4.1.1A The Contractor shall prepare the Environmental
Management Plan (EMP) (including a Waste Management Plan (WMP)),
Construction Method Statement and obtain approval from ER, IEC and relevant
authorities to encompass the recommended environmental protection / mitigation
measures with respect to their latest construction methodology and programme. All
environmental submission shall be certified by the ET leader before seeking the
IEC's verification.
Management Plan
4.2.1 A systematic EMP
shall be set up by the Contractor to ensure effective implementation of the
mitigation measures, monitoring and remedial requirements presented in the EIA,
EM&A and EMIS. The ER and the IEC will audit the implementation status
against the EMP and advise the necessary remedial actions required. These
remedial actions shall be enforced by the ER through contractual means.
4.2.2A The
EMP will define in detail how the Contractor (together with its
sub-Contractors) implements the recommended mitigation measures in order to
achieve the environmental performance defined in the Hong Kong environmental
legislation and the EIA documentation.
4.2.3A The
review of on-site environmental performance shall be undertaken by ER and IEC
through a systematic checklist and audit once the construction commences. The
environmental performance review programme comprises a regular assessment on
the effectiveness of the EMP. Reference should be made to Environment, Transport
and Works Bureau Technical Circular (Works) (ETWB TC(W)) No. 19/2005
"Environmental Management on Construction Sites" or its latest
versions, and any other relevant Technical Circulars.
Management Plan
As part of the EMP, the Contractor shall include a WMP for the construction
works under this Contract and submit to the ET for certification,
IEC and EPD for approval. Where waste generation is unavoidable, the
opportunities for recycling or reusing should be maximised. If wastes cannot be
recycled, recommendations for appropriate disposal routes should be provided in
the WMP. A method statement for stockpiling and transportation of the excavated
materials and other construction wastes should also be included in the WMP and
approved before the commencement of construction. All mitigation measures
arising from the approved WMP shall be fully implemented.
For the purpose of enhancing the management of
Construction and Demolition (C&D) materials including rock, and minimising
its generation at source, construction would be undertaken in accordance with
the Environment, Transport and Works Bureau Technical Circular (Works) No.
33/2002 - Management of Construction and Demolition Material Including Rock, or
its latest versions. The management measures stipulated in the Technical
Circular should be incorporated into the WMP.
Method Statement
In case the Contractor would like to adopt
alternative construction methods or implementation schedules, it is required to
submit details of methodology and equipment to the ER for approval before the
work commences. Any changes in construction method shall be reflected in a
revised EMP or the Contractor will be required to demonstrate the manner in
which the existing EMP should accommodate the proposed changes. The Contractor
may need to apply for a Further Environmental Permit (FEP) from EPD before
commencement of any construction activities.