table of Contents


                        Executive Summary                                                              

1                      Introduction                                                                           

1.1                   Background                                                                            

1.2                   Scope of Report                                                                    

1.3                   Organization Structure                                                   

1.4                   Summary of Construction Works                                

2                      EM&A Results                                                                          

2.1                   Air quality                                                                               

2.2                   Landfill Gas Hazard Monitoring                                   

2.3                   EM&A Site Inspection                                                           

2.4                   Waste Management Status                                              

2.5                   Environmental Licenses and Permits

2.6                   Implementation Status of Environmental Mitigation Measures   

2.7                   Summary of Exceedances of the Environmental Quality Performance Limit                                                                                             

2.8                   Summary of Complaints, Notification of Summons and Successful Prosecutions                                                                          

3                      Future Key Issues                                                                 

3.1                   Construction Activities for the Coming Month     

3.2                   Key Issues for the Coming Month                                 

4                      Conclusions and recommendations                           

4.1                   Conclusions                                                                            


List of Appendices

Appendix A     Project Organization for Environmental Works

Appendix B     Construction Programmes

Appendix C     Implementation Schedule of Environmental Mitigation Measures (EMIS)

Appendix D     Summary of Action and Limit Levels

Appendix E     Event Action Plan

Appendix F      EM&A Monitoring Schedule

Appendix G     Calibration Certificate of Monitoring Equipment

Appendix H     Landfill Gas Monitoring Results and Graphical Presentation

Appendix I       Monthly Summary of Waste Flow Table

Appendix J      Cumulative Statistics on Exceedances, Complaints, Notifications of Summons and Successful Prosecutions

Appendix K     Landscape and Visual Monitoring for 24-Month Establishment Period



Executive Summary

Under Contract No. HY/2017/10, Gammon Construction Limited (GCL) is commissioned by the Highways Department (HyD) to undertake Northern Connection Tunnel Buildings, Electrical and Mechanical Works of the Tuen Mun – Chek Lap Kok Link Project (TM-CLK Link Project) while AECOM Asia Company Limited was appointed by HyD as the Engineer.  For implementation of the environmental monitoring and audit (EM&A) programme under the Contract, ERM-Hong Kong, Limited (ERM) has been appointed as the Environmental Team (ET) in accordance with Environmental Permit No. EP-354/2009/ARamboll Hong Kong Ltd. was employed by HyD as the Independent Environmental Checker (IEC) and Environmental Project Office (ENPO)Subsequent applications for variation of environmental permits (VEP), EP-354/2009/B, EP-354/2009/C and EP-354/2009/D, were granted on 28 January 2014, 10 December 2014 and 13 March 2015, respectively.  

The construction phase of the Contract commenced on 7 June 2018 and will tentatively be completed by 2021.  The impact monitoring of the EM&A programme, including air quality and environmental site inspections, were commenced on 7 June 2018.   

This is the Thirty-Third Monthly EM&A report presenting the EM&A works carried out during the period from 1 to 28 February 2021 for the Contract No. HY/2017/10 Northern Connection Tunnel Buildings, Electrical and Mechanical Works (the “Contract”) in accordance with the Updated EM&A Manual of the TM-CLK Link Project.  As informed by the Contractor, major activities in the reporting period included:

Land-based Works

Ÿ  Architectural Builder’s Work and Finishes Works and Handover Inspection at Fire Services Department Building; and

Ÿ  E&M works, Final finishing works and Handover Inspection at Customs and Excise Department Building.

A summary of monitoring and audit activities conducted in the reporting period is listed below ([1]):

24-hour TSP Monitoring                            5 sessions

1-hour TSP Monitoring                              5 sessions

Landfill Gas Hazard Monitoring                21 days

Joint Environmental Site Inspection         4 sessions

Summary of Breaches of Action/Limit Levels

Breaches of Action and Limit Levels for Air Quality

Two (2) Action Level exceedances for 1-hour TSP were recorded by the Environmental Team of Contract No. HY/2012/08 during the reporting period.  No Action and Limit Level exceedance for 24-hour TSP was recorded.

Breaches of Action Level for Landfill Gas Hazard Montioring

Results of landfill gas hazard monitoring in the reporting month complied with the Action Level. 

Environmental Complaints, Non-compliance & Summons

There was no environmental complaint, notification of summons or successful prosecution recorded in the reporting period.

Reporting Change

Landscape and visual monitoring for 24-month establishment period conducted by Contract No. HY/2013/12 and HMWSD 2/2020 (HY) was reported in the EM&A report for this Contract in this reporting period.

Landscape and visual monitoring for 24-month establishment period for Portion XXII under this Contract was reported in this reporting period.

Upcoming Works for the Next Reporting Month

Works to be undertaken in the next monitoring period of March 2021 include the following:

Land-based Works

·         Defect work at Fire Services Department Building; and

·         Defect work at Customs and Excise Department Building.

Future Key Issues

Potential environmental impacts arising from the above upcoming construction activities in the next reporting month of March 2021 are mainly associated with waste management and landfill gas monitoring issues.


1                             Introduction

1.1                         Background

According to the findings of the Northwest New Territories (NWNT) Traffic and Infrastructure Review conducted by the Transport Department, Tuen Mun Road, Ting Kau Bridge, Lantau Link and North Lantau Highway would be operating beyond capacity after 2016.  This forecast has been based on the estimated increase in cross boundary traffic, developments in the Northwest New Territories (NWNT), and possible developments in North Lantau, including the Airport developments, the Lantau Logistics Park (LLP) and the Hong Kong – Zhuhai – Macao Bridge (HZMB).  In order to cope with the anticipated traffic demand, two new road sections between NWNT and North Lantau – Tuen Mun – Chek Lap Kok Link (TM-CLKL) and Tuen Mun Western Bypass (TMWB) are proposed.

An Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of TM-CLKL (the Project) was prepared in accordance with the EIA Study Brief (No. ESB-175/2007) and the Technical Memorandum of the Environmental Impact Assessment Process (EIAO-TM).  The EIA Report was submitted under the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (EIAO) in August 2009.  Subsequent to the approval of the EIA Report (EIAO Register Number AEIAR-146/2009), an Environmental Permit (EP-354/2009) for TM-CLKL was granted by the Director of Environmental Protection (DEP) on 4 November 2009, and EP variation (VEP) (EP-354/2009/A) was issued on 8 December 2010.  Subsequent applications for variation of environmental permits (VEPs), EP-354/2009/B, EP-354/2009/C and EP-354/2009/D, were granted on 28 January 2014, 10 December 2014 and 13 March 2015, respectively.

Under Contract No. HY/2017/10, Gammon Construction Limited (GCL) is commissioned by the Highways Department (HyD) to undertake the Northern Connection Tunnel Buildings, Electrical and Mechanical Works of TM-CLKL while AECOM Asia Company Limited was appointed by HyD as the Engineer.  For implementation of the environmental monitoring and audit (EM&A) programme under the Contract, ERM-Hong Kong, Limited (ERM) has been appointed as the Environmental Team (ET).  Ramboll Hong Kong Ltd. was employed by HyD as the Independent Environmental Checker (IEC) and Environmental Project Office (ENPO).

The construction phase of the Contract commenced on 7 June 2018 and will be tentatively completed by 2021.  The impact monitoring phase of the EM&A programme, including air quality and environmental site inspections, commenced on 7 June 2018. 

The general layout plan of the Contract components is presented in Figures 1.1 & 1.2a to c.


1.2                         Scope of Report

This is the Thirty-Third Monthly EM&A Report under the Contract No. HY/2017/10 Tuen Mun – Chek Lap Kok Link – Northern Connection Tunnel Buildings, Electrical and Mechanical Works.  This report presents a summary of the environmental monitoring and audit works in February 2021.

1.3                         Organization Structure

The organization structure of the Contract is shown in Appendix A.  The key personnel contact names and contact details are summarized in Table 1.1 below.

Table 1.1        Contact Information of Key Personnel






HyD (Highways Department)

Project Coordinator

Joseph Lee

2762 4958

3188 6614


Senior Engineer

Cheng Pan


2762 3383

3188 6614


(AECOM Asia Company Limited)


Principle Resident Engineer

S. W. Fok

2293 6200

2293 6300


Resident Engineer


Desmond Fung

2293 6200

2293 6300


(Ramboll Hong Kong Ltd.)

ENPO Leader


Y.H. Hui

3465 2850

3465 2899


Manson Yeung

9700 6767

3465 2899







(Gammon Construction Limited)

Site Agent


H. H. Lee

6096 6281


Environmental Officer

Phoebe Ng

9869 1105








ET Leader

Dr. Jasmine Ng

2271 3311

2723 5660







1.4                         Summary of Construction Works

The construction phase of the Contract commenced on 7 June 2018.  The three-month rolling construction programme is shown in Appendix B.

As informed by the Contractor, details of the major works carried out in this reporting month are listed below:

Land-based Works

Ÿ Architectural Builder’s Work and Finishes Works and Handover Inspection at Fire Services Department Building; and

Ÿ E&M works, Final finishing works and Handover Inspection at Customs and Excise Department Building.       

The locations of the construction activities are shown in Figure 1.3.  The Environmental Sensitive Receivers in the vicinity of the Contract are shown in Figure 1.4.

The implementation schedule of environmental mitigation measures is presented in Appendix C.

Figure 1.3      Locations of Major Construction Activities in the Reporting Month


2                             EM&A Results

The EM&A programme required environmental monitoring for air quality and environmental site inspections for air quality, water quality and waste management.  The EM&A requirements and related findings for each component are summarized in the following sections

2.1                         Air quality

2.1.1                     Monitoring Requirements and Equipment

In accordance with the Updated EM&A Manual and the Enhanced TSP Monitoring Plan, impact 1-hour TSP monitoring was conducted three (3) times every six (6) days and impact 24-hour TSP monitoring was carried out once every six (6) days when the highest dust impact was expected.  1-hr and 24-hr TSP monitoring frequency was increased to three times per day every three days and daily every three days, respectively, as excavation works for launching shaft under Contract No. HY/2012/08 Tuen Mun-Chek Lap Kok Link – Northern Connection Sub-sea Tunnel Section commenced on 24 October 2014. 

Informed by the Environmental Team of Contract No. HY/2012/08 Tuen Mun-Chek Lap Kok Link – Northern Connection Sub-sea Tunnel Section, excavation works for lauching shaft were completed and notification of change on air quality monitoring frequency was submitted to EPD on 14 September 2020.  1-hr and 24-hr TSP monitoring frequency was changed to three times per day every six days and daily every six days, respectively, since 14 September 2020.

Results of air quality monitoring were adopted from the published EM&A data of Contract No. HY/2012/08 Tuen Mun-Chek Lap Kok Link – Northern Connection Sub-sea Tunnel Section ([2])

The Action and Limit Levels of the air quality monitoring were adopted from the published EM&A reports of Contract No. HY/2012/08 Tuen Mun-Chek Lap Kok Link – Northern Connection Sub-sea Tunnel Section ([3]).  The Action and Limit Levels are provided in Appendix D.

The locations of the monitoring stations overlapped with Contract No. HY/2012/08 are shown in Figure 2.1 and presented in Table 2.1.

Table 2.1      Locations of Impact Air Quality Monitoring Stations and its Corresponding Monitoring Requirements

Monitoring Station

Monitoring Dates



Parameters & Frequency


1, 5, 10, 16, 22 and 27 February 2021

Tuen Mun Fireboat Station



TSP monitoring

Ÿ  1-hour Total Suspended Particulates (1-hour TSP, µg/m3), 3 times in every 6 days

Ÿ  24-hour Total Suspended Particulates (24-hour TSP, µg/m3), daily for 24-hour in every 6 days

Enhanced TSP monitoring (commenced on 24 October 2014 under Contract No. HY/2012/08)

Ÿ  1-hour Total Suspended Particulates (1-hour TSP, µg/m3), 3 times in every 3 days

Ÿ  24-hour Total Suspended Particulates (24-hour TSP, µg/m3), daily for 24-hour in every 3 days



Pillar Point Fire Station





Previous River Trade Golf


Bare ground



Butterfly Beach Laundry





Butterfly Beach Park

Recreational uses

2.1.2                     Results and Observations

Results of air quality monitoring were adopted from the published EM&A data of Contract No. HY/2012/08 Tuen Mun-Chek Lap Kok Link – Northern Connection Sub-sea Tunnel Section ([4])

Two (2) Action Level exceedances for 1-hour TSP were recorded by the Environmental Team of Contract No. HY/2012/08 during the reporting period.  No Action and Limit Level exceedance for 24-hour TSP was recordedThe exceedances were considered not related to this Contract upon further investigation and the investigation reports are presented in Appendix J.  No action is required to be undertaken in accordance with the Event Action Plan as presented in Appendix E.  

2.2                         Landfill Gas Hazard Monitoring

In accordance with the Updated EM&A Manual of the TM-CLK Link Project, landfill gas hazard monitoring should be perform to ensure that the works area at Pillar Point Valley (PPV) Landfill is free of landfill gas.  A total of 21 days of landfill gas hazard monitoring was conducted at Main Control Building during 1 to 28 February 2021 (Appendix F). 

The landfill gas hazard monitoring was conducted in accordance to the Upated EM&A Manual with a Altair 5X Gas Detector.  The calibration certificate for the equipment is presented in Appendix G.

The Action Level of the landfill gas hazard monitoring was adopted from the Updated EM&A Manual of the TM-CLK Link Project and are provided in Appendix D.

2.2.1                     Results and Observations

Results for landfill gas hazard monitoring are summarized in Table 2.2 and the monitoring data is provided in Appendix H.

Results of methane, oxygen and carbon dioxide in the reporting month complied with the Action Level.  No action as stated in the Updated EM&A Manual of the TM-CLK Link Project and presented in Appendix D is required to be undertaken. 

Table 2.2        Summary of Landfill Gas Hazard Monitoring Results in the Reporting Period


Average (%)

Range (%)

Action Level (%) (a)









Carbon Dioxide





(a)  Depending on the results of the measurements, actions required will vary. Actions in the event        of landfill gas being detected in excavation/confined area was adopted from the Updated EM&A Manual of the TM-CLK Link Project.

2.3                         EM&A Site Inspection

Site inspections were carried out on a weekly basis to monitor the implementation of proper environmental pollution control and mitigation measures under the Contract.  In the reporting month, four (4) site inspections were carried out on 4, 10, 19 and 26 February 2021.

Key observations and recommendations during the site inspections in this reporting period are summarized in Table 2.3.

Table 2.3        Specific Observations and Recommendations during the Weekly Site Inspection in this Reporting Month

Inspection Date


Recommendations/ Remarks

4 February 2021

Container Village

Ÿ  Dry road was observed.

Container Village

Ÿ  The Contractor was reminded to provide wateing on dry road.

10 February 2021

Container Village

Ÿ  Oil leakage was observed near the generator at Container Village.

Customs and Excise Department Building

Ÿ  Chemical container was observed without drip tray.

Container Village

Ÿ  The Contractor was reminded to remove oil leakage as chemical waste.

Customs and Excise Department Building

Ÿ  The Contractor was reminded to provide drip tray for chemical container.

19 February 2021

Customs and Excise Department Building

Ÿ  Chemical containers were observed not placed in drip tray.

Ÿ  Accumulated oil was observed in drip tray.

Customs and Excise Department Building

Ÿ  The Contractor was reminded to provide drip tray for chemical containers.

Ÿ  The Contractor was reminded to clean the drip tray regularly.

26 February 2021

Customs and Excise Department Building

Ÿ  Chemical containers were observed not placed in drip tray.

Ÿ  Wheel washing facility near the site office was not maintained properly.

Customs and Excise Department Building

Ÿ  The Contractor was reminded to provide drip tray for chemical containers.

Ÿ  The Contractor was reminded to maintain the wheel washing facility.

The Contractor has rectified all of the observations as identified during environmental site inspections in the reporting month.

2.4                         Waste Management Status

The Contractor had submitted application form for registration as chemical waste producer under the Contract.  Sufficient numbers of receptacles were available for general refuse collection and sorting.

Wastes generated during this reporting period included mainly construction wastes (inert and non-inert).  Reference has been made to the waste flow table prepared by the Contractor (Appendix I).  The quantities of different types of wastes are summarized in Table 2.4.

Table 2.4        Quantities of Different Waste Generated in the Reporting Month


Inert C&D Materials (a)  (m3)

Inert Construction Waste Re-used


Non-inert Construction Waste (b) (kg)

Imported Fill (m3)

Recyclable Materials (c)  (kg)

Chemical Wastes (kg)


February 2021











(a)  Inert construction wastes include hard rock and large broken concrete disposed as public fill.

(b)  Non-inert construction wastes include general refuse disposed at landfill.

(c)   Recyclable materials include metals, paper, cardboard, plastics, timber and others.


The Contractor was advised to properly maintain on site C&D materials and waste collection, sorting and recording system, dispose of C&D materials and wastes at designated ground and maximize reuse/ recycle of C&D materials and wastes.  The Contractor was also reminded to properly maintain the site tidiness and dispose of the wastes accumulated on site regularly and properly.

For chemical waste containers, the Contractor was reminded to treat properly and store temporarily in designated chemical waste storage area on site in accordance with the Code of Practice on the Packaging, Labelling and Storage of Chemical Wastes.

2.5                         Environmental Licenses and Permits

The status of environmental licensing and permit is summarized in Table 2.5 below.

Table 2.5        Summary of Environmental Licensing and Permit Status

License/ Permit

License or Permit No.

Date of Issue

Date of Expiry

License/ Permit Holder


Environmental Permit


13 March 2015



Tuen Mun- Chek Lap Kok Link

APCO Construction Dust Notification


14 May 2018



For Tuen Mun working area

Construction Waste Billing Account


15 May 2018




Chemical Waste Producer Registration


13 June 2018




Discharge License under WPCO for Buildings at C2 area


22 October 2018

31 October 2023


Sampling Frequency: Bimonthly

Discharge License under WPCO for Buildings at C3 area


30 October 2018

31 October 2023


Sampling Frequency: Quarterly

Discharge License under WPCO for Southern Landfall


1 April 2020

31 March 2025


Sampling Frequency: Quarterly

Construction Noise Permit


30 January 2021

29 July 2021


For Northern Landfall and Tunnel

Construction Noise Permit


16 December 2020

14 June 2021


For HKBCF Area

Construction Noise Permit









31 December 2020

14 June 2021


For Lung Mun Road near Ho Wan Street

2.6                         Implementation Status of Environmental Mitigation Measures

In response to the site audit findings, the Contractors carried out all corrective actions.

A summary of the Implementation Schedule of Environmental Mitigation Measures (EMIS) is presented in Appendix C. The necessary mitigation measures relevant to this Contract were implemented properly.

The landscape and visual (L&V) mitigation measures were also monitored on weekly basis in the reporting period.  The monitoring status is summarized in Appendix C.

2.7                         Summary of Exceedances of the Environmental Quality Performance Limit

Two (2) Action Level exceedances for 1-hour TSP were recorded by the Environmental Team of Contract No. HY/2012/08 during the reporting period.  No Action and Limit Level exceedance for 24-hour TSP was recorded

Results of landfill gas hazard monitoring in the reporting month complied with the Action Level.

Cumulative statistics are provided in Appendix J.

2.8                         Summary of Complaints, Notification of Summons and Successful Prosecutions

The Environmental Complaint Handling Procedure is provided in Figure 2.2.

There was no environmental complaint, notification of summons or successful prosecution recorded in the reporting period.

Statistics on complaints, notifications of summons, successful prosecutions are summarized in Appendix J.



3                             Future Key Issues

3.1                         Construction Activities for the Coming Month

As informed by the Contractor, the major works for the Contract in March 2021 will be:

Land-based Works

·     Defect work at Fire Services Department Building; and

·     Defect work at Customs and Excise Department Building.

3.2                         Key Issues for the Coming Month

Potential environmental impacts arising from the above upcoming construction activities in the next reporting month of March 2021 are mainly associated with waste management and landfill gas monitoring issues. 


4                             Conclusions and recommendations

4.1                         Conclusions

This Thirty-Third Monthly EM&A Report presents the findings of the EM&A activities undertaken during the period from 1 to 28 February 2021, in accordance with the Updated EM&A Manual and the requirements of EP-354/2009/D.

Air quality (including 1-hour TSP and 24-hour TSP) monitoring were carried out in this reporting month.

Two (2) Action Level exceedances for 1-hour TSP were recorded by the Environmental Team of Contract No. HY/2012/08 during the reporting period.  No Action and Limit Level exceedance for 24-hour TSP was recorded

Results of landfill gas hazard monitoring in the reporting month complied with the Action Level.

Environmental site inspection was carried out four (4) times in February 2021.  Remedial actions recommended for the deficiencies identified during the site audits were properly implemented by the Contractor.

Landscape and visual monitoring for 24-month establishment period conducted by Contract No. HY/2013/12 and HMWSD 2/2020 (HY) was reported in the EM&A report for this Contract in this reporting period.

Landscape and visual monitoring for 24-month establishment period for Portion XXII under this Contract was reported in this reporting period.

There was no environmental complaint, notification of summons or successful prosecution recorded in the reporting period.

The ET will keep track on the construction works to confirm compliance of environmental requirements and the proper implementation of all necessary mitigation measures.  


([1])    ET justification on the Contract Specific Environmental Monitoring and Audit activities under this Contract was submitted to ENPO on 11 September 2018

([2])     Published EM&A data for impact air quality monitoring by Contract No. HY/2012/08 are available at:

([3])    Published EM&A reports of Contract No. HY/2012/08 are available at:

([4])     Published EM&A data for impact air quality monitoring by Contract No. HY/2012/08 are available at: