2. Purpose

    3. Project Description




    2. Organization Structure

    3. Roles and Responsibilities



    2. Prescribed Disposal Facilities

    3. Monthly Disposal Programme

    4. Internal Disposal and Control Measures to Track Movement of Materials

    5. Alternative Disposal Ground

    6. Disposal Grounds of Marine Sediment


    2. Site Procedure to Handle Non-inert Materials Using Chits

    3. Site Procedure to Handle Inert Materials Using DDF

    4. Site Procedure to Disposal of Inert Materials to HY/2010/02 Project by Vessels

    5. Site Procedure to Handle Inert Materials Using Disposal Delivery Form (DDF) by Vessels 9.5 Site Procedure to Handle Marine Sediment by Vessels





    2. Requirements of Video Recording System

    3. Video Records Keeping


    2. Overloading Prevention


    2. Reduction through Design

    3. Use of Timber in Temporary Works




    2. Weekly Site Inspections

    3. Surveillance at Alternative Disposal Site





Appendix A: Organization Chart

Appendix B: Proforma – Daily Record Summary for the Disposal of Materials

Appendix C: Sample of Chit and DDF

Appendix D: EPD Letter to Designate the Prescribed Disposal Grounds

Appendix E: Monthly Forecast of Excavation Materials; and

A summary table of estimated volume generated, reuse on- or off-site and the proposed disposal outlets

Appendix F: Proforma – Internal Transfer Ticket

Appendix G: Protocol of Guidelines to Dump Truck Drivers

Appendix H: Layout Plan Showing Temporary Storage Area of Chemical Waste Appendix I: Weekly Checklist showing the Waste Management Section Appendix J: Proforma – Monthly Summary of Waste Flow Table

Appendix K: Proforma – Timber Usage Summary for Temporary Works

Appendix L: Proforma – Register of chit / DDF for C&D materials disposal

Appendix M: Environmental Mitigation Implementation Schedule for Waste Management Appendix N: Layout Plan Showing Temporary Storage Area of C&D Materials Appendix O: Barge Measurement Record

Appendix P: Blank form of 11-09 Disposal B

Appendix Q: Table 3 – Marine Sediment Disposal Delivery Form

Appendix R: Notification Form


    2. Details of Revision:


Rev. Date


Amendment Source and/or Details




For the first submission to the SOR.



Related text

Amended to incorporate the comments from SOR/IEC/ENPO via the email dated 12 October 2012.



Appendix E

Amended to incorporate the comments from EPD.

A summary table of estimated volume generated, reuse on- or off-site and the proposed disposal outlets is added.



Appendix E

The proposed disposal outlet for Marine Pile Cap Excavation was updated EPD dated 29 November 2012.



Sections 7.0 and 8.1

Section 8.5 & Appendix E

Amended to incorporate bentonite generated from piling works and its disposal option.

Amended to incorporate the comments from the IEC via SOR’s email on 21 December 2012.



Section 8.5 & Appendix H, J & N

The Appendices were amended to reflect the actual situation.



Section 3.1, 7.0, 9.3, Appendix E & J

Amended to incorporate the comments from SOR via the email dated 5 September 2013.



Section 8.5, 9.3 to 9.5, Appendix O, P, Q & R

Amended the text to reflect the current situation and to respond to the SOR comments via (214487/(HY/2011/09)/M25/160.00119/B 03409

dated 21 Oct 2013.


    2. Purpose

      The Waste Management Plan (WMP) has been developed in accordance with Condition 2.12 of the Environmental Permit (EP-352/2009/C) for the Highways Department Contract namely Contract No. HY/2011/09 – Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Hong Kong Link Road – Section between HKSAR Boundary and Scenic Hill.

      The WMP shall describe the arrangements for avoidance, reuse, recovery and recycling, storage, collection, treatment and disposal of different categories of waste to be generated from the construction activities and shall include the recommended mitigation measures on waste management in the EIA Report and associated contractual requirements. The WMP also describes the associated policy, organization, operating procedures and works instructions to be followed while our staff and sub-contractors / suppliers performing their duties.

    3. Project Description

      Highways Department commissioned the project “Hong Kong Link Road- Section between HKSAR Boundary and Scenic Hill” (hereinafter called the Project) with Contract No: HY/2011/09. Dragages -China Harbour-VSL Joint Venture (DCVJV) is awarded the Contract to undertake this Project. The scope of the Project works comprises the following major item:

      1. a dual 3-lane carriageway in the form of viaduct from the HKSAR boundary (connecting with the HZMB Main Bridge) to the Scenic Hill (connecting with the tunnel under separate Contract No. HY/2011/03), of approximately 9.4km in length with a hard shoulder for each bound of carriageway and a utilities trough on the outer edge of each bound of viaducts;

      2. a grade-separated turnaround facility located near San Shek Wan, composed of slip roads in the form of viaduct with single-lane carriageway bifurcated from the HKLR mainline with an elevated junction above the mainline;

      3. provision of ancillary facilities including, but not limited to, meteorological enhancement measures including the provisioning of anemometers and modification of the wind profiler station at hillside of Sha Lo Wan, provisioning of a compensatory marine radar, and provisioning of security systems; and

      4. associated civil, structural, geotechnical, marine, environmental protection, landscaping, drainage and highways electrical and mechanical (E&M) works, street lightings, traffic aids and sign gantries, marine navigational aids, ship impact protection system, water mains and fire hydrants, lightning protection system, structural health monitoring and maintenance management system (SHM&MMS), supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system, as well as operation and maintenance provisions of viaducts, provisioning of facilities for installation of traffic control and surveillance system (TCSS), provisioning of facilities for installation of telecommunication cables/equipments and re provisioning works of affected existing facilities/utilities.

Cinotech Consultants Limited was commissioned by the DCVJV to undertake the EM&A works for the project and was appointed as the Environmental Team (ET). DCVJV applied to EPD at the contract commencement (31st May 2012) a billing account for C&D materials disposal and now an account 7015341 was assigned for the Project.


      The following environmental ordinances and regulations are relevant to waste management on the Site:

      • Waste Disposal Ordinance, Cap. 354

      • Waste Disposal (Chemical Waste)(General)Regulation

      • Waste Disposal (Charge of Disposal of Construction Waste) Regulation

      • Dumping at Sea Ordinance, Cap. 466

      • Land (Miscellaneous Provisions) Ordinance, Cap. 28

      • Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance, Cap. 132

      • Public Cleansing and Prevention of Nuisances Regulation

        Other guideline documents include:

      • Waste Disposal Plan for Hong Kong (December 1989)

      • Chapter 9 Environment (1999), Hong Kong Planning Standards and Guidelines

      • New Disposal Arrangements for Construction Waste (1992)

      • Code of Practice on the Packaging, Labeling and Storage of Chemical Wastes (1992)

      • Works Branch Technical Circular (WBTC) No. 32/92, The Use of Tropical Hard Wood on Construction Site

      • WBTC No. 2/93, Public Dumps

      • WBTC No. 2/93B, Public Filling Facilities

      • WBTC No. 16/96, Wet Soil in Public Dumps

      • WBTC No. 4/98 and 4/98A, Use of Public Fill in Reclamation and Earth Filling Projects

      • Waste Reduction Framework Plan, 1998 to 2007

      • WBTC No. 25/99, 25/99A and 25/99C, Incorporation of Information on Construction and Demolition Material Management in Public Works Subcommittee Papers

      • WBTC No. 12/2000, Fill Management

      • WBTC No. 19/2001, Metallic Site Hoardings and Signboards

      • WBTC No. 6/2002 and 6/2002A, Enhanced Specification for Site Cleanliness and Tidiness

      • WBTC No. 11/2002, Control of Site Crusher

      • WBTC No. 12/2002, Specification Facilitating the Use of Recycled Aggregates

      • ETWBTC No. 33/2002, Management of C&D Material Including Rock

      • ETWBTC No. 34/2002, Management of Dredged / Excavated Sediment

      • ETWBTC No. 31/2004, Trip Ticket System for Disposal of C&D Materials

      • ETWBTC No. 19/2005, Environmental Management of Construction Site

      • DEVBTC No. 6/2010, Trip Ticket System for Disposal of C&D Materials


DCVJV will adopt a surplus material management hierarchy throughout the Works. The management options can be categorized in terms of preference from an environmental viewpoint. The options considered preferable will have the least impacts and are more sustainable in the long term. The hierarchy is illustrated below. It attempts to evaluate surplus material management practices and selects the best practical option since conceptually it makes sense to avoid producing C&D material rather than developing extensive treatment schemes. Good planning and site management practices also help minimizing over ordering or misuse of concrete, mortars and cement grout. The overall objective is to reduce and minimize the amount of surplus generated, hence reducing the costs of material handling and disposal.


    2. Organization Structure

      The organisation structure for waste management is outlined in Appendix A. This chart gives the overall site management in relation to waste management issues. Details on the roles and duties of staffs responsible for implementation are outlined in the below section, which identifies the key parties with specific responsibilities.

      The names and telephone numbers of persons responsible for the implementation and supervision of the Site Management Plan (SMP) are also listed in Appendix A. The information in the list will be updated continuously in line with the Project progress.

    3. Roles and Responsibilities

      Pursuant to Part 14 – Construction Specification, Section 25.25S(6)(a), DCVJV has appointed the Environmental Officer as the senior staff member fully responsible for implementing and overseeing the operation of the Trip Ticket System (TTS). The site agents and foremen are appointed to fill in and sign the Daily Record Summary (DRS) (Appendix B) properly before departure of dump trucks. In addition, there will be a skilled labour to man each exit from the Site for the purpose of ensuring that every truck carrying C&D materials leaving the Site bears a duly completed and signed chit or disposal delivery form (DDF) (Appendix C).

      1. Project Director

        He reports to the DCVJV Management Board for the overall undertaking of the Project and must ensure that sufficient resources are allocated for the TTS implementation.

      2. Quality, Safety & Environmental (QSE) Manager

        Reporting to the DCVJV senior managements on the environmental aspect, he will

        • Develop the site environmental management system,

        • Advise to the senior managements timely on waste management matters and the latest developments as well as prevailing legislative changes,

        • Supervise the works of the environmental officer and his team,

        • Attend site safety and environmental committee (SSEC) meetings, site safety and environmental management committee (SSEMC) meetings and independent audits,

        • Review designs of site environmental facilities in method statements in relation to waste management.

      3. Environmental Officer

        The Environmental Officer works full-time on Site and he is assigned to oversee all waste management matters of the Works.

        The duties of the Environmental Officer include the followings:

        • Prepare, implement and update the SMP

        • Advise on measures to be taken in the interest of waste management, and implement such measures

        • Liaise on all matters relating to environmental monitoring and auditing

        • Carry out inspections of the Site for identifying potential hazards to the environment, and to report findings with recommendations for corrective actions

        • Participate in the weekly environmental walks with the nominated site staff of the Supervising Officer, and to supervise and monitor the waste management performance on the Site

        • Check and ensure that any polluting or potentially polluting situation is promptly rectified

        • Attend Site Safety and Environmental Management Committee (SSEMC) meetings and Site Safety and Environmental Committee (SSEC) meetings

        • Arrange and provide the environmental training including the site specific induction training and toolbox talks for the staff and workers on the Site, and to organize environmental promotional activities

        • Establish a record system to register dispatching and returning of chits,

        • Complete and submit the updated monthly summary “Waste Flow Table” together with the updated sections of EMP (if any) to the Supervising Officer by not later than the 15th day of each month,

        • Submit the summary table for using timber in the construction of Temporary Works together with the updated sections of Environmental Management Plan (EMP) (if any) to the Supervising Officer by not later than the 15th day of each month.

          The Environmental Officer is vested with the authority to act to ensure compliance with the statutory requirements. Where necessary, he will issue stop work order if he considers the work activity is causing pollution to the environment; and to remove any worker, who blatantly violates rules on environmental nuisance abatement, from the Site. Any order to stop work for reasons of environmental protection will be supported by a follow-up report to the Deputy Project Director / Project Director.

      4. Assistant Environmental Officer

        Assistant Environmental Officers will assist to the Environmental Officer to implement the TTS on site and ensure the effectiveness of site waste management.

        The duties of the Assistant Environmental Officer, for the purpose of waste management and TTS implementation, include:

        • Assist the Environmental Officer carrying out his duties,

        • Carry out daily site environmental inspections to rectify defects and deficiencies identified,

        • Advise the Environmental Officer on the up-keeping of waste management performance and standards of the Site,

        • conduct toolbox talks,

        • Supervise and maintain the internal record systems of chits and daily record summaries,

        • Regularly retrieve disposal data from websites of EPD & CEDD,

        • Attend SSEMC meetings and SSEC meetings.

      5. Site Agent

        A site agent is responsible for the following environmental duties:

        • Undertake daily operation to implement the SMP,

        • Ensure all waste is sorted, segregated, recycled or reused when applicable,

        • Sign the chits and daily record summary sheets,

        • Conduct environmental toolbox talks to raise waste disposal awareness amongst workers,

        • Collaborate with the Assistant Environmental Officer in the implementation of TTS,

        • Check the C&D material again to ensure the quality

        • Ensure that each truck carrying C&D materials leaving the Site bears duly completed, signed/stamped CHIT/DDF,

        • Record the CHIT/DDF no., the vehicle registration mark and the departure time of every truck leaving site carrying C&D materials.

        • Ensure each truck driver wash their wheels and close the mechanical cover before leaving the Site.

      6. General Foreman / Foreman

        A general foreman / foreman is responsible for the following environmental duties:

        • Report to the his supervisor, Assistant Environmental Officer or Environment Officer, as appropriate, any non-compliance of TTS,

        • Carry out remedial works to rectify the non-compliance,

        • Supervise and monitor the loading process,

        • Ensure the quality of C&D material loaded onto the truck and make sure no overloading,

        • Pass the duly competed, signed/stamped DDF/CHIT to the truck drivers,

      7. Subcontractors

        Subcontractors and their employees have a duty to carry out agreed waste management practices as instructed by the DCVJV. Every employee shall report promptly to project management any noncompliance of waste management and TTS. They must actively participate in and be in compliance with the DCVJV waste policy and TTS.

      8. Environmental Team

        The DCVJV has employed an independent Environmental Team (ET) to undertake environmental monitoring and audit during the construction of the Works. According to the EM&A Manual prepared by the ET, the responsibilities of the ET on the waste management and the TTS implementation are as follows:

        • Conduct regular site environmental inspections to ensure site practices of waste handling in compliance of legislations and guidelines,

        • Review the documentation procedures to ensure proper records being maintained and the procedure in compliance with the SMP.

          The ET may also take the following duties in term of waste management on site:

        • Liaise with other government departments or external parties, including IEC, EPD, regarding any environmental issues arising from the project

        • Monitor various environmental parameters as required in the EM&A Manual

        • Prepare reports, as specified in the EM&A Manual, in a timely manner and ensure the proper disposal records on site,

        • investigate public complaints about waste management,

        • Ensure the Event/Action Plan as stated in the EM&A report is implemented

        • Advise on suitable mitigation measures in case of waste management deficiencies identified,

        • Provide advice on any waste control or reduction measures, if necessary.


The following table generally shows the work activities C&D materials / waste will be generated from the following site activities (though not exhaustive) during the Works: -

Work activities

C&D materials / Waste to be generated

Non-inert materials

Inert materials

Site clearance

Domestic rubbish, vegetation

Top soil

Site formation


Top soil, rock

Slope stabilization


Top soil, rocks, boulders

Bored pile construction (land section)


Top soil, rocks, boulders

Bored pile construction (marine section)

Marine sediment

Alluvium, spent bentonite

Broken or abandoned precast segments

Used re-bars

Broken concrete

Domestic activities on site

Domestic rubbish, batteries, spent papers, sewage


Sewage generated in the site offices will be diverted into public sewers and therefore there is no management issue. Portable toilets will be used for discrete and remote working areas, which are regularly replaced by our supplies.


    2. Prescribed Disposal Facilities

      EPD has assigned the West New Territories (WENT) Landfill and Outlying Islands Transfer Facilities for the DCVJV to dispose of non-inert construction materials. The EPD letter to designate the prescribed disposal grounds is attached in Appendix D. DCVJV plans to go to WENT in most occasions. Among the Outlying Islands Transfer Facilities, Mui Wo Transfer Facility is the currently preferred disposal ground due to its close vicinity. Chits will be used for each disposal trip of non-inert C&D materials in WENT and the Outlying Islands Transfer Facilities.

      For disposal of inert materials such as soil, rocks, boulders, alluvium and spent bentonite, DCVJV will deliver the materials to the neighbouring sites of Contracts HY/2010/02 HKBCF Reclamation and HY/2011/03 HZMB Section from Scenic Hill to HKBCF for filling purposes, as the preferred disposal grounds as stipulated in the Contract. DCVJV will liaise to the concerned parties through the Public Fill Coordination Committee that has been established under Contract No. HY/2010/02 to dispose the surplus of the inert C&D materials to Contract No. HY/2011/03 and / or Contract No. HY/2010/02 for the reuses of suitable C&D materials on their sites. For the disposal, DDF will be used for the inert materials disposal at these sites.

      Under circumstances that the sites of Contract No. HY/2011/03 and Contract No. HY/2010/02 are unable to receive the inert materials for the filling purpose, DCVJV will apply to CEDD for the public fill reception facilities (PFRF) as a back-up option. The disposing materials including alluvium and bentonite will meet the PFRF requirements on material properties such as water content.

    3. Monthly Disposal Programme

      A monthly quantities of excavated materials to be generated during works has been estimated and the figures are shown in Appendix E. A table summarizing the estimated volume generated, reuse on- or offsite and the proposed disposal outlets is also presented in Appendix E. The estimated quantities, types of the C&D materials and corresponding disposal grounds will be updated monthly and indicated in the monthly programme for disposal of C&D materials, which will be reported to the SOR via submissions of monthly waste flow tables.

    4. Internal Disposal and Control Measures to Track Movement of Materials

      In cases of C&D materials generated in a site working area to be used in another area under the same Project, the types, quantities and purposes will be recorded by site agents and engineers on site and SOR will be informed of the details including the locations of work areas and transportation time to allow for the SOR’s inspection. Internal tickets exclusively for such uses will be distributed to dump truck drivers, and duly completed and signed by foremen or site agents. The format of the internal transfer ticket is shown in Appendix F. The monthly quantities of the internal disposal will be recorded in waste flow tables and be submitted to SOR.

    5. Alternative Disposal Ground

      In order to make use of C&D materials generated by the Site, DCVJV will use the best endeavours to identify recycling facilities or other construction sites where such material can be used. Where DCVJV identifies such as recycling facility or a construction sites which can be used as an alternative disposal ground, we will obtain the written approval of the SOR, who will process the request expeditiously. In support of the request for approval, the following information will be provided:

      • A detailed description of the alternative disposal ground, including location, lot number (where appropriate), location plan and photographs of the proposed alternative disposal grounds showing the surrounding environment and land use,

      • Where the alternative disposal ground is a private construction site, a letter from each of the relevant authorities, such as AFCD, LandD and PlanD, to comment on suitability of the site under their respective purview, and a letter from the Authorized Person of the development to confirm:

        • The C&D materials for use in the development is acceptable,

        • The land/pond filling in the proposed alternative disposal ground and the use of land so formed by the C&D materials are in conformity with the statutory town plan/lease conditions, and

        • The SOR staff are allowed to enter the alternative ground to conduct inspections where necessary.

      • Where the alternative disposal is a private recycling facility, it is on the recyclers’ list for C&D materials recognized by EPD, as well as a letter from the operator to confirm the SOR’s staff to enter the recycling facility to conduct inspections where necessary,

      • where the alternative disposal ground is a construction site of Government (other than a government contract quarry), Hong Kong Housing Authority or Mass Transit Railway Corporation, a written consent from the project office of the alternative disposal ground to use the C&D materials generated from the Site,

      • where the alternative disposal ground is a government contract quarry, a written consent from the Mines Division of Civil Engineering and Development Department to import the C&D materials generated from the Site,

      • the estimated quantity and type of C&D materials to be used/processed in the alternative disposal ground and the approximate delivery programme, together with the name, post and specimen signature of the competent person to sign disposal tickets; and

      • a system for transmitting disposal records from the alternative disposal ground to the SOR.

        DCVJV will establish a surveillance system within the Site (as described in the following section) and at any alternative disposal grounds to check the disposal activities comply with requirements.

    6. Disposal Grounds of Marine Sediment

The amount of marine sediments excavated from the Works shall be minimised as far as practicable e.g. only from the excavation of the foundation and the associated substructures such as the piles, pile caps and piers. In events that dredging/excavation of marine sediment are unavoidable, the Contractor shall handle/process such marine sediment in accordance with the procedures given in ETWB TCW No. 34/2002 (and the associated amendment versions).

The marine sediment to be generated from piling works will be undergone laboratory analysis during the GI stage to determine the categories in accordance with the ETWBTC No. 34/2002, Management of Dredged / Excavated Sediment. The contaminated sediment (Categories M and H) will be disposed of at the confined marine disposal facility at South of the Brothers - CMP 1. The uncontaminated sediment to be capped at East of Sha Chau – Pit IVc or Va and South of the Brothers - CMP 1, as indicated by the CEDD. DCVJV will contact the related authorities such as EPD and CEDD to request for the disposal allocations.

In cases that off-site disposal of marine sediment in Hong Kong Water required, DCVJV shall apply for the allocation of a sediment disposal site in the name of Highways Department of the HKSAR, and marine dumping permits under Dumping at Sea Ordinance (Cap. 466) (DASO) for the disposal of marine sediment at the designated disposal facilities in Hong Kong.

DCVJV will apply to the EPD for all valid permits and licences in accordance with only dispose of the marine sediment at the designated disposal facilities as directed by the Director of Environmental Protection and/or the Marine Fill Committee (MFC) unless otherwise agreed or ordered in writing by the Supervising Officer.


      A site procedure will be developed to ensure that each truck load of C&D materials leaving the site will bear a duly completed chit or disposal delivery form (DDF), and that Part of the DRS has been filled in and signed properly before its departure. The following two flow charts illustrate site procedures to handle C&D materials disposal with chits and DDFs to be implemented in the DCVJV site, and they will be modified to suit the actual site condition, after agreed with the SOR.

      Where irregularity is observed or where requested by the SOR under special circumstances, DCVJV will submit to the SOR within 5 working days after the recorded date of disposal the supporting evidence such as duly

      stamped chits / DDF, and/or the transaction record slip to confirm proper completion of the delivery trips in questions, or within 2 working days after the SOR has requested for such evidence, whichever is later.

    2. Site Procedure to Handle Non-inert Materials Using Chits

      Truck drivers load non-inert C&D waste onto dump trucks fitting with mechanical covers under supervision and monitoring of General Foreman.

      At storage locations

      DCVJV General Foreman ensure the quality of C&D material loaded onto the truck and make sure no overloading.

      DCVJV General Foreman properly complete the chit and Part 1 of the DRS in duplicate, then hand the duly completed, signed chit to the truck drivers and a copy should be kept by the SOR.

      The SOR fills names and signature in the Part 1 of the DRS.

      Dump truck leaving the site to the Prescribed Facilities.

      Drivers shall present to the Operator at the weight bridge of prescribed facilities (the Operator) chits prior to the disposal of the truckload.

      If the truckloads accord with the acceptance criteria, truck drivers finish disposal at prescribed facilities.

      Drivers must collect a transaction record slip issued by the Operator and a stamped chit counterfoil. All these to be returned to DCVJV for record.

      At site exits

      The SOR / DCVJV Site Agent check the loaded content and details on chits again at the exit. Record the chit no. , vehicle registration make and departure time of every truck.

      DCVJV Site Agent complete Part 2 of the DSR, which will be submitted to SOR not later than 3 working days, after the disposal records are posted at the EPD web site.

      Drivers wash the wheels at site exit to prevent any dirt dragged onto roads.

      Not OK

      Check OK

      before leaving.

    3. Site Procedure to Handle Inert Materials Using Disposal Delivery Form (DDF) by Trucks

      Truck drivers load inert C&D materials onto dump trucks fitting with mechanical covers under supervision and monitoring of General

      At excavating fronts

      DCVJV General Foreman ensure the quality of C&D material loaded onto the truck and make sure no overloading.

      / stockpiling areas

      The SOR fills names and signature in the Part 1 of the DRS.

      Dump truck leaving the site to the disposal ground as specified by SOR.

      Drivers shall present to site operator the DDF at the disposal grounds prior to the disposing the truckload.

      Drivers must collect a stamped DDF counterfoil issued by the site operator and the counterfoil to be returned to DCVJV for record.

      If the truckloads accord with the acceptance criteria, truck drivers finish disposal at disposal ground.

      DCVJV General Foreman properly complete the DDF and Part 1 of the DRS in duplicate, then hand the duly completed, signed DDF to the truck drivers and a copy should be kept by the SOR.

      At site exits

      The SOR / DCVJV Site Agent check the loaded content and details on DDF again at the exit. Record the DDF no. , vehicle registration make and departure time of every truck.

      The DDF is signed off by a competent person as agreed by the SOR of the disposal ground.

      DCVJV staff complete Part 2 of the DSR, which will be submitted to SOR not later than 3 working days, after the date of the disposal.

      Drivers wash the wheels at site exit to prevent any dirt dragged onto roads.

      Not OK

      Check OK

      before leaving.

    4. Site Procedure to Disposal of Inert Materials to HY/2010/02 Project by Vessels

      DCVJV staff unload the inert materials from the barge and fill to the reclamation site by CHEC.

      DCVJV staff properly complete the Part 1 of the DRS.

      DCVJV staff complete Part 2 of the DSR, which will be submitted to SOR not later than 3 working days, after the date of the disposal.

      DCVJV staff measure the loaded draft and record the agreed volume in Barge Measurement Record Form (Appendix O).

      DCVJV staff complete Barge Measurement Record Form and co-sign by all parties.

      DCVJV inform CHEC, SOR of HY/2010/02 and HY/2011/09 for joint inspection.

      DCVJV measure the light ship draft with the presence of CHEC, SOR of HY/2010/02

      and HY/2011/09 and agree the volume with all parties.

      DCVJV staff load inert materials to permit approved barge.

      Before transferring the inert materials to HY/2010/02 Project.

      Barges arrived to HY/2010/02

      Reclamation Site.

    5. Site Procedure to Handle Inert Materials Using Chits by Vessels

      DCVJV submit weekly disposal schedule to Fill Management Division by noon of each Tuesday.

      The SOR fills names and signature in the Part 1 of the DRS.

      SOR measure the light ship draft and fill in form 11-09 Disposal B (Appendix P).

      Barges leaving the site to the disposal ground as specified by SOR.

      Barge operators shall present to site operator the chits at the disposal grounds prior to the disposing.

      DCVJV staff load inert materials to permit approved dumb lighter.

      If the loads accord with the acceptance criteria, barge operators finish disposal at disposal ground.

      DCVJV mix cement to ensure moisture content less than 25%.

      Barge operators must collect a transaction record slip issued by the Operator and a stamped chit counterfoil. All these to be returned to DCVJV for record.

      DCVJV staff measure loaded draft and agree the volume with SOR, then complete form 11-09 Disposal B.

      DCVJV staff complete Part 2 of the DSR, which will be submitted to SOR not later than 3 working days, after the date of the disposal.

      DCVJV properly complete the DDF and Part 1 of the DRS in duplicate, then hand the duly completed, signed chits to the barge operators.

      *The disposal of inert C&D materials at Tuen Mun Area 38 is subject to SOR’s approval.

    6. Site Procedure to Handle Marine Sediment by Vessels

SOR measure the light ship draft and complete form 11-09 Disposal B (Appendix O).

Barges arrived to the dumping pits as specified in the DASO permit.

DCVJV staff load marine sediment to permit approved hopper barge.

Barge operators report to Management Team at the Office Barge and hand in the completed notification form to the staff of the Management Team.

DCVJV staff measure loaded draft and agree the volume with SOR, then fill in form 11-09 Disposal B.

On-site Queuing

DCVJV staff complete Table 3 Marine sediment deposal delivery form (Appendix P) to record the approximate volume of marine sediment transferred from hopper barge and co-sign by SOR. The original copy will be kept by DCVJV.

Barge operators follow the instruction from the Management Team to dispose of the contaminated mud.

Before transferring the marine sediments to the designated dumping pits.

Reports signed off by the SOR

DCVJV staff complete notification form (Appendix Q) and co-sign by SOR, then hand the duly complete, signed notification form to the barge operator.

DCVJV submit the weekly report of daily dumping record and monthly report on the quantity of dumped materials to the EPD, and daily records of the bare loads at the ODA and CMP of a month to EPD and MFC Secretary.

SOR notify the CMP Management Team of the disposal.


The Environmental Officer, with assistance of the Assistant Environmental Officers, will develop and maintain a comprehensive register of the chits and DDF issued, and make it available for inspection by Supervising Officer’s Representative upon request. This register will record each disposal trip in terms of disposal date, time, C&D material source locations, disposal sites, vehicle numbers, types of truckloads and all necessary information to facilitate timely retrieval of chit / DDF details, where irregularities are observed.


      Control measures would be devised to ensure that the recyclable materials are delivered to a proper recycling outlet for processing, and to avoid such materials being considered as C&D materials for the purposes of the Contract. TTS is not applicable to recyclable materials. However, the invoice, receipt or disposal records will form parts of the comprehensive register as described in the previous section to ensure integrity of disposal records. The monthly quantities of the recyclable materials removed off site will be recorded in the waste flow table for monthly submission to the SOR.

      Specific measures will be implemented to reduce the generation of waste materials, and thus minimize the amount of waste disposal to landfills. The measures will include:

      • sort all excavated materials and recover the inert portion of C&D materials, such as hard rock, soil and broken concrete, for reuse on the Site or, if cannot be used on the Site, disposal to designated outlets for reuse;

      • recover all metallic waste for recycling;

      • recover all cardboard and paper packaging, and properly stockpile them in dry and covered condition to prevent cross contamination;

      • sort all demolition debris to recover reinforcement bars, mechanical and electrical fittings, hardware and all other fittings / materials that have established recycling outlets;

      • tree debris will be delivered to tree debris recycler whenever available.

Material packaging (i.e. paper and cardboard) will be recovered, properly stockpiled in dry and covered environment to prevent cross contamination by other C&D materials. Attention will also be paid to avoid cross contamination during the course of paper collection for recycling. Arrangements will be made with recycling contractors to ensure that the recyclable materials sorted from the Site are handled with reasonable care. In addition, DCVJV has made agreements with certain suppliers for the collection of packaging wastes to further enhance the management of these materials on site.


      DCVJV has applied to EPD for a Register of Chemical Waste Producer. Chemical wastes generated during works will be temporarily stored in Site before being delivered to designated chemical waste treatment facilility. A location is tentatively assigned for the storage of chemical wastes (Appendix H) and it will be reviewed after the commencement of work. The handling and storage of chemical wastes must comply with the requirements stated in the Code of Practice on the Packaging, Labelling and Storage of Chemical Wastes.

      Containers for the storage of chemical wastes shall –

      • Have a capacity of less than 450 litres unless approved by EPD

      • Be suitable for the substance they are holding

      • Be resistant to corrosion

      • Be maintained in a good condition

      • Be securely closed

      • Properly labelled in accordance with the instructions prescribed in Schedule 2 of the Waste Disposal (Chemical Waste)(General) Regulation

        The storage area for chemical wastes shall –

      • Be enclosed at 3 sides

      • Be used solely for the storage of chemical wastes

      • Be clearly and legibly labelled

      • Have an impermeable floor and bund

      • Have a capacity enough to accommodate 110% of the volume of the largest container or 20% by volume of the chemical wastes stored in that area

      • Have adequate ventilation

      • Be sheltered from rain (rainwater collected in the bund must be tested or disposed of as chemical wastes)

      • Be provided with facilities for separate storage of incompatible materials

        Arrangements will be made for regular collection and disposal of chemical wastes. Disposal of chemical wastes shall –

      • Be via a licensed waste collector, and

      • Be disposed in the Chemical Waste Treatment Facility in Tsing Yi.

Again the monthly quantities of the chemical waste removed off site will be recorded in the waste flow table for monthly submission to the SOR.


    2. Requirements of Video Recording System

      DCVJV will agree with the SOR on methods to provide, operate and maintain a video recording system at each vehicular exit/entrance with gate(s) installed with the following essential features to record all trucks leaving the Site. DCVJV will provide details of the video recording system including the equipment type and a layout plan to show locations where the equipment are to be installed. The video cameras used in the system shall be of high resolution, lowlight and colour type; power backup shall be provided to cater for accidental breakdown of the power supply to the system; videos captured by the system shall be recorded continuously without break except with the agreement of the Supervising Officer, or in the month during which there is no disposal of C&D materials off the Site for the entire month; videos shall be captured in a format acceptable to the Supervising Officer; the registration mark of each vehicle leaving the site shall be recorded; and the loading conditions of dump trucks including empty trucks shall be captured. The video cameras will be securely protected from being damaged or blocked.

    3. Video Records Keeping

DCVJV will provide the software and hardware for capturing the vehicle registration mark, and the time and date for the Supervising Officer‘s immediate taking and viewing of photographs of every truck leaving the Site and viewing the recorded videos. The videos record will be kept for at least 60 days and the photographs are kept such time as instructed by the Supervising Officer. DCVJV will post sufficient notices at conspicuous positions to notify the workers, drivers and staff about the purpose of the video recording system in accordance with data protection principles set out in the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance.


      The DCVJV will write to all truck drivers engaged for removal of C&D materials from the Site and draw their attention to the following particular points:

      • Each truck carrying C&D materials leaving the Site for a disposal ground must bear a duly completed CHIT / DDF, irrespective of the location and nature of the disposal ground; and

      • The C&D materials must be disposed of at the disposal grounds stipulated in the Contract or directed by the Supervising Officer or alternative disposal grounds approved by the Supervising Officer.

        DCVJV has established a guiding protocol for truck drivers being engaged and give all of them a copy for their information. Where necessary, a tool box talk relating to the protocol will be given to all engaged driver. The protocol is shown in Appendix G.

    2. Overloading Prevention

      In order to prevent overloading, DCVJV will request subcontractors to deploy those dump trucks fitting with weight gauges. Marking of preset weight limit should be clearly visible on gauge for inspection. The dump truck will not be allowed to leave the site only if the reading of the weight gauge is lower than the preset level.

      In addition, DCVJV will –

      • conduct tool box talks to new drivers or those drivers who committed overloading case, and

      • deploy a coordinator at the site exit to control and ensure implementing the good practices.

Surprise checks will be made by tracing the route of the dump trucks to ensure that the transport of excavated materials fully complies with the requirements of this Plan.


    2. Reduction through Design

      DCVJV accords the highest priority to managing surplus materials through reduction at source. To this end, relevant environmental aspects have been duly considered in the design and planning stage such as –

      • Use of precast segments and bridge piers,

      • Closed loop water recycling process for GI drilling as well as excavation,

      • Possibility of utilizing excavated granite for concrete to be used on Site.

        DCVJV will also seek to use prefabricated and modular elements of precast segments, where practicable, to minimize material wastage from in-situ fabrication. The amount of surplus materials produced will be reduced by specifying accurately the volumes and dimensions of materials to be used.

    3. Use of Timber in Temporary Works

The use of timber in temporary works construction will be avoided, reduced or minimized; and alternatively reusable steel/concrete shutters will as far as reasonably practicable be used for formwork and falsework. Metal fencing or building panels will also be used for site fencing. In the circumstances where the use of timber is unavoidable and the estimated quantities exceed 5m3, we shall submit a method statement with justifications to the Supervising Officer for agreement prior to the commencement of the relevant temporary works. In any case, the timber will be reused before being discarded as wastes.


      Before major construction works commence, DCVJV will set waste targets to cover

      1. Excavated materials to be sorted to recover the inert portion of C&D materials, e.g. hard rock, soil and broken concrete, for reuse on site or disposal to designed outlets,

      2. All metallic waste to be recovered for collection by recycling contractors,

      3. All cardboard and paper packaging (for plant, equipment and materials) to be recovered, properly stockpiled in dry and covered condition to prevent cross contamination

      4. The use of timber quantities in temporary works.


      C&D materials refer to both inert and non-inert surplus materials generated from construction and demolition activities. The inert portion of the C&D materials include soil, rocks, broken concrete, etc., and non-inert portion comprises of timber, paper, plastic, general refuse and the like.

      All C&D materials will be sorted on Site to recover reusable and/or recyclable materials and DCVJV will assign an area for this purpose. A layout plan showing the temporary storage area is in Appendix N. All sorted and processed surplus materials will be removed to reduce temporary stockpiling on the Site. A system will be established for on-site sorting of C&D materials. It encompasses the identification of the source of generation,

      estimated quantities, arrangement for on-site sorting and/or collection, temporary storage areas, frequency of collection by recycling contractors and frequency of removal off the Site, etc. The following materials will be sorted on the Site:

      • Metal

      • Timber

      • Paper

      • Plastics

      • Chemical waste

      • Materials suitable for disposal at public fill reception facilities, sorting facilities and outlying islands transfer facilities. (Disposal at the sorting facilities shall be approved by the Supervising Officer)

The materials to be disposed of at public fill reception facilities, sorting facilities and landfills/transfer facilities must comply with the respective requirement laid under Schedule 6 of the Waste Disposal (Charges for Disposal of Construction Waste) Regulation, Cap. 354.

DCVJV will provide sufficient space for temporary storage of C&D materials to facilitate collection and/or sorting on the Site. Location plan will be provided after the detail planning of site layout. Nevertheless, onsite sorting will not generate potential nuisances to the public. Except for those inert C&D materials to be reused on the Site, all other C&D materials will be removed off Site as soon as practicable to optimize the use of the on-site storage space.

To reduce concrete wastage, DCVJV will return all surplus wet concrete to batching plant, where aggregates and sand will be recovered for reuse.


      Site inspections provide a direct means to trigger and enforce the specified environmental protection and pollution control measures. Site inspections will be undertaken weekly by the SOR and Site Agent to inspect the Site to ensure satisfactory performance on compliance with this Plan.

    2. Weekly Site Inspections

      Regular inspections on the implementation of the TTS will be under the EM&A programme which includes weekly site inspections on waste management. A sample of comprehensive checklist for the use of weekly inspection on the waste management is shown in Appendix I. This checklist will be modified according to the construction activities on site after the commencement of work. Immediately after the weekly inspection, the summary table of follow-up actions will be agreed and signed by both the Contractor’s Representative and Supervising Officer’s Representative. The Company will take prompt action to rectify the deficiencies identified and will report the status of action taken before the forthcoming weekly inspection.

    3. Surveillance at Alternative Disposal Site

DCVJV will establish a surveillance system such as site visits at any alternative disposal grounds to check that the disposal activities comply with the requirements set out in this Construction Specification.


      The Environmental Officer and his team are responsible for keeping surplus material/ waste management records on site. These records include, but not limited to, the following:

      • relevant licences and permits, including dumping licences and registration as chemical waste producer,

      • approval documents by the SOR in respect of disposal locations in Mainland China and HKSAR,

      • records of quantities of surplus materials/ wastes generated, recycled and disposed of (including the disposal sites),

      • records for chits or DDFs issued out for collection, delivery and removal of wastes and surplus materials,

      • disposal recording register (Appendix L) of vehicular and vessel trips of transporting C&D materials and its mechanism for collection of returned forms and receipts,

      • method for estimation of load for surplus materials, metals, papers/cardboard or other C&D wastes

      • training records,

      • video and photographs for the loading dump truck leaving site gates.

Waste Flow Table – Monthly

A mechanism to record the quantities of surplus materials and wastes generated each month, using the Monthly Summary Waste Flow Table (WFT) in Appendix J. The monthly summary WFT will be prepared and submitted to the SOR not later than the 15th day of each month; or if it is a general holiday, the day following the General Holiday.

Summary Table – Timber Usage

A method statement will be submitted to the SOR if the use of timber for temporary works construction for one process / activity with an estimated quantity exceeding 5 m3.

A timber usage summary table (Appendix K) which contains the description, justification and the estimated quantity for every work process / activity requiring the use of timbers for temporary works construction irrespective of the quantity of timber used will be updated and submitted to the SOR together with the monthly summary WFT for monitoring and review.


DCVJV will provide training on surplus material management in the site-specific environmental training and its refresher training for all the Company staff and the subcontractors. The training will cover the surplus material management policy, targets, measures for waste reduction, reuse & recycling, on-site sorting of C&D materials and performance measurement on the Site.

DCVJV will develop and provide toolbox talks for the topic on on-site sorting of surplus materials to promote workers’ awareness on handling, sorting, reuse and recycling of surplus materials.

Training materials will be available for the inspection of Supervising Officer’s Representative. If further required by the Supervising Officer’s Representative, trainings organized by training institutes or organizations as considered appropriate will be arranged.


      The following items shall be included in the agenda for discussion at the monthly Site Safety and Environmental Management Committee meeting, and Site Safety and Environmental Committee meeting, or other established channels for performance monitoring as agreed by the Supervising Officer’s Representative:

      • review the site management plan and implementation of the TTS, and identify areas for improvement,

      • audit the quantity of C&D materials removed from the Site (based on the DRS and survey records) against the quantities of C&D materials delivered to the disposal ground designated in the Contract (e.g. based on EPD website) and directed or approved by the Supervising Officer,

      • review incidents of non-compliance and discuss the necessary follow-up actions; and

      • Monitor the follow-up action on defects and deficiencies identified.


      The Section 8.3 of the EIA Report gives recommendations on mitigation measures of waste management. The recommendations were extracted to form an implementation schedule particularly for waste management during construction phase and the schedule is shown in Appendix M.


      Appendix A - Organisation Chart for Waste Management on Site

      Environmental Protection Department (EPD)

      Project Proponent Highways Department (HyD)

      Independent Environmental Checker

      Antony Wong

      Environmental Project Office (ENPO)

      Supervising Officer Ove Arup & Partner

      Contractor DCVJV

      Deputy / Project Director

      Environmental Team (ET) Cinotech

      ET Leader – H. F. Chan

      Ashley Au will be the Environmental Technician full time on site to assist ETL as required in the ER clause .

      QSE Manager C.S. Ma

      Environmental Officer C.S. Chu

      Assistant Environmental Officers

      Chris Chong /Ashley Au

      Site Agents / Foreman


      Reporting Line Communication

      Manpower resources to implement the SMP include

      1. QSE Manager – 1;

      2. Environmental Officer – 1 (Full-time);

      3. Assistant Environmental Officer – 2 (Full-time)

Telephone Numbers of Persons Responsible for Implementing of WMP



DCVJV - Project Office

2511 4261

2468 2855

Project Director


9464 1468


Deputy Project Director


9461 8397


Construction Manager

Y.S. Li

5188 3051


Site Agent


9303 1266




9345 4251


Quality Safety Environmental Manager

MA C. S.

9627 6217


Environmental Officer


6871 1634


Assistant Environmental Officer

Ashley AU

9762 9126


Assistant Environmental Officer


9581 1021


Environmental Team Leader


2151 2088

3107 1388

Deputy Environmental Team Leader

Priscilla CHOY

2151 2089


Environmental Team Representative

Ivy Tam

2151 2090


Appendix B – Daily Record Summary to Record Daily Disposal of C&D Materials from the Site

  1. Contract no. & title 合約編號及名稱:  HY/2011/09 Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Hong Kong Link Road – Section between HKSAR Boundary and Scenic Hill

  2. Date of disposal 傾御日期:

  3. Designated disposal ground(s) 合約指定或建築師/ 工程師指示接收設施:  (a)               (b)                 Others

  4. Approved alternative disposal grounds 另可接受的接收設施:




    / 運載記錄票編號

    Vehicle reg. mark 車輛登記號碼

    Approx. vol (e.g. Full / ¾ /

    ½ / ¼) 大約承載量 (例如全、


    C&D material type (e.g. inert or non-inert

    建築廢料種類 (例如惰性或非惰性)

    Disposal Ground接收設施

    Signature & Name of the Contractor's Designated person before departure


    Departu re time from* Site


    Signature & Name of the Supervising Officer before departure or other time as agreed between Supervising Officer and the Contractor1

    於離開地盤前或其它經承建商與工程師代表同意的時間,工程師監管人員姓名及簽名 1

    Actual disposal ground


    Arrival time at disposal ground


    Remarks 備註

    Part12 甲部 Part 23 乙部

    Prepared by 呈交:   [Name of Contractor’s Designated Person]


    Signature 簽名:

    Date 日期 :

    Received by 接收:   [Name and signature of the Architect / Engineer's staff]

    Post 職位: 建築師/工程監管人員姓名及簽名

    Date & Time 日期及時間:

    1. For term contract, if there are no full time site supervisory staff, the Architect/ Engineer's supervisory staff should spot check and then sign as appropriate in accordance with paragraph 25 of DEVB TC(W) 6/2010. 定期合約,如沒有全職地盤監管人員,應根據DEVB TC(W) 6/2010的第25段進行定點檢查及簽署

    2. Part 1 The Contractor shall complete Part 1 in duplicate and a copy should be kept by the Architect's / Engineer's Representative 承建商填寫甲部兩份,副本由建築師/工程師代表持有

    3. Part 2 The Contractor shall complete Part 2 and submit the whole Summary to the Architect/ Engineer's Representative within 1 working day after the records are posted at the EPD website 承建商填寫乙部及將整份運載記錄撮要於記錄上載在環境保護署網頁後1個工作天內呈交給建築師/工程代表

      • Delete "Site" and substitute "Sites" for term contracts. 定期合約將"Site"刪去及以"Sites"代替

      Appendix C – Chit and DDF Samples


      Disposal Delivery Form

      Appendix D – EPD letter to designate prescribed disposal grounds