No. HY/2011/03
Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Hong Kong Link Road
Section between Scenic Hill and Hong Kong Boundary Crossing Facilities
Quarterly EM&A Report No. 16 (June to August 2016)
29 December 2016
Revision 1
Main Contractor Designer
Executive Summary
1.4 Construction
Works Undertaken During the Reporting Period
2.1 Summary
of EM&A Requirements
3....... Environmental
Monitoring and Audit
3.1 Implementation of Environmental
3.2 Air Quality Monitoring Results
3.4 Water
Quality Monitoring Results
3.5 Dolphin Monitoring Results
3.6 Mudflat Monitoring Results
3.7 Solid and Liquid Waste Management
3.8 Environmental Licenses and Permits
4....... Environmental Complaint and Non-compliance
4.2 Summary of Environmental Complaint,
Notification of Summons and Successful Prosecution
Recommendations and Conclusion
1.1 Location
of the Site
2.1 Environmental
Monitoring Stations
2.2 Transect
Line Layout in Northwest and Northeast Lantau Survey Areas
A Environmental
Management Structure
B Construction
C Location
of Works Areas
D Event
and Action Plan
E Implementation
Schedule of Environmental Mitigation Measures
F Site
Audit Findings and Corrective Actions
Appendix G Air Quality Monitoring Data and
Graphical Plots
Appendix H Noise Monitoring Data and
Graphical Plots
Appendix I Water Quality Monitoring Data
and Graphical Plots
Appendix J Dolphin
Monitoring Results
L Summary
of Environmental Licenses and Permits
Executive Summary
The Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge (HZMB) Hong
Kong Link Road (HKLR) serves to connect the HZMB Main Bridge at the Hong Kong
Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Boundary and the HZMB Hong Kong Boundary
Crossing Facilities (HKBCF) located at the north eastern waters of the Hong
Kong International Airport (HKIA).
The HKLR project has been separated into two
contracts. They are Contract No.
HY/2011/03 Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Hong Kong Link Road-Section between
Scenic Hill and Hong Kong Boundary Crossing Facilities (hereafter referred to
as the Contract) and Contract No. HY/2011/09 Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Hong
Kong Link Road-Section between HKSAR Boundary and Scenic Hill.
China State Construction Engineering (Hong Kong)
Ltd. was awarded by Highways Department as the Contractor to undertake the
construction works of Contract No. HY/2011/03. The main works of the Contract
include land tunnel at Scenic Hill, tunnel underneath Airport Road and Airport
Express Line, reclamation and tunnel to the east coast of the Airport Island,
at-grade road connecting to the HKBCF and highway works of the HKBCF within the
Airport Island and in the vicinity of the HKLR reclamation. The Contract is part of the HKLR Project
and HKBCF Project, these projects are considered to be ˇ§Designated Projectsˇ¨,
under Schedule 2 of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Ordinance (Cap
499) and EIA Reports (Register No. AEIAR-144/2009 and AEIAR-145/2009) were
prepared for the Project. The current
Environmental Permit (EP) EP-352/2009/D for HKLR and EP-353/2009/K for HKBCF
were issued on 22 December 2014 and 11 April 2016, respectively. These
documents are available through the EIA Ordinance Register. The construction
phase of Contract was commenced on 17 October 2012.
BMT Asia Pacific Limited has been appointed by
the Contractor to implement the Environmental Monitoring & Audit (EM&A)
programme for the Contract in accordance with the Updated EM&A Manual for
HKLR (Version 1.0) and will be providing environmental team services to the
This is the sixteenth Quarterly EM&A report
for the Contract which summarizes the monitoring results and audit findings of
the EM&A programme during the reporting period from 1 June 2016 to 31 August 2016.
Monitoring and Audit Progress
The EM&A
programme were undertaken in accordance with the Updated EM&A Manual for
HKLR (Version 1.0). A summary of
the monitoring activities during this reporting period is presented as below:
Monitoring Activity |
Monitoring Date |
June 2016 |
2016 |
2016 |
Quality |
6, 10, 16, 22 and 28 |
4, 8, 14, 19, 25 and 29 |
4, 10, 16, 22 and 26 |
AMS5: 3, 8, 14, 20, 24 and 30 AMS6:
7, 8, 14, 20, 24 and 30 |
AMS5: 6, 14, 18, 22 and 28 AMS6:
13, 18, 22 and 28 |
3, 9, 15, 19, 25 and 31 |
Noise |
6, 16, 22 and 28 |
4, 14, 19 and 25 |
4, 10, 16 and 22 |
Quality |
1, 3, 6, 8, 10, 13, 15, 17, 20, 22, 24,
27 and 29 |
1, 4, 6, 8, 11, 13, 15, 18, 20, 22, 25,
27 and 29 |
1, 3, 5, 8, 10, 12, 15, 17, 19, 22, 24,
26, 29 and 31 |
White Dolphin |
1, 6, 13 and 17 |
5, 12, 18 and
27 |
5, 9, 17 and
23 |
Monitoring (Ecology) |
4, 5, 6, 18 and 19 |
-- |
-- |
Monitoring (Sedimentation rate) |
2 |
-- |
-- |
Site Inspection |
1, 8, 15, 22 and 28 |
13, 20, and 29 |
10, 17, 24 and 30 |
Due to
malfunction of HVS at station AMS5, the 24-hr TSP monitoring at AMS5 was
rescheduled from 3 June 2016 to 7 June 2016.
Due to
power interruption and malfunction of HVS at station AMS5, the 24-hr TSP
monitoring at AMS5 was rescheduled from 12
July 2016 to 14 July 2016 respectively.
Due to
malfunction of HVS at station AMS6, the 24-hr TSP monitoring on 6 July 2016 was
cancelled. The HVS was repaired on 13 July 2016. The 24-hr
TSP monitoring at AMS6 was rescheduled from 12 July 2016 to 13 July 2016.
Due to
clash of schedule, the dolphin monitoring schedule was rescheduled from 20 June
2016 to 17 June 2016.
Due to
boat availability, the dolphin monitoring schedule was rescheduled from 11 July
2016 to 5 July 2016, form 25 July to 12 July 2016, from 22 July to 27 July
2016, 8 August 2016 to 9 August 2016 and form 24 August to 23 August 2016.
As the Strong Wind Signal No. 3 was hoisted by Hong
Kong Observatory on 1 August 2016 (11:40am), water quality monitoring (WQM) was
carried out at stations SR10A and SR10B only for mid-ebb tide. WQM for
remaining stations for mid-ebb tide and WQM at all stations for mid-flood tide
was cancelled for safety reason.
of Action and Limit Levels
A summary of environmental exceedances for this
reporting period is as follows:
Environmental Monitoring |
Parameters |
Action Level (AL) |
Limit Level (LL) |
Air Quality |
1 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Noise |
(30 min) |
0 |
0 |
Water Quality |
solids level (SS) |
0 |
0 |
level |
0 |
0 |
oxygen level (DO) |
0 |
0 |
Dolphin Monitoring |
Analysis (Jun 2016 to Aug 2016) |
0 |
1 |
The Environmental Team investigated all
exceedances and found that they were not project related.
All investigation reports for exceedances of the
Contract have been submitted to ENPO/IEC for comments and/or follow up to
identify whether the exceedances occurred related to other HZMB contracts.
Implementation of Mitigation Measures
Site inspections were carried out on a weekly
basis to monitor the implementation of proper environmental pollution control
and mitigation measures for the Project.
Potential environmental impacts due to the construction activities were
monitored and reviewed.
Complaint Log
There was one complaint received in relation to
the environmental impacts during the reporting period.
A summary of environmental complaints for this
reporting month is as follows:
Environmental Complaint No. |
Date of Complaint Received |
Description of Environmental Complaints |
COM-2016-087 |
28 June 2016 |
Water Quality |
Notifications of Summons and Prosecutions
There were no notifications of summons or
prosecutions received during this reporting period.
Reporting Changes
This report has been developed in compliance
with the reporting requirements for the quarterly summary EM&A reports as
required by the Updated EM&A Manual for HKLR (Version 1.0).
The proposal for the change of Action Level and
Limit Level for suspended solid and turbidity was approved by EPD on 25 March
The revised Event and Action Plan for dolphin monitoring was approved by EPD on 6 May 2013.
The original monitoring station at IS(Mf)9
(Coordinate- East:813273, North 818850) was observed inside the perimeter silt
curtain of Contract HY/2010/02 on 1 July 2013, as such the original impact
water quality monitoring location at IS(Mf)9 was temporarily shifted outside
the silt curtain. As advised by the
Contractor of HY/2010/02 in August 2013, the perimeter silt curtain was shifted
to facilitate safe anchorage zone of construction barges/vessels until end of
2013 subject to construction progress.
Therefore, water quality monitoring station IS(Mf)9 was shifted to
813226E and 818708N since 1 July 2013.
According to the water quality monitoring teamˇ¦s observation on 24 March
2014, the original monitoring location of IS(Mf)9 was no longer enclosed by the
perimeter silt curtain of Contract HY/2010/02. Thus, the impact water quality
monitoring works at the original monitoring location of IS(Mf)9 has been
resumed since 24 March 2014.
Transect lines 1, 2, 7, 8, 9 and 11 for dolphin
monitoring have been revised due to the obstruction of the permanent structures
associated with the construction works of HKLR and the southern viaduct of
TM-CLKL, as well as provision of adequate buffer distance from the Airport
Restricted Areas. The EPD issued a
memo and confirmed that they had no objection on the revised transect lines on
19 August 2015.
Table 1.1 Construction
Activities during Reporting Period
Description of Activities |
Site Area |
Dismantling/trimming of temporary
40mm stone platform for construction of seawall |
Portion X |
Filling works behind stone
platform |
Portion X |
Construction of seawall |
Portion X |
Loading and unloading of
filling materials |
Portion X |
Pipe piling work |
Portion X |
Excavation and lateral support
works for Scenic Hill Tunnel (Cut & Cover Tunnel) |
Portion X |
Construction of tunnel box
structure at Scenic Hill Tunnel (Cut & Cover Tunnel) |
Portion X |
Backfilling at Scenic Hill
Tunnel (Cut & Cover Tunnel) |
Portion X |
Excavation for HKBCF to
Airport Tunnel |
Portion X |
Pipe piling and sheet piling
works for Scenic Hill Tunnel (Cut & Cover Tunnel) |
Portion X and Y |
Jet Grouting Works for Scenic
Hill Tunnel (Cut & Cover Tunnel) |
Portion X and Y |
Works for diversion |
Airport Road |
Utilities detection |
Airport Road/ Airport Express Line/ East Coast Road |
Establishment of Site Access |
Airport Road/ Airport Express Line/ East Coast Road |
Canopy pipe drilling / Box Jacking
underneath Airport Express Line |
Airport Express Line |
Pipe roofing drilling / Mined
Tunnel excavation underneath Airport Road |
Airport Road |
Lateral support works at shaft
3 extension north shaft & south shaft (Package T1.12.1) |
Kwo Lo Wan Road |
Excavation and Lateral Support
Works for HKBCF to Airport Tunnel West (Cut & Cover Tunnel) |
Airport Road |
Excavation and Lateral Support
Works for HKBCF to Airport Tunnel East (Cut & Cover Tunnel) |
Portion X |
Utility culvert excavation |
Portion Y |
Sub-structure &
superstructure works for Highway Operation and Maintenance Area Building |
Portion Y |
Superstructure works for
Scenic Hill Tunnel West Portal Ventilation building |
West Portal |
Excavation for Scenic Hill
Tunnel |
West Portal |
Box Jacking underneath Airport
Express Line |
Airport Express Line |
Mined Tunnel excavation
underneath Airport Road |
Airport Road |
Excavation and Lateral Support
Works at shaft 3 extension north shaft & south shaft (Package T1.12.1) |
Kwo Lo Wan Road |
Mined Tunnel excavation/ Box
Jacking underneath Airport Road
and Airport Express Line |
Airport Road and Airport Express Line |
Table 2.1 Summary
of Impact EM&A Requirements
Monitoring |
Description |
Station |
Frequencies |
Remarks |
Air Quality |
1-hr TSP |
AMS 5 & AMS 6 |
At least 3 times every 6 days |
While the
highest dust impact was expected. |
24-hr TSP |
At least once every 6 days |
-- |
Noise |
Leq (30mins), |
NMS5 |
At least once per week |
Daytime on normal weekdays
(0700-1900 hrs). |
Water Quality |
ˇP Depth ˇP Temperature ˇP Salinity ˇP Dissolved Oxygen
(DO) ˇP Suspended Solids
(SS) ˇP DO Saturation ˇP Turbidity ˇP pH |
ˇP Impact Stations: ˇP Control/Far Field
Stations: ˇP Sensitive Receiver
Stations: |
Three times per week
during mid-ebb and mid-flood tides (within ˇÓ 1.75 hour of the predicted time) |
3 (1 m below water surface,
mid-depth and 1 m above sea bed, except where the water depth is less than 6
m, in which case the mid-depth station may be omitted. Should the water depth be less than 3
m, only the mid-depth station will be monitored). |
Line-transect Methods |
Northeast Lantau survey area
and Northwest Lantau survey area |
per month |
-- |
Mudflat |
Horseshoe crabs, seagrass beds, intertidal soft shore communities,
sedimentation rates and water quality |
San Tau and Tung Chung Bay |
Once every 3 months |
-- |
Table 2.2 Action
and Limit Levels for 1-hour TSP, 24-hour TSP and Noise
Environmental Monitoring |
Parameters |
Monitoring Station |
Action Level |
Limit Level |
Quality |
5 |
352 µg/m3 |
500 µg/m3 |
6 |
360 µg/m3 |
5 |
164 µg/m3 |
260 µg/m3 |
6 |
173 µg/m3 |
Noise |
(30 min) |
NMS 5 |
one documented complaint is received |
dB(A) |
Table 2.3 Action
and Limit Levels for Water Quality
(unit) |
Water Depth |
Level |
Limit Level |
Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L) |
Surface and Middle |
5.0 |
4.2 except 5 for Fish
Culture Zone |
Bottom |
4.7 |
3.6 |
Turbidity (NTU) |
Depth average |
27.5 or 120% of upstream
control stationˇ¦s turbidity at the same tide of the same day; The action level has been
amended to ˇ§27.5 and 120% of upstream control stationˇ¦s turbidity at the same
tide of the same dayˇ¨ since 25 March 2013. |
47.0 or 130% of turbidity
at the upstream control station at the same tide of same day; The limit level has been
amended to ˇ§47.0 and 130% of turbidity at the upstream control station at the
same tide of same dayˇ¨ since 25 March 2013. |
Suspended Solid (SS)
(mg/L) |
Depth average |
23.5 or 120% of upstream
control stationˇ¦s SS at the same tide of the same day; The action level has been
amended to ˇ§23.5 and 120% of upstream control stationˇ¦s SS at the same tide of
the same dayˇ¨ since 25 March 2013. |
34.4 or 130% of SS at the
upstream control station at the same tide of same day and 10mg/L for Water
Services Department Seawater Intakes; The limit level has been
amended to ˇ§34.4 and 130% of SS at the upstream control station at the same
tide of same day and 10mg/L for Water Services Department Seawater Intakesˇ¨
since 25 March 2013 |
(1) Depth-averaged is
calculated by taking the arithmetic means of reading of all three depths.
(2) For DO, non-compliance
of the water quality limit occurs when monitoring result is lower that the
(3) For SS & turbidity
non-compliance of the water quality limits occur when monitoring result is
higher than the limits.
(4) The change to the
Action and limit Levels for Water Quality Monitoring for the EM&A works was
approved by EPD on 25 March 2013. Therefore, the amended Action and Limit
Levels are applied for the water monitoring results obtained on and after 25
March 2013.
Table 2.4 Action
and Limit Level for Dolphin Impact Monitoring
North Lantau
Social Cluster |
Action Level |
STG < 70% of baseline
& |
STG < 70% of baseline
& |
Limit Level |
STG < 40% of baseline
& |
means quarterly average encounter rate of number of dolphin sightings.
means quarterly average encounter rate of total number of dolphins.
North Lantau Social Cluster, AL will be triggered if either NEL or NWL fall
below the criteria; LL will be triggered if both NEL and NWL fall below the
Table 2.5 Derived
Value of Action Level (AL) and Limit Level (LL)
North Lantau
Social Cluster |
Action Level |
STG < 4.2 & ANI < 15.5 |
STG < 6.9 & ANI
< 31.3 |
Limit Level |
(STG < 2.4 & ANI
< 8.9) and (STG < 3.9 & ANI < 17.9) |
means quarterly average encounter rate of number of dolphin sightings.
means quarterly average encounter rate of total number of dolphins.
North Lantau Social Cluster, AL will be triggered if either NEL or NWL fall
below the criteria; LL will be triggered if both NEL and NWL fall below the
Table 3.1 Summary
of 1-hour TSP Monitoring Results Obtained During the Reporting Period
Reporting Period |
Monitoring Station |
Average (mg/m3) |
Range (mg/m3) |
Action Level (mg/m3) |
Limit Level (mg/m3) |
June 2016 |
AMS5 |
93 |
83 - 108 |
352 |
500 |
AMS6 |
98 |
84 - 153 |
360 |
July 2016 |
AMS5 |
122 |
76 - 421 |
352 |
AMS6 |
98 |
76 - 153 |
360 |
August 2016 |
AMS5 |
90 |
75-104 |
352 |
AMS6 |
99 |
82-136 |
360 |
Table 3.2 Summary
of 24-hour TSP Monitoring Results Obtained During the Reporting Period
Reporting Period |
Monitoring Station |
Average (mg/m3) |
Range (mg/m3) |
Action Level (mg/m3) |
Limit Level (mg/m3) |
June 2016 |
AMS5 |
36 |
22 - 79 |
164 |
260 |
AMS6 |
42 |
26 - 63 |
173 |
July 2016 |
AMS5 |
42 |
20 - 79 |
164 |
AMS6 |
39 |
34 - 45 |
173 |
August 2016 |
AMS5 |
39 |
21-55 |
164 |
AMS6 |
47 |
25-66 |
173 |
Table 3.3 Summary of Construction Noise
Monitoring Results Obtained During the Reporting Period
Reporting period |
Monitoring Station |
Average Leq (30 mins),
dB(A)* |
Range of Leq (30
mins), dB(A)* |
Action Level |
Limit Level Leq (30
mins), dB(A) |
June 2016 |
NMS5 |
65 |
ˇV 71 |
When one documented complaint is received |
75 |
July 2016 |
58 |
ˇV 61 |
August 2016 |
58 |
ˇV 61 |
SPSE = ((S / E) x 100) /
DPSE = ((D / E) x 100) /
where S =
total number of on-effort sightings
D = total number of
dolphins from on-effort sightings
E = total number of units
of survey effort
SA% = percentage of sea
Summary of Survey
Effort and Dolphin Sightings
3.4 Dolphin
Encounter Rates (Sightings Per 100 km of Survey Effort) During Reporting Period
(June to August 2016)
Survey Area |
Monitoring |
Encounter rate (STG) |
Encounter rate (ANI) |
Primary Lines Only |
Primary Lines Only |
Northeast Lantau |
Set 1 (1 & 6 Jun 2016) |
0.00 |
0.00 |
Set 2 (13 & |
0.00 |
0.00 |
Set 3 (5 & |
0.00 |
0.00 |
Set 4 (18 & |
0.00 |
0.00 |
Set 5 (5 & |
0.00 |
0.00 |
Set 6 (17 & |
0.00 |
0.00 |
Northwest Lantau |
Set 1 (1 & |
0.00 |
0.00 |
Set 2 (13 & |
0.00 |
0.00 |
Set 3 (5 & |
4.60 |
9.20 |
Set 4 (18 & |
0.00 |
0.00 |
Set 5 (5 & |
4.24 |
28.28 |
Set 6 (17 & |
1.48 |
7.40 |
Survey Area |
Encounter rate (STG) |
Encounter rate (ANI) |
Reporting Period |
Baseline Monitoring Period |
Reporting Period |
Baseline Monitoring Period |
Northeast Lantau |
0.0 |
6.00 ˇÓ 5.05 |
0.0 |
22.19 ˇÓ 26.81 |
Northwest Lantau |
1.72 ˇÓ 2.17 |
9.85 ˇÓ 5.85 |
7.48 ˇÓ 10.98 |
44.66 ˇÓ 29.85 |
1) The encounter rates deduced from the baseline monitoring period have been recalculated
based only on the survey effort and on-effort sighting data made along the
primary transect lines under favourable conditions.
2) ˇÓ denotes the standard deviation of the average
encounter rates.
3.6 Comparison of Average
Dolphin Encounter Rates in Northeast Lantau Survey Area from All Quarters of
Impact Monitoring Period and Baseline Monitoring Period (Sep ˇV Nov 2011)
Monitoring Period |
Encounter rate (STG) |
Encounter rate (ANI) |
September-November 2011 (Baseline) |
6.00 ˇÓ 5.05 |
22.19 ˇÓ 26.81 |
December 2012-February
2013 (Impact) |
ˇÓ 3.21 |
ˇÓ 8.64 |
2013 (Impact) |
ˇÓ 1.03 |
ˇÓ 1.03 |
June-August 2013 (Impact) |
0.88 ˇÓ 1.36* |
3.91 ˇÓ 8.36* |
2013 (Impact) |
ˇÓ 1.59 |
ˇÓ 6.49 |
December 2013-February
2014 (Impact) |
ˇÓ 1.10 |
ˇÓ 3.29 |
2014 (Impact) |
0.00 |
0.00 |
June-August 2014 (Impact) |
0.42 ˇÓ 1.04* |
1.69 ˇÓ 4.15* |
2014 (Impact) |
0.00 |
0.00 |
December 2014-February
2015 (Impact) |
0.00 |
0.00 |
2015 (Impact) |
0.00 |
0.00 |
June-August 2015 (Impact) |
0.44 ˇÓ 1.08* |
0.44 ˇÓ 1.08* |
2015 (Impact) |
0.00 |
0.00 |
December 2015-February
2016 (Impact) |
0.00 |
0.00 |
2016 (Impact) |
0.00 |
0.00 |
June-August 2016 (Impact) |
0.00* |
0.00* |
1) The encounter rates
deduced from the baseline monitoring period have been recalculated based only
on survey effort and on-effort sighting data made along the primary transect
lines under favourable conditions.
2) ˇÓ denotes the standard
deviation of the average encounter rates.
3) The encounter rates in
summer months were in blue and marked with asterisk.
3.7 Comparison of Average Dolphin Encounter Rates in
Northwest Lantau Survey Area from All Quarters of Impact Monitoring Period and
Baseline Monitoring Period (Sep ˇV Nov 2011)
Monitoring Period |
Encounter rate (STG)
(no. of on-effort dolphin sightings per
100 km of survey effort) |
Encounter rate (ANI)
of dolphins from all on-effort sightings per 100 km of survey effort) |
September-November 2011 (Baseline) |
9.85 ˇÓ 5.85 |
44.66 ˇÓ 29.85 |
December 2012-February
2013 (Impact) |
8.36 ˇÓ 5.03 |
35.90 ˇÓ 23.10 |
2013 (Impact) |
7.75 ˇÓ 3.96 |
24.23 ˇÓ 18.05 |
June-August 2013 (Impact) |
6.56 ˇÓ 3.68* |
27.00 ˇÓ 18.71* |
September-November 2013 (Impact) |
8.04 ˇÓ 1.10 |
32.48 ˇÓ 26.51 |
December 2013-February
2014 (Impact) |
8.21 ˇÓ 2.21 |
32.58 ˇÓ 11.21 |
2014 (Impact) |
6.51 ˇÓ 3.34 |
19.14 ˇÓ 7.19 |
June-August 2014 (Impact) |
4.74 ˇÓ 3.84* |
17.52 ˇÓ 15.12* |
September-November 2014 (Impact) |
ˇÓ 4.40 |
ˇÓ 15.10 |
December 2014-February
2015 (Impact) |
ˇÓ 2.69 |
ˇÓ 15.19 |
March-May 2015 (Impact) |
ˇÓ 0.73 |
ˇÓ 4.07 |
June-August 2015 (Impact) |
2.53 ˇÓ 3.20* |
9.21 ˇÓ 11.57* |
September-November 2015 (Impact) |
ˇÓ 1.57 |
ˇÓ 17.19 |
December 2015-February
2016 (Impact) |
ˇÓ 1.52 |
ˇÓ 3.81 |
March-May 2016 (Impact) |
ˇÓ 1.10 |
ˇÓ 6.85 |
June-August 2016 (Impact) |
1.72 ˇÓ 2.17* |
7.48 ˇÓ 10.98* |
1) The encounter rates deduced from the
baseline monitoring period have been recalculated based only on survey effort
and on-effort sighting data made along the primary transect lines under
favourable conditions.
2) ˇÓ denotes the standard deviation of the average encounter rates.
3) The
encounter rates in summer months were in blue and marked with asterisk.
Table 3.8 Comparison
of Average Dolphin Group Sizes between Reporting Period (Jun 2016 ˇV Aug 2016)
and Baseline Monitoring Period (Sep ˇV Nov 2011)
Survey Area |
Dolphin Group Size |
Period |
Monitoring Period |
Overall |
3.40 ˇÓ 3.34 (n = 10) |
3.72 ˇÓ 3.13 (n = 66) |
Northeast Lantau |
1.00 (n = 1) |
3.18 ˇÓ 2.16 (n = 17) |
Northwest Lantau |
3.67 ˇÓ 3.43 (n = 9) |
3.92 ˇÓ 3.40 (n = 49) |
1) ˇÓ denotes the standard deviation of the
average group size.
Summary Photo-identification works
Table 3.9 Measured
Mudflat Surface Level Results
Baseline Monitoring |
Impact Monitoring |
Monitoring Station |
Easting |
Northing (m) |
Surface Level |
Easting |
Northing (m) |
Surface Level (mPD) |
S1 |
810291.160 |
816678.727 |
0.950 |
810291.141 |
816678.735 |
1.073 |
S2 |
810958.272 |
815831.531 |
0.864 |
810958.261 |
815831.556 |
0.989 |
S3 |
810716.585 |
815953.308 |
1.341 |
810716.670 |
815953.302 |
1.468 |
S4 |
811221.433 |
816151.381 |
0.931 |
811221.408 |
816151.338 |
1.104 |
Table 3.10 Comparison
of Measurement
Comparison of
measurement |
Remarks and Recommendation |
Monitoring Station |
Easting |
Northing (m) |
Surface Level |
S1 |
-0.019 |
0.008 |
0.123 |
Level continuously increased |
S2 |
-0.011 |
0.025 |
0.125 |
Level continuously increased |
S3 |
0.085 |
-0.006 |
0.127 |
Level continuously increased |
S4 |
-0.025 |
0.006 |
0.173 |
Level continuously increased |
Table 3.11 Impact
Water Quality Monitoring Results (Depth Average)
Date |
Mid Ebb Tide |
Mid Flood Tide |
DO (mg/L) |
Turbidity (NTU) |
SS (mg/L) |
DO (mg/L) |
Turbidity (NTU) |
SS (mg/L) |
1-Jun-16 |
9.01 |
6.85 |
4.80 |
10.30 |
5.35 |
10.60 |
3-Jun-16 |
9.55 |
6.45 |
3.15 |
8.60 |
8.70 |
7.60 |
6-Jun-16 |
5.79 |
5.75 |
5.15 |
5.66 |
5.70 |
5.50 |