waste.
storage area will be specially constructed and bunded, and located close to the
source of waste generation. The storage area for chemical wastes
l Be
clearly labelled and used solely for the storage of chemical waste.
l Be
enclosed on at least three (3) sides.
l Have
an impermeable floor and bunding of sufficient capacity to accommodate 110% of
the volume of the largest container or 20% of the total volume of waste stored
in that area, whichever is the greatest.
l Have
adequate ventilation.
l Be
covered to prevent rainfall entering (water collected with the bund must be
tested and disposed of as chemical waste).
l Be
arranged so that incompatible materials are adequately separated.
l Before
reaching 80% capacity of the storage container, licensed waste collectors will
be contracted to remove the chemical waste.
After the
chemical wastes have been packed, labelled, and stored, the chemical wastes will
be transported by licensed waste collectors and disposed of at Chemical Waste Treatment Facility in Tsing Yi or other approved
4.7.1 Measures to be implemented to encourage general
waste avoidance / minimization include:
l Reducing
the number of photocopies to a minimum and copying on both sides of paper for
internal documents and external documents where appropriate.
l Preventing
over-ordering of office equipment and consumables.
l Procuring
energy efficient office equipment and consumables.
l Deploying
and servicing recycling containers on site to facilitate collection of
recyclables (e.g. aluminum cans, plastic bottles).
l Deploying
containers with covers onsite to facilitate the collection of non-recyclables
for disposal at landfills.
l General
refuse generated from working vessels and barges will be collected into
temporary waste collection points.
l Working
vessels for import fill or delivery should be handled by themselves.
l There
will be waste containers on the working vessels for the collection of
waste. In the event that refuse is
found on the water, Leighton ¡V Chun Wo Joint Venture will collect the refuse on
an as needed basis.
4.8.1 Sewage waste will be generated from amenity
facilities used by the construction workforce and site office¡¦s sanitary
facilities. Night soil from
chemical toilets will also be generated.
The sludge needs to be properly managed to minimise odour and potential
health risks to the workforce by attracting pests and other disease vectors.
4.8.2 The peak number of construction workers
anticipated to on site by Leighton ¡V Chun Wo Joint Venture is to be about 1700
staff. As the workers will be
scattered within the construction site, the most cost-effective solution will
be to provide adequate number of portable toilets within the site to ensure
that sewage from site staff is properly collected. Leighton ¡V Chun Wo Joint Venture will
ensure adequate numbers of portable toilets for the workforce and ensure no
adverse water impacts by contracting with licensed contractors to maintain the facilities.
4.9.1 Excavated sediment will be treated using cement
solidification/stabilization (Cement S/S) techniques and will be reused onsite for either backfilling or landscaping (e.g. berm material).
4.9.2 For handling of excavated sediment, the following
measures will be implemented:
Temporary stockpiling
site of untreated marine mud will be lined with impermeable sheeting, bunded and with
proper leachate control measures implemented;
Watering for the temporary
stockpiles of untreated marine mud will be avoided to minimise potential contaminated runoff ;
Temporary stockpiles
will be covered properly by impermeable sheeting;
Vehicles containing
any untreated marine mud will be suitable covered to limit potential dust
emission or potential contaminated wastewater run-off;
The mixing of marine
mud with cement will be enclosed to minimize dust emission;
Handling an mixing of
cement will follow Air Pollution Control (Construction Dust) Regulation to avoid
fugitive dust emissions;
Impermeable materials
(e.g. concrete paved ground) will be placed at the bottom of mixing unit/curing area for
the duration of the Cement S/S treatment process;
Concrete bund will be
constructed as appropriate, along the perimeter of the Cement S/S treatment
facilities to prevent leachate from escaping out of facilities.
4.9.3 The layout of the excavated sediment treatment area is
shown in Appendix H.
Handling of Recyclables
4.10.1 Before starting the transportation of
recyclable materials off site to recycling facilities, Leighton ¡V Chun Wo Joint
Venture will meet with recycling contractors to establish a suitable system for
collecting recyclable materials with care.
Estimate Quantities of C&D
4.11.1 The following types of waste will be generated
during the construction of the Contract.
l Excavated
l C&D
materials / waste.
l Chemical
l General
l Recyclable
4.11.2 The estimated amount of waste to be generated
from the Contract is listed in Table 3 below:
Table 3: Estimated Amount of
Waste to be Generated During the Contract
Generated from Project (m3)
Re-used onsite or on other Projects (m3)
Disposal (m3)
Proposed Disposal Outlet
General Waste
NENT Landfill
Inert C&D Soft Material (such as
Tuen Mun Area 38 Fill Bank
C&D Waste
NENT Landfill
Excavated sediment
4.11.3 The estimated volume of excavated
sediment to be generated from the contract is 30,000 m3. The excavated sediment
will be treated and reused onsite for either backfilling or landscaping (e.g. berm material). Hence, no excavated sediment would be disposal of off-site.
4.11.4 Control measures would be devised to ensure that the recyclable materials are delivered to a proper recycling outlet for processing, and to
avoid such materials being considered as C&D materials for the purposes of
the Contract.
4.11.5 All recyclable material
that is generated during the course of the Contract will be collected by
registered contractors and transported to an approved facility.
4.11.6 Details of these contractors were listed in the
website of EPD as waste collectors and recyclers, the information can be search
via the hyperlinks at:
l http://www.epd.gov.hk/epd/english/environmentinhk/waste/guide_ref/guide_ref_dwc.html
4.12.1 Leighton ¡V Chun Wo Joint Venture¡¦s aim is to
minimize the use of timber during construction, where practicable, by using
suitable alternatives, such as, recyclable metal formwork. Where the use of timber is unavoidable
for temporary works construction processes or activities with an estimated
quantity of greater than 5m3, Leighton ¡V Chun Wo Joint Venture will
submit a method statement to the ER for agreement prior to starting the
relevant temporary works. The
method statement will include the justification for the use and the measures
taken to minimize the use of timber.
4.12.2 The summary table of timber usage will be
submitted to the ER together with the monthly summary WFT for monitoring and
review by not later than the fifteenth (15) day of each month or, if it is a general
holiday, the day following the general holiday, or a day agreed upon with the ER.
The applicable
waste disposal requirements are listed in Section 1 of this WMP.
It is
anticipated that there will be inert C&D materials (comprising soil, broken
rock and concrete, etc), non-inert C&D materials and excavated sediments generated
under Contract No. HY/2013/01. With reference to the clause 25.25 of PS, the
designated disposal grounds for inert and non-inert C&D materials are listed as follows:-
Inert C&D
l Tuen
Mun Area 38 Fill Bank or other disposal outlets as directed by the ER.
C&D Materials
l North East New
Territories (NENT)
Monthly summaries
of the amount of C&D material disposed of off site will be provided to the ER. The summaries will indicate the estimated quantities of C&D material removed,
the types of C&D materials removed and the corresponding disposal ground in
the WFT.
Inert C&D materials will be disposed of at Tuen Mun Area 38.
Non-inert C&D materials will be disposed of at NENT landfill.
Excavated sediment will be treated and reused onsite as either backfilling
or landscaping. No excavated sediment would be disposal off-site.
Leighton ¡V
Chun Wo Joint Venture will contact all transportation companies who are
contracted by Leighton ¡V Chun Wo Joint Venture, or its subcontractors, for the removal of C&D materials
from the Site and highlight the following parts of the WMP:
l Each truck transporting C&D materials from
the Site to a disposal facility must carry a duly completed, signed and
stamped DDF, irrespective of the location and nature of the disposal facility.
l The
C&D materials must be disposed of at the disposal ground as stipulated in
the CHIT / DDF.
l The
improper disposal of C&D materials, as outlined by the Public Fill
Committee, may result in the revoking of the transportation company Dumping
l Truck
drivers must bear a valid Dumping License that has been issued by the CEDD.
A sample
of notification to truck drivers is attached in Appendix
C. The Flow Chart of the TTS is attached
in Appendix
will be used for each and every vehicle that transports C&D material off site to a disposal facility.
7.1.2 Prior to the vehicle leaving the site, the ER will
input the serial number, date, time of
departure, vehicle licence plate number, designated public filling facility /
landfill, and any other information as required onto the DDF, then stamp
the DDF. The ER will retain the
first strip of the form and pass the rest of the DDF to Leighton ¡V Chun Wo
Joint Venture¡¦s representative. The DDF will be carried on board the vehicle by
the driver at all times, for the duration of the trip.
A register
of the DDF¡¦s issued will be maintained by Leighton ¡V Chun Wo Joint Venture in
the project environmental filing system, and will be made available for inspection
by the ER upon request. The
following records will be kept to enable
monitoring of the DDF¡¦s that have been issued:-
and the WFT will be completed and submitted to the ER for their records. A sample of the DRS and the WFT is
provided in Appendices E and F of this WMP.
Leighton ¡V
Chun Wo Joint Venture will maintain a record of the quantities of C&D
materials that are generated each month using the monthly summary WFT. The Leighton ¡V Chun Wo Joint Venture EO will
complete and submit the monthly summary WFT to the ER by no later than the fifteenth
(15th) day of the following month, or if this day is a general holiday,
the day following the General Holiday, or a
later date as agreed to by the ER.
7.3.1 The estimated quantities
of C&D materials that are generated each year from the site will be summarised using the yearly summary WFT. The yearly summary WFT will be updated on
a half-yearly basis and will be submitted to the ER by not later than 1st
of June and 1st of December of each calendar year, or if these days are
general holidays, the day following the general holiday, or a later date as
agreed to by the ER.
7.3.2 These summaries shall also be made available to
the ETL and the IEC/ENPO.
trip tickets and records for the internal transfer of C&D materials will also be kept for monitoring and shall be
made available to the ER upon request.
7.3.4 For recyclable materials, Leighton ¡V Chun Wo
Joint Venture¡¦s Representative will record the quantities of recyclable
materials before removal off the Site via recycling contractors, and also include
the details in the WFT for submission to the
7.4.1 In order to ensure the proper disposal of
C&D materials that are generated during the course of the contract, the
following enhancement measure to improve the TTS recording system will be
l A
video recording system as stipulated 25.25 (6) (g) will be installed onsite by Leighton
¡V Chun Wo Joint Venture and disposal records shall be checked against the
survey record. The video recording
system shall also be used to monitor the vehicular exit / entrance of the site.
8.1.1 The aims and objectives of the waste management
audit program are:
l To
ensure that waste generated by the works is handled, stored, collected, transported
and disposed of in accordance with the applicable environmental guidelines and
l To
ensure that the handling, storage, collection and disposal of waste arising
from the demolition works complies with the relevant requirements under the WDO
and its regulations, and this WMP.
l To
encourage the reuse and recycling of materials.
8.1.2 The Environmental Team (i.e. Atkins China
Limited), with assistance from the PM or DPM, will conduct audits of the waste management practices during the weekly
environmental site inspection to evaluate the overall implementation of
the WMP, and to ensure that the appropriate control measures are properly
implemented. The results of the waste management audits will be reported in the monthly EM&A reports. The
Environmental Mitigation Implementation Schedule (EMIS) is given in Appendix G.
In the
event of any non-compliance observations or complaints against the provisions
of this WMP, appropriate actions will be taken according to the particular event.
An Action Plan for non-compliance and complaints is shown in the following tables:
Table 4: Event Action Plan for Non-compliance
Leighton ¡V Chun
Wo Joint Venture/ET
A non-compliance record will be created within one (1)
working day of making the observation during a site audit. The ET will send a Notice of
Non-Compliance (NC) to Leighton ¡V Chun Wo Joint Venture, ER and
IEC/ENPO. The NC would include
details of the observation/s, the time and location of the observation/s and the reason/s for the non-compliance.
Leighton ¡V Chun Wo
Joint Venture will propose suitable corrective action/s to mitigate the
non-compliance observed within one (1) working day of receipt of the NC from the ET.
The ER and
IEC/ENPO will review Leighton ¡V Chun Wo Joint Venture¡¦s proposed corrective
action/s and make additional recommendations
as necessary.
Leighton ¡V Chun Wo
Joint Venture will implement the proposed corrective action/s once they have been agreed to by all parties.
The implementation
of the corrective action/s will be checked at the next site audit. Close the NC if the implementation of the corrective action/s is
Leighton ¡V Chun Wo
Joint Venture will propose preventive action/s within three (3) working days
of the closure of the NC.
¡§x¡¨ denotes action party comments on the NC where applicable.
Table 5: Event Action Plan for Complaint
Leighton ¡V Chun Wo Joint Venture/ET
The ET will investigate validity of
complaint, and assess whether the complaint is due to
an onsite activity. If the
complaint is valid and due to site activity, the ET will log details of the complaint into a Complaint Record Form (CR).
Leighton ¡V Chun Wo Joint Venture will
assess the CR and propose suitable mitigation measures.
The ER and IEC/ENPO will review the
mitigation measures and agree or propose further mitigation measures if
Leighton ¡V Chun Wo Joint Venture will
implement the proposed mitigation measures once they have been agreed to by
all parties.
The ETL will check the implementation of
the mitigation measures during the next site audit. The ET will close out the CR, if the
implementation of the mitigation measures is satisfactory.
Leighton ¡V Chun Wo Joint Venture will
propose suitable prevention measures within three (3) working days after
closure of the CR.
¡§x¡¨ denotes action party comments on the NC where applicable.