In order to minimize the chance of accidental spillage occurring during the storage and transportation of chemicals or containers of chemicals to and from the construction site, the following precautionary measures will be implemented on site as far as possible:
Drip trays should be provided for oil/hazardous chemicals containers and / or generators;
Stack oil/hazardous chemical containers properly to prevent falling of such containers;
Provide tightly closed lids so as to avoid leakage of oil/hazardous chemicals;
Store compatible chemicals and the waste in the same storage area;
Inspect storage area regularly to ensure compliance;
The storage areas of oil/hazardous chemicals should be located remote from the coast and any other water bodies as far as practicable;
Label the storage containers and the chemical tanks according to the EPD’s “Code of Practice on the Package, Labeling and Storage of Chemical Wastes”,
Provide adequate ventilation in the storage area as necessary;
Prohibit open flames and smoking near the chemical storage and fuel storage areas;
Store large and heavy containers on the floor as far as possible and avoid storing these containers higher than 0.75m above the floor level (storage in vessel / barges are exclusive);
Keep all chemicals, chemical wastes and fuel oil storage containers below eye level for easy inspection;
Provide adequate space for safe and easy handling and inspection of the containers;
Maintain an up-to-date log of all chemicals, chemical waste and fuel oil stored at site;
Separate incompatible chemicals from one another;
Keep the ingress to the chemical storage area locked and restrict access;
Provide a bucket of dry sand and a suitable fire extinguisher in the storage area.
Use a suitably sized container so as to avoid overfilling;
Use pumps to transfer oil/hazardous chemicals instead of manually pouring;
Label the oil/hazardous chemical containers properly;
Provide a containment structure able to hold any chemicals or chemical wastes that is accidentally spilled;
Use suitable carrying equipment to transfer the oil/hazardous chemical containers from one location to another;
Only employ and use suitably licensed, trained and responsible chemical waste collector to carry out the transportation.