2.1          Design Codes and General Considerations


For the List of Design Codes and general design considerations, please refer to Section 2 of the Approval-in-Principle Submission for Landscape Works (AIPLW) in Appendix A.

2.2          Landscape and Visual Design Measures in EIA & EM&A


In Section of the approved EIA report and Section 14.2.4 of the EM&A Manual, design measures are proposed as landscape and visual mitigation measures during detailed design stage.  These mitigation measures are considered and will be adopted as far as practicable.  These design measures are listed below:

·        Roadside planting and planting along the edge of the reclamation is proposed

·        Transplanting of mature trees in good health and amenity value where appropriate and reinstatement of areas disturbed during construction by compensatory hydro-seeding and planting

·        Protection measures for the trees to be retained during construction activities

·        Optimizing the sizes and spacing of the bridge columns

·        Fine-tuning the location of the bridge columns to avoid visually-sensitive locations

·        Aesthetic design of the bridge form and its structural elements for HKLR, e.g. parapet, soffit, columns, lightings and so on

·        Considering the decorative urban design elements for HKLR, e.g. decorative road lightings

·        Maximizing new tree, shrub and other vegetation planting to compensate tree felled and vegetation removed

·        Providing planting area around peripheral of HKLR and HKBCF for tree planting screening effect

·        For HKLR, providing aesthetic design on the viaduct, tunnel portals, atgrade roads and reclamation (e.g. subtle colour tone and slim form for viaduct to minimize the bulkiness of the structure and to blend the viaduct better with the background environment, featured form of tunnel portals, roadside planting along at-grade roads and landscape berm on & planting along edge of reclamation area) to beautify the HKLR alignment